HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2016 . i "';'. ,i I. /.'" ," . ,," . ,j' ',1. ' './ J,' > . . ~, " \ "~2 0 5 ~ .': ',~.I I .1".1 I , . . I,i . , 1'/ , -\ it , . I ,f, ! '.< ..' . . " J . I 'I i ., 'I ,,', , I " .' ., ,", : " '.'., I ," 1 I I! '~ I :',' , . "'. . I..' ) . \' ~ . . . . ' < ~ . . I .. - t .1 "I ,. . . " '1:'\ " ,~.~:;~~;;.-,,.~c,~I.,:;I~ -~0 ;f~ '. 'pC~~'::" ~ ":;.L~~f:,y;::,.;-:t.;;;~~l.;~" - t' ..~~L~;~'i:"1 ' , I" i artdi 1~W,t,-"f, 1.~ Y,I.Ork ~ ,:th~ d~lU1~ ~fr. ~~..,t , ~i;o l'OO&1, ~', ,I t ,'"..' ';'. "',\, [.', I " } , i \ -\'\ (ll~t.r~al ,~eai.\ " " . " , "I H. M. Dl&IMnA (Se.l), 1:\ . .\ , \1"\"; ", \ !\ . .. i,' L II, 'fotarYPu.bu~,\ ~ 00.uuq1QflQn~~re8 , 1\, ~.P.seal~. . ,.' , l II , ',' .\:' '. J.{O.~\ .3,0" 19\2,6. ' '. I, '. ..'. t' ',', \~ > : , :~' . : '\ " ,.., \ .(\ \' , ' \'" \' ' \ '; . '., ',':,' \ \ ;, "! :-~ S'l'4Ti'OF;mYo~~,)' :\ "r '\i \'" '. \, ""..i.'\"., ij, \ :,' , ,: " . .) SS . \. \ \, _ ',\ ' , ,} . COUXTY o:i NEW YORK. \,),~ . \,' \' . \ \ Iio,... ~~~2 Serh. B ; " oJI . , .'" . \ \ . . '\1, \ ~ \ .' .\. .. I '. . .' ",' ,:' ; ",{ j.. I,,J:~A. DoNEG4N Olerk'Of the OOUnty ot'NeWilo.rk, and.aiao., Cl~rko~ the Si.lpr8lll8',Court" j ,. 'i ' t~l' t~~ ~.~~ C''''':~~ ~ t$.0/ ~~O b 01ns': .'Cc)Ul't 0 ~ !lOo.rd, ' ha"~.O.,al,llOliEREm:\ <lEllTl'n. 1ha ~.I : R. H.. l;>1waon4.. whOse name 10 su.bsol'ibeo. to the c1epOs1t10n.oroo~t1tloat~ Of,the,prootor,ao-. .,' f " , , .'. , . I' I' kJiQ"le~n~ ?f ,theax$~xe~ ,1~t~ent., ; and' theroon ~t~~tdnj '"a8-, at'the 1;~me ,ot takIl18. suoq.',:;" l' dtlloa lt1o.n , 01' .proof aridaoknowled8m~nt., a.'lfo.tary Pubiio,ln a'nd :t!>r'IUOA .county,' .dul,ycomii1sdon\:- . .'.. '.' , " "'. . .,', " " ". -.~," . . " . " : " '. ". \, " . , '~.. " ! : ed~~n~.~w~rn, ~hd~~tho.r~~ed. b;y~he ~.a~.~,o~S~lCi':Sbte",~otak.e ~epo81tI?ns'andt'o~&D,~rtI8ter.. ;. 't , ; oaths' to ,be ,used In 'any Court of ,sald, State and tor' general. purpo.ses'; and' a180 to. take ':ao- , ,:'. ",1<- '. . . . '" ' , " .. .'., . " '.' .' " ,.' " .' ','; . .l' :knOWle~entS: and pr~o~s'of. dije~,',of oonveyalioe~ f~~',~and,. te~ement.~, or h"re~l~am8'n.t" in'.a1~: t- - -. . "'. .' . .:' ., ~", -." .'. . < . ~ . . . ." . _. ". i. . '., . . :.' . _.; 'stateof.lle.w, York. 'And further,th&t,~ W1i:well.aoqua1nted w~th tlie handwrit1ng '.,of,'suCh' liotal'~ . f. ".&.~. ." .'.,' ~ . " _ '. ". . --, .....~', ,..- . .' "'."_" ,- .' . " ..~... '." '. '~bl1o. and ~erlly believe ',that', th8"slgnat\U-e .0.8ald'd~posi.t~on or oe:t't1t~o,t~,ot'proot or ao- , I '..., '. " ,.' . . ". '" ' '. ' , . . " ,.; ,.." ' , , '. , ;', ' , " .,lp1ow~edl)Dient. 1s geiiU1ne~.: .' ~ " . I '~I< ~','" t, it' , f . ~ , . .. ';: , ' t \ ' l.' I, \ , . ... .~~. /;r,i,~, .. '~:\}l," . I' . I r \: \ . . '~'. .:' IIi ,TESTIW?pY. ~O~, "1 have 'h~reUn~o 'i .. '. . , "; .,anl\. C~~7," the 1.0 day.of July 1~26., i -'~'" ~. ;' eet ,ay;.h&nd~d'affix~Q. the 88a1. ot.).be. 8,8:~d.C01U,"t':, .f.-es, A. Donegan", Clerk~, i ',Court Seal. '" ..'.. .... . .' ; \;.". ", ".J' .. Flle~ ~d,ed ~n '.th18 2~8,t,~ of July,1926 at' 2;26 P.Il. '-?~ . 'f f"., ., ,(\()~ .,. .p~, O...El~d, 'Clerk C,iroUl t court.'t 'S:'Ct.C~~S.oi. . ", ?' ~~., '. lJT~ ~JfS~ D:~. ' . , , ~ Ii} :#:#: j: f'~~': ~: 1::1 :', :i: i: I: i:l:i :~~/: l:l:l:i: #:1 :I.-:.i: # :1,;':#; #:J.: 1':1: #:I:I:I:~:I: I: I!# :1:1 COZPNUL um> CO. ..: ~ " ,"E.'lt.CQ~~I1IS, JR.' . .' TO COliTRACTFOR SALE: OFLAlil>. ptliE'ROOD THIS, AGREEUElt'T, made, and entered'into th1e:.eOtbday 0.1: July, A. D.'1920,'byarid 'between' . . , , \, .. 'ColoxU,eJ. Land Co., a H~Y( ~eraey oorporation auth<r,hed'to.dO lnullnes'8:1n t.he stp.to O,! Florida mo.wn her.l~teraQ 'the party ottbe f1rs~ ~t, 'a~"E. 'H. ,CollinS, Jr. 'ot'~ort;P;eroe. : Fla. , j ;".\ .. !: 1o:W~ hereinafter as the 'Party of the seoond part. ' - . .. , . . \YIT!1ESSETH,tha'tthep,arty ot the tirst part agrees to sell ~d does, sell, ~ the~ ~rty . . .. ~ . ., Of the se.oon.d' part agrees to buy :at;ld does bV a.ll,th~ oer1;atn to.t~, phoe8 'o.~ pa;-oel'lo.f l~nd ,: lYipg and helns In tJieOo.~ty' ot St. 1,\1010 and state o.f :Flodda; lpio..\1n and doslgnate~ a.s Lots, . '.7' -,. 0 ' : . T.n i 10J in Blook26. ot Pln,El\100d, an addition to. theCltyotFort P1e'roe, Flo.rida.., aooo.rd1ng i :to ~'Pla~th.reoi ent1tled'npl~e~qd",' a sub(~:lvls1o.n of',~ar~\.of th~ Horth:*,..ot'Seot.i~n 10, 'T. 36 S'~' R. 40 I. ,and ,flledin the- offI0E!. otthe Clert o:t. the Circuit Oourt o'f ~t. Luo18 . - . . ." . - COUnty;' Flo.rlda, on June 9, A. D. -1926, and. reocr4ec11n Plat Book 5, 'P6Be 24. in the .publ1o ~ reoorda of8a1~Oount1. The 'party of the seoond ,part agrees to purohase. ano. do..e~ pUrohase the abo.!e mentioned. , . pro.perty fOr the Sla of Three thousand tW6nty-~1n (13025) Dollars, on the fo.l~o.vLng te1'll8 and. oo.nd1t1ans, to-wit: F1ve bundl"ed twenty-five ($525) Dollars pa1d ~l:'l the,sl~lng of this Agreement,t!1e reoeipt. where o.f 18 hereby aoknowledged,' and ,Two ,huno.re~ thirty-o.ne 25/100 -, . '-- ($231.25) DOlla,rs to be~a1d-on or bef~re the 20th <1q ot' Oo.obor1926, and One hundred e1ght~- . . 'ni.ne ($109) Dollars to bo paid on or bofore 20th ,4&1 of eaoh and every thizd 1Il0nththereaftor; 'until the whole 8\U1l shall haye been paid, 1D6e~er'with ~nt'r"::8t at c.".._,_~