HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2018 .' "~I' .- I ".:' '1' ~ 1. ,t) I ',.\ I 4 '2()7 I '. I, . I I . , . I I I .': --. , - . I . I, " I . " ,: I' I' I, I " . I . "/, ,'. ' I I !' , I, II, I {.I ,c. . I " . ' , I., . :''---c~ .,~-,. r i .~~I~~;:t.~c:;:b;::';~~""I~;;'. _.':, .':ifI'~; '1r~~;", .'. '; .~~~;;;t'T:;;C"--~I;'+"::~:;~~';;;'~~';".'.' .:';;r~~i9t!;. I , :,..'I'~,!r~8~~1ot,l0Jl8<~~!' 8.aid ~~~~mentl 'B~ll, be ~ffeot~al .t~\ .~lt~'" 6~ m~d~+:,r 8\l~hi3'0~r~~ts a\l.f. J I, ;' . l,restriot10).l81 as t08u.oh' bi'~l~~es.. w,ltho\lt,.tpe \o~~s~ft.l,ot ,the ,oWl1.~'r 'or chtnefsi, Of any,' 'a,\Jaoe~t, . ; '~,"':\\ \ \,:.1 , , " ',' .-.- .1, '\ I" '1\ ' .\1' p"eqllee8. .'\. .\. : ~ \ , ,. ' .,.!' " \ " ',\: ""f.",:,. "I' ,'\, , ,'. ,\ ' II \"", '.' I ., ," . I ,.,\. . .\ '\ .r r ' l" '.:'~llf :COH~ID:saAtll(h; Of,..thei o'ove~~t8~d SBreem~nta, hef81babove imade bY~h~'..p~rty o~'th_Et~\~e..\ r~ . " \.' .1' ()ond pal'1;)~ '~he p~~t'y bf 'tl;1e,~il'Bt,' 'part herebY'&(;f~e~~\wh8n \8a1"d 'oo'nt:l:"&ot 8h~ i h8.V8 been .06l!lPli~c1 : .....' 1\ '".,1. . '\\ ....\.., ".\~', ..." '..~:'.. \'\' ,'~ " . ~\_~. . . ,'_ ..': .' \- -,".,..,!I~ ; .!with' 1n fUll, bythePliL~~ ~:f t~~seoohd iput, '~6 "~11v8r, t~\ th~. P~~Y\ of. the8e~:OI\d.~e.rt\agoOd, 'L \.' .' \. I ' \. , , , , , , , , . . ',' \' . \ ,. " , " !',and, 8~fH"~8nt \1ARRA,li,TY DEED to' theprem~e8)lere1n delJoti1be.d. Tiue IJhall b8t~e' e,~Benoe:'61"tf11fl', . i .' .., .:.,'." " " ~ .:\ ,_ '. " ,. . " _ _ .. , . _ ,\\' , , ' ~ ", ~ .agr~ement,and ,in'oase.the: party. o,f the '!Jeoohd P&1't s~;L !a1:J, tomalSQ said p~yttlents. O~. a~ Of' ; '., \ . . :. f .~. : - i .\them, Whentn~, I~e shlSll l.Je'oome due, .thenth,ls ',oont~aot8hall at: the, op.tl,Qn o.1'.the party O:f,1 .' ;: ~~., " . . . ~ ". "., . , ',' ' . -. . '" .. .' . .'. j ,.,.:~:.. th~ :f1.~8t.;.'part. be.oo~e..n~lanll,'V:o~~. ~d all: rl~.t~1;he part:r'o_~:the8eoonc1~:ar~,~de,r t~"1' ,I,. " _, ' , ' ". " . "" , " ,', \'.; : '..1,agrE:'~:m~n~ shall b~on.oelled...ana t~e' e;m0~ts'pa1~ .on- t~,ls.oo~~.ra~~ s~all>~e fOrt~lted :to, -the./ ' .' j p~ty' o1'tpe .firs1;'pal':t' at :Hs, C?P~16n. an'd' Bhallr8ma~ lta.pr'op'erty.ae.11qU1'clAted.cianiages f'oi' , \ ,-:.... ;.... -,' .'. . ....".. ,.' .. ,~, -., . . .' t: 'fall~o:'toful1'lii thieagi-e~a~ht ocmp.l.et~i1;or. ~t the' o-ptl'on',of "th~partyof'the. ilrs.t part. L . '. , . , _'. _ -. . .. . ",. _ ." c! t1iebala~edue und~rth1~ o'ont~~ot 8hal,i be.ooin~-1mmedia,~ly due :~ci tiayab~6, .' ,lioas81giiiiL~~'f,:'''' .) '.' . '" , " ,...,. '..' " '. 1 '.--.-~, . - -', . . .' - , ",. . , _ . _" ", . .. . . .. ,-" ", " . _ . _ ;':..-.' ..'.. --. _ -" " .' , ! o:f ,.th1sQontraot'.ihall.be reooBt11zec1.\tlthoutthe'wl'itten oo.haent orthe.~t~ of;'tlie-f \ ~, -,,:'.l'lt...c1~ ti.nd.e1'8tooci~ha't aJ. i't&l'm~ ~d' r-epres'entatl0i1smad~p~lor toth'~ time of th.e inaHng of,' ..:~ "~,' . _" ..', i.,'. .' '-. ", .., -".:,:. : '.' :-'.. . .' , '.~.' '. .~. .: : . " .i thia ~ontraot' are oontained )lerein..., .. > t . ". I ,'. .., :'J I' i '., j' ' j- . '1. .'0'-' .' , ;0 '. I I .1 -, . I ,:j. --.,.=-~./t;. \. ,'f .. .The t8rms'~d's,t1PU~ations' o~: t~ls00~~ot. are .~,o ai>p).;r:'~~ .an<l'bindthe 'pe:~ti~S :he-ret,o'and,j.' j th81r,'hel:t'Si, exeoufors, 'adm,~ni$tl'ator~, 'SU()CeS8ora'"or assig~.. ~.' i . . . - , . '.' , ' . - '. , ..' : ". '- .' ~ . - ". _,' .," ,:. '- .::1' " 'IIl \'lJ;TllESSWI~.REOF..thepar.tyof,tlle firSt 'parthas oaused thiS agreement.to be'~xec)u.ted ~ . ..... . ~ .. .. -. ".- , . - . ,'." . ". .... .' . .. . . . ~ : '. j' and ,its oorJ?~~at.e seal'.to be'at~ed; by the,hand ot1~B.seoretary~,' and the, party of the 8.8OQJ1d' '. ~ ~' '.' ' :. . , . "', -' ~". . - .:. . . . '. .~ "'. " .... . '. ."" '~part. ,haahereunto '~et'111~-,lliUid.and"'seal ".in-c1upl1~at8 ,..th:e ,day' .andyearflrst. ahov,ew i-itte~. . i ., . " .., ~ . .' -. . .' . . . ; < ,'. C'OWIIW'LAlID cO:~.:-'A; ;Corpora't1on,' ,', ... . ~. ; ,( ,Signed. 8ea'led'and del1.~ered 1.n.preuenoe' oi: '... .'. .' .', '(Corllorate' ; , 'r.... '.' . . .'. '. ., .~ '. '. '>.. ' . B7 E. ,G.B.' J(111er'; ,:. . .'. . ','Seal) ',.: "', "A. B. Raynor. . 'A8Seoretary,. . . ,:.' ,.' I J . Clayton l?otoh . -: P~t1 o1'thSFl;,s t Pa".~., · III :. 'j'1 J. : " E.' ii.Oollins, 'Jr. ~($e~l), , partY'Qf the Seoond' part. . illled.andl'eoorded'0~thI82lst day o:f July,1.926. at '~;40P.M., , ~ ,..~~--,"';'<., ./\' P. c.Eidred, Clerk CIrcuit. Court.. ~ ,/--:' . .' ."::" \:.~..." . - ;-'":"_..'- ~".'. .,." ~. '... .',. c~.C~'S.""1 " ''.u:' ',,'BY~ ~.tJ ~ D.C. .' ,.' ' ,;:' ,,\. . ". .'. . ',' ... ,; .... ''''';. ' ,....1..< !~'.:. .,...:.<'.... .'.. ro.", ."~ .:....,~.;....... ., ,~~~~';:' ~ . ~". ~. .1.# .,T.#.'#.f. if.f. i.h i. 11'.,. t.l. i ~l.f .1..J: J.t.j. .#..1-. ,..,1, i. I. t I.I.r.'. t.;'.; .1.1. #. ,E1.IU&. HOr.TZOLA.~'t . TO . TO WHOM CO!~CERllED. , . .AFFIDAVIT STATEOF: 'FLORIDA , COUU'r'lOFSAIliT LUCIE.. f . ..Personallyappeare4. before tl1e u.nders1gned,'anoft1oer 'of laid' Btateand County, duly . ---~-==~~~=- . '. . ...., '. '--author~zedto admln:1ater ,oath8,'I~' :t.-~~~.-~a~;..Emnia m:o.tzole.w\lh'o 'be~t1~8t du,ly. S\1orn deposes ',' and on oathe~~B: that' abeis one a.ndthe 8amep~rsona8:1lra..~.Bu,rney,grantee.1n a,oer,tain i " . - ...' . $1 , D.eed~rom ~.C.,'1>ittmar a~d his w1f~, dover!ng Lote',7.10.11 ail~ 12 ot'Block ~L" in thePl,at ~:f EQ,gartovrn, now inoorporat.ed in the oity of Fort Pieroe, .d,atec1"A.pr111o, 1903 and reoorded br+tlie r" PUblio' reoords . ot Br'~8.1'd Co~t)r Flor'1aa. on the 5.th dq of Apx-ll i903, in Deed BOOk .~.2:Lp~4! ,~!..~ . r'b.i'ng~at'the-t1iD.' the Wite o'f' )(.'-~Burne1...and beIng no*. the wIfe of'H~ ;Llloltzolf.w, a8Grantor , In a Deed 1'rom 1bu.Holtzolaw andhe~ h'Q8bandH. A: <.HUholaw, to J. A.. MoNeUl and h1s Wire .~, Louise ,P. )loNe ill , dated the, loth day or Ootober 1924. . . ~ :&nIna.Holtzolaw horn to and 8ub;3or1bed to betore me th~s 6th'day or .tuly A. D. 1925. ' " , .- ~ :-::- ----=-----=---:-..:~- ._-~=-~.- ---