HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2019 :"~()8' , I.: I, I' '-':~"" :" " . Ii' ; I'",": ", ,I , I I" I ,I : I, L,~'" I . ; h~ . ' '~, '/ " j " ; I' .7, . -' .... i i" : I . ' .' I 1, ' , : ! j :;~~:~L~~ ,~i~~d~~::~'-~T?~~'~7~".;;;\~~~~;~~i~;~:;;~~-1:,~~_~d~~;:"': .t. u,c,;1 11. --1\;; !i..t "'vli'n'oJrtr~: ' ..' '\ Ii" i' I . \ i \ ..... u'i"~-'N()t-arY'-~bl1~t9~~li~rSl'fl'.te~t,rior1da:a~Large., "~. '., 1(. .l~'j. \ '.' \'.\\'." ,; (~0~.~1eS1.0~~ir'84ugu.8tl~,'~92~., "\'" .\ '\ \ i ' , \," . \. ,'I . . \ I" '. ,\, , " -'. I, \ I .\ ' I . \, .' \ ..' . '\ ". . [' . \'. \ . .\ \ . ~,\,. ' ~ , '\ \ " I '.. , '.' " :'\i('I<"\ ." . ' 1 , . . 'i ' . ' 1,1, ''(\.'~' . ,/) ,.tt:} , I' ' . I '~J<' :'ltGClI':.', IBT~~~q~D;~' II . #:#:#: #: I:;':,.: I,: ~: i.: I: I:;: 'i:I:; -: I- :1:; :1 rJ: I: 1:#: i~:j, :;:1 :1;;:i:;'J ;:i::I-: -; f/:it,l:#:,# :.1:;: #:;.:;: 1:.1: . ii- .... . ~ c '~" . : ' , . . '~ '\ ~ -..' . ~ -, ~ . .. ,. .', - '. .':' . . . ltEYS'l'OIm M:JI,~ co. . \ . ,., TO ",\' ~,,' .0.,0. HARSHFiELD. \ k - ---~'----~-------' '-" 'iI~TY, '~DEED '-,: . .. . '. .... "'- ' .:".., . : . " .' 1 '.' " . '.., , , " TII:(S lliD~TURE~ J(ade t!11B lo.th ~ o:t.Tuly, A'. D; ~92~~ bland b$twee~ I{EYSTOlfE RJULTY: ". '" OOJ.ri.>A,Uy~ a 'o~rp()~~1;l~riexlst~ \U1~r' the .1~W8 of the,..~~e.t& of. Fi.ol'lia. 'h.avft.18 1t~-jrino'i'p,~q..:'., ". : PlaO,~o'~_~~lDeSS in ~~he.~oui1tt.,otSt.,"lio.o~~~, St,a~e'of', Fl..?I1.da;,' ','P.ar~to~,'the ~:ttr,a.part."~d.' . ..' . '. . . . '. ,,' '., '- .' " . .... ",... , . , 'Q.O.lIwtshfield. o:t'"th~, Oo.u.nt;r :~:tJ~o~so.n,'S~a~~'pQ:tI:ti880~1j;~art~n o:ti~e "8~QOndp~,t..,:..~ .': ; ~ c"' ~. ';'., ..- '. ".'.., _~_.,.. "., . . :W~TN~~pn': 'lhatth'e ''89.!d,. -partt of 't~t1~~ ~t f~a~ .j,nO()~1dera.tion o~the 's'U.IIl.o:f'.< . '. . .' . .". . . -. - . . '.. '.' ..,' ~. .Ten 'Doll~8 ~,d o.tl1er go,Od.. ~~ va1uabie cons1d.era~1ona. to, it in 'hasld 'pa1d by th~partyof"tlie: , . . ."", . " ".' . I ,t\ '. .i J , , s'800nd' pa~'t,' the .reoeiP'twht~e~:t:1s heN by> a,01cnOviied8~cl'' 'hu granted; bOrgained, sol'~. al. 1ened,. ; ", . . .-' ..It.... .'.. ; .~ _ : '.' . . ' ~',., _'. ' ., . ..'., . \.~ .: '.. . .;. . '. ' r&mist4., rele~ed,' oonve;yed. arid. oonUmed,. ~nd_by these prefii8nts'dotb.'grant, barga1n,'s~ll, fi,11el1" ". - . ..., . ,. . . , .' '.... . . . , ' 'rem1Se, .~le~se:, oon~~ytuid ~~~lrm ,untu' thelJal~ Pf'r.tY, ot, t.Mseoorid part,'.h1.s.'he1rQ,,~~.' ass!gJu(. ,! '. .,' .' , ',.. : ':'., .'. .' .' . ,""'. " . fore~er" all. t~ t oortalnpo.rtion of 111ld .ly1ng m,d be1ng 1nthe County.ot 8t. Luo1e and~ta, te' ot - . . ' .' ..' '.' -. .. - Plor1da,. to-\1~t: . " 'L~t~'l'w.~v~' (.12) i~ ~~vi~le., Subd1vlS10~: o~ 5~a~\lo~. 21:,., TO~S'h1P' 36' S~th, .Range 40 East~', '. a~oorc,.11l8"toapia~.of.:'8~id.,~ub'~+vi'$10nr'DOrd.ed ~ p~a~ .b.ook ':, ~t 'pageG8, pt'the ~t., . . . Lu.oi. .C~un.~y reoo~da.' ,'. . ' . '. . . . ". . , , " To ,nave 'aJld. to'h()id-thes~e ~ ,1:eesimplefO~ever(~nd thejlaid, party of 'th~ .fi1':8t~rt dO~ , oovenant .~/lt~'~he8ald'party J)t theseoond. part,. that ,1t' 1s la~tUlly' se1zed'o:t:the;8a~d: prer.llses'cc .! 8.!ld 'that ~thaSgOO~~~ght and: ltiWful'i.~th(n.ity to sell th~ ,8~e, m,d :tMS8..1d '.party ,of 'the', f11'EA", ' xi . ~art d.oes he~bY"f~lY w&.1:;~ttlie title to sa1dlSnd.and'wlli. defend the s&.I!le ,~aiJlst the lawful ,L_~~~ !!lS', Ji ~l~ p~~ cIus, vb om$oev~~:. ."' '. '. . ,_ . .~ROVIDED,'NEVERT~S, Tha.t"thesepresents arema.d~ su.bJeot t~ the foUOWln8 exp,res"s Oon-' 4.1tions., r~8t~10t10nB~~,l1m1tatip~.a~P1Ylr0to :th~, sa1~ ~~;a~~li~~ . ~i~ordl~ to:,~~ reoorded. . plat of .a1d Uaravlii&'.a.~d\Th10h. OOnd1t'ion~t'l'e8triot10~~d. <limitat10ns are'1ntem).edto.bea~ shall, be'" .aooepted 118 'oovenan ts . running :with the. 'land '~c1. :whiOh tlhall.be b 1.Ji~: al'1ke l1pon .the . --; !le1rs, per~o,~1'r~preaentl.\t1~es:e:n<laSSlgns' of ,the ~t:r.ofthe. seoondpart,who~byh11!1 aoceptanoe . \ ."-' . . . . .. Of,~lS'1~trumenta8reesto ab~de by~andpo~for~ stU~restr.lo.t.io~. 1~1taUo'ns and.oond1tlori8~ " ~ . u one .o~ the expre.ijifoonSldera1;16ris 'of',the,se' pres~nts. '1. . 1.' Ilo ,r~si<lenoeshaliQe ereote(i ~r. con~tru:oted 'at a' leas co~t. than 13,000.00, and all i .~ -' . . .. ' . . , ~eIl1den~es '1n said. Ua.ravl11e. s~libe oonstruote!l' .Qf.ootal rook" o.onoreto, 8,tuooO, ~on()'rete, block, . ; .hollow' tile. br'~9k or, m1Y.e!l oonstruoUo_n, or v~neered wlth' ooral rook '01' br1ok'0r. frame veneered. . \V1 th s tuooo, andsha.llbe alongSpanlah. LIoor1ah, Venet18.il 01'. 8~Qlla.r harnonloU8 tYj?es of , . arohiteoture, ,!,~d the aforesaid amo...nt 'shallb~ ,a.otually expencUtdon oonatruot1onand. er~ot10n . . . :-..-. ... . f..' ot 8U,Oh,bu1Id.1ngandno~ fl>r fees 1noonne?t10ntherewlth. , "'." ,,' "'..,. Z;'.'!iO~trttttding lJilalr w,a-t14'truot-~d'o:rereote'd'.-l)n-anf~-ot~.tJre~ts of Uaravilla :until a.tter . , pl&n8, speoifioations' and location' or the Sa,m08l1all. hllvebeen,apJJrove<1 by -.;he .pa.rtyof,.the . l ':1 . L J '. the ,'1 i ' . , . I first part, its suooessors, representatives or assigns. .1 ,I' ' " ,,.,:, ~ 3. '!lb.. oonstruotion or ,ereotlon ot -a buil<11ng ls. limited C;f1u.86e on'eaoh lot, 100%150 :teet fronting on"S'\UU'1se i3oUlevard., to one resilienoe bu.1ld:i1l6, and one \ ,I \' . \, \ \ .;] \, J '" \ " . " . - , '.. , --'-.--- -:- ---:-- --------.1' , , , .' I. _ .~ " , , <t., '.' -: 1 . i j .' -~. i .,~ . .'~. ., .,",' .., , ~. . ~~ .".. .~ . ,