HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2023 'I l ~l~rl I, I ! .' " , I '.J '1 "r"Y I~ . , ,. ,.,',' ,'/, . 'I . , J I ".t. ' , ' I , -c'~1- - "... , ./ r "I, ~ ,,;; ~- , , r'.' i I I' " , 'il I. ! I, I ,;;~-:;:~::.:;:;b:.~:;=f-;;;::-~:'~:i~~~~:.~~~~."..d~~-r:.~~4~~,;.#~~.J;,.~,. 1 './,.,.\ Wlt~e81J" ""B.l'g1}lt~e and Off1'O'ld'1.:s.eal.~tFo~tPle~~ 1~ the Ootint/ otst.Luoie'~i1ll' 1:1...' ' ..... ,'\" ,,' I '.: , " ", .' \'. '...'.. '.', " .1'...... I ,;, I ~t.:'e of,. ,l'1tlAt ~~, ~y ~d! yetu:,la~" aforesaid'. l.l .. ,'. .,' ',1' \ ",\'~ 'I"', 'i , I. \~. \. I ~. ':, \ " , \ ~'. .'. \, \'" ' Rupei.t N . ~Qbte8~rd, IT. ..' . " ' . ....1' \\1. \, , ',' \ . .. r " \ \, '\, ~. llo~a.ry Publ~o forr~td"o o:r,Flor~~,at larg;." I~ 1 . \, t li.P.Seal~ '.,' , .\" 'It' ~ OOt::llli8s1on:eltp1resIDe~. 19th,1928." ."" ~ . i'. :! '.' \ ',;I' ',:'",", '",'. . \.' 1.1' : n_.., , I:, \' I, '\. ., ,,~J/ ,1~3.00.J:.R.Siamp$ oan~) "','\ ,', .\" \',1 '.'" .: ", . .,.<...... ,." \. l' . .;. ' '. ". '. ,\ \. ~ \~~\ ,l " Fl1~d 'and reO~r~\ed 0':0 r~'1B 7th dai(ot>~~t, .19~'5, at 2;~4 'P.Il!.' ' ,J. \ .\ .:: \ ;. '. \( ,j,." ." \ .,' '} ~"\ ~r/"!..\ '", \~':' .., .\,,'^ \ \ \ ' .'P..~. Eld.red.Cl~fk\Cireul1;',~o~t.<.-'. ~~. . ~:\~:f~~~IJ~.\ "D.C~. ,(') .~.. . " ,~.\ , , (':-' , . ,: \ . , . <--,.............,---- ' ,,' ..\,.'. ,. ,'. . , . ,..' (". . . 'I '.Il; :hi: I:Oi:i:l: ":;';1 :I:L,:# :I-.:t: if#:'#;:hl::J: i:';t hi:I.:;. :,1:#:;:i :'i:'i:'i: I,~t~'i:#; i: i: 1:'#:';-:l:-i.:I. ." i ROY G.' HJ;LI.uaD'..ET,',AL' \, '., ...., , . TO" . ',: '. .: ..., . o..~~.non~,Q!f. tT'AL. ;. , : _.:.-,----:-_.,_~._~. _ .. .." <4".' . .;. .' :.~'.D~..', .- . '; 1 : 1 \ ~ \ , \ ','.'",1.,',' ", -... '\ " " . .... ~ \ ~. \ I. ' , . :' I. . , \ -.. \" i, . , r \ . .:' ,\. ... . -. " . , ..\ ~< , , ", I, . ! , .' .. . .' < ---------...---- ---;- -". .' , ; \ - ~).,., ." . ". .. . '. ,'" . .' -. . 4 ~ - '. , . ,TllIS~ . DEED ,J.{aue ~t?-elOtU:' :clay nof ~~;Y_A.. Ji~.192 5. by 'Roy; :(f~, 'HUuar.cl..And.'no~eI?oo.e-E.. ~HU.t1aJ;o.r~":'~.';'~ ,. , 11lj. )~1i~_' ~f'the~ 9o~tl ~t,li.ii~ ,~ele:at~ te' of Fl~r1'da,'~~reinaite~' called the~ gra~t~~,:_t,o_.~.~~., . . .Otm:ton, L. B. J(u.rray. & R.R.J4&shburn, .ot t~e.'O,o'unty ~ot St.. Luole' S~a.te ~f; n.ori~,~Q1nafter:' : . ..'. '. . '.. '.' ,; ~-i_""jp."I" oa1.le4' the grantee...'. .,'.., . " .,., .' ," \ " . ,'-~, -', . " ,., . ';\llMSSE'nI, .T~t the Sa1~ gt-anto.);.s. in' O()n'S1der4t10n'of',~eri~oll~ .($10..00) and o~he);. ~ ~' ,', --.. . . ....--.,....... . --- --",' . .va~~ble 'o.anside~atlo~1I ])ollar,s, '.tii:erec~'lPt .."ilereof 'l~" hete~:,r .aakrto;i'~d8e,4.,' dO Cive, ,~rant, .~:. . " .'.... , " " .". . '. , . . .oollvey,' .. ", " ,.' . .' bAr~aln.., sell:',~Uen.reai~se. rel.e,aSe. ,en.feo:ttl~d ooritl-l1ll' ':.l.nto th~',~ald .grantees, and~he.1r o!~ ') . I ! . ~t " .:~ I" heirs and aasif;;l.s' i:n. fee~Pvle, the llLl.lds situate InSt.Luol:e 'Oounty, St~te o,f Florid8., 'de.. . 1 s. . : . , , . i .: ' ,,'.The North On~~W1~ed~d Eight~ (180):. t~et o':r .X~ot. .mllJ:~~re41jlneteei1 . ,(l9.)lri t~e pl8. t :;of :G~r!l8n"Ol~Y}'e.rOEl,: reoor(}.ed in the. otf1oeo~ 'th~Cl~1if.oi. . the'Cl~it 'co~t of St. iro.oie'couiity~"Fl.o~ida/'~eingin;the;'NWi of,tlle."s;wi' 6ts'eotl~n'4," TO'vm8~.~P 35"!So~th.;lW18~'~9~st.. .'_.... '. ..,. .,.. , . 1 , EXCEPTlliG,hOWeVer, 'from the 'above desorioedparoel: ot .~~nd.,tpe'ljOrth . 25 t-ee.t thereo~,to be. ~e~ for street, thro~hsald prollerty,only.. .:- .', (Sl.50'i.R.s"tarnpa ~ qa~~~ ,.' TO~~,AilD ~OHOLD the same together \11 ththe : here 1 dat eIllen ta andappurtenanoe; ,un'tQt~,~ . , " . . . ....'~' . . . sald 'grantees, an...the1:1:"helrsan~. a8~lgn81n' tee s1m.ple. . A!lDthe' a&1d: granto~~ torth'emsel ves, and.th~ir he,ir8 an~ 'legal r~pre,~entutlve8, o~venant with Qaid' grantees~ the'1r heirs, legal repre8entatives and a~slgn8':~~t said'gl'antaL"ss're ln4efealbl:,r ~selzedOf. 8~~.~.c~,~~, in 1'ee, S'~Ll~.l.8 ;.thatsaid, granto~s havetull ~o\'le~. 8Jlcl:l~\1f~ righ,t to oonvey saidl.andsln. fee 's1mple,a.s aforesaid;' tlJ.at it'shall be la\'lfulfor saidgraP-tees, . . . ' ,. " ,. , ,. ", ',.. '. ."" d.... ,:~ .".' ." ' ~< the.1rheil'S; le~nl. ~eprcsentl.l.t1ves ~d aa~i~, at.allt~es peaQ8li'p1.yand..qU1.etly t~ e~t~rupont. . . hOld,OOOUPl al1.!l'enjoy'saldlana,;. tha.t salci.land'"ia fi.ee from ~ll' iilO\1Jllbrtmoes; that qaid grantor8, :'l'sand le~al re~resentA~ivea,\'I1l1 r.iake:suoli' l-\u-ther aS$Ul'a~'es to p~rteot th.e 1'~~_~ -~- ---- ---- '- \...". . r simple tl tle to said lanl1dlnsald grantees, their 'hefrs, lege.l repre.sent,,.tiveSalId' aSSi{il1s, a8 . ,," . , 1 ... ...<t ~ j . -1 1 j ; 1:; ., ',j ) J : ~ i I ~..:_.- f~ ! I i it IT .1 .J - oi :.J . ',. may r~8.s:mablybe required:; andtho.t 8aid g:l.'<;\nto:ps,~ hE1rebll'fully war;-ant the title to said . - -_._--~-" -, .-- _.. .-...._._~~,' . ~ .' . . . ~ land and will defend. the 8..r(le agaiu3t' the iaw1').l1olaimsof all persons WhomSoeVer. ., the \'lITli'ESS~ hands and se~18 01' Ba1~&raritors, 1ihe day and year first above written. S1gned, 'sealed and delivered in prol3enoeU~t' w.' C. ~aggett _____ }.{ra. J..D. AJ.dr4-~e Roy. G. Hilliard (Seal) I Floor.noe E~, H.lll1ard (Seal) , I STATE OF FLORIDA ..coUNTY OF ST. LUOIE ,~t on tills day personally a.ppeare~ before me, ,an ~tfloer,',I:~,uth:Orhfl ~.....;<", "'ll''':{.~<:,,;_t'~~.,: