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':"" i 'i " I~ 1!1h'Ess WHIREOP.. tho ,s&14. put1.. ~Q>>t the tl~t' p~. ha.... 'hlr.~~o. lOt 1!he1J," ~D4'l8~an4\' ! 'j, .eal.. t~. 4aJ ~d. ~u: .~b~TI~lt1ie.. '\ '___ ;,' Sa1D~~. eeale4' ad 4ell.,e~~ . ' . . ' .;' ~ J.4aiaa (S',.,1) . . In pres.no.o~ ust.', ,'\ ' . Jl:.'~B. J,ub' " ,fonTb$.oD8kl '(8iBl), I :.';'.~:L. Pa1l1e' " ""., ',' ~ . '" .. . ~ . . . . I, , ',' ., SnTE or YLOl1D4 : '. \ \ I. .< \ . :f' : i , , . ~~UJm' or~T.:"LOO'D',' . "_~.._,,,' .,,' ., .,.\ , ,', '. " . ',..,'.' '. , ", .,' " '. " ',' '. I' li:IaEBY: cmem !bat, on th18 . 4q 'peN ClID411;;appeartelb,etor.. _. ail ottloer el1l).7 autl.iori..4,: '. , , . ." ,..~.'. .'. . '" . . " . "'.' _' '. '. 4 '.' . . . _ .' _ '.' .~. '.' ' _ ~ . " . t,O a4miJ1ii.ter I)&~hs .~d take,_ aoknowl~4peJi1;,'- '...4aia '~~e' and,':~o~':S:~Oh~iU.kl" 8~1. ~.tn ,to 'il~. ::"" " .. . ".'. .' -" -' . .' ~ ,.... , '. " . : ,',' . :: . , ,. ,- . - .' - "'. "', . . . .: , . . . , wen knOW~ ",0 'bl tlW perSQD8 ell~,Orlb141D ~4.W~ exeouted' th. to.reaoiDB ~.4, '..~daOm~~I~Iel' ~ " : ~ ; bltore at that tl1-7 e%touted 't;he ,...., treel;r&D4. T01:v.n~ri17 to~ "h~ purPO.I. tli.r.~i1IXp"~se4.' . _ 0 _.. .' . . . ,....:._ ";'. _. ....',. .' , . ... WIT;RaS IIJhanA &Del 'otttolal .~i at ft~i~lroe. ',Oount,. of St. Luol. and S'ate ot ~0r14&. ----.;..:........-.-. ----- . . . ". . . :.. . :) . .." ". , . . ",".. ", .' 'tbI.2' . 4at ,of Ul,. '~:D..1926." . - -. . ~', " . : ' ~, ~ ,.\ , ' ' ,P.O. < Bl4reel . 'Olek'.01rCni1t~ O_~'t; '~;_. 'B,.a.:8..Luah, '1).0.' "1'" -..;. I:~:' ,f. A t" i . . . . , . - ,- . . . . . . .,11e'" 'and ~.O~lel OD tbb 2'1;~ b10t lu17,,1926,a" ,~;09, P,.JI.. '0" \ " -"'#.-' .~',.-~' . ' \., . i , Ct.C~.$ealJ /. '." '...:... "'- .- .... ,-~_;...r , ." : t', '=- r..... , ..v > , ,', ~\ " '~,'1. ' , ,~<?.cq<.." . ":P...C~~utd'; C-l'''~ ClrOul.. C.ourl. :" ' /)' ,Z;{ ,~ , B7.d~~h/~.]).C. " . '.. -' '. . : "I ".":" :":"..il,..n i ".n. ft. "." i'" "i"a'" n. n~It;,nl ":" In': II.. tI: It. n. "a" .nl":" slf""on',"'.,":n.'na ",. n.". n.": g'. .;:'. ' .. .. ~. ....'.. -..... '."',' -.., -'..~~.".. . . -.-. ,_, . . to ..... r .." . UfS1'OR IWLft O~~jJIf ..;,,_~:;,~____.__~ ...:..,__"~~~_~, _,~C-: " li~ ~DJ) R. C. BO ~,~umu: Made' ih.la ',lQt~.IJa~ of J'eb~7~, A~, ~.1920~ ~ '0, anAbltWl~~, XBYSTOiB.aBALTJ . COKP.ur. a ,oorporatloD Ixlet1n8 u:A~erth.''i.... ot"h~.S,tatt. of ~or1da, :ha"l.. ,l~I"prlziol~l . . " .' , " . ' , ' ',' '\" ,'",p1.a,. otbu81nl8~ lD t.bo Count)' ot' ~~. Luo1e, state ot ~orlc1.a., putt of th',1:1ret, par.t. ana.. - '- -:) ., . .... . . ".'~. '. , :' . ' .' -' . ~ . >. - . '. . , .R. C. BoothJlot the Co~tT o~ St.Lu01~" State of J'lor14:l1, p~t;r of the '~.oond pa~t. . WIDlSSJ:1'Ha '1f1t&' ~., .a~dpar~~()tt"he t"rst part for ~d'in ~O~l~e,~~on~t .th. 'a. :ot 0.00 .,a6 oih.lr to04-. nluableooae1elera1ilOD8 dollara.,-'o1t 1n'haDd pald bJthl part, ot the . '>,. 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