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'R. tJ.B,ootb., am . ,,,eral,17 , aomo~le,4f~el" . "" . -. .'. ^ ,_ '_': ,_ - , _' ." .r." ','- _'.' ".' '_ ' _ ,. _ ., . .' the .x.out.l~~ tb~~O,t. ~~.'b&', ~i1.':~'e ao~ an,4~..el .... :~Oh ~ott~oel'.,.1:or, t~, U8,e.,!U1dp~~ose. . tb~r~1Il".~ntl~~4; :8ZJ,d that. thei'att1x~d th.re~Q th"ott1~1a1 ..1&1' ot .~1d' oorporat10n' aJXl the .a141DatNaent:ll.th!taot;aD44.eel .ot'.~lel' cOrporation. '. .' "'. ..~,-- , . :.x~S~~~\U1't' ~'ott10ial 8ealat. '~r'.Pieroe,l~ the Count7 ot :Sa1nt ~Ol~lU14. stat,'" ot llor14a,:th~' ,,4.;,,&11el 'liar last atore.aid. '3'" , '. . .... ',' 'J1J"" , j~ ' .. .; - ~ ~f; .'"0; . , ~ ,I ... . ..... . , ' , '.- ,1,_ " ' Ptll7 B. CODe' . . . liQ1ial'7 i'ubl1o, stat, ot J'lor14& at La1"SI. ,,". , " ,Kl"oo~1aslon expire.....' " ".' .10\&17 Publio,' ~tattot 1l0rlc1.a at !.arC... , '_,ooIllll1~81oD'exp11"e.,4prl1l8,1928 '. }., ~ , " l'll'elani1'~eoorAedonth18 26th4&Y ot lUlJ',1926 at f;l;19' A.Xt'. ' . :>..--...:............. ~ " .,. rb; () ,0,' ,/1.' '.$. ~ . .J;, : . ~, P. C. Bl4Z'e~{:Cl.1'k' a~l'Ou1t ~~~~~!;' ~~~~~~ ]).o~ '. . .. ' . ....~ -..- .'.-: .. - . , ' . . - ., - ~ - ~ . - "c. .' _ . - , . . .s!ls n : " : "": ":.: " : Ii: :a: " s ": ": Os "s ":, ".~<ns n': n I" in I it: " : .. sn : ri : n i ":" : 0 In lli:" ': " :' Ii:" : ", " : 't.:n: "1 ~: 0: " I ":" III OSO~ LAROQ,UB :n AL' TO tiIUWI'l'Y. DEED KDca,' El1B BT AL ~~!.pB, ~,t,bt 24th 4q ot Ju,neA. D. 1920" ~ O.~a1-LaroqU. and hie w:1t. Bi~oht . ,- .. -r -. '_ . .. .. . . , Lu>oqu.. ot ~. COWl~7 'ot St~ LuGl., 8ta~ ot lPlor1b horelnatttroalleel tb. ,g&ntora, to Kike, " " , "', / , ,,', " ,,' ,ha andhl. .1t. Zllaab.tbXUDIIlot tbe' OOtiJltJ' of R1&bl&D4 , Stat, Of~'Dtuoky h.....1natt.r oal~eel ,~ the srt-nt., ~ .. WIT lO:SSK'lB, that the ...1el grantora,1n oons1d.ration ot .10.00 an4 other 1'&l~l>>le oon81deratloDl . - .,.J,,". . '. " I th',rtotlpt whereot 1. .beMl>>j aOknowleGc~el, 4,o,S1v.. IZ'IlDt, bargain, .ell~, al1.n, rem~... re1,a._, . Int.ott, oon""7 U400J1t1~~to th. &414. Sl'aIlt..., &Dli th.1rb~1r' an4 a,~'1gD' 1n ~.. .1mple, . the' llm48'ltut'.1irft~'Luo1tCou~':, S~. ot ~.r14a." 0:.. or 1'btcl u tollon: ., .," , ,} . ,. !'h. 80utbaat ~ttl' ("'>,t thl Bortb...t. quarhr (ot) 'ot the ; - " . ",. , , . 'oatheati q;au'-zo(S-..> ot S',oUaiL 'tWQ.~)'-tbrtt (23) ~~~I' +--.:..;..:...~. .~.~ , '