HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2049 238' ,II I . . " I, .; ,~ {' , , ,'(' ,i ' !'J~'~_u"I~,~_~~ : /1" 'c _n',~,'_~'';: i ~; '~'u,' ;'- ,:" ',', " "I", ^ ,. ',,' '/'/'",c ," ::'" '" . ,~;'-'l 'f~~~;i:~~';;;~~~:'~~;_::'_~=;"~':;;+~~~~7~~~~:T-~~;· \ ,j, i8,s.el, m,o~tpg~, d.eed. ~o.rl ~:t\ purpo.. ot r.DOlmoiDB'\ ana:irel'1aquUhl~ ,-., h.rellowe~ '~d.r~1t: ot ~ ';', · ,I ,I \' , r'lelO~:r' ~ct' .eparate I.Mte ~ ,~d.to. ~he ,lanAa"th.re~Ji c1.eS01"lb.~d.,I,~d \t~t ~.h~'~'O\i.t~d1;h.I."~,\i'\ ' ,I ','. I : b'e'17-.zlel .,o~unta~17anel -Ubou" O..\lui...1~J:l, ,~oD:8"ral~'," ~pp~b.na1.~D .or t.a;r' o~ o~ tl'OIl:,he,r '; 'II':', . , " " 1\'. \ ' ,> \' \ '\ . .~,'" " \ > \ ", '"..., \." I,.' \ \ "I .a1,4 'h\w~el">", .' \ ,', \,',\ \', \, ,\' ''.' I " \ I, ' ., , " ", ' ,.., I," ',': \ ' ' ',' ',',',:,' ,'c' , .;) " \,. '." \ '\ \ ,.1. ' 'I " I ',',' , " , '\ : :. ";, ' 'D ,WIlmS 1fK!RI9', I ,hereunto .... III hUt an4 'otflolal .e.\- a' ,t~ 011;7 ot MODtreal eai.el .:\, \ :,.." \ "', ,',1"1 . i" " '\. ,\1 ',~,\ \ '\, I' '\ .\., " ,; .COUll'" -4.; a'att, 'hie ~"oOJid 4&1\ o~ J~, A. \~. 1926.1' ;i' 1 ,\ , '/ . \ " \: , . /- . . , . \ . \.... \ \\ .. . \ \ 'I ' I ' \ . '\" ' "I " . '\ ' :' 1I,p.a'''1.'} . .',' , '... I " ~>". > \ ~ ." 1'1' " \ ' 's. x..xar.ou. (\ llotalre. ' ' ." . \ '\, t, \ ' .., . \. " , ,-:' , \. \.' \ . '.\ -..-\ " " \" \ ~ . ~ . . \ . '. -\- . ' ; , \, - \ . ",'. , . . \. .' -' . \ '\ '\' .", .\:. , riled ~d "OO1'4eel ontpi' 26th"d&7 ot Jul,.,'1925, .t 10;~"'.~. ,:.,: .\ . , " '. " ,,:' ". ~ '(?.'." ", > '. ~"', " '. " ".. .". '0. Bi~O:I ,Clerk.Clr.oui1! ~ovt. \ '..~ i " I '. '. , ,\ , ,....' " \:, I.l \~ all . .Ot.. t~ ~~ i~" .'. - - - -'. " , , " ~, ; . ." ...."';' .'. _ . .... ". " . .. .'" '. " . ":"."..n i":" &."a Iii n. n .'11 .it. it';" I" in i U'i"' "."i ",.It.: "_" i ",'Ii. n ,-n. n: n I h:il i ".~ .": n:" .'n,,,.n.,, :"i tr:n:,n; "':" in.. · '. 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"el\,:~11en~:rt1l18e. r.l.a8',: e~.o~" oo~"';r &114 oont1na~to the: ea.ld s~t.e.; ,an,d hle~h,1r. ~,a.i1sZi8 1n ~e"8iaipl;'". tht1~c1S i1t;\1at~ ~lJl',8".LuO.1' OoU~f,3t~t.. o~ no~ua 4".olo1.~ed .. tOllow,: Lot 2Q O~BlOok 2 . ot It.~i.r' &lid' ~r", ",dd1t:I0~. to J'ort ;p.l~o., FleIa ' , ." ~. u , , . as, p.r plat on 'reoor~ 1n'PU.~O,"O.:r4a'ot ~t., La.oie C:O~~l~nO:r1da. . " A )ro HAVE .AJI]j:tQ ,!lOLDth..."me t:>>sether< wIth th.'here~t~eDt.anO: appurhnano.., UIlto th"~14' . '. ...., "" ... .' .....: . . . ; ~te.' andh18 ,he11'8 an4 a8818ue 1ht.~ .~~l~. " .. , ' .,' , , . " , ~ the' .a14g%'&Zl'or.,~or t~. and tht~r hl11"1 ,UJ4:1~l'~,epr.~,enta t~ "e8, oo.,~t Wl~h; . ,a14 BrUte',lli.he1rs, ).es81 r.pr..entaU.,e. 8D4' aa.isn8: Tllat.a14Bl"1-DtQrtJa';re ,1ildeteulbl,. ., - - . . . I . , .' . . . ~ .". . .'. . " .e1ze~: ot~l4>-~aDO.1n,t.. ,.lIIP1.;th,at,.,ald g:r~tor.,h&'" tul:l,powe:r. and la~ :r16ht t~. OOD"'~ .&14 l,aDu In' tee ii~ph~ as, atore.ald;, th~t 1t .ha~l b,'l_wtultor .aiG. Brant.e.' h1;8 hel~.. , " 1.,1,1 r.pt.eDtat1'~. ~, a88~8,atall UJl.~' peaoeabll&Dciqu1~U1 ~o IDt,r ,~on, holcl,~o,ov>>, i.n4 .nJOl "t4lan4.;that. aal4.1an418tioe, trc)!" ali1nOlIIIlba~o"'; tba' .a1elsranto~.thel~.' . . l . .' -' " h.~r" -and, l'S&1 ~8p1"leeJ1ta tl.,.s," .111 lUke, 8U.ohNrtbtr "a88\i~..to perfeot the tt~ ~1lAple .." '. . ,.-.. --. . . . -. ~. - t.ltle to.aidland ID'.id sn.nte.,. hie h'l:r8,l'esa1repr..eDtaUves ,&Dei. a:~.l8wI, 1,1.11.., '."~,~n&blJ be'required; anel that, .",ld gre.n~r. elo h~reb7. tuii;,warr~tthe Utl'-to ...s:o.llU1ll,', . ~ I. . . '. _ l.. ~ cd w111 4,.tend ,be...., 8&a1nlt the lawtul ol~_.t all' ~'r.OD. wbOrAloe"tr.' '. WIT:rr.&SS thehaDlLa anel .tal. ot eaid BraDto~., the ,'411 eBel ,ear t1ret, abo"t'.Wrltten. 81cDec\, ..ale4 and? del11'e:rtd U the pre.enot ot: " .',~,', ' >1 ." ~ J. B. Ilowar4 a.I.. aeBilhr , :I. B. W11li... . flU... " (s.al) (S.al) I , , '1 STATE 07 :rtOaIDA , I ,~OJ' ,SAIlff LUOIB- . j ,1 ~' CRnrr ,!1:Ia' on 'hl.8 U1 penoni,1l7appear.d 'bttort M, 'an otfloer_l.,. authoriz.' . ~ . . 4 . i" a_l111e~:r O,~tha"Del ,~. ~okno"leG&unta, ~.t ~1l1b" an~' 1,011 'D. .1111... h~' wit. o't. 'p ',', ":. ~... 0nR'1.1'10:rU.. to .. ....11 Don' aDd mown to .. to .b. the 1I1d1y14l1al.el..or1beel1D .... <:-- ' i-~,'~~~~':i.-~".:_;.,_~,:~".,;",:~<~,:;<~~:..;L." - '.-.- / . --. . .. - . ., -~ _ ;.'~-::..~' '_~'-:::"'i'~;"X\'-"t:_:-,(-:,.~":J:;:~.~.~. "