HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR TERMITE PROTECTIONPatridIx Exterminating, lnc ,, 3226 SE Gran Park Warr, Stuart)FL 34997 II"ax 772.223,•2114 Stuairt SCANNED, VeV0 Beach 772462.3700 jupiiiler 561.244-2681 BY Port St Lucie 772-336,-7378 ICI St. _Luele County Certificate of Compliance for Termite Protection (as required by Florlda Bgllding Code,(FBQ 1816.1.7) atment Address: DL Lj Ider: 1ti1 .s I Permit # ❑ Footing ❑ Slab ❑ Driveway []Pool Deck ❑ Addition Other ❑ Final Perimeter Treatment - Initial and Date for Final: ate:. ,�f rZ2-3� Time: .Square Footage 12 duct Used: I ,t-O Gallons: I Z % Used• �mical Name: 1 d-Applicator: < - — 11 Method of Treatment: Soil Barrier The!building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of Subterranean termites. T atment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Notice to BL(lder I is the responsibility of the builder to notify Patrick Exterminating prior to the' pouring of any lab th 't abuts the, above structure so that treatment can be completed and the required paperworl )r closI' ng be submitted. Such slabs might be, but are not limited to: patios, porches; entryways, \C sl s, stoops, additions, bay windows, driveway additions, etc. Other areas that would require treatment would be: 1. Areas within the foundation that were disturbed after the initial treatment. 2. The foundation perimeter after final grade has been established. Not : As per FBC 104.2.3 - If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Noto: WARRANTY WILL BE ISSUED UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL TREATMENT ONLY