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" .. .' . : ,. '".' . -. . -' .'.. , , . . . . '. .' .~nL,..als~~!i~n .thl pre~~o.of t,wo8ub8Qribe1hg .b.ue.~',~' .. .".. 'f'". . S18n.... " aealecS ~n4 4e,l~Ter.4:1,~pre8eDD' ot .~;. '0. lIelen. I. .letfrle. .' 1I&1lae D. _ttOIl f ) . ' , . 'Olarell~..~~'~n~~~~~~'(~'la!)-~'~-, , . . . Bo'.. ])~ hrl' (S..l) J~ . j .. l . , . '{" ' '\ .' .81A9 or 1IIS!VJ!l.GUU OOU~l!Y, 0; ,OULiEPD ' ' ) '... ) , " ''4 "; f . ~ . .:'". . . '- . '-' '",,'. I H!HE,BT C;aR~lPY .'!ha~,o~' th18 2lst.4,q ,of .lull:, A. .D. .1'926,before m,e ](ota17 P'ubU.o. ' . '..,".... . . . . . Per,olJllll7, apP'ar.elo~r.n~!, :~~'hrr &n4Roea: D. 'P~rr' hi. ,.~t., 'to ..wdl ~i1.oWD.an4mOlfn,' ' . . ~ -. , ." > ... ,.. .'. ' , :. " ,)o.e tOb~ the,.1n41v14\la184.8orlbe4;'lnaQ4 *ho .xeoute~thetQregol~g oom~la~oeto _0.;,11.' . ~.'. .... . . .. _ .' ,:. . 3 . -,' ,.....' .. _' . , . ~ ':. .. .' _" '. . .. '. ;. . _lor ~' hl. .1fe "Mimi1e ~.71or. ',&I1d..,..Yer"111.oknOW1.cl8e~, theexeouUoD ',thc"~eof to,be th~lr "tr~.aot ai14.4.,e4for t~~ ,u,.s 'ana p~oae.the:r..1n II!IntloDt4;' &Jl.4'the e814:R.o8a::n. Pa1'1' tlie:.1t.otthe '.a1el OJ.8.:r.enoeB. Parr 'on a ~.p.:rateanct. Print'" e:g~1Dat10n' "kell ~4mad' . . '.' " ". ' -. " ,. . .,. -. '. . " '<b7&DdbefOre ~, an4' 88Pa"tell' ana apart froa her'''14~u8baD4, 414 aOkrio"l.ag.,t~t ,hi, . " ,',' I' . ", '. ".', ," " . " .. ...- " .' . -~a4e !l'I'..~f ,a ~PU.t7 '~o1;h. <~a14' ~ee. ot OODyelaoo. for t~. purjloa8 of ',re~oun01ng,teUn" , " '., " " '" c. ' ,'~ . " qU18h1n<<U4' o Od're71'ng all- her'rlghtf,t-1Ueari4ull1tere,.', w1ie'tber 'of'.40w.r oroteepara1;e' ", proPtrt;, ~tat~to~. or ~~\l1~.bl.,,1~aQ4,'.t~' the' ian4,...tbfl~lIl'4e..or1~e4. aner that eh.ex.. .' ~'" . . < , oU.tf4 "1~ 4~e4tre.17anSTolUi1tarl~ an. 1'lthout aQJ'oo~.tr8'tnt, 'tear, apprehellfuon;'or ;, ., OOlllpul.'1'9D of orfroaheraa14; h~.~i14. .' .'\.' . . . ~ ~ '1 11!DSSID7 118'DatLir. .114' off1o~l '.al at Qulpepel' in the 00\1Ot1 ofOulpeper aut !State . ''; '.' ~. . '- ; "t of' Vlrginla !,the',4al an4year la.' aforn.U.. " ,1 , ! 1, StAn OrYlrg1nl.' ), , '... COUNTY' 0' hlpepe,r ) , , 1..1J1 otfloer .utborl..a, to ., , Helen K. J.ffries . (Seal)' J take ,aoknowle4guBnte of a..... HER~ O!RTIPT.'that . - O~..eno. I. . Parr' aq, Ro,a 'D. '~rr 9treo.U7 known to'1De to be the in41viduale aee.oribe4 1a anel whoexeo,uted the for.g01Ds lnatrullient, anelthe tea14 1r:l41vlcluale th18'4ay aOknOwledgec1 betor.. ., the1 e",outtA _lcf inatl'WZl8rnt. , WIUZS8 .., han4 an4 otfi01.1 .~l.' th18 21et 48)' of Jul7 .4.. ~. 1926. at Ctlpeper'\ : . 'f s.a..U O0>-1IDtT an4 8M'-. ~ . ,..--- " ,., I :- 4''),0