HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2058 1 "1'1 ,..'/. ~,;, "{,,, ,!:... ~"J . ":'.,l" ',,:'. :! ,j';'.. . .: )'''ft '/..'t'.;I'~'i':1 ',.~ l' .;. I' ,247"1 '.1 ., u'11IU';'O_-- '~~f~-I~,~>}~.c~~~~~,u.~u----'-r:~~ <,-7-';-T:....~~~~~,f", ._,.~.7~~-~;.'_:1! L '. ' I " . i J i', ' ' .' ',' ,i', :1.. ", I' -- I. ., ,. " ., ,'. I ,1'\' I j '--------U-_._~~,_~~.........._______~1.....L..._-_, . J -4~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Lfr.-o ~ t. l .;~~-~~~~~~~.P.~.~)~~~~~; '",~~~~'~ i " '\ :\" ' , ," , , . ", " ", .' . II. . i \ \ " I' ,\. ('\ J '\ :.., j.l~~4 ,~n" 'r . ~r4~ hie',;l~'& 4~ .#JU17;~~20. \,,~ \2Z4'\,IJ.' .lIe \ ' :f \",' " i.". " ,I. \.11, \, ~-,u i ..i. ,It,' i' \ ':..' COt~O_.8,"l ';,~~,'l',\ \ "\ ,:,1\ ,'. \ ..,.:P:.. O~iB~41'~4'. ~l,~rk\ Qh'b~~-.O~,'~ ,,\~\ , \ .J . y\ 1\ '<\ \ , \. ~ If" C-/~'~ ',~'f-1./J : b. O~" ,ll,i .\ }~. ~'-,~ . ",-. - - - - ~ ~~. - ~ ~..'~ ~.~ ~'~'-.~,. r -.~ ~.~ ~ ~l~ ~ .'. ~ ."w , ",' , \, \ . :. " \, \, ",' r ,..' " . '. ~~~~-----,~ ", 'I \ ,1,1:1.,11.' TYLB.R' CGuAl'di&n}'-" .' \ . , Ie? .," ,- " '., ~. 'JAO~B. .- \. . 'I:. '~.,..,\.",\ \, \',' i',' " '. \', ,.'".) , \ \.i.' 'I:' GUWIA,M' S DIJ1)., :~. . \ . '\ ... ,'\ " "', I ' :' '::1, \ !HIS ,:~'!tJRI,~'_4.. thl'16~h 481' of Mal'oh. .~.,J). 192~ b.tw'.D I. II~ '!7,1e1' ae ~8I"uan l" \..' - ,'\, ' , '., ' . \, , . '" \ ' :.!~t.th.:..e.ta.t..O~..~1'.4~.,:'''~.I'. ,non .oouipo...n~le.' pa,r.~ ot:~h' tl~l'fJt ~r\ e..na ,w. R~, .r~oteoJlj , f of.St. : louoh' oOUn\7; l'10t14a,' parti ~{tli,el,oon4 'par~. , .." ;'. ' t " " ',', '. ',.. ,'.. :' . ., . '. \", . , ',' '~.._,~~.' '. .' ,.:,' ,..' . , i ' " 1.'.,':'1'f~'fDs~m. ~~t thl' AU 1'.' M,. !71e~. ~rala~ ae:.for..a14, ...,.~~g 'on 'tb. 14thaq 01, ." '.'~'~' ,'__; , ._>-:-._;__ -. ...". _.-' . - .' -'--..- .. '.._~_ ~..:- "'-",'~'''~ '. . ". . ,.M .'.' ... ... .' '., i.1aDlarr, 1.' D. '1~2Ot b7, Petition aJlPl~ed 'to to ~h" .1114'1 ,of the' 01rou11; C~lU't, of, t:tie~1ft..nth '.' , l '.' '," ' ,'. " , ',','." . . " t.Ju4101al0'lro~U In'anel for.S'~ Luoie. .Co~t1.~4State 'of "11)~14'a~".i~r "u1;hor1~7 toa'.llali ' ~ ~. _.'.~. .' ..'- ". _' . .' .' . -...; , ~. /'. . . '. ~ i, I the 'rlg),l~, 'tftleao4 intereet' ot."14 h.eSR. T718i'.;'~:an~.to 'Oertal~ r.al.;ta,t.:171ng'a.al,,..., } . J' ., ',,' " ' , , .'.. .' . " ...,. ",' , , ' .' " ,.;., f .' " ",} flI.1tUat.1~"S~.: LuOl,.' OO\lnt1..~10t1c1&, mOre, p.t.rt~Q~~uiy4e8orl.li.4 ,hereinafter: ana,th.. pre,l!" " ~ . . "" "hD,.a1cl.petiti~'n ha~i~':.pp;a:re4'i? .'a.~~: ~4g." t'O--b.',re':8~~bi'~~4. ~Ju~t ~ e'~.n4, t~.,the' beet:", ' >", ~'~ j1ritereet;'~t.1d ,lrea ~."l.I'.: ~on.oolQp~e jDerit1e.~d),t'h."Oourt belng tul~iiat18tl.lI':oi: the ' .~ -"t', - , . ~. ----..; ..., .'. , ." . t. . .' , :'.,.. . . , .. ," ." .. .::. f ;expe41en07 of' 8uh nIl and that 8a~4' pa1'd1an ha4' gl.,.en.the ~qulre4 not10.' ot, hlelJitentloJl. t" :.'~ ~ .' . '. . :. - . ~ .. . . . .., ...,. "..... ~ " '\~o. ~1:~PPl1~aUonto'e~o~:Jua'..t~,1" author1t1 t~8~11 i"a14proP'rt1"ha:'~ng~,4" ~or4l'l' '~ 4__tea.:'e~~rl'14..1~20. '4t1;eotl.nt ,~he" 8eL~~.sU4r41~n to .111 ~Uthl' .~j,ght'i"~lt~e "~~lnter88'" ',: I 'o~.the:.eaf4':rr~4R.,,~~~1', ~D ooJJip~,.m.~t18",.in~cl,t() eal~ ~a1:e8tat;e,~t prl:,at.:ea;le~"'8n4,," ':':.. I : ther,uPonthe' ea14 ~rU.an ha1'lug.' oont1'a.oteci t.o, 8.11ea14 realeatate-to ,aa14 part, o'fth,' " i , '.:" ,"' .~'. ,..' . . ',. ,", ~ ..' ." ..... .. :.. ,'.. , '.." \ . '.... '. J ~ .. a.. ," .., . . ,i..ooQApart. .1", ttl.. iluiD of .7.60 1n Oa,h', upon 4111Ye1'7 ot this lostrWllftnt; :andtheeald ',uard-' ',' . . ;.' .. . . -.' , .. , ' . ~ ..... . .. - . ";,' " . . '. ,". ' _": 1 ',1' ,.., " " ' ' " ,',"',.' " ' " '. . ',' , j 1-.0 J18"'j,D.s reponed. 8814oontraot to" the. 00\1" ~fore.aU alla 8a140,ourt .'be1ng. tully &4..18.4, :. ~.. .. . .' ' ":. '. .' '... ." .. ..', . .,.,'.' ".' .. '. \,.... . . . F' .' . . . .... . . , i,.1il. .th',_~~~~,a,.8 and. la,tutte!!, th:&. t th.' prloe 0 ft~red to'r laid rea;Leatat,e1e fa1r'aM 'reaBon-' ;able ~nd that th~. ,oond1.t1one' o.t 8uch _leare suoh ,a8 the lntere8t ot,said 're4 R. f7ler', ,nOD' , .' '. .; OOalpOI meQ't1.~'r.qU1~e.bl ordl~'4atie4Jaroh,~7" 1920,'~"'lns'rau:t114 a~cl oon.tlrcme4eai4. oon!'" jti-BOt qt 8al. aD4 ordere4 8814 guarc$un' to uate4e.4to. 8a14' pa,rt, 'of ,'th.. aeoon4 p~t ot all ('eli".,.: , i .', \ . 'p , \ \ <', . , \ . f.. '0" . r , t "rt {J i' " l ! . " " , -'-' ; ~~ r1'ght,,'.~1tl' .an41nt~re,t 'ot .the ',~1~. ~84. !f~.~"11er,'no.n oompoe..ment18. lu,'e.nd. to the 1',.1. : estate here 1.Datter4esorlbe4, tlpoDthe' terms here1oafter'eetfol'tb; '. " ..,' low, th~reiOr,~:i:n eo~al dere~10n of tli. pr$m18~. and tbl8~ ot'S..,.lli an4. 6011~0 Dol1a~.~ ~ :.' 'ila'wtUllllo~i of the vnlte'a' St~te., to b1m ..1ii~4 'pat4 bi'~~tb' ~rt~ott~'.eoon4P'ar~"~J~ i~eto~e ,t~' ,neealtn8 an4 .4.ih.r,.'of,th...pre..hte.... the:1'8o'lp~- whereof, 18' herebY '8'C.kno,"':'''~' ~ . ., , . .' - '.' . . .... " . . . .': -' '. '-~ , '. - " .' . '. ." - .". ...,"," . . - ' . - . Ll~dgI4,.the' sa14'part1 o~the. first part ae..~uar4~~n.aforll~i.4, baegrMte4, bar~~B.4, 8~14, & ',',alleg.i4,.'remlle4, rl1..aed', o'onv8)'e4'au4 oontirlll8d' un1;otbe 18~4' part,. O,fthl Be,oOl1d par' an4 , . . ; "', ,,' '. , ,,' , .' ...," ,"", ",' . ;h11'hllre,'an4.a.81g118,fOrnerall the right, title and interest of. th.' laid Ired R. ~ler,oon ioo.mpoe menUI, in aoel t,o' the ~01l0.tn8 .4..o.rlbe4 l~ eituat., l;v1ng 'a~ belog1n the Count7 tot St~Luole an4 S-tate ofllo1'14a,- . ,I ---" . ~ 1 . , , . , Lot IS ,r1, .ndr~.~' and lUohar4s' 1'e.ubdl'y181on of !iler'88ubdlT181on,Seotlon:10, 'o"nehlp 36; South Ranal 40 Ia~t,. oompr.181U6J*rt ot till orlg1nal tot. 6 and. 6,. ! . '.' , . 171JJ8 r..t ot l'.E.O.Rall"", ,a1.0 p~e of Lo.ta 8, ~,lO, 11 ~n4'12. ~,lngla~' ot :0 ..' _11"81'''. reoor4e4 ,in Plat Book 1, at pege 199,Rloor4s o~ S.t. Luole C~unt'-,~10r14.. . , 'to IUn !lID TO HOLD, the 8a..wlththe appurtenano.., .unto~I'a14 part7 ot, the "0004' f , !. f,-.. .' . . '. ", . . . ;part. h18 heire.. an'4 aeel@D8 to thea .ownpro,.1' ,us., ,bell.fit and behoot tore.,..,., ,', ..~ '-the '~14 . part,. of. the first .'part he~eb,. oo~.nant" ,*oaD4, with' ~I ~a1d ~rt1, of the', , , '..00n4 par,t,: ,hlS' helre and aee1&l8 ~ll.~t Ulall' th 1n&L-Ul_".DIt:.a~,q.ut...,.8a1~c.l. an44M....flfl'Y~1- ",ODe' he haa ~onfol'llld to the Qr4e1'8' of' the Oourt and thtS'aiu~~. of the a'ate of. 'lo1'l4a 1n " ~ : , ' 1.9~'.~~","" an4 PJ:'0.,.14ed.. :..~.-~'",.,.. ",.,. ...--....:~--~ ,-'.., .-;..~".~ . --.....--. '.. '. ---~----------~ -