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' /" ; ':' ~~A~" ID puloaU8il1.o,' ot . i~ ,.al. aa4t u4lr'.utharU7~~4haJi.. ,.6&.;.........1i4.4:1.~...:--- ,'- , ' '" ' " . . ,': " ",.:..' , . 31'4 of Jun., 191'9 ,.' . . Qhapt.~. &ta?, ae ~thtr aa~D4.d., b7. ,~pt..r' '300,.I,&~. ,ot. Flor1,4&,. ~D th',.3!-'u..,th, __ ~7 ~:r f1UlO,. : .', . "',' " ,'. . -. =- . !j,~"])'.:'it'20, tn'st.Luole ~OOW1t"St"t. Of"l'lo1-'i4a,.t~. ~.1;~e8 ot ih~bt'mal':III~r~~.IDt. '", _ :', . ~. . '_' . ". .' _., o~ . "._ . ", . ~ .:'- _ . _ . t:: ',,' .:.... : '.- .,.., ..: ~.J'~" .." '. h:D4.of l1:or14&'tid. aoquiret1tl.:' 1;0: the leu ,b'l'e1~'Z" ~.o.:r~l)ld; ,!axaa1e alrtj,.ts:oa~. JfOe ~~. -,' f . ",.; . ,'. ,.' . ~. . -' :.' ,'. .;. '.. ..' . ' .":' ' . . .' , ,.: .. '. '. :, ~ . , ..' , . . .' . 18+11, bo1ng DOwh~14, b,~4 fra.et... ... .TJ.4e~t ot '1;h'1rlla14~~tl'; aD,o. ;' ~'. ~p~.r 11~t~~:~n, ot~or~~,.~1;e "ot.~. . 9,2~,--~tho~1~~d~~~~-'~;;i~:~~~~.~' . " ~ . ottb.e, IDtil'nal. lIIprOT"~Dtl'w1el ~o. oonTe, blpl'ORer, 4..4 or, quit.-al,,1m to,the oWn'J.',o~1;o~ th.' :'/'-' ..;;,', ' ".. '\"', ," " -,. " '.. " . ',' ',:"" ,', '," " L' .uootuor1n' tiu.totAI owne~, ot';aa,-lu4ewi thin 'thlI:Y.rgla4ee ])io~II>l.trl()1; '8014,tor , . . ". . . : . ' . , .. , '~'.., . . '. . tax.. prl0l'._O the ')'eUo',1920.upOll P""'lltot,thllJD01allt. c1u' 1;hereoD,' togtther w1thallomU\lel < . _'. '. " .... . . . ,.'_,'. ". .' . .~. ~ ';" . .' '. " '. _,' . . . .:.. ~ a." >' '". . '1;U~. w1,1;h .1ntert.t at 11% pel' OIDt. ,:plra.D.DUa .4. aU ooat8 o'f1'l4ellption; and ',/ ,~' ". ,..' , " , , ' , ,"", " '. , , '. . , ' , ,', " , , . , ,'" ~R..lS, DaQ 1Il1o](L8n~ Co. baa .~.~,~pp~~oation to rld._~h. lancla ,h..re1lia~1;lr .cit.or1bt4 b~.t~. tU: .~. a,bO~ll.eDtlQnI4, ~elhae: P.14 tothl houte.. of .t~~iDt'~l'::IJa~~~~_.~t' . ..!. .', . -' ~ .' '"'. '. '. '. ", - : . ,- . ':'" .', :..' ;.' ,'. ". : . hDc1, the &IIO~t d~" th.reoD,togeth.~~l'h '&1.1, OII1tte4tue. 'With 1Dt'l'..1; .hlreonat '81x,pe.r , " . ' . -" , ", lD ." , " . ,T oent pel' ailmia, as h.. patel all C?~1;1 of re~lIpt1oD,/a11..ount1D6 t,o th.s_of ;!hlriltll '; . ~ '. ~ . . ' '. .' ". . ., ," -.".. -. ',', ~. ! H\U1~4. Po rt7-ei.Bht' 'ant' 2o/l00Doll~8 . ~el 1;he 1&14 bust"~'b&,T1'uga8~er.ta1nt4 thd' .'~h' abovt ." 1lUl~4. ';ppiioant'. tor, J."e~_pU~n... th. 0"1'01' auoo.eBor 'lD thttlt1e .1;O:tli.cnm,:r, otthe l~u htrt1Dathr4..orlb,4 at 'the U..e ot~"t&?C eal.' afor....~d, tho~.for.; . . ,.. ~, . ,DO. ~ Jill BY mB9 .PRESI.ft~, ~t thl UIldlra1pI4, th. ~1'WIt.." ot thl IDt.~,~" IIlprTemell' . - . '-. . '. '. ," ,-' . \'. :. , -. . JPA40f Plor14a, 1Dooapl1aao. wUhthl -proTi.lon. :ofOh&ptlr '9131 ,ot the Law8otllorl4&.. "'ote, . .1 'of 192a, to!' ,&d' 1D ~.oiw1d.~tiOD' of thl IIUa ot ~~.hlD' HlUlo.r.d 'ozi;1;i~l1ght and"20/100':Dollar.~ ' < ( . " , ...... s... bt1DC ihe_o~1;4U1 iberIOD,1;ogot)1er with al10.1",d ~axe. w1~,h .1ntere.'at.81% pI,r , OIlltp.z. ,e.D1l'1a &Del all ~',.t8' o,tZ'e4.taptlOD, to th_ in hand Pa14 bt Da4. Kuok :i.anc1 00" et ,])u1'&l,; - - - . - I " _ _ . ,_ '. ,~_'~~.",_+-_..agu~,.,_st.1;aot,~or~4&, rlo.i>>t ,.lertO,tl.~reb7, aO~Wl!~~~~T' ~ted.t,~~_rga~e4,80!!" : I aadtul-i-olallllel unto ~. 11&14 ])ate IIuok l.and 00. md to th.ir .t~r., euoOll8ore anla..lsnl,' ~' . ;' ':- --~--- -- -~-- the foll.,ow1n,gel..orllaed 1"', 811lu-i, 1A'i!lt Oout7 of S'.Luo1t, state ot J'lor14a, t'o-wit: .All of SIOtiOU St"ID1;.", 'fw'Dt,-OlleaDd!nnt,,,,two, fowublp /, . ' "U'I".j f: ' f":,' . .' ['1, " /1 .. f, ~~', , ' , , ,'l, 0, \i / ,H' :'~h , , . ;,.~.'. ,tJ .~-..- !, I. '!h1rt1-.IT~.1l S01l'h, BaDge th1ri,-tl8ht ....-; J' .. , , "ou.1D.lns"".1Mh.' Jlua.reo."!nai,..1;brttaorel, a01"e'or' 1... , r ~ - I,', -', c"";'- .~'.-- .-, .'t " ~: ,. ,~;~/f&[t;"U , .