HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2062 "J I I iJ1,~,.1...:" 25' :'.' , ,i .. } t " 'I"" . , I 'I . . \ 'I ' ;)~' 1', L_', nn~~~c,~:'_----_..'..'--'-_~~:"'Jc:'_~.,C i:,' '-"7-':"-; ;1.....-:-;- ,,' .L~!, ---~--'-'--~-"._':c_____'_n ,> -~~ ',-,---~:." .' ~''C '.---;~-;-;--I ;-:::,-:';;I;!"~"-I'~\::7~ " ~/~r~,;'.~.~L~:.:~::-+;:,~~.:+.~;'.~;~:'~0;;."~.', :~~.\~, ,,' ~";~~7~~'F . I '. . " . ,,' ' 'I' ' '.,' ' . ii', ,I ' ';, , . .. \ '\ ...: It ' , " ,1 (~.IO I...S~..;.. oan~) I. .' I' " .'"t ,I ." '/"1 ' .) I \ , . \ \ ,\ i ' to: m:~ lID ~" ~'OL1>. ~~ ,...~, t~g~~her With .the )1~1'~~ ~Ulen~ ,a4 I ~>>~t.~.. ~ . unto "~hi ,i ., '! ~alel;8I'an~", and \ heirs. aD't,~,"lgDe ID te, .1aPl'~., \ ~ ,\ . , .\ . ',' \ :,\1 :' \ \ ~', .' ; \\'-'~ 0 1m ~h. .ald,.~tON. toz:\~~,,'ln~~~d ~.,l;"h~lre:,~d l~gal "~Jt...~at11\"~ ~o~t .) . '\lwi.th laid gftilh....h.11'.. 1...1 r.pN...n'aU..... ;,aDA ~.tBneJ ~t aa1el grantors haTe '1.D-, ,'\' I \. .~' \ . ~__-f.._L_ \ "..' . ., .' . ,.... . 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'" .' ..' ~ .'. . ::! -:.. ,- .. . . - .' . ..{ .~J1'on~., Br01Dl~A ..,..perate .~~prlTat"~,'~lDaUO~~&k~Danel ~cl~ b~~d, bator. ~.:. ,..R~\..11 , . ' " " .'" . ",.. " ' " ',' &i14 aRart troll h~'1i&14hl18.bal1el,d1d .ao~wl.c.\g., ~at' ah'ua. her8.1t ,a part7. .to .a1.d4ee4,to~, , _', J F : the purpOll' 6t ':renounolJJB, 1'I11Dqul8hln8 aDd oOD"e~. &1,.1' bel' ~1gh', tUl. &D~ .uter..t. .wheth.l' , , : ".' ,','. 4I,ol'lbeel . j ot dO..r, hOll1..teac1 01' ot e.para.\. pl'eperty, .tat1:lt~l'1 ,0.1' . qui ~l.. 1n .an4 ,tQ 'the.landa/ther.1D ~ . ., .- " . "- ~. . ,"'-~,::.i,~-that.be,.-ei:.ftt'l.-th' ..t4-'-4eeel he'l"a;n~YOluntRlit,~.lthou.t' UL7"oapul.lon, OOD- ....... < ,--to , " . : l i'r&1n~. appreh.D810D 'cuO'tear ot 01" troa'hel' '.a14 hqb&Dd~ ' . . :", 'IiuoSSIt,J hand' ~d otti~1al :.'~l at",ft/"Pi,roe. O'o~t~', o:t'St.:1nlOl'~el~t~te' otJilorlc1a, . tbl. 2' J. Jr. .Dur4tn " , Jrohr;r Publlo torth.8~at. otl'1orl4& ~t Lai'Be. , ".,. 0Cllllla1~810D .~pll1'. 4>>~l1G,,192'1. ". ~926. , , :rl1.4 ailc1 "oo~ed ~,th1' ,2!'h.~~~ctt, Jul7.19~6, a~~l;~,O A.J[,~ ., ' ~e.\.' ," ..;:.. <. '; .' ' '~oi~,' .,', p. O. ndre4. ~l'$ :011'013:1t COUl'.'/ . ' ~ '.. . ;~0 "B7~~ I3WL' ~ \, D.O. ..~ . - .-- ":": ": ":":":" :":":": ,,:'" :":I\:":n:n :": ":": ":":'" :"':": ":":":": ":":": ":": '!~i1t:-"~:~'P':":it': .:":/~":":":":n ': Its . , " , , ,. " 'ii-..,;.":."...._",:" ,_...._.;,.. "