HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL'Sj .�• � (�' i ' ` , t � hc�-• . � .�, �-� gym" SubmiV-surchArge F5C Staff LICIS Map' 'I Links FILE COPY ProdUd AQnrovif menu > Oroducf; or ApXyejtion Seartfi > ARWI tion. gst > Appn®tlon Detail FL # Application Type Code -Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email CONCEALED FASTENERS OR AT T ACHVIEN-1 S ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR RECORD Authorized. S(gnature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance,Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL17443-111. Revision 2QI.7 Approved' THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 3.A•TAYLOR, ROOFING 302 Melton. Drive FT;PIERCE, FL34982 (772}4fifi-4.040 kylewhite228@aol, com Kyle Taylor kylewhite228@aol.co �i G f2wL►�" �v �' ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DI SION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE REVIEWE Y DATE PLANS AN -PERMIT MUST BE KEPT JOB SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) WILL E MADE Roofing Metal Roofing. Evaluation Report -from a Florida Registered Architect ora Licensed Florida ,Professional Engineer Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect.,Name who devetoped:the ,L.acke Bowden Evaluatlon Report Florida License PE-49704 QuaiityAssurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies; LLC Quality: Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01123/2023 Validated By Zachary R. Priest, P.E J Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received / Certificate of independence- FL17443 R1 COI FL 17443 3 ATaylor 2017 Code Eval Reo r with./ RSS5. Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard TAS 125" UL 1897 UL580 Equivalence of Product Standards CerEifed By Sections from the Code year V Product. Approval Method Date Submitted, Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products .Method 1 Option D 01/24/2018- 02/14/2018' ,02/17/2018 04/10/201'8 FL # Model, Numbar or Name Description 17443.1 5 V Crimp 26GA 1/2" rib height over 15/32" AP.A, plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for.mse. outside HVHZ: Yes FL17443 Ri' II FL 17443 1 A Taylor 201Z Code Eval Reps with Details=RSSS,plif Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/Aj=1z9,2s Other:-129.25 @-6" o:c. -69.25 @16" o.c. marMn,ofsafety ;'Verified By: Locke, Bowden, P.E. 49704• Created-by'Independent Third Party: Yes .Evaluation Reports 2 1 with,24" max.;.coverage Install: per,manuMcturers.detall. Not foruse, in HVHZ. 1 FL17443 R1 AE FL 174431 ATayIor 2017 Code Eval Rem with Details RSSS:pd Created'by'IndependenhThird Party:. Yes ' 1744312 VICTORlAN CRIMP SHINGLE e26GA 1/2" RIB- PANELS LOCK INTO PREVIOUS PANELS; .OVER CDX/APA 15/32"`PLYWOOD' Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in. HVHZ: No Approved for use outside:HVHZ Yes: FL17443 RI II FL 17443-i A Taylor b 7 Code Eval, Report with Details RSSS,pd Impact Resistant:.N/A. Verified By: Locke Bowden;: P.E. 49704 Design Pressure: +N/A/-105 Created by IndependentThlyd Party:'Yes Other:-105PSF margib.of safety. 2:1: Install per Evaluation Reports manufacturer's details and in compliance -with FBC2017 6th ed. Notfor usean HVHZ. FL17443 R1 AE FL 1-7443 1 A Taylor 2017 bode rval R pg[t with betaiis RSSS'.tSdf Created by lndependentThird Party: Yes Contact us 2601 61alr Stone Road. Tallahassee FL•32399 Phane: 850.487-1824 The. State of Floridals an.MA EEO employer. rQpysiaht 200Z-2Q13.State of Floritla.:: Privacy Statement:,; Accesslbillty. Statement :; Refund Statement Under Florida law; email addresses are public. records. If you do not want your a=mail address released in.response to a public-record3 request, -do not send electronic mail to this entky..'Insiead, contact:the.office by-phone,or by traditional mail: If you have any questions, please ontact.850.487:1395. 4-Pursuant to section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1,2012, Ilcensees;licensed under Chapter 455--F.S. must provide the Department with art+email.address If they have one,,Tfie emalls provided maybe used for official communication with the. licensee. However email addressesarepublic retard. Ifyou donot wish to supply a personal. address, pleaseprovlde the Department with an_email address whichcan.bemade available to thepublia To determine area licensee under Chapter 455, F:S_., :please dick bg_rt. ' Product Approval Accepts- rM. W ® 99 M Credit Card Safe - —1 Florida Building Code 2017 (W1 edJ with. Florida Product,Apprdvall We # 61G20,-3 Quaility Ass uranct,prograrnPki CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TtC-NNOLOGY ns: ISO.4.3.2. 1507 302 Miltbh Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34962 (771) 466.4040 F-Crimp thru fastened W rib at each panefedge and 1fasterier in the center,ofthe panel, 24`,net coverage ,'. 26GA ASTM AISS, jOiS, S'Oksl min. Over m1fi, 1SI�k� F.Resistant f W thick CDX-plVw.bod deck. Corrosior aitener #9-19'H H with- 3fir%vasherg, metal to.wood connections_with fa 'fen h'OeOttatk S/i 6"thrU substrate; Fasten Along.the-crown the fib lnthe center,of panel and. along.'the:lap. First fastener -io'be WAlit r� ofpaftqI e-o$es-� Mln_.,8), ,�afi: ulaf ringshank Ils-s Ci reroofing, with less -than 19/321 plywood (mih.'lSla;F.),-Wis:attachmcintisto,be used imad. d6fito . pa(cOd 6" 0 Istift atiathirnent. Deck'slooe 2:12 orgteater and shallLbe camp Wit with,FBC,2017 6M ed. UnderlaVment.,Sqe FBIC 1617 0. Sec; 15071abre'1501.1,1 "Design.Preswre._ 1__Spadng:-. 46.200 ir - O.C. -129 5 PSF k-ASTM A792, G-SO,.AZ55,.018, SOW Victorian Crlmp;Shinglevver 1S/32l' CpX]APA Plywood attached to roof trusses. Dslon Resistant'Fastener #10 x V Z - lncpl atedfdT* Ognt4keAeadinstalled at 2.0eirpanel into lock seam; 'Panels applied Ir- exposure; adjacentshingles InsertedInto lotk;so;iM of prdvlous-WhgIdi.'D6ck slope-=Xor greater.and-'shall-be pliantwith- 08C 2017 O:ed. Undpirlayme0tvSee FAC 2017 Viied.,Sec. IS07 Tible:1507.1.1 **Design Pressure:j -165 FiSO 11 REPORTS cahe: TdA.Laboratori TST-4527) Reference Data:, #0214-0501-06 ofistruction iMaterli3ls,Tethnologibs(TST-S$78). #FAE-01.3-02-61; 580-941est standards -are eqyivalent to QL 590-46tett standards.. 1897-04 test standards are TAS 12 , 5,(UL 580-9*) 1. Underlayment tozbe. compliance with!current-,'Florida B(Alkiffig:Code (FBC)201776H ed.. see Chart. 15071.1 2, Minimum slope to, be compliant with. Florida BuildingM@Pu6dturer,snsta j1lation reference. Code Z017 Wked.,,-and Per with. 34 Products are compliant with State of:Fforida product approval per Rule 61G20-3*. Compliance Method. 1wD 4. Zngineering,anal�vsis for "projOct specific approvalby lbcalauthqrkies w/jutisdictiph-is allowed by. other registered 4 engineers.. 56 Fire classification is.not port of this acceptance.: Shear diaphragm values are outsidethis report. 6. Sup port , fraMirigrin.compliancew/F13-C 2017 61h'ed, Chapter,12 Steel, Chapter 23 Wood andiChapter 1-6S.-tructural Loading. i. thils,report does not imply warrantyjnstallatlon; recommended productuse outside of this report. -ifidate, of Independencez Bowden,'PX. doesmot have, not Will ac4ujr0afi"2.inclaH6tdeest In any companyma ,this evaluation. Bowden, P b.not owned;I operated,.df controlledby anycompany, manufacturer, products Svc Crimp Fastener- A-1 5: corrosion resistant w/sealing Wa0QF'5 24" coverage Fastener, #9 x 15 corrosion resistant with sealing washers in Compliance with 2017 Florida Building Code, Section 1.507 Perimeter fastening:, 6"o.c. Main Field fastoningfTo.c. Panel Width. 2.6' Panel Coverage: 24-Maxiffium 26! GA Architectural. Metal Rb6f"panel YICTORI,AN CRIMP SH LO NIl,NlMU.M'2fASTENIERS. AT LOCK SEAM CUT 1/28HINGLE 2EATE STAGGERED MINI )RIAN CRIMP SUES 9",EXPO$URE F6stener.-#10 x I" Zinc Plated'Mi* Pailcake Head