HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2063 II , " .', I . '. ',", F. ~ . ( 252'; me:_ '-;-, '_:- T~~ _: ';:, ~"+;~ -' ,',. CJ. . ,.. '. " ' t . . I.. '\, '. i " '. ~ , . " I . '1 I I . . " , I ',' I . ,'. , ,I, :J, '-r::T~~:~~~. .~.:;;~.~~_...;;:...;:-.t '....;:-~~7~:::;;I.~=.::;;:;::.;;~i..:,'.':.:::::;~~~~ , '" I.. ' r I _,'< . , \"~T O~~LLI~ BT~At\,<,;\",J '\,' ;"i'\ to .. I" ' PAUI,\,aLl): ;~,; '1'\ I' I . 1, . , .' . . . . \ t. \ t'; \ \ . ' -'. " ' ' I . . '" \ ~. lo \ .. I,..'" ~ f ~ t " . ,I ,- I, ,,\ . . \ '\' 'Ii, " WA.aW!I' : 'Dm' \ I ".', ,,\ . " , , . ; $J'~.. '.\.a. .'b. ,'wi' ~ lit: 'I1uF "'~.U2li ;,9';07 ,G. Iu~~l~~ ..4 nOh!!o..:s. iHi11ur~;:" : '.' I: \~~. w;~.;ot.theOo~~7 O,~,~t.'~01e\S~a~'e,,:ot,J'l~\r~a... h~re,1D~t~'r.,oau~I~','the. Sftnt~~"',1iO'P~l' . ,,' > \' "g' , \',1114 ot, t~. ,OO~t7 of. at. ~Ol.': at8.1;'. ot rJ.o~lO:'.~\ hereq~t;er oall',4 .~egr&n~e.. I \ A \ ~ " ,'\ ',' , \ . "I' ' _ , " . '.... ,.' \, I' \ ' I \ . WITnss:sm,\.~,t thl,Ia14. grantON, 111 ,~oD81de:ra.tl0DC)t feDDQ11are(tl0100) an4.'otbe.~" " ,I \. ; . - \ '. , "': \ , . .' .~, \ ", ,\. \ . - , .' . " . '-. \ '. -' . \. - ',' , -' -, " \ \ ,,',. \ \ - '- ' ~ .,aluable ~JUi,14.n.tloDJ, Dollar8, the ",eiftwher.ot11 lWrebl,aobO"leGBe4, 40 giTe:;. gt~1;'. , ,'l' '. '. \ . ,', \ \... \' '..' ~ '. .. -. . . . \~ ~ ~- - ~ ~- -~ ~.__.__.~ ,; .barga1D,', .~ll, 'ali.D, ':Nllll1, re~~~e,~ .nteot.t" oOllye, an4 ~~p'll ~t~..the.~d gr&Dtit,' &n:~ ,lih', '~, ~, ' .. ' . . , .,' " " " ,," '.. \,,' ", ' , " .', ',.,,' ; hllrl' and &8sipIt' in t..,.lIlpl.t\ the.lanle ,81tuat. i,n'. at.., Luol. OOUDti, st,ate 'or' . Jlor$.cta,' O:e.or1b,4 \ ~ .": -, . . .' ~ .', . ". . " - . . ", . '. ." \'. '.'. ".\ ~,.~:. .- ': al tollowli: .' ' .,1 ~- I I ~~ I, , ! . :.... All ~~rLot; aeY'D(')'~Bl~Ok' ~o (2) ~t:p.1ia.i:; , , .. - ,.' - - -.. .'", ' .,..' " , ' .~ \ ." '. . .' -. -- . . .-' " ~'O~.t,8ubc1.~"'181on!' aoool'41l1g .'O,Pl..t:O~,I~~.', , .' , ' ':lubU"'111~ ,:~OOrd,~,"l~ ,Plat .~~. ,,:'i~. CO; M1. ,:' '. -~l186' "'-flU.xl. ;(1.~)"or,the ~llo. "001'48- ot . . ~, . . - . '. "- . ' . - '. - ~-'.' , '. . " ," "8,~~'~e1io~~1~,'~02."lk."'~ ~ , ", . . . ,', ,(;.60 I'.a.Staap'oail.') -- ' ,'., io HAW inT()~O:t.D."th~... 1;~.~e~,.1th'~h."'~e~~ut_.n,~ U4:app~tl~o..".~t~..th.:' , '.' '..-:.... " .' '. l' , '. , . .; ,[ . 8&lc1';sr:alit.1 ~,andhls .hiiZa. an4 :as8~ ,ttn~e. .1aple~ .". ',: ;~, _ _ . - ., . -.' , ~';J'. .. . . _ '\ . _ . ,. _. '.... .. , ..' . .' '. . .' ~ ,'AirD4;~ .ai4 ~.nior., to'i,,~~.i.e. ~~,ih.,I~ he 11'8: i.n4~es~~: "Pl't~~ntat~.,~~~. oo.,ene.n~ . ~., With laid gantte,hI8 ,he1l'-8jlegal 'rOP"s~DtatIve8' and a8s1gn.:",!b&1iaai4 paDtore are lD.-: '. :. , ' , ' " ',' .' -:: . '., :. . ' , .- . :. ~ . ~ , , . , ',~e~~e:s,l~).t'8~iz.o,' of:, .'14,la.lid 1n t.~ ' It~,l";.. 't~8t 8&14,. ~n,to.1'8 ' :~aYetui:~ ,pow"'!'. ~d la~'a1,lli 1 h O,~n"F 1I&~1l1...4aln,t.~.uip1o. aJlorn...a4.1 ,~~ l~.'''''U..~tO''''l4.gnnh.;bl.~ '. " , . ",.~'~flrl .hl11'8, ~e~t' rePr.e..~taUy.,8 ~4a!J~lgDa..at,~.a~ ~~.. pea~'~b17' an4 quleU".to. :.~~~r~po~,hOl~~ [J . ,- oooup~ anl1.nJof: .~ld lanG.;'1;h$t;8a14, land 18 tr..-.t1'0Illall.1i10.brano,,;~~,"a1dsrantor8,.'th'lr. : h.~r~ ~n~ legal' ~,epft..nt.:~i~e,. ~ ;W111, :lIla).,,!~h . ~th.r'~~8ur.aIlO" ,to' ~rt.~t. t~et..:' ,j~pie, 'Ut~.' . " to .,a1d'l"nditi .&14granhe,. h18,helrs, lepl rep"ae~tat~YI8 and, ~8s1gn8" as mal rea86~bl,~., ,. . . -. - " . -.... -', . " . ~ . rell:u1re4;' anii,that'ia14 grantO,1'8, ,dO bttreb1tU1ly' Jramnt the tItle, t.Oeai~:lan,4and ~lideren4: ~he .~~ ~a~t .th'~ ia~ o~a1m8 ~t a1:1 ~8r80nswhOa"oe.,.er,,: , " , , , ,WrtliES8th. handa' .'all4. "ea1!l Of. ..&4 -granton, thew .4, year tir8t ' aboy. wrItten. " , .' .. . . ..' . .' ..,. "-' " " . . . - ~ . '. .. ;' S1gried, seale4, ~ cte11nre4., lnthe :prll.noeot' , w. '0. BilggeU '. . Kl'8., J....D~ ~4rlGB. .J' f.' ~" " '. : .. '.~' ': ~' : ~ ~ ~ \ 'f .. \ ' ~ ), ~. .. . , \, -: 1 ,.lr-, J,-~ . ~. - '. , ,'f' .;~ -,'G'" ;0 -~, ,ROy G. ; 11111 lard ,:.'.ls.ai) . , 10. '. ' , . ~or.Ilt' B, lill;-l&r4 (sftl J " , ,":'{', , . ~U!TB' OFJ'LORID.l COU'Bft 01' aT. LtrQI.. . =': g ','}" . . .. . '~ imREBY O&RT~,:Chat OD' thil dafper80nal11 appear.4 b~ore ..., an ~tt1081~ '41uY author1ze~'.. ,. . .... -. '::. .' ~,,:. -' .... '. '. '. - - . . 't~'. .1ni8~er; ,o~t~,aQd taJc8aoknowleclal1enta, ROl G. H~111&r4an4 Plorelloe'Z.., Hlll1a1!c1,h18 wite ,: , . ~ . ,,' ','. " ~ " - . " . ~ -.... . '. .' '. - . to lie w.ll' ,known e.ndJDlownto 118 to ,be the '1il41v14uall dUOJ;iIb.4 lnan4 who ex.outed ~e; toregQW6 . " '! d~ed, 'and the1 &oknowlldBe!1.betor. me that th'7 oxeeu.tedtheeame '1"re.e11 ~d V01~~&1'117, torth. pvpo... 'therein, .exp-rei8eo.~ , , , AllDI :rrl-RfJUR cmRTwY, ~:tthe aaid norenoe B., Hllil&1'4, known to .~~o be ~he'1rlte'ot ,the I ' .aIQ.Ro1G.~lliard. on a ,epal'att and priTa'e examination han an,d made ,b1 ~4 .betore me, " ," 8ep~t'17,aD4' ap-.r1Jn1'l'oiah.r ..1~ban4"41d.'a~~OWle46el t~t 8h. made' her.elt a~artlto .,ai4 I '4e.~ tor the pVpo" 0; renouno1J:lB. re11nqu1eh1n6 an4 oOnyeyIJ1g aU her right, tItle and InterIBt:, 'lwhet)l.er ot,40wer,'ho~..tea4 ~! ot .eparateprop~rt1, ltatutory/or oqu1h.blt. tl'n ahdto, thelan~ '" " , ' . /1' ", . . ", [" 4tlor1bl4 :therein, (ana. that ,.he .XIO:utI4 tb,f) _a14 dee~ hee11,an4 vOluntar1l1, and w1thout .7' i / j I O()lllPul'l~n~' oOD.8traInt, appr~be~10n' 01' tlF ot ~r 'tfc. he~ 8&14 hu.ban4. , .j ! . - i " ' . i WIf$S III band an4 O~101al 81&1 at J'Ol't. Pieroei OOunty Ot at,. Luole >, , ' . I' ,,' , " ano. ~tate ot nond&, .. " ~ , .)" f~ ,j ~ . -. ~ ,. , " ., ~ :-- -. '_...-