HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2067 '256""~~"'-:--,'~' i .,1, -~-, ," ','1'(; I" 'I' ".nl,'_n'~,~,,: .. I 'I, 1'-"-';-""; , C' .~ -:- :-, u: --- " '~.:, /LJ, I, I ,":!' I ,.~ ul~ '-~-( ': :,,' I~-",'. , ' It, ,',I, '. '. . 'I ,\ : ' " , . I, , 1 . '.: I II \ II ' ; ,,' , ' '., I' I ',. 1\" I I ' "I " i ' , , . ':;t::;=;~~":'4;;~'; '...:-; '~r:;:..:;.::;;.'.:::;t;:~::;::;:::~t.;",.;::::.:-,:7;~-::;:"":-r~:i;'i~...iJ,;,~::':'::::t-',~~7'~::'':;:;,~~~'':;:;:~';: ~:-::~;;:'~~:;;.;~~:~:::" "~:::;1~~~'~-;:;'~-;;; , l' " . . I .;" ii'" . ' " '," r' i\' ' , '. . " '\ I ' . ,II '. \'\' ",':'.; 1 .." ' T .' I~~ \ ~IT~8: ~I' ..~.,ai4 ~~le. otthe --.t1Z"~" pari,ba~'~~eu.nto ~,~. tli.ir: ~4i ;~el \.! /." :1 .-\. \ \ . 1 lIal. th~\4ai ~d y~~~ a\lov. wrUll-.ri.. '\ ,\ "\..' 1".\, :\1' u' \~ ,I, ,; '\ . \~\,h\\' t. '1. ' :\ \, ~,jL \ l' Jhes.~lkaW.oro)1~'C)k (s.al~, \ l, " \ I) S1ga~. seal~l and 4t~1Tif'd'1n ~ >>r.~.n.tt . \.' ,.,,",. \' ~,'\ .t,.' " '.' 'I' I' '\ ,'. \ , ,,' 'I: . \ \ ' \\ \'," ~ ,HJ~lIIp' ,I'! Gronbeok' ", \ (8~al) \ \! . . I. I. \ C~.rt,u " ' . \ '. \ I ' , " ~ . \ \ ..!,,' ; ,.\ " aOr.1OJ.n~ <.-~, '..ko, "''''~''rl ' \ (,AIIi,'.oo I.ll, .S~P. " O~J:l, ., ') '\' \ '. II \ .\ ;,.:, \ \ ~ \, , \ . , ... .. , \ ~ , , .' , \1 \ . . ( .' \ ,i ST~J OJ' IJILIiioIS". III ,\ ,:', ','. I, . , r ',. "~tt-;i( l' ',"': ',', .,) S8'.' \. . ' \ \ '. .. . \; \ \ \ 1 , '01' OOOX, ,) " " I, ',\ , \ '. . <. .~- . -.", - : ... . \ ,'.."\. .. ' \ ~.!.~-. I RBREBY Cur,IPT; ,that on thi84q p~r8onally appeared. before ,II'. an off1oer 4u.lt ~tharl~4,' . . , " . ',' ".," '. , , " !' to.a&alDlahr:' oaths. t41d tu. ao'bowlellpcmte.HJa1Ur'l'. Gronb'ok.' t.o.. 'well'~~wn to 'b" thej '. . . ..' ."'~ .... ,':. '... .__'~.. .1.' ..' .;. ..:..... '. '.' .'. :'.' , penon 'el..'orlb.Ci 1naJ1ciw~ ,~x~outtd, tbeto~0~~ea:"D~.~la1~le~'~:bef01'l',II. 'tbat h.. e~'oll'~o., the ....... treely iaDel,yoluntartll' t9rtb,'.ua88 arid purpo..s t~ltl1n expr'.8e~.. ", '~, " , ~i'~TUit CDfu:r. !hat Jh.8.',~~)[a .."G~nb'ok,"la10~'~O ia'e'.,1io"b..the wtt.qr' th8,e~l,el { lIJalaar,P'..' Gronb,ok, Oll,a...parateand pr1Ya~e ~'x..U.t10t1~ t&k.n"~d ma4e'l)iul1'b,ror,.iile , J '.. ."_. ....',' ". .' ' " .:. ',' . '. ." .' .... . _, . . :'-..' . ...., . . _' '. ". ....:...,.. .'-.' .. " ! . ..para~elY' an\1al)~t. tro.her' ,e~l,d JIuliban4, d1d a.o~1rle4Be ,that 'lIhe.. m&c1'l1',~.,na p&1"t1to,the ;' , .' 'r.. '" _ '.. . ... ..:i.'~ '_'.' > '." . " _ . . . .' .... ." . , . ! '.a14,o.oe'el tor :tbepur,PD8.I 'ot,r8~\JnoiD.8. ,'re11.n:qU1"hl~ anA CUiDyey1.JJBaU.'p,,!:I;"' right, 't~ ne ~d l'~' . . . .-~ ~ "";' . -. '-.- ..o-:-~., ._m _',.._,~ '".___ -.--_~ '..:'. .' . . _-,",_,', . -_'._-"'-~..," .... ',' .'. . ...._ l' 1Dte~..t,wh'hter otclOw.r. 'holllOshad or,o:t: 8.parate p'roport7, etlLtutol"7. or\.quUabi.. j.n and.'to =. . ." . -" .. - . - . -.,' .'- ." . - . .'. . .. '. ' . '. .- - . -'. .'. ... . '. ;. , .' .., ' .! th', '1~'el'8or;b.4 tli.~e1Ji., ~d ~t8~.,o;eOuteclsa1d' eleec\: be '17, aDd' volUn~li, .m~w1t,~OulI' i -'&JqooIlPUl81on.'-oonetl"&1nt. app'rehen.ion'or :te~ of 'or':tr~ h8r ald In!lll,b,md. . ',' .' , ;' ' WIDicSs. ~hand~\1, ott~oi.al. .eal' at, th. C~,~1 '~f Chl~.e'o' in '~he oountj- ot OoOk '~d' ~tlJ:te . , .. " ,',' ' i," " ' ' " " .. , .' " .. !,.of IlllDol .~1rel 4a1'OfJUJ1e,....>>.).926...<'. '.' , ",' ,', .... " " . " ',. .". ']I. '.1. O:remei'lus (Seal)' 'liOUllY,Pl1BLIO. ,', ' M7 OOIDlli88i.ouhplr.. Oo~~b.e~ 28.. U28.:. ~,' ~ , . . . ~ .,. ,'. , , . j .' , !Jt1 ' L . :~. , . on1;hl. :2~tb ~yqt :~UlY.192P.,' at 11;04 A.II. ,', ".,,' ',.. .'/i:" ':'. ". ..,~ '. . . ;', ':,. .." > · ''''$~. ' P.O. 'Xl4red.' Clerk Ctroult Oo,u.t., ";J. , : . 'fl' ,,~ '4" . By ',' ~7hiUt ']).0.. I ~.~ '. '. ~. , , , .: 'n ," ; ~: 'II: n : ,": ": " : II J " : ,,', ".1."' ,,':" ," , II ~ II , n ," :" : ~ an, n': ", ", II ,~" ": ", I'" " : ", n: n I II t II I.it : " : n: II :..~ : n : "I "; ..: II,: . : " , ,'.1. !. JULIUS ..:' ; ',,-, " to, ' AP'I' I' ])'.i.V'1 !. . ), WOK CONOWlm. ':' , , , , ( , ,STAB. ~' 'P'LORIDA:" r . ~'9.Q''OnY Or,h.lIf!L110m~ , .) , '~ ~, ~.tO-ri'lIl.th'Und.ra.18D.4 au~horlti 'pefsonal11 appeared 1. t. ,lUl1l&&.. ':whO being b7 118' " ~ul1 IWorn 'eare upon oath that'h<t i~ the husb~d ot,J.DD1e a.. Julius. who- iJQrobUed Lot ~l,of ;1i1'lo~~: J~t.~.r'l Ac1.41.tl,on to.l'ort ~U~'f nor1~..a~OO~ln8 tO~lat,~O~c1.e4'iD BOO~ 1.' pa~', 40 of SalD~ LUoie Oounty r,001'4a, 'fro. 0.1.. Killer anc1~f1t. and A. A.B..r aJ14 *ita on J.u&'Wit:' " t , 2~ 1913; \hd~1mIia.d1atelyatter aoquirlne sald lota. &~,QJ.'!eaald. he a124 ,hiB .11'e Anni. H. Julia' took po....slon .ot the ..,ne, ~d o~ the - da)' o.t- A,]).. 19l~.tookuP the1rre.ldenoe OD e~el ).ot .$~-'i.~4. th'~O as their{ ~OII'Up untU ,the..:. ~, ot' '- :A. ])., 191,4;: that th.yh&l . ,'~ 'i 'Po.,~.'''ion ot"aU:ot, .aid ~ot ,aa4ee1gnat.,d ,on ,the, plat b,tore.e,n1;1oDlld. whloh pOI.'.lionwa. 'I' aotual. notor-lo~.i ud o,ont~u, 'and ad...I''' to 'all ~r'ou wbou.oever; that upon rel1n~l.h1JiB . . . .f ." ,_ '. _' _. r ~ ,.' po....don of aaidpropert1. I. Grao. 'qllD to whOll 1114 prop.rty wa. e old by d,poJ1ent aDd wlt. I. . . . ..- ',... 1 .'! : on 4Jr1l 23. 19~". iJlme41ate11 1;ook po....don and ba. ba4 Pe>>I8.881on tro-. that time until the i . , . I .. < I II . 1_ . . . 1 pr...nt 4aT; th~t;at; no '~1a' .1no~~he p~9P.rty wal puroha..el b7 J.nD1',' H,. Juli~ hu aDy on. l olaiaeel Util. to aald Prope,:n7 adver..ly to h.r Ola1ra'. aDd neither bas azq on. a8s'rted or J r I ' . 'I, dt_loa \. ';'.ort q I14ht. ..w..... In'laid ...ponT. .xcept .~' .old AmU.II. :l1lllu, I while ..' o..el tM ~, t;u .a14' B. Gao. An1D. t;0*0II Sh. pa~~d title; {', '1. ,. ~, . ~- t - ,..--' . " : . -fOi l. ~ _ : .... J .. ",;" i " ~.~;. ~ . l' ,.. . " ;f ' " ';1 I L , I~' , .. 'I: ~ \ ,'.i/ J UJ f . ,~ ~:: 1: .\ ; J; :( f .: t i- ,~1 , "~il "1 . , '.' ':1 ~ " 1~ . :;:;i . . '.'1:. ,; -.:1 ;~ 11 , '..1 ~~ . <~ .' - ~ . " ,. ~.1 , .:j", ' -1 .~ ~ ,'( '~:f IJ'... (r' .) ! j At " --- I '