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'bargaiD. eell,. . -. , al~eD. rem1S',' r.l.a8...~t.oU. 00.87 and oCl:J.t1rll unto the ...14granhej ,andth.lr hel~D '. . . ". . . '..- . .;. . '. - ." -. , ' - .', , ,. .' . ~. .. . '.. . ~ ,and~.lfpJ.8 'ui ,tee'.81apl~he-la1148~1t~te ~ St.'L,uOlrtountT. .3t..t..',o~ J'lot'J.da.. deaorJ.be , '. as. 'toll,o".; . . . ~, 36 ot Karavl11a SuoUT1.10n ot .JMLr1, ot' ,____-'or~.Sto'".t'~ 21.' . -' . -.'. ~ -' ,. . : , ' . ' . 'fP. 30 South ,RaD~ .40 kit as pe~:p~.t, reeor4~4.- ~. platbo~k4~ page " . ,-' ,47S~..Iiuole,OoUn~7 r'o~rde. (ta.60.I.a.St..mPII Gan.) . , !O ~VB Alfi),m,llotJ> the~.~e.to~.~~r'''1th the.herecUtamente',snd.ap~ttJWl.o,~; unto the .},' aa14,gran".e.. and their hel!". :and &aligns In tie elmple. , , ~'f:,' " , " , I-l JJi1)th. Mid, grantor. , tor h1m8.it "8.n4 h1s he1rJ an.41.gal r,p~8aerih.tlve-e.ooTenante with (0' ,.... -,-----,-.- -_._--_.,-~..-- aa10. srante.e, . theli" legal' 'ripreunta tivea an4aaslgne:, !ha\~ 8&14 gL'~tor 18 ind..teaslbly , , ae1ze.c1...,.a14 landS:n :r.. '.1mpl.; that ald grantOr has 1'ul1:power and lawtulrlght to oonny ...14 ,~1n tee aimpl..' a."afor~.ald; th&t it lhall be lalftul tor ea1d. ~n1;'ees. th.1r h.ira.. . ' , l~ repft.ontatlT'.. ~ aa.tgna. ..tall tll1t1ptaota1>>17 and qut.U7 h eXlttr upon, hold. - , ~.1 '_~""-'--.~---'--'-"'-~"'--~--'-'-'-:-----"-~_.'-:- c-----~ "--~-"'-'--~-'-'-,",'----' , OOoUl>7 ad enJoy eaid 1&n4;" that i1a1d land 18 free troaall lno'QJllbranot8; that eald grutor. --.-~~-4 ______________..__m___'________________ _ _ _ ____ __________________ _"""_____ - . . 1111he1rsand lepl repr...ntativ.., ,",11 make .uoh tu;rther usuranoea to portlOt the tee I , I' ,'.. _ -, . -. . '. _' . ..' ...., slapl. tltle to ea1d lan4,1n aa1d grant.... th.lr h.1rs. local r,p~'8.ntat1v'I~D4 aal1gnB. al I ..., realonab17 b.required; an4 that eaiel srantOl'. doe. he1'eb7 tul..l" w&rrant t.h. t1tle to' ...ld ' -' . !; lan4'aol ..111 detent the .... aaa1D*t tht'lawful 01a1.. ot ~l pereoua wholll.oeTer. , <;,' " ,. ,~_, L, I /. . , . I I ' __ i_