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X,:♦EAGLtVIEWy et LucieCounty 156 W Arbor, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952 Total Line Lengths: Ridges = 43 ft Hips = 150 ft Valleys = 56 ft Rakes = 31 ft Eaves = 223 ft tkl Premium Report 6/21/2018 Flashing = 0 ft Step flashing = 14 ft Parapets = 0 ft N E S Note: This diaaram contains seament lengths (rounded to the nearest whole number) over 5.0 Feet, In some cases, segment labels have been removed for readability. Plus signs preface some numbers to avoid confusion when rotated (e.g. +6 and +9). © 2008-2018 Eagle View Technologies, Inc. and Pictometry International Corp. —Ali Rights Reserved — Protected by European Patent Application No. 10162199.3 — covered by one or more of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,078,436; 8,145,578; 8,170,840; 8,209,152: 8,515,125; 8,825,454; 9,135,737; 8,670,951; 9,514,568; 8,818,770; 8,542,880; 9,244,589; 9,329,749; 9,599,466. Other Patents Pending. PAGE 4 Premium Report EAG LEVI E V V 6/21/2018 156 W Arbor, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952 Report: 234932#6 PITCH. DIAGRAM. Pitch values are shown in inches per foot, and arrows indicate slope direction. The predominant pitch on this roof is 3/12 Note: This diagram contains labeled pitches for facet areas larger than 20.0 square feet. In some cases, pitch labels have been .removed..for_readability. Blue shading indicates a pitch of 3/12 and greater. Gray shading indicates flat, 1/12 or 2/12 pitches. © 2008-2018 Eagle View Technologies, Inc and Pictometry International Corp. —All Rights Reserved — Protected by European Patent Application No. 10162199.3 — Covered by one or more of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,078,436; 8,145,578; 8,170,840; 8,209,152; 6,515,125; 8,825,454; 9,135,737; 8,670,961; 9,514,568; 8,818,770; 8,542,880; 9,244,589; 9,329,749; 9,599,466. Other Patents Pending. PAGE 5 Premium Report '�E EAGL� VI 6/21/2018 _.: AREA DIAGRAM Total Area = 2,693 sq ft, with 14 facets. a Note; This diagram shows the square feet of each roof facet (rounded to the nearest Foot). The total area in square feet, at the top of this page, is based on the non -rounded values of each roof facet (rounded to the nearest square foot after being totaled). O 2008-2018 Eagle Yew Technologies, Inc. and Pictometry International Corp. —AII Rights Reserved — Protected by European Patent Application No. 10162199.3 — Covered by one or more of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,078,436; 8,145,578; 8,170,840; 8,209,152; 8,515,125; 8,825,454; 9,135,737; 8,670,961; 9,514,568; 8,818,770; 8,542,880; 9,244,589; 9,329,749; 9,599,466. Other Patents Pending. PAGE 6