HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2086 'l.', "1 I, '" ,/, J; , ,.,I} )~i' , ,"'., 't~ 1&/2751, , , , rT-----:-~~----:~I~(:1r-:-r---.' j--;n'n!r- 'i I, ' I I ' ,-, I,' 1'1' I j " i;"~: :~~ ":.C;:: ^;<~:"::-fj~::.:::=:.~: :C~f' ,~::,:,,::::;;;:~:;;.!!!,::::'::~~!:';;l;;:::L~.:;:~_~::;;..:;;::;;~~~ ,,'~:.L';.;_? ::':'.:::. II ;", ',I ' " ,I '\ "I" "" ,\ >,," II l' , '1, ,I ;J,~.~,,; .'~a,' .(~ and, d~li"'"el, ' i,::, , ,,\!~Oblll~' BzuuI \ I i ,I: (S, .,all.:' : "'II \ \ I ? II , ~ ~r.._no__ ,ot UIII, " \ ,'\ ; ", '\ ' I "i \ t .. " " : ,1' 'n \ '\ 1 " \ .. \ ,\, ';, lfunJo, ,04eD'~ Bnna(Stal), '\11,1 i ' ',~. W. Go..n I', \ ' " \ , ~' ,.\ \ \ t'Ul" ,.~,~l,':" \', ',:,', , (\O,~~. TO,,~, \ " . '; ,I tt2~I.O~ ',I... .S~aDtPIt'I'OIUl.}: " "\ II I,'; I l. \, "\ ',\' i, \ ,,1 \ \, , " \ ,\' , ' \ , ' , ..\ ' I \ 'I \ \ , .' .,1, ',\l'h~ OlP~SAS'\<:"'~' ,,,:,,', " \ '\' ~'~'-'--'c," \ \,:-,,1, ',' i tl} \, ' . ,,\ ,'as.", ',"I \ ' \ II ' u, ~" IIOOUli'l'Y OP'KOPHERSOli '\, , \. '-, ' iI' \ ,\' \,' I ' ; l '\" ,'.'" '.. , " ," ,') " \, I " \, 1 'J '\':I~ O~TI~. Tba~ OD' tl.1~" 13th Gay. o,t .J~"',.\ ,D.').92(), '~etore .e.. .pe~ODal~;Y, .ap~earea. ,!' I ~, , ',\, , . . i JobJi ". h.Da and\.~ ,Oh.ne;y Bnn8 hil w.lt., 'to .e w~l1 Jaio~ ~el :mown to ih \0, be the 1i'ldhlclua1. ' I \ ' ' " , I' ',' , . ' , :',I.,-o,r1b.el 1nt..nd who \'X'Out'elr'theto~gO~ OODT~ja:no. 'to .t..1.I1& 'B~ PehNand '0...... X~DB e.1iel ' ; i . :'~', . ...~ , \.. 7.~"",,\ \ ';..'.', ,.".., _.., \ '" 'j ......rall;y aotDowltQgtel' the, ex~ou:UoD ,thereot ,to be th~ir tree aat, and ,dlld tor the use,s ant .pur- I. .' . . .' . "I'p,~.e ~h.r~1D,.eDtio;.i;-~~dth' ,.a14hDa .~tn.7, ~., tbe wlte ~t:1i~' .a1d,io~'~ '~, ~n,~" ;. r \ ,'.. '-.u,', " "" ',' " ,. ," ,'- ',' T' , ' !,eeparate'ud,'prj;hte ~b&i;l,on, tak~aaielll&4e.b7anel bito1"~'llltt' 'am ..eparah1;Y'11J14 'apart:frO. !,' , '," " :" . , ,.." , ", "', , ','. . 'I h.r .aU~ hUabant, ~Ud aOJm~wle4ae tbat' 8be .,adt, J:l,}".l~art;y to ~he .a1~' 48e4' ot oonYe~'noe, 'I' ,.",".. , , . ' , ' , " , , , ", , " , ' '- ,~ I tor the 'PlU'>>O.' ot r'lDouno1Q',re,l111qu18h1Dg an4. OOD't'e7~, all' her' .1.'1glit, 'tit1,e' &rid ii1~"r'8~; , ,\ ' ",', , ,', " :....:;d'." ,', ,', ",', ,'.., , ,'" '," "",:"','. ,', , , . ' ':. 'il.J:l'~her of ,doweror,ot ettParai~ P 1'0 pert!. e tatut 01'7 o~,equ11;a~~e. :1Il~alJd.~~0 ~be::lae.Dcle'j;h,ere1i:\ , , :, ' ' " " ,",' '"," , " " .' , " '\ ',', , ','," ",.1 ele'eOr1b8el, 'and't~t" 8he ex.eout.A .'a1el d..dtr..17and vo1untar1l1,~d' ,w1tho~t. au;y ,oonetra.1#t",: , "!:t~ar,appreherie10n or 'oollP!'ieloD Of',o;rtrClllher .a1d hub&1ld'" '" ", .. J'" '" ' " ". ", ',' , , , " ", , ' ,\,,' ;: WIDlSS' ai, 8t8nahre&Jtd Ott101&1 .eai',at"lDaU 1n the, Oountr:o:t ~"OI1-'-ai14~t&~~'o-: ',' l: '/'--:--~"""" ,.' "'" '''",?~,:,,,,",' ".',,:,' ", ,,' . ,', ,",:, l,x..nea..t~~ ela~\an~ ;ye~ ~I\ ~to~e~a~d. ' ' '," ".' '0' . . . I q,' .~H~ !une:..(s.ait ,.j",- '..i~s"~1:? " ~'00IDllls'10n'exp~r,,"'ug.17,' 1~~6.';' I~~/." ,!" , , " ' . '" ' , , " ",' l:rlledand 1'e~ord'40n'th1831.t'~ ol'o1UJ.7,,1926. at9:.6"'~I(. "': l ' ' . /~ C~"'\ \ _ " }>',o; n.....d~ 01*"l< 01;ro~' ,O~; . " j . b " , ~B7~~ 12~'D:o.' . '"l":"a'":": ":":""":"1": ":" :":":",": ":":":":":,":":":": ",:R:,"':" i"': ":": ~:n in:"l n~":"l":ti.:.:":n:" in: ":1':' ' " '" ',',' ." " .,'""., '..' " ,,--'.. ,'" ,,' '.' ~ " :, "'",' o~LlOlf ,t4BER to WBiDI 9CltoBR:iiED. e '8)&'..t Pl'''l4a, ' A.~ ~ r D,A VI' , , .'...'.../,.,,' " ~,... ...,." joount7, ,OfS~.,LuOl". '" ,', , "" ' "'",,,', ' f'" ,; , , , Betor. ae :tb~,>\U1~"el, aUtb01'l~:r'p01'8ona1;l7: ~PPeareelp.L.o.n~ber. whO: be1D~ ~,~17 :..-- [norD eaja.' UPODhls o~th that 'K11Areelhber nameelu one o'ttbe '81'&Dtore 1U,~,o.rta1D.arrant' '. : ' . ' -'..; ".' .,' ,] .. ',- "", . " . . , !P"el'trCII O. .LeoDP'ab.r, and' K11cireel Fa.ber hEc1.war4 S.' ~eed ,and' '''ero~lo.. lieeel, da tad ~1Ului.rt, *3.,' , )1926. a~c1. 1'IOo1-eleel lD ~eel Jo~k 60, at PIgI 111, ,J,e, the ... person uKra.' C. Leop Fabt~nam.el ).. Branh.ln a o.rta1D.~1'ant7 D..d'.tr,om Kre.~ohn,A.ll1oha~on ~oTellb"r~(.\91Q..i andreo(u.~cL " )in need Book l~. atplge tal ot St. Luo1e Oounty r.oorda; thath. was pe1"8~nal1;Y aoqualnte'~ w1th' '/ \, ,,'( '. '\' ; ~ _ ."t. I I' ~ . .'\ ~: ' . . .;~. '.'~" Q, , {, fo f ' , ,.: .' ~ . . , . :,"' I',.,. ,. ,t , . ;Kre. .Jo~"'. R1oha.r.da named.. grantor 1J1 the sald '4",el to 'Kre it ,0., Leon Fabel'---c&nd know8 that she 118 the .~'P'1'I0D asXr.. .John ~. Rl~r4.e UUel, 'as grantt.'ln 'a ~.rta1n Warrant;y Dee,ll trom, ,P'l0r1c1.a Bait OO&8t Ri11~ C0iQ&n7 Gated Sept_ber 2a, 1907 reoord,elln Dee4100k4, 'page 513~ st., ~ .. . ;Lo-01e County reoorda. , : I " c. ~OD hb.l' , 'Sworn to and n'b8or1b.4 betore .e on thU .the ~th 4ay otiJ'1a.n. A.D. 119'20. ' : Ethel Sb.eUOD Coohn.n lrot&rJ 'Publlo:t~tht Statt o:.t nOrlc1a at t.rgt~ , .,. oO_1,don .xp1r.. Jlaroh 12, '19~8. ' >f- ~, ' ! , { )tiltA anel noor4..el on th1. 3l.~ ... ot.Jull',1926,a:t 10;3.' A.M. , I / ' f . ,,'~.:::.~... ~~,~.~-