HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2098 ~_,;,'- I' . I '.... " J Ii ',', I ' i i;, ' : " i ' " , II, I , ,',} , " I I l,l ", ' , .' ii' , : 1- I f ' ,.J ' I' I i '-1' ; I '.. j : i ';-'" 'I I " , : f ' I l " I , I " , 1 I ',' . " "I, 'I . ~ '", ",;~r:,;;, ,:~;:,;~::;C;;:;;-\::/, ~~ " :",'.:::;:: .c:';:.; ;;tiT~~=":J;:.:""',i!:,;:~.:..:~~~.::J;.:~::';;~~;::';~;;\' ':~Y=~:~' ;' " , l \ s'i~-.i~ I\ee,a~~d ~~I dliiyt8:re4 1n o~ - p're~'D!,~: \ L --;'~\ I \tl"..;~:' ",' -+ \~I '. '; I r IT 1 , , . I I . " "1,'\ " I '\. 'I, ',\ I' '. ,"\'v.b.f~et B.~~~' .:.~ " \'1 \. ',;'\ \, i: 'd' ; '1-1 :1\\ h, , " I I,' , ,', ilii loBueh ' ' \ _,'I ' " ',I. \ . , . I '11\ ' , , - ., ' 'Jr:.;\u~l,!"O.~~~~. '",,"i"\~~,"c~~~"~':\'\;' !~."l~~~\' I' i ,.u.,:, " ',OOimrt: Ol/'Sl!. L~OIB. , , I ' ; ',' I ' , ' q f ' " \ !\ ,.", .. \" , , ',\ I, ' '\ \\,' " " , " ' 'i 'l,'~, HERBBY OERTIP:'i, ~~on th~ al'8t day,'o:[\ July ~. D.1920., bit ore ,me p.,r~0na1.11 appeared', < ,\ ,\ I.' : ,,' \ ., ,', :," . \ " . ',\ '\" ,\ \, ' \. '" \ ',', " \', ' ! ,P. o. Bld1'ed an~\ F. L. ltlllin1.ng8 reepeo1;1-.e11 Pres1dent ap.d Seoret,U7 ,of st". Lu91e' In'Yt8tlllent , t . . .' ~ . '. \" " " ' ~ _ , '. \ . . _ , , .,' _ " .. . . . \ . " _ .. ~ " ",j,oomP&ni, ,a ~orporat1~n Unlle,r,th~'la"s'.'~f the St~te"()f p).orlda ,~o .~, ~..nto~be'the pe~80~,' . ( , ' l' deaorlbed in &n4who eXe!3~ted the :toreBo1J1goo~veJ1ll 01 t{Josephs.\iao)ceOD ~d .e~e1'8.111 ~o" , ,I' , " ' , . ',,", ,",' \ ' ,': " " ',;' " '. ( knowlel1Bed"the exeo,uUon ~hereot, to bl their A-e~ &'ot ~d deeo. 88sUoh of'tiO'''Z'8~, tor,theje.., "I. &no. pUrp~fie:.'th.re,ui,m~~U~md; ~d that th~1 att~xe'O.~beioetci:tb~', oftiOie.l,seal.of said 'oor;' , , 1," :',', ,", ' , ,,: ,'," ,-, ': . " . " ' ' ' "Y , , rpora~1on.,aDdthe' 8a~4' 1natrwa'ent' 1s the 'aotanCl;dee4 of'eald oorp,ora~loD. ," ,:,1' ,', .wI~Say, 8igna~~ '~, ott101al 8,~~l'a, .'l()rt ,Pilr~~'~ th~ OO~'t10~ S,t. Ll1~ie' em, St,~' i ." _. <I . . '" . "" 'f, ", . . .:='., . . ". '.' . .'_' .. ._ . > '. t 'otPlorl~,,'ht:~7'ail(i 1ti.~ last atore~a~4. ',:,': ..!' . .. . . . Jr . "-,. . . '- .' _,'.-' . i " l , " l.' - t", .t. } ~ u J08.~h W. Knowlle .IV101& Xnowlu r , ..P.Stal. , ,Kargare't:E.:aogere' (sea1.)': , 'Uota1'1 1mb110,' S~te ':,)fPlO1"ld8.., ' ' , ',' 11:1, 00_i:,e8i,on eJiplr.e Bept.~o,19~5,., , ,'" ", '.' . 'i' !' ::... .:; . ~ '" i. .-':........~..~... ~ ~ .' ! .... '. . - . . . . '.'". ',. " . '" . . ..' I Pil,4 and' reoorded 'OD tbie' a~.t'Ga.1 o:r Ju,l1.l92l.i. &~.';'6'p.li.>': " ' . '1" ,. , , P~. ".,p~,o. Blh,.4t'01.erk"Cl~u1t Oouri. J' .:.~L I " ~~ . /" i f te,: , \J: ,-, ' . i . , 1.. }.... 'I I, , i' '1 Ot,C::~~Sea~'. ' ," . /" " ',.~~,',~~~', , D.O., '.... " w~ Him' " . .-' ~ "'. '. ..' 0 ! ' ~~a lliDD'lURB,.Kac18 th1828.th ,4&7, ot .Jui7~ :A... ]).,1920" ,SETWUB.1~~ePh ,.icno.leaan4.' I . " " ,', " " " , '" ' " ' ", LJla1 vtolaKnowlea,h18 witt, of the ~ouzity otSt. Lu01~" In ,the. State' ot nor14~~ parties,ot , '1' the ,tlriitJ;art, and!. S. X1z:b1 ot, the OOlin\7 ot St. :tu01e, ,in. 'tb.e- S~t.:o't;.nor1da. par~1~t--,-,~' , '~ theSIOOll4 'part. " i' ,. : ., , i ~, " , , 1fITuisSEm. That. the8ai~ put1ee ot ~he~ t1rs,t ,part, ~or and1n oone1c1erat10~Qf' the 8U11 " 01 OneD~llar and otbervaluabll 'eonai;4lrat1oue :Dollare't~ themd,~ band paid: 1>>1 ,tbe,part70t ~he . .' ......' ~" - .'~; ~ . ' ", .. " .,' , . .,.." , . ,- . ,. . . "~ . . '. . '. :' . , . . seoond ~rt."'"~be reo~iPt wh~re9t lEi hereb1 a~lmowled6ed,.' d~ gra'nte,d,'barg&ini4- and~0l4t,o'~e laidp&rt1ot thO~'o0n4,~~t. hbbe1re ,anda8,81gn8JtoreY.~, tbe tOll~1Dg.4esor1bt'd. ~ e~tuate, 111Dg ud belng in the Oo~tl of St. LU.ole JUld ,State,ot nO;-idA1.'. :to-w1t~ : , " . BeS1nn1ng '210 f'~et .lsll' ot the .Outh~~~ner' ()t , ',' ,: Gb1'8l."ria'Dt' Lot 1'w~, (2), ',Township ~h1rt7-tive (35) South~', , Ra,~Port~, (40), E&s~;' thenoe'run1fqrthlOo ted; Bad' l1.~,~eet,eouthtotthe &outh linl, ot Go"lnwq\Lot Two ; (at; west to the.p01nt otbeginu11J8. - exoept1n& there- ' \"1"' t~ l' f' !' , ., " ';" r' r r f ; . i' :trOlllpub11,o.treet a8 nO. la1d qut a01"08e"1d ,propert7. .L' ,- \ Ct20.00 I.R.S anpa oan.) , , " ,+ ' , , 1 J.nd.the ea1d partie. ot the t1r.t part do hereb1 tw.lY,warrmt'the titlt to ,Iald la,n4, an4 will I dettnd-the' laml &4)a1net thl law:tul oia1me ot all persona Who_o.1'8l'~ ! - I . IN WITBESSW1O!:RE:r, tho .&1d partie.ot the tiratpart ~ve her;8-unto set' their haH8anel } fU',l, , p , 1, .1., . i, I , ., 1.ea18 the 4aT and ye.1o abOYo wr1t't'n~ ' ! . . . - i S1gned, eealt~ and dll!1'Yerid1n D:& pre.enol I ot us: ./ ~. P'l1DD ( Plarl W1nsatt (Seal) (Seal) { '{