HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2102 f': ( ,;, ", 291 'I !..'. "" I" I'" r ' 0 1 > -: ," .....' " , " " ,', I,', ), ,'" . ,. ~'1 .! I. ~ .. ~~,: '1'_:,,',1 I,~ ," .. ; '. I,', t .. "",.' '.I ~':",'_ ~f ' _",.. ' I' ~,' I J ',1 , I ,J'~'~' "" ~-," ~ 'I I ~ , ~'".'.',.x'~:~f'~~;"'"~~;'ii;;:::;,~~;~L;~~7~;~':~"';::;;7~~~:';+~~~~+~~F7~1: ,', ' '; [ sn fEor JLO,Rlla t, ,'~'" : ',' \ '--'----, I ",:',,' I', "., I' ", ,;,' I,,' ',., ',",-,' '1,':-' 59." ,I, 'I., ' .. '1\\ 1 \ \ I' .. " 'j. 'couifrr 01 'aU~ LUOIE,') ,,',' ' ,'\,' ,;, '\ .'1', '\1. , ,,', h 'ill ",' ,\\' i :~:'ai1~klo.. .u~L;;~~to,\~~ aOlln~"~.~~~:., or ,a.... " ~ atR~~rI: t~,.'\ b,. ':'.~:, i ~:~LI.~\:, ,\ \ ;l, I' 'a' '~l.e', 'lIaD, ll'erso~~11knoWn~O me \t.,b,e, th~\ 'In,d1V~d~l.:dt~ofibed,~ an~"hO; ~e~\ou.t"~ th~' ; \ ,:"~ l~orego1nginstr\aent,,'and,thAt ,8ald.\ lricUvid~l thh ~' a0la10w\leage\"'btto~'.~\ that"he ex-i: , ,'l'~outed' ~aid lll8~~ent~\ ,':', I " \ ~..-- I'" ' ' , l \ . \ . \. "_. " ~ . \ \'. .,' .\ ,1' " ''InNISs rq hand ~nd ofi101al etae thie 3liJ't clay ,ot'.tUli.A.l'>>. 'i925. at'ortPl.ro~'ln8a.1d j \ ~ . ,. . r'" . '..,.. ' . . " ',' \ .\' '. !!,',- ~'~,.. ,an('~~dl:"al',~\)aa'tle,~", \', ~ ') -",,~~, ' ";o..,,,', ,', ,'~~\~ '-',', \' , . ~) \ , " ,l.Walker' Lldc10n ',\ , ," 'lfotaryPu,ou.o,stateot ,!'lo,r1l1a!, :', ' i ,I" ,..P.Seal,'. ' , ' , J(y oommlss1on'explre. 2/9/~'. " ' '. ,--- ',I. ' , " ", ' ,."',. " '\,': " ,', " , , 'i " ~ i : ~.'. ... _ ;. . . ~, :,1"111"d and reooioded,on',thls 'l,et, day' of, 4U6~: 1920,' at. Z,;'O~ ,P,M.' .' " ,:.{,.,' ' ", / ),'" ' ," 'F.' cr., n~.d,~l.erit :o1r~U1:t 'oo.Urt~" , i 'l ',s>':, ~ l( '. 'I '.. ", ";2 ," ',', 'J' l~i.at.s.~l.,- ['cullj ';"";,;q B'I~~P~j,'.c. ! ~ '. \. . - .: .. ," . '. . . . . '! - . . . ,",' r. ~ i it: It ; 1~';~:Ilt!'_'I,1J (~~ /I :" t~'I'll {'t} ,':',; ,; :!!j 111.": ~! 'it: 11 ;ui ": ".: '''i ~': i. : ~ri: II i ~fn.: ",;-" : ~: ~:," i:": /I;" :'~ I..': It: II: ~: 'n,' ... : it I ,: ! ' " . 'IJWU.VI~PLAU 'IHO." !O - 'z.t! HOm, l " , , ,~ .' ;' , , p'. . " , . Ii f ), !' r 'e.( I . t " ", . ~ L .. , I t~ ", t-.~ I. r; \" .~. I> ".. '. . " "i~ t .' . "",", 'i ~. ~, ~- ~ " ,;:; ,~ - ~-' . \ , ' f . ' , W.A.RlUBi'i' , J)~ i THIS I1II>EBTURB, 'K8.de th1e loth da7 otl~y.j..,l)'/i92.0.~78Dd be,tween,)WU.VILU PUZA.,IBO.; . ~ ','"..' , " ,:' ,,' , ' ': ' , " , " ,.,,: .:,' " '" :," ,d'~ '.. ___ " ': , " " " a' corporat1onexUt1.n8 .under' 't,he lawe ,otthe stat.ot norl4a.,~Y1n& ite pr1Ji(Jlpal, plaoeot . 1 .. . .: '. - -: .- . " . .~. '_. " -:. .' ~'- ". '. .'. . .... . l' buslDISS'lD the. ,co~,~y o~' St~ Lu.01e,'s"teot,J'lOrlda"Pl'rt~,ot ille: ,t1rst part....' and a.T'. 'XoehD ~ .., ' ~ M .', ~. ,-. ':.:." ' " . ,.' . ,: o,~ t~e ~o~t(ot St., ,~Ole, ,s~~te otnor1da,.p~t7 ot:tll6 ,e,eopnd part. . .. ~_,., 0-,."._-- '__ . (,. _. . 'I' " W'ITIlESSET!t:" fhat the ea1c1., part7 ot ~e .tlra~' part ,tor, ~11 ~n, OQn8~de"'t1?n ot' t~ ,sWa 'ot .1 ~~ ,Doll.8l's'.'o,the,r ,80;0. ~:~~luabie .o~:ide~~lons'toi.t:'1n bB.Dl1 p,a~~b7,the paJ'1;'7,otthl 1: 8e~onci part,t~ereo'll>t 'whe~ot'1~. h'~eb7,fl~knOlJi~~ed,' '~ grant'ed, , barga1ned~ 'eoid~' a~le~ed~, ,. , ,', ';:-::;. - ,: '..~ , .. . , .,,' '.. '-.', ,. . ..,.'. '~', '.. '., ~ ,. ..' .' Z'1JD1sed, released, oolive18d andoon1'1~ed, and b7 ,thee.' prelil.mtsdo~ grant. barpln., sell, I' '~" L ' t', t', ' t " ill ~," b, tf' ~", L ~ k' ~-- F.'" r~ ' ~ [+0- r; ~' t' , 1', , . , , , al'le~,r.m18I" release"oohvey'ai1d o,o~ll'11 ~to the,8ald Party of,the 8eoond ,Part, hl.:h,elrl ,and " .' ., -' -_4.". - ,... . , . ' . . 'ase,l~,'tor.:Yer, dl,t~t,OIl"taln'pd~t1;)n ,ot land l~nsandbeUl8in t~count~.ot..St~', Luole:," and State o.t Flor1da, to-:--1 t1 " , . .' . Lot 8 ,BlOOk 11, ~ ~VItU p~, a ~bditle,l~n 1D ~,eO,t1on 21~ ,TownQhlp- ~o" South~ ~e'~ EaQt, 'aoQord1'ngt9 a platot ealdf;1\loo.1V1s10n r,oord.ed in plat' . ..._.---~7~.'--' ... '. - ~'. .' ..' .,- 'book6at'pag~ 1,6~ ,o.t,the'Sa1xl.t Luo1e Oount7.;reoorcl8. . '. , ..." ,. , =~~--=... .' .., . '.,f ' _. ,,' ' ,',TO have and, to hold, the,se.me, 1D tee'slllpl.t~re",er;:andthe, ~icf ~;r~1 otthe t1ret part doth oO'Ye~t, ,w 1th , the' laid partj'"otthe leoond part, that 'lt1s, la.wtu1l7' eebedQf' the ea1d , , ~re~1eeS!U1ath~t1 t haegood r,18ht' a~ lawful auth,or-1 ty"to eell ,the eM1e "and ~ th~l~ld parly ot , the flrst pan doee hereb7 ~lly .'"arrant that! tle' to sald l'and e,n4 wlll' detend, the' eame ,88a1nilt . . - . ( - , the la,!tulola1l1l8' of a~lpera.ons whomsoevor. 'j' ',' ~' i, ~. . . '.. PROVID$D, NEVERTHELESS, That, theae pl'eaentsarem84~' av.b.1eot totlie ~ollO\'llng express' -{ton- dlt1one. reetriotions aD~'l1mit,a'tionlt. wh1ohoQndlt1ons,-restrlot10118 an<lliD1lte.t 10ns al'e 1Ii- ... l,u ,..l. , ' " , 'tended to 'be and shall be aooei>t8d as ooven~nts rUnn1n8 'with tl1e~l&Ildhere1tio,onve,ed az:viJfJ1loh ~hall be b~~lDBaUke upon the he1rs, personal representat1vesand assignsot the~p~ty--ot"-~he se~ond part', who b7 h1l aoolptanoe ot thie lnstrument' agrees to abide ~l,and perform sat'd re- r " \.'- -~ ~. - strlotions. limitations 'and oonditions as one of the fxpre8s oons1derat1one of thes e presents: I J.' lio r881denOl shall be e1"eoted ()r ::~- , constr\ioted on ,ia1d/land ot a Less ooattpan--$3,500 .00 , " ' , I on lots flPOrlUng on S'mrise Boulevard. aDd f3.000.000n all, other lotsand.c.J.ll ree1denoes ~n eaid . -." Suvdlviaion sqallbl oonstruoted of coi&l rook, eOnorltl, etuooo~ oonje~. blook, holfo~'ti~', brlok or mix... oonstru.otlonor veneered with ooral rook o~ brlok,oi' traml ~vene.red with stuooo,' , an~ .~+l!->>. &lOIlg 'Spanish, Moorllh, ,Venet1,an or .s..llar haDlon1o\W '1;1Pc'~ 'ot ~O~l~ct.~...~,',~. .i-:';<.:'.;..'i';;::,'-'.'~:;::.; .;.,t~.::.'-_:'--:"' .~~ " - i," f <-_:""":-.-:~';~'.<.~~:>-~."-',,:.,;.-,".--i-"O ...~. ...~":;.,~."';.,~.:'..'t~i{~" j.-r. ~~ '~