HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATION:� ® I� 00 E N n pp (�c DIVERSIFIED SERVICES LL9 C r--1 DIVERSIFIED LEADER IN THE GAS INDUSTRY U UO V v Project Name: Conant 1295 Bennett Rd �-- Ft Pierce, FL new generator 396000 Date Drawn: 2nd stage reg 07/06/18 new 500 gallon LP tank to replace Revision Dates `existing 250 gallon LP tank in same location TABLES: 402.4 (25) 20' of 3/4 PE 402.4 (28) @ lops! F 402.4 (32) NFPA58 16.1(n) *LP Gas }' *11" we del pres based on a fJ 10 psi system 0> ®b� 1 *BTU ext=396000 *BTU lnt=0 *longest int run=NA *longest ext run=20' .� shut o valves alves ins d withirr6'— of each appliance *make up air by others if required THIS VESSEL IS DESIGNED FOR THE STORAGE TOP VIEW 14 GA. COLLAR SLOTTTED HOLE W/ 2 112" X 3 1/2" SLOT CENTERED OVER OFFSIDE RELIEF VALVE 5 HASP INGE ® HASP_ _" H I N G EJ 37 I.D. SEE D-01 FOR ANY UNSPECIFIED WELD DETAILS 14 GA F & D HEAD j''16 O.D.- WITH 11 SF� I W I II II I II II I R.S. II II I R.S. 151/ 1.1 I cr�i� I LOAT GAUGE I II I \ I I1 I 3/16 jam` I II!: TYP. _,_______—lL__--- -- 3 6 It " FITTING LAYOUT 9 OPTIONAL DOME BRACKET FOR UG GREEN ONLY G, 'Optional) TYP.6-rr<L.S. ( ;�� ( Opt)�, SIDE ELEVATION 3/4 DIAM. 2 ALONG. WELD SEAM HOLES (4) PLACES May vary long seam END VIEW I.C. to miss leg weld NOTE: TANK MUST BE INSTALLED LEVEL, WITH ALL LEGS IN SAME PLANE TO ASSURE EVEN DISTRIBUTION OF LOAD AND OPTIMIZE ACCURACY OF GAUGE DEVICE. MARK CITY. SIZE TYPE FITTINGS SERVICE MARK CITY. DESCRIPTION DWG. NO. REDO A 1 1 XH FLG. 0 .tl4GT RELIEF VALVE 1 1 SHELL- 0.218' X tl3'X 116 I7/1B'-SA414G B 1 1 XH FLG. 'LOAT GAUGE 2 2 HEADS -37' I.D. X 0.165-HEMI: SA414C C 1 1-1/4 XH FLG. LU07579T FILL VALVE 3 2 LIFTING LUGS D-0 E 1 3/4 XH FLG. PT007556RS10.5 MULTIVALVE 4 2 TANKLEGS D-3 F 1 314 NXH 00759OUT CHEK-LOK 5 1 DOME D-5 G(OPT) 1 1114 FLG, 6 1 DATA PLATE 0-SU 7 1 REGULATOR BRACKET D-10 tl 1 DIP TUBE LENGTH =10.B'FOR 80%@40'F 9 2 HINGE AND HASP OR DOME BRACKETS 0.10, D-19 D-07 —DOME SLOT CERTIFIED BY: QUALITY STEEL CORPORATION CLEVELAND,MS-FREMONT, OH-WESI JOHOAN.UT MAIL ALLOW. WORK PRESS. 250 PSI AT 4 00 'F. ASH_ MD.A1.T. -20 -F. AT 2�j0 PSI HINGE EW. YE/1AR BUILT U RT4 20SER NO. C LENGTH �12[O�j IN. OUTSIDE OW 37,5 IN. \ \O HEAD THKI. 1 UJ 1 IN. SHELL THK F2M IN. ABOVE/UNDER GROUND TYPE I05 SURFACE AREA. 1 OO SD. FT. CONTAINER ASSEMBLY HEAD O.R HEMI. FOR LP GAS WATER CAPACITY 500 GALLONS DATA PLATE DETAIL GENERAL NOTES: 1. LIFTING LUGS DESINGED FOR TOTAL LIFTING WEIGHT OF 1500#. 2. TOTAL EMPTY WEIGHT IS 950#. 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 4. COMPLETE TANK DRIED TO REMOVE ALL MOISTURE 5. ALL WEIGHTS AND CAPACITIES ARE APPROXIMATE 6. EXTERIOR OF TANK TO BE GRIT BLASTED 7. PAINT PER SHOP ORDER 8. VACUUM PURGE TANK 9. DIMENSION ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. (NON -PRESSURE RETAINING COMPONENTS ONLY) 10.THREADS OF ALL FITTINGS TO BE COATED WITH COMPOUND SUITABLE FOR USE WITH LP GAS 11.FLOAT GAUGE TO BE INSTALLED WITH FLOAT ARM 45" OFF LONGITUDINAL CENTERLINE OF TANK. PART NO: 0105002x `.....` . `w... V " V-V yy" REV. BY: DESCRIPTION DATE COUPLINGS SA-105 TANK FLANGES SA-105 or SA-181-70 ADAPTOR SA-105 14 CDH ADDED HINGE R HASP AT SHELL 12/12JU1 15 CDH ADDED NOTE AT LEG DESCRIPTION 316/U2 500 W.G. ABOVE/UNDERGROUND PROPANE TANK -TYPE JOS (FORMERLY AWT-9A) 16 CDH REVISED MDMTPRESSURE TO[SUPSI UUM2 17 CDH CORRECTED RELIEF VLV. MODEL NOS. 11/5/03 18 COH CORRECTED SHELL LENGTH 11/12N3 QUALITY STEEL CORPORATION 19 W. REVISED COMPANY NAME IMM7 20 wlu NEW NAME PLATE AND MOVED RELIEF VALVE 01123/13 21 GIs REVISED SHELL LENGTH 03/18/14 'L'1 ULx ANGE CHFITTING LOCATION W/10/14 10 1 ANODE ATTACHMENT D-17 23 TWV. NEW NAME PLATE AND STD. LEGS, 01N4116 wT¢ �� ITV w%a23 ­ 500 LUGS, BRACKETS O1 / O3 / OO �v^RAC AGUG STANDARD I � I I I � 5'� I — — — — — — — — — — — -- — ---I OME HINGE I — _ 3 _ _I DOME HASP f�5 3i 35 I TOP VIEW WITH HINGE AND HASP FOR NON-UG GREEN TANKS I I I I I I I OPTIONAL BOTTOM DRAIN I I I I I — — --— — —� — 37 I. I I I 40 � I BOTTOM VIEW MARK QTY. SIZE HOLE DIA A 1 1 1 13/16 B 1 1 1 13/16 C 1 1-1/4 2 1/16 E 1 3/4 1 9/16 F 1 3/4 SEE DETAIL G (OPT) 1 1 114 2 1/16 NOTE: SEE TANK DRAWING FOR REVISION BLOCK in 500 W.G. ABOVE/UNDERGROUND PROPANE TANK -TYPE IQ5 (FORMERLY AWT-9A) QUALITY STEEL CORPORATION FITTING LAYOUT 0-1 / 03 / 00 —ac —, TWV rs 23 ��X 500 - 1/2" PE tubing sleeve 1/8" steel cable 1/8" galy. cable AK4 steel auger anchor mp grade ade Ck DIVERSIFIED SERVICES Project Name: Undergorund LP Storage Typical anchoring standard Date Drawn: 05/14/18 Revision Dates Notes: When necessasry to prevent flotation, or when required, underground LP tanks shall be anchored using 4"-AK4 auger anchors and 1/8" steel cable. Cable shall be inserted in 1/2" PE tubing to protect the tank from direct contact with the cable. Locatee cable approximately 14" inward of the welded seam on both ends.Use 4 1/8" galvanized cable clamps to secure to the anchor. 08-140 LIQUEFIED pETROLEUM GAS CODE Window air conditioner to direct - ICI I { 1ft (min) � ( !J J Ir (Mote 1) 10 it (min) (Ncte 1) I 10 fit (min) 10 it (min) / Crawl space opening, Central AC (Note 1) \ (Note 2) compressor window, or exhaust fan (source of ignition) 10 ft (min) / 20ppgal sv. (Note 2) - ,or less c• Nearest line of adjoining property that can be For SI units, 1 it = 0.3048 m. / built upon Notes: (1) The r lief valve, filling connection, and fixed maximum liquid level gauge vent connection at the container must be at least 10 ft from any exterior source o lignition, openings into direct -vent appliances, or mechanical ventilation air intakes, Refer to (2) No pi rt of an underground container can be less than 10 ft from an important building or line of adjoining property that can be built upon. Refer to .3.2.3. IGURE I.1(c) Underground ASME Containers. (.Fig tre for illustrative pur]ioses only; code compliance required.) ainexJ Sample Ordinance Adopting NFPA 58 This ann x is not a fart of the requirements of this ATPA daraenunt but is inci udedfor informational;6-wPoses only. J.1 Th I following sample ordinance is provided to assist a jurisdiction n in the adoption of this code and is not part of this code. ORDIiWNCE NO. An or linance of the (jurisdiction] adopting the 2017 edition of N.FPA 158, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, documents listed in Chapter 12 of that code; prescribing regulations governing conditiofis hazardous to life and property from fire or explo- sion; pr ! itlmg for the issuance of permits and collection of fees; rep�aling Ordinance No. of the (j!crisdiction] and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict there- with; pr Ividing a penalty; providing a severibility claase; and prov'idin far publication; and providing an effective date. BE IT ORD UNTED BY THE [govenaing body] OF THE (r.uru- dir. tion]: SECT ON 1 That the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code and docu- ments. aopted by Chapter $, three (3) copies of which are on file and SS1re open to inspection by the public in the office of the (jurisdiddon s heeper of records] of the (jurisdiction], are hereby adoptedland incorporated into this ordinance as fully as if set out at length herein, and front the date on which this ordi- nance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be control- ling within the limits of the (jurisdirtionJ. The same are hereby adopted as the code of the (furtisdiction] for the purpose of prescribing regulations goverrdng conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion and providing for issuance of permits and collection of fees. SEGTION .y Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or standard hereby adopted or fail to comply there- with; or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder; or who shall budld in violation of any detailed state- ment of specifications or plans submitted and approved there- under; or failed to operate in accordance with any certificate or permit issued thereunder; and from which no appeal has been taken; or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by or by a court of competent jurisdic= lion, within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and every such violation and noncompliance, respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than S nor more than or by imprisomuent for not less than{ days nor more than days or by bout such find and imprisonment. The imposition of one penalty for any viola? lion shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons .shall be required to correct or remedy_5L violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified file application of the above penalty sj? 2017 RECEIVED JUL 1 Z018 ) �� 4L STLucie County, Permitting NI, szs 00, A00 f.d F. 1. �j 0 Ell Z. dk- ai J J.4 171 1z Maj, CX15710V& SHED OL ASC—A 4 e5q w ?JaOSOILLj .7 11 25' M. 00' 0 IC6.50' 4/ • BOL' --D-Lll R UR TIVE, I LAND -7 F,F"C'PARED FOR: k1/TYO6-' CONANT 'I- AMANDA GRE-XIl