HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2110 I 'I, " " ,', i I:' ,. ,.'" 1 " I, ~J' ' I "I',' ' ") ':', ',I ',' ,',: , I .. t I,." .. I . . ~--'--'-T-' :"J I i' I " '..,..:.__L__;- .' I I 'I \ . ' , '! 'I ,',I ,'J, ) '7 l" I, :' ,I.' I I. I " ' .', I . I ' :- " ! I' . " , ' " ,I I ' ' 'I ", I 1'" .' L. I I --r.... -i-......._....~~-_I....-- l-..~ ........;..~ f-." t,l._- . ~__"- .__ ~t.-.~_~ ...-...u........'J.-o.- ...t..~~-,._...... __..",...__t___..........t.......-....-.. ~.L_ "";"".,,~..4'___....-~---. _-...__"'~_i............:.:....._ .....~--~'""--~~~.....,.,.~~~-- ::::;-J-...:::'-::; r ." .. "",.1',. .' ~ ~ --,~.._~ ~ - ~ .... .h....-...,.-..I..~'fo~(._r~'"".. -~~"''I.~\.:...-a M""'~ ...,j.. "'''-"''''.'1;',- "Jl'."'_("....";!'.~-.,r.~,.4""".~$ ....."':.....I'i">-..Jn-:'lIi."r."~r ,.............,,--~~! ~..~.~.......a;~~...~..._..........~ at- or-I -- , . .., , H t' ' 1"" ~ I" --.' '-"" .. -, .. ' ""] I ' , ,~' }.t Ijw1tb~Ui,~y' ;~Die~t~.tor'fl?~ .yea,~.I~ro~ ~~. he~~,Of Jtber"~~an'~ UOW8 .t,or fi.e ~~ 'o;en~.1 \' , I " \ "',,' lnh~,e'~\\' ann~ll1.' on ~1a14' ~u:roha~e,\ ~ri".", r ~~,8\Jier' wi tb ~~n', 1!~~ clUe,': I~f ~l~ ty~.', s~n-l " I \ '-. \ ., \ \ , I I '\ 'I I " , ,', II I' \ \ le~ai 'an4 . oia&.. lnolu~ns ~ra1nag. \,~e., on eai4 !8l14; \, ,. I'...,' \ " , . . .: ' '\ ' -. : ~' " ,~ I \ '( '"',, .', I .1\ ;, \ t \", \ ' " .' " \ ' ' ,. II, ' , , r \ " .', ", ~~a~ b)' wbl~J,i,4ee4 tD8Y ~~ 8eo"l,:,~4:) \. : \ ','\ , 4',' " \':' \ , \,';" "T.\ ," 1 '\, , ,!'lfO\~ l:,~. 1>1 ~.',any ~~~~ 4~r\i~\,e~'d flV.'e8~8T:rr~m.~8tJ~--~-e,~~~i ,fPrOT1de4\"t.~1~'~O~-~L~',-~~t' \ ' ' :. ,,\, " in 'd~~a~~, \~n" tbe \1*Ylneo't 'ot' lald lnh1;8ellan4 taxea) . ,1 'wl1 h~""'feI\0~4 ie 14 ~ n4.~. ,: \,' ' I' lante4 oJi~-..n\or 1D00..~ereot\1D QUr~8 :fr'ul~~ 'l~;a"uia~era~ro.,"'~ b;vtbe,"ount7'Agr.l~~l'!'\ ;, , ' '" ' ' " " '\ ", ' " 1:' :, \ '.' .' , ,,' \, :' ~81 Agent, of, ,St. 'Luoie ,Oount1.-ott. - ' " ': \ ;' \ : \ " ' \ , , " " "', ' ",', " \, ' . ' I, '''~ " ,'" \ .\'(lfo~. e-.) lj,..alln......~.1~enoi4..~'4, l& ndan4 b1ilit .~befeon '.8u~etantl.l 4.8111ns ~ouit.'; . . \. ' .... '-'.' . '-'-', . .. .' . 'fnotl'-:'8tbaD ~hre. ,room',ap4Q'her rteoe~~arlYlmProveia.nte \8Ilitabl~ to'r~rEl~fdenoe ~4', 8~11 80ha?~'~1.n"4one~tour.tb~bereOfln'Oi~r\l8~~U', end ~'~4.(\(t~e eaibe,fO,r' two 'Y\~~8!..~~'a erapp~l"ed'):ll' ea1d Q,ounty, A.gri!Jul,t~ral.,~en~\.' then.1.iie1 tber of 8814 ey~tnt8'.Iu'eh811 be:',,' ' ." '- "'" . - - ,. .' -.'.... ". ',. ';. -"." -" . .',-,-'- -: ".: . ''.. '. ,". . :. i:1t1tl,e4 to a' "arrant,.~4eeel <,onnlins ea14 lenci to' 'me or to m7 ,beir8 'Q~'l.e8al' representat:1T8e. , ',. , '" " . ~ . ,',' , ',. ',.". , : ' . ,',: ' ',.',' '.., ,,' " '", ,.,' lea~' of ,.nowilbranoe8, ,"l~h aD 'a~8~~.'t8bo.1Ds 018ar~1"0~entabl~ ,t~t18, "b~~~tO,U1',.~srantor. pop Si1'1nS ~'promiseo)"1'n~te, (joined 1i1' by ~wl,fe)"for eai~ en,ire'plu'obaef' J,r1oe,' be,rins' ;:, >,'.', lnt.r.~8t annu:aill~' du~':\f11te~n;~8r1l' a'f~'er ~hi8' 4&1l~',.. 8eoui-e4 bl,amortsas'~b~~~n~.1~-C , ~,,':; ,a.tid"l~'tbe,le~81, fO,~' i~ u.~,ln:'l~ri~~__,' ,"',', "," ': fNO. 3.) 'WbeD8!8r .., ,8nyUme.'dUdIl88a1 4 ,f;"T8yevpaxl0C nor at, ,tbe.: end ,tbe~e~f ,(PrO- " l-a.4'I~ballnot be In'4efault uith,.pe~~. o:r.8a141t:lt,e,rest &I14t~ea" 1 8ball p.q in'oallh . .'. . ,;'. '.. '.... ''','' '. -, . n...,t~~r4'or ~r8 'or8a,~4.p~OhaBeprlQ~ell be. en~i'~led'to, euoh' .arr8i1.ti~e8,~, ,ald" abetra~\ .. ',' , ,... " ' ' . \ ' ,..," 'fI1 ,,',' , ' _' " , , ' ' , pon. .eoutill8.. ~Ob", '~o ~e 8;li4. m~ naasa tc:!, ~ grant,o r &Till.noins and eeourl Dstbe rell8'lll4:~ro t", '0, aldpurcbas.pri'oe.. be~ririg '~ Interest enriu811i ,4ue f~fte.ei1 ,eara after this date'., Provid.a: ", , ' ' , : , "..',',,' , ' " '. , .,'" , " \,." " , :", ,,' ,8~l,h~'ve,the prlTl).e~e ,O~:,Paylns ,eaid enUrepurob8Il8"prl~e at a,rl1t1lJ1e~Dd';r~0~iV~n8 8uoli, ' r,r~n",.A884 oo;nv~y1n8 e&l, d ;L1Ui4:.01ear of enoum~raiioe8 exoept taxes with '8uoh'abstraoteb(w;tirig , , l,ar'm~r'oha~~~ble' il'ue' 1n ,m1' grantor. ' , , \ ' \. . t, ." " i. .- " ~-...' ~' ., .. ',r~ ;.'~ lu'r,r".",' .. . ... :. . t_', .' (.' . t.,'.,".". l 1, , ' :. " , (~ t r k' , , -. ~ . -~ I' .> ,I) ()' , ~If . " . I \ . " " # , , -I blirewith exeo~te encl~,~e11~er: my promi88:orY,n~~O'f eVen ~te herew.U~,~oy8bl,e'tOJ.; J. ',in' ihes'~ Qf~ t76o()()'due'o.ne YfUU' 'afte~ 'date ,beln8 '.f1'/o 1nte~~8t :f~r one y~~ on,8ai~..pur':' hue prioe of $l~600 e.nci~8re.' to Pf:lY ~he8~e wben ci~e, 'togetberwi'th lily, pro~~ata; ebare' oj: t1t.x8!5 is ener~l an<lepeolal; lriOluding4i"~.nage' t~~e8, that maY" ~eo,an'ed~eon e8~' lend d~r-' " ' ."" . . .... .. . ,.,: .. ": : . . . ." > '. . . . ," ., . . '." . ~eaicifirall,eari arid 0 I turtber agree ,to .,]t(loute: ~nd del 1 ":er,~ H,ke. not~ ftir' tJ:?e8,~..-'allll t tbe be~nn1ns of'8aob of t~8'~'~eooee~ing 1~ar8, due .on. ,ye~r' after ~h81r r8spe~tlve4ate8' o?erlng ,~i.nhros' on ao1 d pU~dbaee 'pr10i for sa1d' Ylara, 'end 1n" pay t when dlie, 'all' ea 14 , . " ..:. .' . '.'. ' ": .' ',' c' '. . . . ". . axes fot' said ye~rB, Unle~8 'in 'tb8:~eanti'-m. I'8h811 hantaken Utle tosald land'u~der som. ' : ,.. '.' . -. . . . . '. ':'" . ~ .. : ... .' . . , . .. ~ f the fores~in~prov18iona. ',' '". . '. ...., .'. ,.' ' -..' , '" I . WbeD'Ieball: h&vepaid said firstyearl.,interest note an4 eaidtaxee,ailda8oute:d ~d, 1.11T.... .00.d ..oon~ .7.h; I'. Inl.... t ~ot. ,101 d'" "'~1l7 _11 iII1d wU.l, ox.ou to..,.nd d.~O.l~.. ~.:::; ::.:: ::::: t:; ~~~:::::::' w1~~ ~~~ .:::::t u: :7 !f::.::::n l!~dP=~ ::::. :1dtli. , *revooable in8tr~otlon8 to,' 88idbe.nkto d.11 V8l"'~.i4 dee4 al4 abatrao' to IIl8 or to my helrs',or *S81 reprosenh t1?8e, Whenever ~y oompU.""Jw1tb \he terms'bereof ,I' 8hall be .ant1 hed to I 8~b 4 eed. "Ie . l \ In~8e Of"my death' at ~ time durins 8814 five y.ars from 4ate hereof and :before .l shall -:, t.r,,0o1nd d..d for ..14 lani. then (proTid.d I ",.n not thon b. 1n d.fault 1Ii tha PIl7....~ , .' , , o~' pe,rformanoeo'f an)' eum or._t~1nsbl m~ to_ be ,1*14/ or performe4' hereunder on m~lBrt,)' 8ai4 . C UPAl{YwiU oon.,ey oJ: oause to 8e ooqveied to ,my, wlfe, 1fany wife sUrVive m~, or to myla~ul: b 1... th,~ ",,14 land, f.... and o+..~ of, ""7 , .noumbro.n 0.. > 'h.t.~.~,r. w1 tho ~ t lU17, tu~ ~i..?'7...nt ' bdso..,er. exoepteuob interes" no'.. ,si?en by me, if &nY, _ sIall not tben ha.... matured, TbiB ," . ' SPS:UL PROVISIOI /, ~.~".r . j . i - .'