HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2113 I ,'.: 90"'2:,';:",,1" "',::" "',,'i,', Ii. ,1 ,1,J- , -----',-,.-r-----'----'o,-----,---c:---', :',' I ' /'" ",", ' ",t, . I ' 1, ' '" ' ",', I .. , ", I, (I ' , r '11~1litrest'.. whetho, ~t elpwe~'1 lio~8tead, or ~t \.iep~ate ~l'OPl1't~,:' ab'1uto17' or 1~~ble',1n ana., \ L'.'l '_~ '..' I'to th,'lande d'8~1be4.thel'fin, 'an&- th'at ,'ene, ,ex'e-OUtl4. th~ 8&1d,'d.,.4. 'tn'll,'! an4. "'oltintN'~17, and"\' (', ' ," , ! ,~~out.' ~ \~,~~pUl'10n" ~on.tri~nt', apP~'h.nsl~ ,or ~~~- 'ot \O~ :trQII; h~~ 'aa~d ,husband. - ,,: ' .~ l ~1 , ,~ , ~' ,..,{'I.~ ,'\ \i~fnsS ~IO' han,4.~:~ o\~~:la'~ _ ae~i'1'~9' :. Ret~~~~~~\Vi~t~_._~~~~~ o~,_~~~r~o,t4. St~~,~:~~\~'~;~\"L:-,.<~ ,~~-,-a. ~_' , ,Carolina, th! th ~ of' "tUo'1 ... D.~. ,\, - \ , ,,' \':' , \ , , ~ ' ',.." \' ' , \ " " '\, . \ ':, \, \' , , ", ' \,' '\, ,', , \," \ ',' ,', ' "~wn 'B. Oarter ' .,.' \ ",,\' "\ ' I I ,'1,., ' I , "'1..;) \, ,. \., 'N~,~Y ~lo. ,;SLab ~' ..If.O. a.b Lar6~. \ ,,--r,:; '1\, '~.,:.,'S..' "", ,.',' ~.O~i8~i~Dexp~$,,.Jun."~6.~927.,..,. ,,\ 'I i ' ,\ .' " \', \ 'j,l,' \, i . J \ "-"-~ . . '\ . . .~.} T" of .. ~ . .-. - . ". . , ' f '. \ .'_ '_~ i, '1'11.., -.nd r. 0 orcie 4. on 1ih1e 13th 'day ot '\\16'. 19~, at'll~3~A. ,.).{~ " \, ',' . ~.' - -. - "." -. ~ - '-=- '. - - .' - . .. .,:.' ,. .-. COUliTY'Ol' ST.LOCU- \' , ,';; , " , ' \,.Kiio" alLmeo:bY the8~ pr~aente.tl;l.~t 'OI:t pjaroe,Bank&'frust:,oomp~"a CorporatfoD ".. , I ,.~r8~lIe~ ,and exieUng ~d'er the, ia~~of'tli~"~~a~eOf']IllOrida,, witll ita :Pr.i~()i~'8i ottiC",' an,d: , " ' , " " ' "q , " P1$,oeot,~.~8in~JJe ,in,the 01ty.:ot 'or~ ~1eJ.'oet '~'L1101.00~~Yt~,nor1~, aoUn$ ,1'n pur8uanoe . ': ',and by Vlrtu',ot"the '}:lOllerS in i~,ve8hd 'b1, a ooirn1snoeto 1~ trom, Baet CoastlJ8veJ,opme.nt1 ; ',CompanY., a c'orp~ratlon:~'i13onh.ciand --ex~'.urig l,U1derth~ 1a~8 ~~,theSt8~eo'-f ";l.C!rl~, 'O!~oo~~ . ,~' 'in, the. of:f1o~ ot tb" Cler~, ~1' the"Oi..rouft ,oourto'i'--saint L~le" count1.'10ri'4a'.,an~-a Deolara~ ~ 'ti?~"Of:ru~t'ae, tel:, th~ p!-cllllie~;8~hereb1.()On...~Y,ed,euld e...,eJ'1~ o'iher. 'Po~r 8l1d~\ltbO'r1 ttil~~~ ' ' j ~ - .: hereWlto8I18bi1ng. and -1n oonsi derat1on,of~h.' 8\ID, of Ten~11are:pa1d b1- Butel1 ~;r'. ' ;' . - ...:'; ~ '.. ,.. >' -' .'. . . . .'~' '.: . '~. " . ~ : .' - . -.""'; , Ilelen,,~., B,Ui:uI,:iuse,ilJ. BurDa .'J. Wm.GlbbOJ18i 'o.:tthe oount1 ot C09k an4 State Of, ,111:1no18, . '.' "'. ,'..,.. ' '-.: . '... .', . ~ ..' . .' . '. '. -. '. :,.' . ..... thl reoeipt w~ereof. 18' her4byaoknow18,4ged.,aoee ,herebWr-sran.:'j bar8a1J.1' eel1' and oonve1 ~to: ' ;, , ' t ~ ' ; ! . r . ~ f, .~. .. ___1- . " i ; \ " t "I' 1 L ~ 'I' , , I , ..... " I, ,\ 'o', '""'\ "\. . '\ ~..,.c..'Eld.rep.,' ClerkC:1rou11iOov.rt,. '. ~ '.\ \ /....;,~":'..~ -. '-"":,' :- .- . ~ .. . ,{ \ ' \ " ' . L, Ct;Ot;Sii~.' '.' :'BT.,2~ '~h8~Il.c;' -\ ,,'!" ~, " :,' ',' ' , : ;. \ '. , ;' ,,..'.... ',' ./'" -,' ," ",", ,'" ':: :', " , ".n. n".,~.,,:' n:' n..~, "-;;:".,, ~,I:~:-j, I Ii "l.:'n~rt~ n. it '~'~I'n. n'. n., It. n. it., ~', h.n'.",: ~.,;': n.n. n .,n.~".n." '. ft:'". it "": Ii. It, n. n~'-; .'. ..~,' · ....,~......~ .)~ .. ',':. ~ ...... ."...e. .... . ,..... . '_ '~.\II!:"~ ....-...... .. -_.f: ,.......~ .. . " ".... .:"-:J.. ..... } l'oR'f'~iEROR BAl~".:.'tR,US~ co. TO ,: ~',~16~,~,'~ '. i '" - r: .' . ,'. r" " ' J)BIm ",,' , '. .-~'"=...." ,~'l'ATB'o:rnORIDA., . '. . .. ." ~ ~, .~" :.- , 1 :-. , ..... . -.. - .:. '.. ~ '. .. :'h.,.a1d Bari J~ Burns, :H.len"Y.- 'Burne and"R~,88dlJ.. ~urP.,&j. WID, .Gibbone, all that pieo~. ',' .' . . .~. 'tr'$ot,or ,p:roelof land, situate in ~he OoUnty' ot Saint Lucie an4'3tate of Plortda, mo re'par-" tioulai'11 'deB61'1 b~lCt"8S: fol10we: .-~ southweltquarter (s1rt)o:flJortb.a8t quarter <ntt and Southeeat; : ,Qti~~er(IWi}'o' seotl~~ ll1~te"~' (1'9) !,Cllneb1~~~fr t~-f~~ (34) Bae t. the iaine be1ng ~~,t O',f, tJ1., p:remi8~8, oOIIVe;v~d ment 'CompaIl)', :b1 th,e above' r~oU"d 4.~4., ql8rtel" (SBt) of N<r t,h1re8t~~J , . ' SOu th ' 0" ~811ge Po N1 ( 40) , ,', \ .' _1 . - ~ , "' - . - - ." to ita8 'fruehl" ,b1'the,l&ldSae,t Ooa8't;~DevUbp";,,_, - . " .. ~ . -: --;---------- " "~~--- " 4fhieoon....;vanoe iii.madeSubJeot to,-t~ereetrfOtIOnB~:i~llltron8 an'd ~reelllerit8-- men~ion~d o,r ,referred to 'lnth" dee4' .!lndTru8t ,Agreement here1nbefcw-e, referred to, $0 far / '. , a8 sBid;instruro.ntenoo~~l'n-=--the' prem1sea ,llereby oonveyed. ,,' '1'0 ha.... iwd to hold theabo.... rel.aud and'remiBed p~lI\1ee8,w1 th ,all tb. r1ght,., 'eae....'ean4 appurtenanoes theteto btlons1116uoto the 881d Bart J. Burna, Helen Y.Burn. ,/ . ~s.l1 J. Burn8 " J. WID.. ,(Ult~nil, heire, adm1n1etratore.,xeoutor8 ,or assign8 to t~e1r wie. ben.fit and behoof forayer. > "I' f' 1. ",.. , D I ~d tho 8a 14,lor't ~ieroe Bank &: Truet, Oompany for 'I teelf~ 1ts 8uooeS8ore or 888181'18 , ' , " , , , 'I ' 4o..oor.nan~ with the 8814 Be~t J. Bm:n~,! Helen Y. BUrne, bae;ell J. Burne" J., Wrn~ B:1"._ an4 thair la11'., adrdnhtratore. exeouten or ~818D81h&"'\h.. said: n,eat18"e.n~r,..bl:0~~,1d ar'"tree trom 'a]: 1, inournb.ranO,es, mad. ~1 it ,xoept ae ., roresa1d,' an, d, it w111 an,d Ua 8uOOe~80" ..., &Htgu ~~';---.JIIl4iIf.~~~)~'ltt~ ~~,~e _~1\;BN'1I, ~.. ~._k~~n T,.:. ~.Aa..ll 1. B1qu . 1. _~ GIbbon., &Ddi the1J' hell'l, a4min18,t~a.to~., e~eO\1.tor8 or a88~ZUI for.....r, ap~d ",,,,~).&wt:U:lo'~~, ~.. .~'~~. O't ~"80n. ~laim1ng by, thr!)ugh or under, 1t,uoept a8 &tore.. "\Y':;;'~f:O;: "<5':~"P i-~.\:"-:.;L-:- ~0-~;r,i';:?.;~"f:: '<.':: '--if :ci;:~~:"';,;;"i--",~-,.." ,-; - ~--':':::+'~" J ".......