HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTJ PERMIT # / 80 7 — 02- CL2— ISSUE DATE the III VISIAM II (Type of Trade For It is PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Name) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St. Lucie Cou have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 6m: ,P__ CCShJ�Mc (Primary Contractor) project located at CIjI S L1,e4e L , -T. 0 6ec.r- P I (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing Of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. -")X�1, rt; 3 • _ 'tONTAACTOR SIGNATURE (Quali ter) SUB -CON CTOR SIG AT ( ifter) L OL��1C0hlSICI PD�s- PRINT N' PRINT NAME CCU 190 S-12? COUNTY ERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER I C, State of FI ride, County of %-T . LuLj66 State of Florida, County of �J�rL VI c-e The foregol;ng instrument was signed before me this $ day of - The foregoing instrument was signed before me this /J� 3 day of TU -- . IIII. 201a , by CZIZ6�j OL17P)to`J 00 . 1b s • V w�y , 20 I �by � iIII who is per' Unally known or has produced a who is personally o n)Lor has produced a i fic lltion. as identificati \—,&JU � STAMP STAMP Signature o Notary P li Signature if Notary lie ucz- Print Name' f Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public ,.•"o;iY'a8s.; ROBERTBRUNKE t `��U� ?.' ' • = Notary ss tate ofFlorida JURKIEWICZ miPublic 17o2 `= =�' ' M Comm. Expires May 12.2022 I MY COMMISSION # FF998909 9..,�, Y P Y 'y EXPIRES June 05, 2020 Bonded thrcughNaaona'No;aryAssn. I '''!o,i�,,•' ' /2016 m Revised 11/1' (407) 39"153 FloddallotaryServlce.co' I I I I I � I� I ISSUE 00E PERMIT 4N�NG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division (Company Name �_k._e;tkc�c (Type of Trade) III Fog the project located at L�r It i� understood that, if there is any ect, the Building and Code filio,'g of a Change of Sub -contractor ?WS. OLP'0)a W_S�_et P Ct, (- I S-0 S- 1 Z_7 Florida, County of sr,WLJb BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT R� E_CEIVF_-'` JUL 112, ST. Lucie _ County, Permit— have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 6( so rx L (Primary Contractor) - - q2-7_q-!501-::_0()53-�660­ ,-t Address or Property Tax ID #) of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the (Qualifier) PRINT NAME Z&ICeN - COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ST-WUS TN f'I I' I The ��,regoing instrument was signed before me this 1P—day or �t%�_,20A, by 612,64 0 L,VP4"V'L'who I� personally known or has produced a 1. as ide' i of anon. KAREN S. �IJ, ELSEN N(tar ptState of Florida- Public Commission # GG 207484 My Commission Fx'n'irF;-q 1/16/2016 STAMP The, foregoing instrument was signed before me this Z10 day or 20\Lg. by. who Is talaZor lins,ftrod6ccd a STAMP Sigwaorclolf Notary Piib&_<-.1 Print Name or Notnr%l Public N;j.Y,' - I . DAVID JURKIEWICZ MI.. . .0: My COMMISSION # FF998909 EXPIRES June 05.2020 �3 FlihiAotarys�irV6,6016 (40 398-01 — PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division A/C & Mechanical In (Company Nameftdividual Name) HVAC (Type of Trade) BUILDING PEP.AM SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RECEIVEr) JUL 1 1 2C'3 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Grande Construction project located at LbAlz Pt_. - L F 93 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID (Primary Contractor) ggZy - S 0I — OOS3- 000/ It is�,�understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. N tl CTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 7NAME• � )SdS►z? Co CERTIFICATION NUMBER Srateo j rida,Countyof ST'WL16 The for ing iosdrpment wass%ned before me this day of 20_O7or ('�Sj� VLl7A�i1^%SK )� Pri.'S . who is i rsooally known has nroduced a as id J cation tIIII $TAMP goats' i o otary b6c �I Revised KAREN S. NIEELSEN State of Floritla-Notary Publi Commission * GO 207484 MY Commission Expires --•-tee ,7 2. 2022 (; . J - CTOR SIGNATURE (QwMer) Donald O'Bryon PRINT NAME CAC1817665 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state of Florida, County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 21st day of .tune Donald O'Bryon is Tricia Radd Print Name of Notary Public has produced a 7WCIA RADD WCOMMISSION # FF 211587 D IRESJuly18,2019 Bonded 7ltnr Rotary Public UndervnNers F�.iur7 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECEIVE6 Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT J U L 1 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting qua Dimensions Plumbing Services, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Name/individual Name) Plumbing Sub -contractor for _(. , f e-krij ,StYyG.f y�bY� (Type of Trade) (Primary. Contractor) the project located at L6Al2 }fit_. - LOT $"3 2Zq— Shc ^ OOS3 - oOD%( (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) Itis s understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned pr, ect, the .Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the I� fil, Ing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. iw'T CTOR SIGNATURE (Quali rer)RA SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 4I0 L b.bkiu 1 I6s . Robert Ludlum PRI NA E PRINT NAME I C L C, I a s l 27 18628 L:0 V VTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER StatI,1 of Florida, County of S'f ' l .t xA g II 7 The �ii regoing instrument was signed before me this / j u day of J U Lq .20by (11ZSCi �ED.OiLtflJ$1C-i,.1�110�. whollli personally known or has prod/u�ced a-. as id1lIntificatYon_ n I I 1 of STAMP ame of Notary Public `�tiPpY PV �i� KAREN S. NIELSEN �_W;State of Florida -Notary Publi p= Commission # GG 207h134 y p M Commission Expires 11/16/2016 °��°;,°% " June 12, 2022 State of Florida, County of St. Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed -before me this 222 day of 20 Ll by Robert Ludlum who is personally known Zlr has produced a as ide ti i ation. SFltP LISA LESTER �� NOTARY PUBLIC �- -STATE Pf,&PRIDA Signature of Notaryublic x Comm# GG127647 l0 l S� Lee ONCE 19�� Expires 7124/2021 Print Name of Notary Public