HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2115 . . . . . t ' I . 'I '!c: I" _'~~lt,~,_: _'__:_~:~:; ~' ': I I , I' " . ,I ~,' ' ",' ,J ,,:: ,!. ." I~; 'I ; , i '. i' ' ,t r I I ~:~:4~~~~.; .;;.;,;;,~~~~:::-~.~~::";~~~~,--...;;;.;r;;,L;d';;;~::~#:;'~:~7':::'~~l ;'::;;;:;;:;::~~':'~!;~~:'~~'~-:',7~;":~;l 'f,' ,.,'Oancl part ~d:,oJi1i~:par~ieil ?f ,~he ~lrd P'.z:~~ ~hQ'JP"a?~:e~tano~+~r',t~i~ ~Instrum,~, ,~ree.'l:' ~ \ il '\ "I \. : toab~t. b;V'f.~~fO,f~ 8,pdi8~,er8;to'8aU; of,nc\itio~~, '~e~t~~'o't10ne' ~.\l\lllm+tado~s,' ~~" on,' b~ \, ~' . " ",' I ,I'~li,~::~:wresiB OOD~1~ion.:ot- ,th~~.;p~~~n~s.:}ut\On1~4 f~~I'b"""Per+Q~:,e~;l~ .~~nu~rt 1~~, ~~I&., I( \ ~' , ;," '''l..':,''fhat no'bulldlh8 B11&11 be, e'reoted on th~8a141end e~Qept',fo~'PiTlT,te'\dwell1P8 Pur:-': I .' , " \', ,.. , \I, \ "', ~': I \. . ,,' ' \ \ II .'. t .,' , ',~-_1. - ~Po,...~, -'.xo.p,'t 'u.ual"-a'i14ne~lsspry~,out'-\)Ul14'~h88'and tbatthe' '~fit' l!IIel}1'its ho~se exolll.l"~' Oft -- ; , , ", , , ,'" \, , -, " '-!'the ,out~building's,.balloos'tnot leu '~han',t'2600~OO..b1ahpr.1c*' 'sh811hot tnolu~e.alroh1teo";'" ," '. ! ,'.. '.i' "".. '. . . '. . . ." \ . $ .' , 'i. ., '\".' .. . \. - .'i \. .. . \," \' -'L ~ura1 "xpjneell or fees; md,'ebaU'not inQlude' atli othef oll,..~'ot IDproTem.nt~,"T,\and 'boept \' r ' " , " \. .", \ "\' '., \ \H'.' \' , i' ~h. &otu~~ ,lIl&ted~l a~'o,o'~.,tr~O\tlo~ oo.t otthe:eald d~.e:i1.1~~oU8e.,' , \ "', \ '! ",' 'If. . !hat. not more'ih'an oni re....deM.,"to'8eth~r:.ith, usu~',apd '~eo888ary ol1t-bulldl~,. '. : ,. . " J, 1 Q!all beereotedon eaoh of 88.14 lot... . I ' . ' j j .:11 , .. , , , .' " I ' 'r, ,1,1 I ....~.-.... . ",a",:", , , I" , , '\ \ 1 I '8. ~hatno unlawful or ,l,mmo'ral. use shall be made' of: th~ prem~Be8,h~reb;V:'OODYeY8,d,:'l}or' ehall,the 8ami be 11sed ~or';~' OO~~~~l8l.,'purp~8e~'no~ ljbil',th8Jtame or..~'put;~ber~o:f~'~r 8JW 'lnh~e8t tber~lD~be801d.rele8..jl o~oih~rW1~"ooni.'yed to'an~"p'~'tOn8 ot~ef 'tl1~ 'the', , ,~,. . ~.' -... . .~ '-.,' :. , " ",.. ., -".' ,.. " .. ~., ,..',. : ' . . .'. - . OaUOQ81.n raoe; pro.,14e1' tJlat~O:tliiDS.herein Q9Ilt81Jl~d8ba'1l,,'i'i-eTen.t the keep1na.'an,cimaiD,,' .' ..,' it1' ...., .. . -' .' ". __ . - .' ,.. ~ ,- , ' ,.'.. . _ '. . ;.:-; _, " . - . . _.... . '. _ ~. . . talnlng UBUal anci DeofiHiller, eerranb on -the ''prope~tY;.,to'r ,reiis<ll,abie t~l~ U8~. ' Th!8 })ro- \...' " "", ," . .. vlBlonlfti.o...~.r~ shal1"n~,..forfeUut'e un~~s8 the holder' o,tthe tee 18 shown to be ~t: 1 .-~ : I:' I' 1. i. 1-' "i. I ~ . . \ '-, " . I . ! f fault. " ' '. -. . ~ " ".That no:~uU41n8i5hall' be' oOMt'ruot8d or',~eoted d .s:, '1e8841staooe ,than,twepty fe,et ,from ,t~..':ti-o~t:L1.~~'-fs;ait'lot..Of'~Ub'~~ ~tthem~ ' ~ . · ' . .' '. .__ .0 ,'. .~-" - . . ',' - -. , 5. ~h~t' if'ealdparty ,~1,~e seo-o~~per~, lier,:....lr...r'presentat1T~8 or' ~ss1gn8, ,(to' , , .. , ",. \ , ' " ' ' , ' ' " , any, ,holder of the.' proP'81"ty b,I,reb;V oonveyed by virtue of &nYjudl'Qial,pr.'ooeedli:lgs~ .l;Ihall,f"il , to oomply with an~'of,th9-abOY~ ,end' :fOr~8,Ol'J1g' r.strlot10Il,8,~ndit10~8 01": l1~UQtion8-'.1 thln: 'abet)' ~~ ~her \~:ri tt~~ 'nO,t1Qeby maUt,othe eeid party' of theseo~nd~-p.','l1~r'he1r8~par-, ", , - . ' , . '..', ,'. ;. - --,' -, '~ ~," " ,,' : .-- ..: . :,., __ . -" "'oJ',' . - .. .' . :: ~ " ',~, BCl1al r~p,r.e88ntatlves,o:r'as8ign~."or any' of them" at the last' known adilre.,s, by the .sn1dpa,rt,;,',': le8, of the t1rst' par,~. the'1%" .uoOesllorS, pe).eonal repre8.n~8t1veS' oJ" 8S~~gnS.' or e1 tli~ '~f thelni'~ -t~~f:~lie sa1d:aooTe deaorlb,eO:'and oo~.ey.d'prop~rt;y sh8.,ll ifn!!lB~i~t~l}' re.;ut:to ,thess!. d .p8rt'~~. . ". '''.. - " ".. -. '., " . ..' . ,. " . '- . '. < l~eof' tlie':f,irst part" the.1r suooess.ore ,oraSS18ns,'.{o, shall beeriti,tled to ,immri1.atelj enhr, " -' : .' - ....,~ , .~ - .., , ... . -. ' -, ' - - , . .. ,. -, . .. - ' .' '~,' 'upon S8idproperty: wlthoutno,tloe, andtnke possession Of the, Sall1e cwith full t1tieln feeslmple, , " ' .: . ." . ...-,. . .' ' " .".. - ' ,". .-= . " t08etherw1tiial1.1mp:roT.ment8:thereon~ and.no lfai.;erotany Of thes~ ctndl110n., Hm1'ts't10DB, . ~:'. . ~ ' , t , ~. t ~ ; , -I, , i ! i :.".~.., .t.J '.~', '.' . , .,. ,.f ,_, .r \ i " , i " , , ' , or ~estriotloDs,expresse'cl orimpl1ed," o,r f'allure for, aDY l~u~gt~ ,ot tiine,to ento'roethe S8lQt .', . , ,shall ,oon8ti~te: a bar tosuohenforetment a\ t~e' time. ,'., ; " . t ' , , I' ~ - ; .~ f j' 1 r, , I It le further understood ana. agreed that parUes' of the flnt .P~' .Ul no't II8k,.. ~ deed , -, ->---- , , ' :' - -~ ' '.,' , , t~ any ,lot 'in B,1.ltm~re~~:prJor to ,Ja~~11e', 1925, 1i1~hout ~he atOrlsa1d,'provi810nsao1,. ~ restrlotions. " -, ~ ' TOGIITHERwith all, tlie ten.m.nta, herElcUta.ments' and .,apPUrte.nand88t ~ tb eve~i prlv,llege, ' e' 0,,,-- . . r .~ r18l1t, tltle" iptere8,t and 6state. do.~r8:Ddr1glltofdow,.r. reTeralon; remainA,r an4. easemen~ r thereto oelonging or In anywiee apperta1ni118f ~ ~ -. - - TOHAV3A1lD "~ HQLD the, s~e In tee. simple forever,. , , AJll) the said partl'es of the tlr8\ part do oovenertt ,1d. th tb.'Se1d pall';V' 0 f theeeoond pert that the, are lswfull;vsefz.-d ofth.e sald premls,ea; that ,they are freeo'f,all1noumbranoe;,- , I ani tha:tthey have good r1ghte,nd lcurful authorittto s.ll the 88me, and that sa14 parties ot'the fjr.~t 'p~rt do her.~y :fully warrant thet1 tle to sald 18itld, and .ill detend the 88me 88ainst IR W ITBESS WH~~()JI. ,the 861 d P 8!t:1 u I ' '. , .'al. the day and ye~r 8bQV~ n,itten., slgned, Sea let and Dellverl4 in prlsenoe .ot: ' /, , ot, the firet part haTe hereUnto set the1rhande and fJ . 1 . . i " t. ~' " ' the lawtul olalma of all person. .,homsoever." ,') , 'j I '/ , I / . (h, o. Br~...ll, (S1UL) B. )I. Korda I' w. ~h.~ ./ Ruby Braew.Ut. e SUL) I ,\,: ~,..,