HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTthe # I 20 7, 0 2 �-3 I ISSUE DATE r, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNO BY Name/lndividual Name) (Type of Trade) RECEIVED JUL 2018 !. icie. County, Permitting have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 6s-r_114 _ (Primary Contractor) For t 1e project located at - - 2L1Uq\Ve (Project Street Address. or Property Tax ID #) It is j nderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned prJelct, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the fill of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. L11 011 SIGNATURE (Qualifier) , G 0 c >,v )eows k ► , Ply s, Ply s . t%1C- 1 sos /27 of Florida, County of S'r• Lu(,16 yN foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 2019,by UIOCL, OLVAkAV041, PIUS is personally known _or has produced a STAMP �V 1CQ _cILk�eAjlC2 Print Name of Notary Public DAVID JURKIEWICZ MY COMMISSION # FF998909 '•','+�,�,. EXPIRES June 05, 2020 Revised 111 2016 (407y 398-0153 FloridallotaryServIce.00m SUB -CONTRACT SI alifter) PRINT NAME aKf8H 3 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of &4 t-U.G`t The forling instrument was signedbeforeme thisg13 day of who is personally (mown _LW has produced a as identification. MOM STAMP Print Name of Notary Public ,,.•t;a�'a�s.,; ROBERTBRUNKE Notary Public — State of Florida Commission GG 176972 hly Comm. Expires blay 12.2022 9FO` c Bonded throughNadona No:aryMsn.