HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2121 ! ,. ~ I, J '"; , j;' " ,",.. j',' I" . ' ,. " "i, ! 'I ' I !'/ ' ~ " II!' ' .! .', 'j' , '. ,', J I ',' f . ,! , 'I', i. I '.., ." j, I .. ~ " ' f J .', , 'i, i:1 " ,I ' '. " iI, ' ' , , I, ' "i I' ' '.".. ' I , ' " ; , , :;~~~q:--~',~;-J+:~~~~~'::p' ::.)~~.,' ,~,~~.~_:~.>-~~k~';~~'.:~' 'lk.;~~:;t~f:,:"~2~~:"~.~i;;:h:i,I~;~~r~*~i~.r;-~-;::;;~~+ r "I I " , . \ " ' ' Ii '\' I, 1,1" \ , ',' , ',' ~, , . " \ 1~1'.TE OF .~ltESSP: ",. \ It \'" .' ) 1'\ ':, I : '. "'!, l' i' " ! " ", , ,,\ 1 ' I . " \ " ' , ,( ,I ' \ i. '\,' ' .', ,_'.. , !',OOmrrYIOF B~'., ,'I , \'~ ,,\I" ,I'. , " ':1" \ i. 'II:, il.' i \ ' ',: I' ,'" \ " ,', \ ' "', ,,' :\ ,'".,\'c' ,'. .t" ,I' \ Iii ' , :. \:' I It ere b1 ~'l',t,1ty\ that' onl th.1B"9~h ,~:,ot Jul1 A.., D~1192t). \be~Qre lIe\pt\rscu:ia117 aPJ'eaftd ;,1 ,\ \ t " "I, ,'\, " , I' " " ,\, , ,', \ \,' "\,' " I . \ \' "\ ' \' . ,\ . I-:..~h.c1e1'10k ..,a~s~ ',to ,m~Wel\lwown, to ,~e:.th~ P!.r8on de\~orlbed 1~'~hd "hD ,e~~Ou,~d th4t, tQ~~B01ng; , j. I ,"", \-. \ \ , , ' ' \', , , " " , ", \ ,'\, ,\'," .' J, ! , oonve~oe to, O~1f)8 ,Q. \:Bur~'; ,~~ 8e~e~1l1aO~w:L~e~ ,theeXe,0J1t10note~~ .~o ,bl '~18' " :treoao"-, /Uld Me~\,torl ~he ~poees ,there1i1\ .ent1one~'. :", ,\ "\ ,\', \.'" \ ' , ..~ \ . \ . . \ ",' ~" - \ . \ .., ',' - \'- .' - - '.' ....,,'. . \ \. -' .' I' WIT 81Bnatlir8',and ot~~1,~ '8e~1 a:t ']('mph~. '1Jl the OOtm'lY ot' Shelby ,and ST~B o:t, r. i, ,and" tear. 'Ut;8t',a1\Ol'e....1.el~; , , I ' I' . ))310 L f: , I " [t I :,'Ii' .~ '-1 .... . h~ '\"1 !, ; , ..t ~ j 1 \ , , \ \ ' , , , I.' B. Ro~nete1n' (SKAL)',' NOTARY PUBLIC State ot'~.nn888ee , , MY OOmpI881on'IxpIre8", ,-: --. ,,".',' " M:1 oo~188ion expires, Aprll''--~,2nd.. ,1928~ \ ' '\ , \" .. ','; . i i !' I , t i.- ~ ! i i l 'j i , " ~. , ., ,; ~r ~ jSUTB OF, FL?~'J ..." 1" ,COuuh OF ST. LUCIE.) , ~: , " ~ ," } , PUed ~d '~e~or4'4. ~n ,th;18 ird ~ 9t Ausi1925, at', 4,i15 '~~'u.' 1" ..' Po, " " ' < '~' , 'r'\ . ~ ,..;';:4: .... , ,~, ' ;~, <P., 0.' EldJ:Id", Oierk 01~~lt Court. " .. . ~ ,,:, ..." " < OH'" ' , :_".'BytJ~/1f)i~~!~~,~~ D~C~, ." . . . ~ . .' " ",:":t.t:n:' .n;"::'I'I:.".' :,1':',';= 1": i':II: ": ": ":":" :,II:n~,"J~"':"" ~~: ": ~I'l :1l;il,:I1:"i If:": 11:":"j'II,:'i: "":",:":": ":": ",:" .' T-~. '.' .. JOS. T ~ ARCJI.U[Bj,ur,! .~ " TO' wHOK co:riCElUnm..[ ,'" , , . , " . . . . . -4 F,F, I])'. V If '. ' , ~ Betore'me,per,onal17 appea~dJ08. ~.~~~ba~~.' vbO belnt~ciullswC)rn. 'd~~~8e.ancL 8aye:', ,{tha,t ,he,~o.~'Pli~'e'e. ,s\&rfn~t., '\Yh(),unc1er :o.ate. ot'~prU,,4~h.,19~1.'., .rt\h the n&IIl,e O.i'A...:~ur~~~, ,her hu.Bban4,~onve1'd~O" DIlph1us P~'~~'8e~'~the:t:OlloW1ng 4eeor~b~:d p'~pel'U'1 . , 'Anuild1v1ded.'one-halt:lntel'utln'Lot Fort7-Twb .-(42) "ot " 11:,. .. ."!,.. , . ! , ' ,~ , lnook'nc" otthe'WestEndAdd1t1on, a8 per 'plat reoorcl~d'ln' , the O:tf1oe, ot, the Ole,l'k' of the C1rOw. t CoUrt of St. Luo1e OQlmt~. ~orlda 1n Plat Book Two,(2) on Page Flve (5),be1n8 'a,'sub-divIsion,of the wee~ Tlu-e.,Q.ua,rtera 'o':t: -the . Northweat ~tero,t the. 'S~thW$st ~tl:r ot, Se,ot1~ lii.ne~ TO\~h1P " 35. soutli' ~e FOd1:,:Eaat.~d,reOOrde,~ D8et.,BOl>k44.',P868' 'le2.and ' ' " ~ .. .. Hehrthll' etatea- ,that he k;n,am :t~r ataotthaton th8'~te th1e 4eed ~~8 81gn~4; that the ...lelPhoeb'.'; surprenantvra. ,a w1dow: ,~~h9.d,been.'~~!....',Omet1ilepr10r 'tothee1gn1ng of .ame aJi4,. ,- . . . ~, .....".. "'" " ,. . - ... . . , . , '. the ea1ddee,d should nO~,havere01 ted the ~e ot l.. $Urp~en.ant. U tn.'B&'1d A. Surp'renant was ',~ dloe'ued. .~ . i r j 'Jo.. '1!. AroluiLmbu.ul t d.andottlo1al seal th1s the 18th.uror July. A. D.. 1925'. " , ,FrJl,llOe8 HUlowe. liOtar1 PublIoBtate Qt Flor1da ~ o()mmlsdon eX111ree Oot. 26.1925. " "'1 . ,',!,.,' .~ . i 31'0. 4&1 o~. 19~o. at 4;15 P.K. o~ ( ~ P. C. Eldred. Cl.rk Clrow. t Court. l~ .B~ '1P~\\W .. D,C. .' ,,(( ,',' " ,', { , I' ,,' .n: .. : u:_ ft': II: " : n.:' II :.ft : " c ": .. : n: n.: ": .": ": n In: ": h : ft:" :.n : ": If.: n, : . :' n : ": ": ": n : ": ff t" : If: n : rr: " : n: n: t1 : " : " : ,,_:_.,__~ 1I~~_._-""- " ' " . I , I ,., '/ -