HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2126 -~------Lr~ , , 1,1'., ,"!. /. I, \:'.'t'j";i, "i\ ;:,: ",~~51 ,,;1'1 ." "I" '~I' " .. ,,'. ~",J.li'.:.' I i ;, I! .." I I .... .' ..' :. ~',' ",j I ~ .., " ,{ ,,' I - i: ' .'''t I!, . .' " 'I : .I, I', I' " . ,'_, ...,., L,'.' ,,' ...'.. t~ "J ' . , I , ' _:' .,-' ":~:"" r: '" ";;' :";'''~,~ ....':;. L ;r~.:;:;;: ~!;~:;'='i" . ~":;~~~';;;~r,;'.C:;::;~",,~~;; ;;;.-;::.:~~~~;rd~:i~;:-;"'::':;:~7T-# r ,','1, W~, .htt.ht\land,Offloi~1.\seal,'thl~2ijt~da:r\ot..1Une,'l:925. 'I;'.." .i'l. ,:s,'; ,. , ' I . I 'I' !" ", -' . \-, ' ',' " I, I : 1\ I ' 'l' ." . 'I "'\' \', " ':' . ; ~ur.,II. atgg ': I, 'i " , "f \ \ "" \",," 'lfota1'1 Publio. ' ' \ ' \..', Ii' \ \, , . '~ OOJlIlIll~slon expirea Oot', I, 192~(' I' \ \ I. . I," ,..: 1\ '. ~ ',' I \, ", .. ' \ \ '! \' \ " , " \, ''-' '" " \ \ .. I ' " . .' ,'\ '. ;.' ' \ \. 'I -:'--' t 'nl;Ir-dd -"'OQ~ct~'d,OJi this--4'th- d~~ of Aug~\ i~2lr;-:atT6i~.;" .l-~ii; ..:- \ ,I' . - ~ - . ,\ ~ . . \ \ . \, \ . \ I l .' \ ' ~~-~ \. \ ____ \ ,\ \ . . , , 1'(',.' \' \' I '" I~ ' '~\\ ,:i ': p~'~: ~ed, :uJ.er,:',lilr~~'Q~T;~:r~'~" .; <'; d, .' ";,~e~~l\:,' B7'tJ~tJ>tu;J !d~~ .;;0;' " ',/.! '", ,j ."~eco1:, "\,' \,. "',' ' "', \. __--:n~\~,'''', I \\, ' " . " I ' ". '. ' , "" ,", j "n':'n. ne.non,:":' ': "l": n. "."~1t,. ":,n: "'i n,in\ "."1 ".:rf~ I!:": ":;'t: 1t,,1t." .,n. It: R.~. f1:": n. ":~: . n.... n. """'."0". it: ~ . - . '.."... .. ..... . .. .... . \ . ... .. .... . . . '. ... . . ." . . L - _ .. " ." . '1 PLORlDA,Ilm~TRIA:.L '-cOt. "" ,,~o, HElmY B.' ~m" -.L ':. , ! --.' : " \, ',", \. , ' ~ DElI> > " , ',. . , .' ': ::: ,~HIS 'I~ri>~~ ma~. t~li 18th':c18.Y' ~f ~y A.. D~,'_,i9~5" bet'ween ~RIDA:{B.nUSTRI.lL' ~OKP~, ,e., ' , \' ' '-', oorporati,on - organ1.~c1. and ~x1sting un!1,e:r."'the laws 01.', the__.8tate Qt 'FlO.r1~, 01', the' 't,1r'8'~ part, .'. .' ,,"' -":. ".' "', . ." .' . : :' . .'.. ." '. -. '. .. ~.' : . "',. , ~ .. .. . . . . . . e.nd HDaY B. JBFF.aBY, 01.' \'fe~t ,~a.1ia Beaoh, Fl-or1:c1.a'" of .tbes~~on~ part; . , ~ ~ - '. . , .. . . .' ..' .' .} , ......... WlT~ESSES: That', the said 'part1 or '~ 1-1rst paJ,"tf(lr ,ana. in ooWi1dera t10-n ,ot,the Sum 01' . -- :' '. ' " '", '. .' .;-' " ":. ..." ,-'.' -' .- . :'. ,..; "', ,': .' . . . ~ ,,- . ~..' .~. . -. .' .~ '': ipne, RupdredDol.lus.'(tlOO.OO) and':oth~'r -Yaiu~ble":oon.lder&.tiona""t,o.it~izl"h~dPa1d by said' " ~arti~t'the' se'oond Part,: the reoeipt', Whe~.~()'t"l~h~rebi,~olalouie~e~~:.. haS" ~tm~e~~ "b,ai'galned,: . . '. - .. ..' '. '.' -." ..' . . " .' '.' " .,', ". . ',.>.,:'" '. '. .-." .~ . . . ~ i 8~lcl,anEtn-ed, remised', .r,eleased; 'en.teotted.' oonveyed :and~onf1rmed, ':Uld,by the8epres~mt~: ,II :, ' ' .., ",.' " " ' '.' ,,' , '.. ", " ", , ,:f: does~~ti'barga~, ~e).1""al1en','r6mis~,,rel.ease, e~eott, oonny and ,ooilt1r'll1,lintothe, .a~cl ...," '~. .' ".. .,,', ',,:., ',' :'... . ' .. ~' ~arty o~the seoQndi>8!rt..' .and..!1~s heir!l" legal .r~pr~8entat1.,e,B. and ~ssigns fOl'ever'~ 'a:L1,O,:r- '~ '" , u u:__~u -cu-"--~t-thoso--:-oer:taIh:-pa'roelf', 0-' 'land, Ij'1ii8-'-and beTn8)n-~the:-{joUii"c~i,-Of St";'-'L\lOl'e~:aiid':'S1;a-te'-: o:tFlo'1ilda'. ' ~~-- .' . ... ~ " . ' ." ' . '.' . ..., - ... . . '., ' I . ',~,inore,part1'OUlarl~de8~r1bed:,aa,f01l9w~:':"'" " ,', , . . . .'411.0f,'SeottonsN1neteln (19) aDc.lTwenty(20). exoept'tho'se L' , " .',,' . '" ,,' ~ ,,':. " ", , ' .', , ,'" ,.., ;, y '~'. oert&ln'l~nc1soom'eyed_biConsoU.d.ate4 Land Compalll, to :Noz:th ;It-.' Luo1t! . > ..' '. . . -' , .' . . ." . ~..~,. , '.' ": . .' .... -.. .;. '. , . -' ,-'- "Dra1na8e~18tr1ot fo:r o ana. 1 r18hts, ,of ~y, by deed' dated.Ta~8.ry .oth,lJ21;, ~\m~ t: : , 1, C-T ,,", .,:,. , ' , ',\ ~ 'I' ,. .; L \ ,. I. ... .- r " , ? =-7. :; ,. . t: . - - " . . , ,." :\1e81; ,ha~f, of lfor,thwest ,quar:ter, and S~t~westqW1rte~,ot seot1~n 'l'went1~eight,::' -c-'-cTexoep~-t!i08eo.rt&1n-lands . oon.,-eyedby ~on801.Idated.,Land Compaw--f'O:-Horth~----'. . . -'.' ., ..... -' ".~' . . ,'St. L\101e.Dra1nage'Di~triot for oanal,~lg~tS of .&of, b;Y,cleedd&tedJ~uart, . , '6th,'1921;'~no.t iGotio~benty"n1ne 1~9.>'. f)x~eptthose 'oefta~nl;mdsc,o~J'. V8yed by ConlJol1d&ted Landc~.paI17 'to NO,~h ~t. ~U01eDJI"&i,~ge ',D.1litriot tor' "o~alr1ghta~ of .waY, bY'b.eedda~ed<.T~WU7'~~~,l'921; all, or' S~Otlon, Thi~ty '. (~9), Thlrty..~ne (3Uand r,ehirtl-~wo (~~); all'~fseotion,'1'h~ty..thl"~e-'(33), ,exoept' those O&:rt,ain-landli oonveyed 'by 'Consolld.at'ed taiU\.-Comp~y1;o~(orth ',. ' ,,' ," ',~' ", ,', " , " .' , . " " " " " ',: st'-Luoie Drainage Dletr10t toro~1-.r1gh:t8()f _,&7,' by deed'dat'd; .JanUary -,,' . ~. . !o.. . , I~ ., i . . . . . ~ 6tbt,192).~ alJ., 1n ~Oi1liSHIP THIR'l'Y:-SIX (36). ,SOUTH, IWi.GE 6/~~~U-UlNE(39)~T. (t451:60 l.a.S~ampa' can.) " .r .S,B,. , ' , Allot Seotiona'Four(4).. :Flve(5),S1x (ol"Seven (7)" E~t (e) and . .'. .' . '. '. ~ l . : 1f1ne, (9): West halt and West halt ot Southeast, quarter ot 'Seotion ,Ten (~Ol,' , , , all of ~e(;t1on Fitteen (15), .S~venteen (17),Ei6h~een (18.);' Nlnetee~119L" Tw-ent;y (?O). Twenty-one (2'1) ,and i'wenty-two (22); West haltot Seotion .' , ~Inty-three ,(23); all of Seot10ns ~enty-s1X(2o), and 'Twen~y~seven (27), all in ,~owli$HIP THIRTY-SEVE>> (37) SOum,WGE 'XHIRTY-llIUE (39) EAST. .TO HJ.VEm TO HOLD the .ame in tee slriple, together with the:tenements, ~eredUaments 'and I I '" - " .' I \. appurtenanoee thereunto belo08iJl6 or 1n &n1Wise apperta1nig, 'unto theaaid party, of the s,eoond . I ' I '- . ,'1 ,part.. hla heirs, ,legal .repreBentathes and. ass1eDS forever. . i . . .A.NDthe ,'':lid part;y of the fi~.t partdoee oodnantw1th the, lai~ ..party -O~ the .;eoond pari J /#' . I ,'that.it 1s la./tully seized ot laid prerHsea; that they are 'tree ot enowpbranoes,' and that 1t ,.hq ~C)cl r.1~t and lawful authorl t:r to . sel~ tho 1a'1lI, and t~at _a1d part1. ott~ ~::://,;:~~:,.'j2',:~.~~=:::i:~~~~"-~~' ~",,::;.;:..(.:;:,~, .,~_ '. I . . : .... '. ; ~ I I