HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONSCANNED ;. INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPkIbalb1 crOI13 AiCCEPTED Permit Number: 1A U�-d3V y RECEIVED Building Permit Applicati n JUL 3 0 2018. Plannin1l and Development Services Building Code Regulation Division. ST. Lucie County, Permitting 2300 Z, inia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential PERM APPLICATION FOR: Building PROP ' SED fM' PROVEIVIENTLOCATION: Addres DQN42g,d lathe Cir- Legal D scription: OAKLAND LAKE ESTATES (PB 60-14) Propey Tax I #: 131\ = $op - 0002 - OM $ Lot No. Site Hal n Name: Block No. P roje , t Name: OAKLAND � ESTATES Setb cks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: -D,E l,A'ILE,D--DESCRI_PTIO'N'O•F: WORK:. „ [�ln ,� �►ov►� ean� s.g�n -For c 01VINC c 4 1xkWe. C 4STRKTION:INFO;RMATION: AdOltional work to e performed un ert -checkis.permit a apply: �j HVAC 1-1 Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping Shutters ❑ Windows/Doors Electric ❑ Plumbing Sprinklers 1:1 Generator E]Roof Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S . FtFt. of First Floor: C�+I t of Construction: $ -Z Utilities: LJSewer Septic Building Height: II ' IIVNERJLESSEE; CONTRACTOR: eme NNV_TV C. ddba gnt-jays. "t.-me-s Name: Company: �. ddress: \k% (Q Ce rn .S%Au ty: C�'�s� tix\w��c�ran State: El. ip Code: AS40 1 Fax: hone No.- S(o\-$l�950 JiNII Addr s: / Clty: State: Zip Code: Fax: g Zips Phone No. -Mail: �r1\e�eVr'� (a_y\Vr %y%G . LOwa in fee simple eTitle Holder on next page ( if different the Owner listed above) E-Mail:om State or County License: If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. ME r 7 r y I 'SUPPL ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGN R/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: I Name: Addres1l Address: City: State: City: State: zip: 1i Phone Zip: Phone: II FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name:Name: Addreit : Address: City: I City: Zip: 11 Phone: Zip: Phone: I OWNEIj,/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify hat no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is n conflict with any,applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structur . Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The foil awing building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accesso structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WAR ING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for impro ements to your p perty. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite beforr the ' t inspeIf you in;end to obtain financing, consult with lender or an � torney before n rm ring nvnrle n rr�lina v it Nntirp of Cnmmnnramant r I Sign re of Owner ssee/Contractor ent as gfor Owner Signature of Cont ctor/Lic ns Holder ST11 , E OF FLOR ���� STATE OF FLORIDA 1 \ COUNTY OF �r��1yCtY( CO NTY OF GLI I Th forgoing instrument was acknowledg d before me The for oing instrum nt was a :knowledggg before me thi day of v I' 201J by this day of 20 113 by K L Okbh Name of person aking statement Name bf perscyl making statement VV Pe sonally Known ✓ OR Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Type of Identification Produced Produced I c (�Ignature of No ERIKA LE RINI (Signature of Notary Public- Stat Commission NO�Br:a state of Florl�§ ap$4371 FF Public fires :o�Yx �NRtaryPublic.Stateof Commission No. . ' �$elgnica Schmick 's My CommissionGG22 'Dro'� ICommission P�� my Commissionxp 16, 2021 expires06/0312022 f�° Marcfi REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW PATE RECEIVED DATE ;COMPLETED 8/2/17