HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2132 t, j, ' " I I,;., " i' " " '," 'I" " " '/I ..', , ", I" , , I ',) ,.' ,; i-I, 'i ; ",1, , . .. '/ ~r, ' I I.- I , :. " I " f !' --I' I" , ~ !. .. ' I . I I,'" 'i I 'j', j 1 ,t,' I" L.' ," , . '~,1 /~il : i C ~ ~,,: '~I: _'_:.C~.: L,Tt~::.;:::,;,~;C ~~._; 1,r,~:,~:;~d;d~i~"~:": :.~:~~::!::'~,t::,::c.,~if~~~;~.~:;j:~';;:F; . I ~~, ~h., lIe~~ ~~e tr...OI1!~ !1~th~il ~. t .nO, 14..0 ~~ i'e1.l6),. ~~ e"i~:. ,', . I I, ,I I ',\ I' II d,I" "'I,n.llS8~ li!,Bpature OI1~~mof~ ..~ 'et ~""p~~r.eJ, 1" "the coun~tll1b~lteh.f"'\'r\1 " ':: ~814.;th.h1 ~4year\~:88t~fQr""'1~.' ,:' \ ',II",' \ ", '. t,' . ,'" \, '.. ';, --," --"-,,, ~\~\~ ) ~\-u~T,. ':1", <' \ i i ,\ \ 'Y.', \' "'\,',' ;, \, " ,c", L\,'" " \.,mH\',J,_'T !(O~.~:~IP~~lf~;~;~~~~C)t::nol'i~,e :'at,L.rse \','.:, ,10 'Pt Seal.' , ' , ,', " , \ \ '\ ,lIyOoamllB1on 'Cl'iFee, 1181 24, :1.9~~., ~. I , \ , \, ",' , , \ ' . 1\" \ ' " I .' , i ,\" ,," '_' ,I \ .; I', , ' ',," \ ,', \ J " \ r I " " I, II :,'32'1 ~. . , \ , II \ ~ ;\ j' '. ~ i. , I , , '\ ", " ~ '11e4 ancl,'reoor,ctecl on It ';' , ; ,> , '. , ~-. .' . ...:.. ',' " \, " th~e' lp', '.ajo{ '~USU8~" 1~~5, at 1~:2~ A. J,J~' ;, " , ..' \. _. ,0' '. '----- ',) .' . .' . , ' , P,~ C. ~~e4~ Cleric Ciro~U, Court. : , ' , " ,\ , .~.~ ': , ,~ ','~ -:-.."~\ , -, . I' " L , \' l , . .' \, , , Ct'. Ct'~,8~8i, By~~f?i~' ~~,:D~'C."": ._ .'.. - - ~~-,k.~_-'~ - -. - - - -,- --. .... .. ,', , " , ' _, ... . 4t,' "- _ .. .... __ - - - - - ~ - -: - -:. .', - - .'- : ;. " ' , ' 1'0 :"" B.tJ,AS"IiJVBS~T ,COUPABY , , J :OJ., 0.' raII'~'; , Sr., ana vEJ:nmr.tB().~1Nk ' 'WABRAH'l'r ' :DiBD ~' , ' ,TltI~ mDENTuRB.' Uacie,thf~ 291(hd81 Of~ul7 ,A~1>;',1925" .~"'A"'O.: ,Prlnk,,' ~r.. IDa., :v~ei~e'o. ,rr~nk,' h~e,~lf"~ ot,;'th,'Co~ty' ot'St:~,f.~ol;,.~4~Qt.i~:of',nO~u~,~~rt1ee ot:the ':, ,;. , . . ~ .', " . . ,,' . "'- . . ". . . . f1re't, p~'t, ,li1a. ELLAs:,INVES'nlBN~C,e&tt>>.6~1Y,a oOrP~.t~:oneX18t1n8 ,-tln~.r~~~e 1"8 ot the'State' of , ,. . . ..' '-',' " " ~. . )'.,' ..' ..' .. .' . . ' - . '. '." '. ,;:' . - ',' . ~ . . " ,norU,a, havinglte }b'lnolpal plaoe ot bUelpee81n,the ,Count$'_ot: l>U-.:al at1d S,tateo'f l'1orue, , , 11l~r~1eB ofth~' '8e~on4 ~~rt,W~TlI.~SB'1'I1..',~hatthe':~e1d'~p~rtie~",of,tbe', ~iret,~~r~. tor';n'4in ",", ' . ~4' " ' . ,~.'. " '.' . ..' .... . .!: . , .," _ ," , _'" .... . - ," . . ..... :~", . .. o'on'~14,eJ'at1on ot;-t11e 8~ of u~e ~o1l8rantl other "ei .aabie ooneih~a\,ion8' to:~em 1~ "han~,p,~,1d, , " ", "'I)'" ' ",' ,",' , ' , " the" ~eo~l,p~, whe,reot 18 llereb~eo~no~led,ge4.. h8ve 8~~~te4.liarSa1~.,clr/8014~ a1 ;.n84, remi8e4, , -r, i'-.1.~e8e'4'~, enteotte4, oonteiia'aijd '(jocritJ.:rmed:ancf"by'th'ee, prei,ent8 15"0 ~ent": bi-t"g8il{:~ 8'l,Y,~- -~- ~., . ... '- -" .' '.:, - ."~' -, ' -'", : .-,. .' "'. '. - - -' ',' ' ~ " '. - ' .; . .. " . '., .~. . :' Tallen.reJll18'~"rllea81, 'enfeoff,.'oon,\!ey and oonfirm liJlto' the, 8814 P~,tl of the eedon4- part "an4 : ~ . ' '. >, ", . ' - - . . ,..- " . ." . . :.'.0;. ' : . -. . . =. '. . " ' (, '. ,1 t~ ',8~o,~"IiJ~r8 ~n4 a'.s1sne--t?re"fer., all' t~ato,ertal~,p'ar'o~l" ~f ).'~n,d 'llinS ~8n~',bet~8:,ln, t,he., , County of St. L~o1e ,ancISht'-of',l'1orld.' more part1ouiuly4e1!l9ribe4 8S ,to1l6ws: , 'Lo~e '-oUr .. (4);,.na"~.;.', '6') 'of' BlOOkThre.'('3)~f'oraDg.Pl"~'Sill)~lil"ion~88" per' ~18t ~e~ord.d lri:pi,et'. ~Ok' 6, 'i>~s'. :~>ln\heo:ffl0I' of. ,~~~Cierkof' thec~:rou1t' COl\rt','St,~'. i.~Ol:~'C~~tlt 'n~rlcia.~, ~This4.e,41itmacle s~b,jeot to ., o'e~tein' mortgage: siven byA~ 0., 'rl~k" Sr.,' an4 Ver..ll. , . ". ., , P. 'hink' t,o ,the~roploi'J),;nlopm~nt Co,mp&ny" dated Aprll,l~, 1.9~5" for, "the, ',eumof $6~6~67 " , ' 428" St. Luoie Co1Ui~y reoorde;' ': , ;'. oo.;~rlng-LotlfO.4~ 'r.~or4ecl,in1l0rtgage Book 24, Past' , "",, " ' '" ' , ' to", " f . .~so.'8ubjeot.to.,8~.,'oer't81n mortg'age,g1>ven by A.O,.'.JIr~nk.'- Sr.,' and Ver,melt..,O-..'Prlnlt..to ',' ", ' . -' ' ' , " , ,,' , " "., " \ --, ", ' , :thl ~oplo~ Dev~l'o~ent ~o'mP'iuiy,' :o.,ha.,.Apr11'lOth, for,the,:s~ ott70Q.00.':'~,01feJ'ins ':L~~BO." 5. recor4ecl ql~ Uortg8se BOOk 24; page 429. St. Lu~le' Co1Uity,~Or14a.~ both. of wlll,Oh, the 8814 ,BLL.&Srt;VESTJIBH,~ COJlPAHYherlby assumeB ana agrees' to pal.""" ('l.60.1>oO'~- StampeCal1oelied)' " '.: ': ..~ .,..... " ..-.<" .... ,... .' ., .., . ,., ,. .,. ~E1!BER ,with, all the: tenem~nt.,herecUtaiDeIlts and appurtenanoes, , Wi the"ferlprh11ese, right,,',. 'I" . ' , .","".' , ' , , t1 Ue., interest and eetata. dower and r1sht' of dowe,r, ,reverelon. r.a1nhr1.an4 ,easement: , ~hereto b'~0I1S1n80r ,in enywl~e~~pertaln1ns..'l'O HAVB ~i'o' HOLJ>\he '.8me.~~_: fee elmpie foreyer. An,4 the 88~cl perths of thl :f1r8tPa~~ do oO"fenant" .~t,h the u1e parties of .the 88o~nd . ' '. -r> .'. ',.' " '., , part that they are lawtaUy 8Ihe~ of the,ea14 p~lmi,'U; th8t,.~hey are, ~r.e~ ,o'f all inoumbra:101, ;, and ~h8t theY~YI good r1ght ',and 18wt~8Ut~orltl to ee).~ th,e eame,;en4thet eaf~p8rt1e1c of theflr.t part cloth herlbl' fulll warrantl the t1 tl. ,to aeld lan 4', ~d .,111 aefen'c1 ,the, 8ame f ' , I esainetthelawtul .olalme of all Per80ns who..oever, Ixoept 8S aboye. , " IN WI~ES~ WmL~BO', the ~ala partle. of the f1ret part hev. heTeunto eet their henda and ,.eal. 'he-- ,4~ .ndyear abo"fe 1n'1 tten. , ,I , Sqna".. ..&let an4dtlh.,r.,c1 ln pur preslnoe:, W.,R. LoU i. o. 'r1nk' t' 'J ,1.0. hintSI'. ( Sial) ( s..i ) " VlrmeUI o. hlnk ' I, --.._~ '"