HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2145 'I, . , '. ',' ,""", I \" , ''''.,,3,'3'4'~, Ii I,;",.~ I ,/1 . ,,' , ,I, I fi C !~ 'I, !,;/,1'1/::I' I")' " '1'. "II III I I" ','1'- 1 ~ I " ." ..' ,.' '1-' _' " i" 'I i,: I' i',', , " i" " ' I' 'r" , " , , Ii" , . " '" 'I' "I ' I ,i " , ! i') . I I ,,' '.', ',;', ," , i I, "., " - ", '",. "'" " ". ',' ~~'-_"_~'~~:"~~:'~~-~"''''".~4'~---~'''''''~-''-l.'''''""-,~~~~_:~",,,,~~~':~~~A.--"'~-'-""-~~":'~-'~'--F'~"~"'-""~&~~~"-"~ , :L -Ll.l~ ,':' ~--~...~...J ,~!-~-"~h'f..e......,....._...:-1:;.~ I!1l"'!dT"'c""""''''~'~~~- -"""",...4""~~""'l],,~,,,......tt4~~- ~. -.' ~-'...~:..IIl_~t~~'Vt..,.-.---..,~h....,~~.,..'~......~- ........~.-:".~~~,~~~......~Jo-.!.~ I,' \ ':', ' " r', t " .' I ',.,' ., :\',' ,\"~ . ' ..", ' ",t' : ' ".' ',\ ; "\':" ,... :\,:1 ,'\ j I I ',. {\ " ,I , t' U', PROVIl>$D'~"~!v8RTH~gS3'~' o.b1a11lhnit' )2'Uei1.tlJ:are'~plMe 'Bllb'je-ot :i~ :the\- fOpo-*i.n8\e~~'1."es~"oo~..j j \ ")r-(" l "', ,\ " ", 1 .' " . '\ "", "\' . ',It, "" ,1- '", ,'" ,'; ,)' " 'I \' \, \, I . ! elf Uone. . re",tr~oUOb8 ~d\ ~irlta~lon,8 ~ &Pp11i~gt!> the, '.ild,1Jar,~t~lla. a~oo~~lng (t~ tbe lr$oor!lGi,(\ 1 ' ,'\ ' l ,J'Plat,J) \:Jaid'lJara~iilat.hd~i~h.,oo'nd1t10~8..\lre,,~riott.Jns ancl1;1.1\~~t~uotl8:are in~~bdedto \b~ \ ~ i~' \' .'11'; 1'.1>11 ).~~~. ~.Jl"""'P~'~.' ~.~;"'~~.r.)U>~l,g 1w~1UI1'h.d;mdWlilo~ . .11mh."i.d'~\.Uk'U~i>..\r~ :L.~c ,'tf' 1 ~he\ he1~~, ,p~~80nal rep\reBenta,~,1~e8;a~~ a8s4plB'oft,he',f~ty ,of, tbeseoond~art: ..tho. by ,t~e.i1" \- \ '\. ' '; ,aoo'ept~oe of, ~h18\1riatrWDe~n,t\a~~e88, ~o ab~de' bya_~dperf,or~ ~se1d re8trJ.,oU<?ns.,~\11m1tf}tlonB an..4 " \ ' , . \ ':' " , " .~, ,.,-" .~. ',' ----"" -, --'--..'-T-t-r-.--~.. ___.._~,c_'."_' , '. ~.. :-'1' -..,.-, rooMi tions a~' \one of .:the.,expreBB ~onBU:e1jaUoI18, Pf'~he.se~ es~nts\, "I " '\ ': ,i- \ ;,,~. :lor8's148n08 ,8hill~' be :~reote~,o,r oons"trll~ted 'ata,less: oos~ thap:.~,oo'q~oo, a,nd,' all' ,;'!",\ ,\ ',; resid~riOA8 in\ 8a1clUar'~V1)18; Bball b~ oon8'ruot~d~ o'f ooral ro'ok., ,oonorete, 'stu~oo~, oonore~~ " .. " " "." , ',' . 'u ,",' ":,' . ,,' , ' . ' " ,'i. .blook, hollow:Ul.e ,ol"lok or mix8d.,oonst;r:uotion., 0'1" veneered, w1 th 'oora). rook 'or, briok ~ or", . '< '. ~ . ,.,' .,' " '. . ':..', ~. . '. , ~ . "\', '. . frame veneered wi,th stuooo,' and ehali ,be' along Spani8h~ Yoortsh. VeneUan or, 's~mi18r har-' , ' : ,- - , , " , , , :,' eo Wally ,)_"montous ,types of aro~~tedture.' and the, ai'or~sa1damoun\,8ball,'be/~'nded, on, o<Hlc,struotion. an~ ' . ',' '. .' . ' " .;. ' .: . ~. '. . - ,,' '. ....,... - - . ",:". ", :er~~~~o,~ 0:t;8UO~ bU11dl~' .~d' nott9,f ..:t~e8,' in, ~ollrieot10,n..th'ere~~ t,~' ',:,' ,,' ,~. ' "..' : , ::' 2.'110 'building" ~h~11'bea6~..truoted 'orereoted 'on a'f13"of'the 'lots" of Jiaravflla-Uri.u'i- :. '. '.'~"'- ,-~' ",,;-'" ,.,"." . ~ .' .- ", '....,.'..,~.- ~ . ,..'...:?.... '..".q -~-'.',.'~ ,.... '.. after ilie 'p~an".speo1fioaUon8 and loo~tion of'the',~ame shall have be'en approv,ed'bY', the" ~." ~.,.,' ': '~..' . ...:.;.,... ," _.':' " '~.\ ..... . ,,".: ,': -',,' .~ . " ,party, of J;he;f1rstp~t. ,Us, 8UooeaeOr~i,i'epr,eaente.t,lve8, or.' ,8s,Blgns,.,," ~ .-: '. . " : .:-. - .... ... "': . '.~-'; ..: .,' - " .' ".' ~ '-. "~.' '3.: Theo'onstruot1ono]'. ereot.ion o<~ a, building :18. nl1iltiid to:one ". r~-:sIQen()6 bUlld_in~ 'and:, ~; . ., ~ , ~. ,~ 1 ,I , . , ! i .. i ", ~ t -'j ~ ' t !' ! :t - - i . ~ ! i I I ,'f, 1 j ,I I' t ,I , , , j 't ,I . ~ f one private g~age on, ea,oh 10,t'."lbO~160feet,.frontin~,,(m :sunri,.,e. 'B~u~evard-o,' ., , ,,';' ,:' '4. Tll.at no unlawful or llnIioral uEJe'B~ll' be made 'ot the~ prelOlae's'hereby' oonveyed,. nor' . '.' 4 ", .' "" .' " ", . . - '. ,. . '. :.' " ' ":. '. " . '.. ',', '. ~, ' . . ~;. \ , . , 'shall the, sa'me ' nor $nY Iilrt there,~i, ,Q()r aI\t i.nterest ~h~re1n ~ be' 801d',Uaae~.. ~r oth~rwi,Be " ,~onveY'dt():an; J)erso~"o't:he,r,<t~ari. ~t ,the ',pauoaslail 'r~o~~ ~'rov,l~~d~~~t, n():~h1rt~ lle~~~~, ~(),n~ 'taln,eci 'shall prevent th~, k.eep1'ng~apd 1D8i.~t8ini.~of 8~rTants on the, 881,d p,ropertYfor ;<i'ea~on~ , i i ! " '::1 'I i 1 , . j 1 ~. ; .- g"l " , r I ' f , I . t ' aole ,family use. ~'. . . 6~1fo' bui~dli1g o6mi11only'known ~S~8n"apartmenth6UQa foroocupation:'of,~~e 'tba'nonefamlly. , ..'. . . ,',~ ", . ..'- ..,..'. .,....'.": '. ,..'~ ",' '~' ".' - '. ~ :.,': ~_.';, .'. . no,.. aeYIWDJ: ncr ",hQsP'1iai. shalib~' ere'ot.e~ ~~, uee~. for ~uoiiJl\1rposes ,On any,l~t or:,19t~ '1n'.' 'Maravnla', exoept: that' 'desi.8rtoted f~~ lluslne'8s' pr~pedyby' pa'rty of ':fitst 'p~rt'. :1:> .' ,- ,_ '. .. . .', ~"':. . 6. That 1~S61d second ,party. theIr heirB.pers'onal', rej,lresentatlve,. 'or a~S18nB. or,all7-"" h;)lder or holders ,of thep~operty hereby convoyed'.. "oy ~lrtueoi 8,1ii,JdUI01ai pro.oee~1,ng8'< Shall ,fall,toQomply wlthanY of, the ab-ov(t andforegolng ,r~l;ttri()tlonB. c.Qnditi,ons .or'11mi ta,': " , . " , t10ns w Ithin 81xty'~aY8; after,wrlt,ten' notloe \0 the said second party theii' heirs ~ 'per'lIona1- , reprea'entatives,or ,a8s1~8, 017 a~o:t them. at ,1ort ~1e~O~. ~todd.&. ,or their laatkilo.n addrese, by the ,said 'party, 'of. the ,'f~r8t' pal't!1ts, BU:ooe3.0,r~.p'raortal: 'repr~seritatlve80r -' asel'g118" or' elthero:fthem.the~,th'e ;13ald above _d,680r,lbed and oO~TeyeA,propel"tY'Sh~111~'d-' ';', . - ._,'. ~ '. . .'..' '-~' . ' ,.' .. . 'lately revert to tbe 8al~ first party~it8 eUO~e!lBOr8' or 6ss1gn!:J.who 'sball be, ent1tl;e~ to , . ", .,...- \ . .' " . ,; _z..... " ' ,.." .' .. ' -".: ," - . - ..' . . '\.. 1mplediately, enter upon B&1 d pr()pertywlthout no'tfoe, am i take posaeS8ion of, ,th~ 'Bame wi th ,full.' . , " ., '- . ,. ," . .' tl tle' in fee ,~i:~p~e~' togethlr "i~hall tmpTover;iente ~hereon, and' no' waiver;o.f, a,ny'o{ ~heBe . o~n:dit10ns, 111:11 t,ationa ,oJ' restriotions, express, or implied. orfellurefor any length' of . - '.. ' tillle,to enforoe the s6Il!e ,',8hallconstl,tutea bar t,o, such enfol'o~rnent at any time.' J, " ,7. That theJ?ar,ty of the first part.' its sucoessors or 6Bsign8~ soo11. have the right. from t1me to t1me. to release' e.'iryQfthe above or foreg01~g restriQh~n8~ condltiOn8 or , , 11mi tat10ne bys&aJ,.ed instrument dulye~ecuted. 1n aocordanoe \'I f~h' 'the laws of the 3ta te of ?lorlda for the conveY$Doeofreal estate. A1ID THB SAT D PAR~ OJ!' TH3: FIRST' PAR'7' for 'i tsal! I 1 ts suooessors and aSBi,gns. dQe8 here~,' cOTenant and agree with the said party of the seoond part. theirheira and a.8i~ns, in, the following manner: 1. 'T,hetthe above and foregoIng re8trlot1on8.tiU.U...tU*.;;~d oon,d1t10ne 81;8:111 be -41f~ I, _ " oluded in all ddeds and agreementBfor deed 1n th,,' fJaid Uara'fll1.a. ,exoeptin that portiQn 8et,ap~rt for bu.in.as purpose.. .! ,!, I,' " .,-- . f '~ J ; I