HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2150 . ok, ~~,~ f' ' , ~~' ,', i,', , " :,1 J, ' '. i " ,:1 I 1 " " " " i!, , ," ' ' " , i . ,:1 . , _.' ;; ;;..;~;:;;'_;,l. ... I ~'- ;;':;;;:~:~.':::;:';~" ~::;:.;;~.;,:~;::~;:~~~ :~~,:;t:;;;~'-i;;:;;::-:-:~~~.~~~.:~.~::::;;: ,', . \, "I 'nb'UG~~ ~~1 ,AU,~TlPI :ro ' , ' wHdJ& lIT .J.~ Y OOHOERN, : I, :'" ': , \ . '~l '. .- '" , i 'l 1'" 'I ' . 1:". ' ~~l " ;, " , ! .. ,. Ii I \, APPIDAVIT ; " iI .'\' L" '.1:( ) \ , \ ' . \ \ 1, . \ ' "i il .- " " " ' " \ \ !\, S;AT~ 'oFri~nJ'nl. ' l' \. \ \ ' I J \ , \' ,',,1\ \ "V \, as, . 'II ; . '\ \ ' ": "'" ~ \ \' ,', I, ,\', \ ' \ \' \ I , ' I ' I.. Q~UNTY O~ ST.' LUOM.) , , \ I ". \ . " '1"1"" , ' \ . \ I 1\' ,'; J'erso~tllal>pe~M'ed' ,~:efo~e\'llifj,"'a\:d\r1-~\'~tialf~i$dllio't8ry:PU.b'if~,' 1~ and' fo'.; t,hG S:tat8',O~ , ' ,',' \ \' ' 'I .,,' , ; \' \ ' , '~',1" ,l.1\ T,.!~_F10rj.d~\. at, ~a~g,e; Douglas ~. AU8Uil, whob~ing ~U~l SWYll ~aocot'd~n.g" ~~ ?8~'. de~o88d IInd'-te1 ct,;' ',": , \ ", t)latl:\,e \W6~' well \a~qua1nted T{1,tp,U. iJ.\Sohaf&r au~ ~ouse Y. Sohafor- h1s w,ife, wh~J.,e res1~l1ng \' ," 'I' ' " . " :, ' , ' ,,' , \ ' ,\ "I I' , , f' lnt~e\~~~t~ Qf l.Iinn8sota.:v.h()on th",18t~ ,dtJ.1'ofiJanU~r~~.., ,D. .,la9~., ~~nvo;yed\a:~ertoln trao't-~t 'n'-'-~: .__,j.:.~t_,:lan.A_,desdd bed' in ;~..warr81hl--De~d.-~0-Jh.o.~u.aa9ku~ .~'tor':' ~er~iA'-cPleoe'-or-c-P~ei~;t'l~nd.-;,c '\'....:. c.. . \ ' \, , , " \ _," " , "," , . " . . !, 81 tuated', in the CQunt;y ot Brevard,. and sta'te Of llotlde., 'desori bed,'a9 'follon, to w1 t': " ".U1 \ ' . f' . - " __', ' . :' .' -. . ': ,.... '.': '. _ . . . . - . , i:\heNortli;;'weet ciuaru~ of the,so1ith-e~st,quartnot ,s.otlon,~thir~l(50) 1~. !oW~bip'; arsouth . ,. '. ~- , -'. .. - ' .' , -, '. r" ~~ R~8e ,41 :z~~:~t'~ ,~:0~ta1xtlng, ,~o:rtl' i 40)a:~r~~, of' iand,. aooo'r,dil1~ to' the ~~'''~~~en. ,8~~~y.:the,r~ot." ." , ", ' , . .',', , ,., y', ' , ! ,Thl!1,DE?Od .was. f11~dfor. .reoor,d JJaJ:Oh,' ~otli,: A., D.~89.~~ 'and ,18, re,oordea' InBoo~ ,~d 'peed8, "BB"'on, ',;, Rage 147 ,Reoords ~t'"Bi".vard Oouritl~""StR:te..,.o.f.~"io?fd(,. ....,'.-r-- ....-.:- ".' -, '. - ,."~' '; . . -." ;-,_" .,. .~ ~. '. ',~ ;' , "s,~ldDe,ed ,being made: Qu'1; ~p, the.',~~lli~t~ ot ~t~"le. i,li,' ~he' $ta~e"of U,i~~ao.ta. ~~e',aokno~~ " . ,~ . " , . -' .' - . -.' . '" . . " .' , '" . ' . ll;'ed$emant ther~o:t was ;"zia,d8: JanUS!'1",:18th, .., 1>.>1896, ~,etore a, )1()tal';YPu~i,10 of stee:l8 count~, " ~. '. .' '. . " -, , . . . ~ .'.. ..,'. .~ . 'L state ot ,llinnesota; and 1n oonformlty ot the ,law8 of that. state; of whioh th~ pUi'oh8serJ,t 0., '. ::BaQkUS'. a~eil' 'a8' ll.' ;;j: 'sahafe:r '~d LOU18~ ,~Oha~.~"w~re' 01tize~s'~f,8a 1d'~~~t;y' '~nd ~ta't~;' ," . - . . . . ", ....' -. - " . '\, , ':"-'n'" "'.LJ n " ',> , ,l K ;. '\f' ;. . :"'..,',,"'~'<;,',' ".,'i":. :;:,_.... ~,'",~.,' ~' '\ ,Q'3C) .~.~ ,- I' f", " arid., a'ff1antturther' depo8ed am. sa i~f" that the' salld J.[:r'8.t,oui8e' J.{.Soh~fctr ',died 'm~ro than ten -, . ~ . , '~ . , .' ';yearQago. ,in ~he state 'Q'f U~nnellota. and that the;r~ 1B 'no 'perso"D. to" a1'tlants know1edse, th,at 'has , ',: " ",',,' '," , " , " , . . .', ' " \. , ' ~ver ola'itil~d any i~t,erest 1n ~helancl8tooonveY,odbi' 1r. ' J. aOhafer"end Loui:se1i~ f$ohafer. his' O)'Wifo, to J~ 'C.' Baokl1s.JaDl.l$r1 18t~/ 1896. '" l;)O'Q,Sl,a,ilS. AU$t1n', Sworn ,to 'alld 'subsoribed before me.. . :. th1s ,16'tb ~a;y; o~ september A.D. ).92.4~ , " ' 'Tnoma:B-Jo"DoShuben; . ~ .."... .,' llo.tarl ~bl1o .iri, and fOr , theS~a t,~ ot F10 ride. ,~t ~argi3 i ' U?oOminl$sion exP1res llovernber 8th. 1927. " ru.dBn4L7tt A~U.~ , lCt~ ct. seat. \ \ '.J -- - .. '.:'...~....~':/~ - .. -,- , ' '1t)1. ,1926. 'at 3:59 P. ll. .. " , 'P. ,0;; indred, Clerk ,Cir~'ui tCour~ ".' . --'~ , : 'e'<.\ . , 'c",\ \ ' , ' (\ '.; t~,' ' , \{pco{ ',' -~~~~,~~(~~ ~,H' " D~ o~' :- -,~. - . -. ..', -.'... i- - ~ - .. -e - -' -",. - - - - . - - ',~ c-:=.:.;-:~-~,~,-,- ~~ R. 'L. BOODWIIl ' ',',TO ',' APFIDAVIT wmy 1, T uAy. ~ !108lill ' .: S1ATg OP Fil'E IDA ) CO~ll!l'Y OPST. L~OI3~ /', ~ PersoIla'll;y e.pp.red before.. this dal R.L. 'Goodw1Ii to me well' known. who being b;y 'me f1rat dU1Y8worn'depoB8SaMs6ye: ~hat this afflant~8lVell aoque.1ntedwlth WiJ.liam W. Tubbs and Clara Tl1bb8jh1s wif'e of . -' ~ st. Luoie Count;y'. Plorid.; That the'sa1cl William \,(.Tu~b8 am :Olara TUbb,s are the same person8, desori'oed a8 W. W. Tubb8 e.nd Olara g. Tubbs', hiB wife of st. Luoie Countl. Plor1,dll and the 'grantees in a certain dud trom i1m11;y A. Bel1',w1dow of st. Luoie ,coUnt;y. Florida, said, dated Uaroh 10. 1922 ana reoorded 'on page 191 1n Deed 30qk 47. st. Lu01e Count;y reoords, 8a1d deed , oonveyins' a oerta1n traot of land in st. iuaie Oounty f Pl-or!4.. desorlped Js follows: . I ,! ., . ., "!-,Qt.2 ,ot B100k 1111 Walter PI.t.r._8on'.'/8Ubd1T1~1dn to.t., Pbro... Plor1da. Goaordlng to Plat ,Book 4. Pago 14 on'rlool'd in the offloe of the Clerk of the C1rouit 60urt o'f ,/ .. . st. Luole Count~, 'lorlda~" .,'/