HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2151 ~,-, U ,: , ' '\' I" \ swoion-:t~,'~dBUbsorlbd ,before \:me tbi8 '2'9'lP ~ay, ' .. , , " \ ; , \ " D.,., 1925. , ()wen!lOljJi' ,Hall, . , lfO~tlry lli1bl1o ~ ,s,tat e 'O~P~01"lda,o ll1ooziJmt881<ui ~~lr'e8' sep',e~ber 6,,1,9~,. :\ ~ '~, I --- ',-,,:'-' -..,."'"" ~ , .....;:.."".;. " \. ' " tb1e '~usu8""h,' 'i9~6',,~t ,~l3i' P.<u,~ . , , ' " " Po' a.: In:~e';:' Clerk, ClrouHr c~~rt; " ." .> ~,'- '-"'1'~\1,'l~d , ..t." e~ " ' ~ecotu" ' " . .. " " .' . -, .' , Bl')~~__~"Y'U ~~~'o.~, J ~ ~.~ - ,,,I - ... - .. - -~- - ._'.. '..,.' .... .. - i.._,' .. _' .. - - .,.- '~'.~ - - , " R,.' t.., GOODWIlf ,; .'TO' .: ~FiDAVI'1' . . " 1i' <.' ',' . . . .- , WHOlf 'IT ,laY ~ ~olfd SRH' "i..-i " STA T3 01l'FLORI D&. ,OonnY QFST~ ',Luau' 1 'J ' , , , - , " . o'., 11 ". "".t' P8~80nai1Y ~p~eare4 befoJ'& me 1;hl:aday' ~~ L. Go'odwln'to me weil..know i .worn, c1.~oB~si!lT'~a~,t~ia',aiu~,' 1a 'W~lX ,aOq~lb'e,d"1tbAr~o,c.P1e.g~n 'T~a'cAi't~, Q. Plag~g~~~__~t~..!.,~f1~.Re:rsondes.orlbed as A.; o.~::Fiagg Qne 6t :th'eS,rallteea in.a' . , .' ,- '.:".:' _ -,. ,".. .'. ,. ',' ..; , , ':oe,:",te.1n de~d from Reuben Car1~oriand 'Rhoda Otll'lton. MB wIfe of.$t. Luolecounty. Fl<rid~ to , .' , " " } .." , ." ".," 'A~6. F1agg,~n4 w~ \Y~ ~ett of 3aran'ao Lake, if.' Y~~Sa1ddeed 'reoorded in' Deed300k ,3. page 372 and . , . ',' ,- ," '.' ","' - . '. ~ ' , datecl'JaIlla1'1 20, 1908. reoordedln the Offioe' of t)18 ,Clerk o~ the OirOlli t Court~ st~ Luoie Oount~~ ',' I. wlJ,o'belng'furst duly ',- " :!i'lorid8 ,desorlbed aB 'follows: Begi)}.Dii1g 260 f8et~outbOf. the,uisooi-De~ ,of the Nat of thesE-i of 3eo. 9" TOwnship 36, South. Range 40 :'~aBt.and rllI1 from ,th~noe South 621:fe<lh ,th~nO,e,l1oBt479'feet.. thenoe" = ;lforth ,6,20 a traot in :teet. thenoe ~a~t 477 feet to pOlIit of, beginning; eXOepUlJ8' f~omth.hoonv~yanoe , ',', '. ' ' , ,t' , ' " " the 1l0J,"th part' of abov~ desorlbed ~;and. s1tua t8d a8 fol1:oWBr Commen,olt1~ a tth~ ' " "\ llW~ corrier of e.b.ove'desor~beci' tr~ot: and rU.Jl' South 67* fee~to' th~ pOln~ of begiDliing. rup tromth~nQe:~ast 105~ thenoe aouth 210 feet. tnenoe '\Yest 106 feet, thenoe 110rth ,210 fe~t, ~o" >'., ,', >', .' ,'. .. ';. pOint of,beglD.ning., aaid troct intended to be oortv8yed by thls deed 'to oontain 6. 80res, more 'or 1es$. (', . f . ,The Baid Arto c. Flag~ h the eSrJtt person who Is desoribed a8 A. C. Flagg Cout elgned his -==;""". ,/name a8 Arto'O. Flagg-) a:nd'is the grantor In ,~oertain deed from A. Ci, Flagg. unmarried of Pranklin . county. n.' Y. t,o Otis, R. Parker of st. Luale Count~. l"lorida.said deed reoor~ed on page ~400f '>, . : Died Book 14. dated l,:aroh 20. H13, ~t. Luolo Co~ty reoorda. aOn'f'qing hle und1dived - one-half interest in the same land above deso1."lbed. And. that .uto C. Plagg andA~ C. nagg are different. 1 , nan88 fo 1" the same per-son;-:..>. R. L'. Goo4wlp (SRJJ,) ~ , I Sworn to and 8ub8oribe~ before me this 2~th ( f ~ , ~-~,..-~~~).,; .~~~. .~'" -"~ .. - day of Juli. ~. D.. 1926~ I (GWendol7J1' Ball .' ,. 'Jfo'arl P'\1.nl0. S,at,e of.norl4a ' , ... 111 oorallaloD eXp1~.. S.pterab.r'6, ~928..' I