HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2153 ';, ;, j ," ','J ! , ' , , " , 1342 ' ," I ' I ,I. , , ,.'. I ~ {' ,j : . " ,I . ,t 'i " 1 . I ' . , , ., .' , . I ' ;. .,' '- !, . -, ' I I ,', " , ' ;, ' ' , I '.1' ' , I . t ' , ' ,i , I " .' , ',' ,I I' , ~ I , , " , . . , ", . '.': . ' . , "':___'-~_-''''''''''''''''_''''''~...!...''''''--9''''''~~''.'''~-':''':>'''.a..'''r"''~'''_.~_....;..&_...J__...J. ... ~ k-~Jo:I!"~-~~ . '. :~.....--;.-~,~...L_""-"""""'~~.i_..~~-,~t:.:.~..u....---",~"" ~.o:-~T"It.~~~~~J"IIIINW_~--:!W'1..._~.t:~,.,.c=.-':r.o~~~~~"""'4'. ~~-~:.:"""'~~,~~~. -, ~~~~~r""-'~~ ......-~~--=~."f > ~Q '~HaR,,, it~~ll ~n4 ~ln~"arthO t~~f..n ta. l\.~'41 i"l",n is..~ ~ppurt~nanO oat h.r~un ~ b010"S'-),'~. . i',' I, 'I I'! '1.~8 '" o~ !n'aD1Wle8 I',appeJlt&in1n8,. ,~nd ',the reve~~lJrt an~\ f"Tera10~8~' rem~h~4er,'and: 'relll~1ncl'ers.' "I l' ,( \ I.' !' \. ",,' !,' ,', " ,"', I"" I', \ \ ',' '\, ' ' I I,'; I'rel1t~,\:~e,a\1~1t \al~ P~O:fftEJ, It~,e'rfiof;, Alm,AIB~ \~ll, tJl~ ~B~~~, '~i1gl\t. '~1 U.,' ~~~erel'~' ~pom~~~e~d,.: . I." "I, . .\ " f.:~1 \ dower\and r1~ht\ ~f~d01'er,', 'er))a,r~te.. ~et,ah, " pr~p&rt~, ?~~8~\.8,~10~"\'O.~',~ndde~cl \Wh8,t~08Te~,\ at: \ ,\,8 \ ; ,law,8Od\ 1n- equ,1t1;'. 81 ther>and ,'bo,th"'. ot, the~,88'td part ,of th., fi1'-8t ,~t". of,' lin,- I'an~ . t.,o t.h:e'- 88l1le~~"-::;n --- .-- , "', ,: ' '" , '\ \' ,\ " " , ~I end ~~e,r~ :P~~,tr ~d paroe~, t~'J'~of; TOllA~AND'ro H?~ ~h~ alJov8 ~e80~lb,edP~~I!11~e8" '8:oliand' ;:" ' \ J{ , ev~"r1, ~to the Baid, ~ert1e,,~ of tl1,e,\ eeoonc?- Pat,t, their ,heir'S ,anc,.~,slgp8, 'i~, fe~ '''lmpl~'i\ a'b80~ut"..1 \ ' indefe881bl;., toreT8r.' ..', \.,' , ' ,\ ,'. \ \ , \ ' ,,'" ,I, ' ' h \, ,~I j' "',' An~ ,the S~l~ \p~t\1ee Q'f,,~h~'tlr8i'p~rt," foX" ~h~Il18,e~Ve8' eridthe~~ ,holt'B.' e~eout~rftand\ ' "'I adn:llnlB'tra.~or8.' joint11 and B9V81'aliy: 90veniuit. ,promiBe, and egree'to and 'with the ~a1 d parties ~ l ;".' . ." '_._ .' ,.." .. . ,: ". ., ," :' ., ',...", " _ ....' .. _.. .' . > ". . ~ .1 ,o'~the 8e~01idPa~t:t: their h~,lr8, ,e:xeouto~8", acimln1~t1'at,or8811d,a8s.18I!8,. ,tllat ',th8"Bal d~~rtie8. Qt.( . I " ' . ' " , , : ' ' , . ' " " , , , , ' th, fl1'8t,'part, ,at' thetl'me' ot the sealing ~ddeUver1, of',theeepresenta. ,are, 'lawtull1 Qe1zed,':, :' ' , In,'fa~ 8i~P'le~r',a8,~~d. ~~e:~l~t~ ~d 1ri4~tell81bie e~'~,at~'Q~ '1i;h.~~~~8:'~~and lrialt ,8IJ'd", ' "-: ,. 81ngul"a~~~e abO~8'4,e~'orJ.b,e~ 'p'r~mlBe8. e...ohant\'eV,er1, :am hay'$ good rle1it~.:fUllPowe,r'8:nd 1.wiV-~, ___'~':~. aut1ior'itJ tC{OOtlT.;': the:,~OIll~ l~lDlUlner' and to:.rm ator'8~ldl'.th~'t~~-eaidp8~'tiee~fthe 8e'oon~,' i " '.:'. ,~~t~ .~hil~li~i;8, ~nd,~:S,8i8~",'8hallarici' mal~,~t',~l,ll time~::~erea#~r,ke~oe,~bli,BI1~ ~uJ.e:U~)~aT8r, ',,' " '. ho19; U88,',OOO-UP1. 'POS8Ei's8~4:~njo1,th. ab&vede8~t1be'd premls8s., 'and .'evet'y p~r,t' ~nd paroel " . " I, ' ,', ' ': ~', ,~he~eo:r., w,1th:ou't.ai1y'18t~ 8~U, .tr,ouble, moleBtatlon~ ,evIC)t,i~n Ol' ,cUB'turb~oe of.. t}~ saldpllrt1e. "of.the 'f1,r'etPar,t.:, 1;h~l~ 'heire" o~ 'a8si8n~. or of 'an1 other "Per80~ o~, per8Qne lawful11 <!.!al~lng' ' .;' or t~Oie1ilI't~e'8~ei,,':that :the ~~ei at1, a~d Bin's~al"','are 'fr~~.:'o1e~~,'dl~~~~!8e,dafid"~~ri~~ " bered: of and :tl',Qm ell totJJlerand 0 th$rtnie~'~'olOU-dS ~nd lJ1Qwn:brwlo8s of what ,Datur,e and ,kind, j . i " , I ',I J / ... , . ,.1 ..I ... I I , \. , , .'8o-ever; that ,the':Bald p8rt~eB:o:t the,firej; part tli~ir heirs., ':exeou;tors tl,nd l\,dm~n18trator8~,'e~oh,':".::_~__ and,e.very. sh~ll make. exeoute and ~oknowi.edgc.. ~chfur'th~rani other. deeds and: ~8SUraIlQa'8'8s':bY' '" . . . '-' . ,: ".,'-'~ ~." ' . ,-,' , ~ ',::":. :: . ',: ~ .'.: " -';. ',~ '. '-, " '? oounael,learnc.d in the law,llI8)r'ba oonBidered reasonably proper to effeo'tuate the, ful,l,lntent'&n!l meaniug of )hf'B .lp:B~rl1!Den1l.,' " ,~,l '\ '; .~ " (.80.00 ~OQ" St8ilDp's' ()~o~ll~id) , . , . ,;-. .. . .. . .-.. ' ,.:.. " -; Aildthe B8id parties ~:t',thef1l'et pprt forthemeelvesiuld their h~ire~ th~ eb'ove.d~sorlbe~, .1 , , p,re~iU~. an,d avery' part ,ampa~el.thereo.f;,~t~ th!Bdd p~rt1eB of, ,.the~~oo~d' part.:, th~lr , . '. . , '. .,.,., "hell's arid a8s1gns, against the B'aidpart1ea o:tthe firBt 'p8rt' 'and ,their hell'S. and. .againBt all' .' " . ' . . " ' - . . . - . ,'I> ancl e~~rylper.eon'or' per.e?ns wh,qmaoever l~.fu~l~'~le1Jlllna "o~ 'to' olaim theB8ra&, , 8h~).1 ,and 1'111 'wa.rrant and ,b1 the:ae' }lreeent8 :fore~er defend. '~ 'Thi8' ,ali'en8tion 18 with the' Joint,00n8ent of, husband aM wife, where that:. r$lot1on exi8ts, , , . . ,Ill tf1T1'3,SS wHrm80P'. tbe,'"saJ.d parties 'Of'~he fir4lt' p'a~t 8,8a).:B ,e,aoh 'inthe,preseno,eA'oft:"o,' aUb.Bor'ib1l1~ 1! i ~nc,t~8~s. slgne~. s08led an'd' del1vere:d in }>resenoe of 'Q....:' ,- haTe hereunto Bet' thelrhana. and ,-J I 1 I 't I , :1 ,I " f 'I L.lT. Halbe ;r VI. P. Riohards Florrie T. Ri~bard8 (sEAt)", (SEAL) i 'j \ 1 '1 I , I " '~1 <) , '. B. c. Porter i' "t 'l,STAT&: OF FWRIDA ) l COtJN'l'Y OF ST. LUCIE,'), SB. ,I r 'H&RCY CERTIFY. That on tbi8 ~1ghteenth d81, 0 tJu11 A. D. 1926, betore me the \Uldn" '!signed authori t1 perBona1l1 appear.di~aymOI1d' 3aunders, w. p.. taobarda and Plonie T. Rioh~rdS,' ,Ra1lDQ~ct 3aUIlder,8 (SBtL) 'I . } 'I ,} I t. I r /their free ao t end deed for, the, usee and purp08U ther aln {111m tioned; e.nd the Bald Florrie T. i " . , -r " , . ~L_~UOhardB the, wl'!.e ot the 8a~d \" .F. ~Ohardson a separate ~d. private examlna'tlon t~ln ~dmah ~ ;;,:~7 'andb.to~e me, land .eparah11 and ,part fr,om her s6i\1 husband, did aoknowlldge that' ~h. Clade ~ I wife of W. F. RiohQrds to m,e well known' and known to ee to bo the Indlv~dua18 df)'scribed in end , ' , ".- ,.-- . '" 1 wp.o exeouted the foregoing oOrrteyanoeto Hugh J. Gray and llay V. K. Grey. h18 wife. as tenantB by the entire tleB wi tJl 1'1 ght ' 0 f eur...l Torehlp, tandeev!Jrally aoknowledg~d tM exeou t1onji~r~~f I ' .,' tY,:.<:c.:,:;';-"-~~"t..;~;~. i ,',.' '"., J