HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2154 ';..,1" "" 'I "',, ,1,:1 ,~ ")', " \',' "" ,/' ~4'3 , . ~II "',, "'1 '.1 ' '" '''':','' j j" " /'--f " t " ," I' " ' , ,. ,'I , ,,' , '. I , ';, j" ," :,' " ,,' " ' 'I , " ,I ,'i '. , I ,,' i ,,' I' . , . .. 1';., .,'" I ,I I I . , I ,I , I,:', ,'" : - ',:~~: :::~"~~J;:':';.:.~;;;7~:::::t~,:.~;;:!~:~ .' ;.::':':;; '~,'~,t:':.:;;.:t.;~;;-':;;~;;',;:,:.~~'::t~~.~,.::~:.;-;;:-.::;:t:.::,::..:,,:;:.~ ::~~:,:,~+~.:;~'::::.:.':+:..-;:..::.~ ":'~, ~;:;;':;;:::::'~~~:;;:-=:~"::::;;';'::.:.'!;..~~T';':;::~:;' " ' , ", 'j \,~~~8elt\, ~ ipar~y ,to' '~he, ~a'~d6:~~dJ p,tl ~,cn"8y~oeior ,tille, p~rpo~~'ol r~~0~olU8r' reil~~ui~'hin$' ~nd \ . , , " , ,\'~, '! o~n,V611ng '\f~l' liter 1'18~t. ,Utie 'an~ 'lnter"8~~ wMth~r\ 'o~ '~~lI~l'~r o~ 8e~ar~te\P'r.~per.tr; e~~t~t~~l ,(}", I'" ',;' Oll',equitable. .,In -ana. t'o ~he'land8 ~hereln desoribed. ADd 't~'t Bbel exeouted,\88id ~eed ,freei~ Cln'd ~' I ' \ ,,' \' \ , ,:-r I \ \ ' ' , 'U ~; ,-;"-,~ ~t~~j:~~ 11;;"~'~1.t~~ut !~ \o~.t".~t\: fO!..-~~Pl ~~hO;'OI"~:~"-O~\";l..~~ ,Of lor ,fro in hor Or1,d, " \ \ '., \ l" , " ,,' '\ " I ' \ \ ' ' , I , , , ! ' 'WI;}lE~8\ ,my' 'Signature 8,04 offioial \ ee8;l at Fort Pi'atoe in th" 'Count1' '0 fSt. 'LuO!. ~n~ \ ! . '\, ' " , ' , " ,,\ I '. \ , " \1 . ,\ sta,te Of Florld:,a . e, da1 a')1d year, 1a8,1I ~fbr'8~id. \' '\ '.. . . \ , :\ " \ \ i i ! , ___1 __..'_~ "i . , ' '11 e.d \ ' , Am'$, L.' Tedder \, (Seal) , ,~otflrY,J)u~1.io '.for, 'the State ,o'f' FlorJ,.da, at tar,ge ~ . l:y (jO~i88ion~xpireBsepteJ~bet" l~ ~ ,l~2i)'. " I , : I I "I, ( i .. ~.. , " . ", ~ , " 7th. 1~26. at ~:-39'P. H. , .. ~ ,'I , \ " . ',':, , 'de>t\\\e~;' ',' , {\~ ~_~CO~, ":,,' ,', _:. ---.- - ~ ,- ,--- Pr C.', ~d~ed. ,Clerk Ciroui,t C'O~.I"t~" By, ~~~ :~.::~~. L.~'", ~~...~. ".' ,. ;' '. .; ~ ' i" .{ , " i . }.- . ~ . '- - '. - - -" .' -: - -," -,'";..- .;;. -'. ~ -1 , , 1--: ,', ". TO , APFI:DAVI~ : ,WHOV'I,T,lJA Y C ,OO03;EUl , , 't. Lo' CARLTON ! . -~ ~ ,$TATB OF F$()RIDA. OOUlITY OF ST.. LUOl~:' , ...', '-- , , , " ',"', ",," ,I" , , Before ~ fiB the, und'er8igned $uthori t1persoIlally appearedL~ 'L. ?arl ton'. whO' :b~ln 8' ;by me' d~ll ,8worn'8818 'v.P9n' hie oath th8t he, w88personally .ao,quC11nt~jl Wi,:thR.' ca~lt'()n., 51'..,' the QrfUl~eelil'a certain 'I8rr'anty-Dud dated 3e'ptember ,8tll'.19il llDd, reoordedin d~ed, book16~. page " 4~ of S,alnt'~uQle County., reo'o~d8'. and'kllow8 (if.hiaownk11owledge. that' the s6id.R.Qarlton'.31t-.~,.' . . ". _ . , '," ....... ',' ,', '." _ .'.... '" I.. . ". . '.,' . .."_' . '. : 18.tliesdme 'pere,oll wh~ ex~outec1a,w~rra1ltyde~din" the nam~Q(Reuben' car,ltQn.' to J.D. Juno~. u a dated.APril, 27t~., J,.914~ a~dreoorded ,lndoed book ,20. a~'I>ngei29 oi 3ain,t, iu~ie CQ:uqt1' r,.,o~rds. , '! . . ~-. . .': ..' ." '. J~ .). . ' , " . L. ,L. 'Ca~l ton. 'Sworn to. and Quosori hed ,befo.r-e Ille. 6n this the .7tp day o:f AU8ust.A. D.. , . . Q : .-: B1l.bel Shel ton eachrfiJi ' , ~Iot~ry P\1bl1o for. the state ofF1orld.n at Larse. " ' l'~2D. , , My .OOtJr.liBS!On expires' Uaroh '~2.. 1926. . .. .?~...'ndred.~~erk Cirou1.t ~e' ',:', " '<'Oh . ----- C/. t; , .' J.-- (l--~/' Court.' '~h<; '.. , ~0 . .(./ ----.-.. 's , . AuaUS,t 7th. 19'26. at 4:10 P. 'lI. , By' -G~G ''':,~'7. ...,,... D. C. . ~ . , '. . - .' . ,. , . . .: ....~ - - - - - - -".... _. - - - -..:-..;........-_..~.- .~ - -~- .' .- - ,-SARAH HOLT3B~RG TO J. D. J.l,l>RIDGE ~TICL3S -OF AGRg31J:':lIT <., . ~ . ,~---~"- --;-..--- ' 'a' ." .;;. :. ..,,- "., : ~,., jt,., ~ M'_ ~~~) ~ , " ARTICLZS O? AGR&~IJ~IT. Uade this 6th dBiof' Augu.st in'the 1ear of our' Lord One Thousand Jane , HUndradand B3TW3Lm $jlL\H, HOL'!dlHRG. un.tn8,rrled, p,art)" of' the first part., an.d J. D. A~JmIDGS, . party of the, ee'oond part, i I i'llTl~~3~!~.That 1" the said, party of the --s-euond-pal-t shall f1rst make ,the Jliymonts and ". ,.. pprform the oovenants herdnafter mentioned on his part to. be made and performed, thesoi d party . ' I, . F of the f1rBtpar~,h,ereby oovenants and agrees to' oamey 'and ,asaureto the Hu1dpnrty af the f .. - .!." second part in fee sir.;p'1e. olenr af fill enoumbranoes whatever, by a goad nnd ,sufficient deed, the: \-; lot., Pieoe,. or! paroel, of ground altuated in the ~ounty of 3t. Luoie, :3tate of :'lorida, knawn and ' , 4esoribed 6S f011owa, to-_1t: i :