HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2163 ,.'352' "'.i ,';,,',.....1,', I,', it i, ;'I~" 1"'" "Ii ';'1" " ::' "1 1 1 . I' '.,\ I' " ,. " 1 '-~.",,'" :',~~-,r', !', "j ,. ' '; d "t ',', ''''':. ,',I' ,", I" -,,'<, ':, . ,"~J_ 'I " . ", I, ", .' , ", ',',' ... ! I' I ' ' I ':T~~,;..;:~;j~~:~~~~:~:~?~_.:::~~~t'~;f7::~~--,:.:.~:1s.;:=:~::.~~'-::'~T:~#'~~"...I~i;~,:::;L,._~~~:, -~~~:-STk:~ '1 ~ank,~'Trust Cot1lpany at For~, ~~eroe F~OrUf1II,or o,t ~uoli ~therb.ankor ,trust Qotlpa~' a& moy ,bo 1.t,br'l l", . des1snat,a.\bY: +\e~8~rB','~ l~r a~u'l'~ pa.~~nh In''8dv:O~ on '~he~1'r,.t daY,' OIfJui:r ~d ):~ gQld OOi~;; ~:' - 'I \' '\' ',' ", ' , '\ ,I ," I, " ",' '" . \,' I ,\ \ \ " "of}~'l)~1~ed 3tates\ot or ~qual'~o,'t~e:pr~8enr:8tknd~rd Qt"we1lght and\ f~nfm:e~'-."Or~1tBi ~q~,1V81~n~,' " " " \' I' , " " I , ,\ \ I Ii ,J : '~ent fo'r th~, :preIl118e~ defDlaed;, ~B ,tif~.e,a+d ..88 '7c)~;tOW8t\ \, , I. " I: " , , . "" \ !, "~,--,' '-'~'bf~i tliou8iurdtilye,ffii~id'("2~,(),~06) \per~um '()oti~rlng"~o~8""I.an(;6' B;loot\'f qarHon's' ,\ , . ' , \ , I , " ' ' "'. ' I , , "... ,I, . ' .. " . iAd'd1t1on'to Fort:'PlnOG,a8 8hQw1\lbl',m,apof Fort Pleroe,on 'f11e, ,1n off1oeof"Olet-k:~1~qu1t, ~ourt~C 1,...L~oi.coun~y;: FlO~ld~., I' " \" ' ':' ..' . .. . '. '(' ',:" \ ",' ", 1 :" .~. ',The:lea8e~ehall have the ~18ht, t? 'Odl,leot',an~reoe~:ve allr,~t8 ,d\u~\from an3\extst\lng: , '" ' .____'~ -:~--::le88~lJ~Or'lril-,6r 'any,;,p~rto~eal'Q,'Pr.m1a~e'~an'd'haViL1~(rretal'ii,$11~'aUt!lf rente as, ~~.e~dUe, ~l\\ Pilla) ", '" 'i> ", . ',\ ' " ',,", ",' <. " , " ,'"sub8eq~en'- to. " . " , " ; , : " ' ,', ' ; ~,.6~, ,:Le'e~ee 1.'111.'88 the siune 'b'8'O,Ome8duea~: paia.b~e pay'to til-.pUbl1o: offlpers oharged" '" " : /." , ' ' , ' ',' ' , '" ' ", . ' ' -'--c-'--;---', '"" \:'" with-the ,o~lleo-tion t~ereof, 8l1"t~es, a8s8a8filan_ts, t;lnd,publlo ohargeJS' (exo,ept, lnooIlle;' 'illp.er~ t'ance , .." -,' \, '- '. . :~'.' . ' '~'. " . . .' -. . : - . - .: \- '. . ." .:. . . and . 8uooeBBiont8X~e)', ~h1oh mayher,aft'er' <l.uring the' teriil of" th,ls'le888 be"levl.ed"o7;fiBBel3~lJd ',or ,0 b'e paynbleh'pon't}1i~"l AQ~'A. ~~n~ :~tl,l'at' afi :tlri1'.s ;~nveharin1es~'the le8sor~; ~nd:, the' ~al~ 4emieed ~o . .' ~.. . - . '.'-.. '. " .' '. ~ ,. ...' ,.,' " .....: .~. . , ',:. " ..... ".', .-.. - '~.,.' ',' ;':'. :'~', ". < ~ ,"- .. -'. ~ ... '-' . . . '. j pr.emls8s':- f~oci all,su<?h taxeB ~~8'se88mant'8 ,on'd pUblic ohargeo, as' "ell as fromanynnd all <J:J,aimB" '. .. . - , ' .', :". . ,", '.' .' . _',.,. " _1-' , ~ " . . ~ . . .::". . _ -.. _' . . '. _."'.. .'.. _ ~ :. . , ,fo,rdamages 'lnany,w8Y9~orgaa-bleto ,or Pa1ab,le to:r or, ,in respeot to; ,sald: Premises, oJ' ,the ~i,e aDd . ;.'ooo,uI>anoy thereof ~~i~ :s~l~',t'erm. llothi.ng ,i~, th"~' l80se :,hall, liowev:~r"b&' oonet,r1:\~~as' ~re~ ;, v,ent111g" 0; ',interfe:r1ns~th the oontestlng 'by thelessoe' :at its ',own 0'9>en8&:.' of' ~,.xoe~Slve Qr unlawfu~ ciaiaBOl"Oharge~ 'of . ~y ~ln~ 1~ respeot:, to: th~ prami~.B 'heubyleased., ' ,.:, , , ' , ..,' '" ,',,', ' ", ' ," ' ", 'J. ' . , : ",. 6~': Lessee will at ali ,t1W8S' dUrl~, the, term h8~eo:f' exo,ept during e.n~;' period' required for' 'I" reoohstruotion. o'fnew bulldings,6fh'r the' destruction or 'removal of any bull 41n'is ramo-red .or ': " -' .,'.. '.' ,- . ",' , . ", . ~."'.: ' . ,. . , . ~' " , destroyed , ~ hav:e ,and ~e~~l1ot On;L'Ythe 'bUl1dl11SB whloh,a;'e \lpon the:~al,dPI:~rni'~,es~.~4~ a1'so' any , , bulldlngBhereaf'ter' ereoted', thereon, lrioollstMt S()bd' ~ojj~l,t.l,onana.re})a~r, a~d 'ha.fe,the"swne,: ' lnsured' against 1088 ordam,ageby f1,~elu ainoull~ w!deh !3hOl~represe~t 'n.~t 'less~,han t.hrea,- ~ourth:s _ a~ of the, full 1~8u~~ble:v8,lue ther,eof., All,~o~~it.s oOll,~ot9~ \lpOll anY8uOh,P,0l101,eS' O:flnB~-, ; once sh.aU' ~e aY~llt1bl~'o.tothe,,~e'sse&' fO,r th~,oon8truotf~n or r~P&1r'~s '~he ,oas'e' m8$ ,~.~.'6f a~1Y butldlU$ or bund-lq~B 1nJ\U'ed' or ~lestroyedby flre and' Bho.llbe~u'Bad f01; 1;h~,a1>urpose,nnd,:fo',r 110 . other p~,os~, ~nd theent~ree.moUJ1t shaH be used ,.in thq'repalr o.f any such bullding or '.r,t,' ., " i 'l \... . ,\ \ " [i, , , '. "~ '\ ;i , ,~ ) i , , , , ~. i ,~ ,~~'l , '~ '~ . ,'11 ~ ~ .1 '~ '1 :, . j 1 " ~ "'j ~ ii . .' -:"~ ,,1 , ()' 'I ','I J .' . ~ 1 ... <:l , . .. i \ )>ul1dlrig s .:, 1 ' '7," L,easee b,uring the te,rm h.ereof w ill' confOrm to' fUld' abser.ve all oi'd~ nan~es, :l,aw'EJ' and ros.. uiatlons of ,So.ld' ciity 'a~ 'of' all pUblio autMrl t1.es, bo~rds'or of1'l!)ers'rele t1,ng'to 801,4 'premlsija . ',or the lr.1PI'Q.YfJm-'mk~ereon or the usa ~hereof, Slid wlll.no,t durl11g saldhrll) permit th'e':atu:le to,\ ' ".be use,d:forthe)lurp.qse'of o~rr;y~ng, on ~y,~llleg810r' lmroora~' b\1~i~!~~~c~,~()~il\1P8t101~. " 8.' Lessee may 068i'gn,1 tSle~8e,hol~' lnterest 'h~rel11',w~ th~'ut t~ewrltt8n'ooriaeilt of 198801' , when th81'e18 nQ 'existing de1'ault on 1 ta p,art i~the ,0beer,va1DLe.nnd Performanoe o::f~ the ~ond1tl0,ge , , hereof, ondor,:"lll6yaubletalloJ"oDy po.rt,ofthe 80.1d pr'em.1sos,' bJ.it'.1~ase8' sh8p'1l6t~n 'any even~ ~. ,i -~ be rel~ased from 1 t8 ,primary oblige tion, to' pay the r~nt,s'st1pulat~dh8reln. .. , ." . ~ , ; , ' . 9.' Le880eahall have, .the rIght wheu'not ln, defaul~ otthe' terms and oondltio,ilS hereof to . Co , , j , , r remodel' o're~n8e theb\llldlng 'or ~ulldlnga now, erected on so'id premises or a!1Y building whioh " ,- ,I ~c J J -~ .. '; ~~ ~ I '; ~y herearter be erected thereon. bu. t before,beglnn1ng any 8u,oh recOdeUng ,or qh,anglng 1 taMll I -I 'deliver to lEJS80rS, a good and suffIciont bolid 1nthe aroount of the 8stir.:1ated 'oost ,$f suoh :rernod~ (i ,. ., - - 0" """'. t' '. . ,L 811ng or chapge, oond~tioned for thecolO:pletlon thereof wlthln a perlod'ofe-1x-(e-}-loontI:B there- 1 after. I I i In the evei.t the lessee deslres to rale the build1ng or buildings now on sald prem1ses, or :1, an~ bJ.lld1ng beree:fte.,r ereoted thereon and ereot n new building thereon,: 1 tehall. del1yer to I , , i;,' T lessors b6:fore oeglnning suoh ,oon's'truotlon 9J good 81l~8~~:f'lcl.nt :bOlid OOlldltloned, for the 'oon;"" , -'8t'rU-6tfon of suoh n." building upon the premls8B, wi th1n a perlod o~ .one (1) yOar, from date 01' f B{i1d, 'bond', in 011 ~ourit not issa than the 'fallle of 'ehe building orbullding8 911 said premises :t > "