HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED BY �4 1 r arro6� �eao owirn6 PERMIT M ISSUE DATE Peay's Electrical {Company Name, he Electricai (Type or Trade) PLANNING & DEVELOPKE, NT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Di-Osion BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTILICTOR AG.1WEATCVT Sub•conirrlctor Ior D R Horton Inc Wnman• Contractor) the project located at 8705 Cobblestone DR (Project Sirca Address or Fralicrn• I ac ID #) ^� have agreed to be is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our panicipaiion tt•ith the above mentioned oject, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to Ile ing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. W. CRC 1 Stt9 of Fraridz, Count) of Brevard ThIN( floinplmtrufrirntnn►lrnedWarr an11.1e ��daior June to 18h)- — alai Is prraatli► 4nauq ar has prottuced a i 8! I�tnlfhegtioq • -- -- 51AMP i �n pietary PW4 State o1 flat a ndr3 L �s�GG ago25t 0olta1-020 l 1 VO SU6•CO4irR%CTOR stun %ruRE tQuoinvi Christina Slate HUNT NAME ER 13_1114_555�3'3L i 3 COU�T1 CEBTIFiCATION YUi(RFR 4 state or Flnrht2, Counc, or Brevard l he rastiloing Instrutntnt uas Signed htrott site this 22— day of June 201% w 1,e It penanaltt".'. u r liar peaduced a���,�.. as id aon. STAMP 319W rOman, Puutir Print Name of Votary Public �.i,P** Notary Public Swaat Ftortda tz h Sandra Lacne t: ` My C=m:sslon GG 020251 wn Eaplres 0®11012020 'e PEFUN I courv-ry � rtonl . o ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Complillace DIvision BUILOIm PERhltT SU&CONTRACTOR ACREEd1ENT Benjamin Draw Plumbing have agreed to be (Campany Name lndtyidusl Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Type orTradr) (Pnoury Coalraetorl For the project local edat 8705 Cobblestone DR (Projrsl Stan Addtaa or Ptopeny Tai'ID I It Is understood that, inhere is any change ormatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division orSt. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the cling era change orSub•contractof notice. CONTR.1C7ek SIGN ITUNt tQaa11Qu1 Bran W. Davidson PRINT dA M CRC1327008 9tutai liatk o.Cealus or Brevard III* rerreltm12"nMINwas filmed hers" anOld, 22to3d June wbhpenaaslyUearm,�irintfniattsla.._, .�„� a• la ec S�y A. at& 1Ylat Mace arfbuq fawo &.114I11tg014 =OP ants of r�otwsm,nGC 020251r;02� WAI.CeTR.IGTOR51CN1TURE1QuNaiil" Regamin .Jimenez fntN17111ARE ` - — CFC1429456 COI;tYT1''CEgTtFIC.I utt�OE]i %Isle of Mew rwu) of TittwsadgLntntrntwujigged hctntmef►b 22da1 at June .tn ig uka4puue>satkno-ax ortaumeadaeelra„r_ +er�reafla 54�+fatt Dory 1'n t ST."IC fu asasf auft e r►u NotaNPac d e`' Sandta mm s roe GG 020251 ,` � eew`e5eenu1:a2u >ww� PERMIT k I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiNision Florida Breeze tt.olripany Namelindividu. HVAC/ MECHANICAL (T}Te orTradc) BUILDLNG PEP -MIT SUB -CO' TRkCIrOR AGREENrEN-r have agreed to be Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Primary Contractor) r the project located at 8705 Cobblestone DR (Project Street Address or Property Tax ED) understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned xt, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be ads ised pursuant to the li'' g of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. r C �`ITa_tCToR SIGNATURE (Qnatititrl 'Brian W. Davidson PR MUNIE �CNi RC1327068 CO NTYCERTIFiCATIONNU.1.18ER Stal I or Florida, County or Brevard The sreraing instrument was sl=ned berare me this - 22 do) or June ,,a 18k i personally known X or has produced a 1Fttieation. )`� 6., STAMP We or Notary PubOe Ps:ntc: 5t t:c of Ftc::da hotatyLl syCanms GG020?5t i llslrv_D16 i ''�oi:� EXFresL`CItF:'.020 SUD• ON I'R ACTOR SIGN, ' RE (Qualifier) _ Kristen Kelly PRINT 1 NAME CUUNTl CERTIFICATIms Nu,%IBER State of Florida, Count) of The farrain= instrument was signed before me this 22 :toy or June ,,018by Who is personally I:nowa 2Lor has produced n st t ration. / Si are or NsTaaPotary Publie Print Name of Notary Public [qP,,,4 Na'�ry P::bis Mate atFwida SC"dra L=ene ,,my ccmtnis.; an GG 020251el,cr ass^ Exirleu cell _ t2020 PERMITS ISSUE DATE PLANNOG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES n Building & Code Compliance Division • BUILDING PERMU SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoing LLC _77(CEompany Narael1ndividtl9 Nertkc) ' have agreed to be the RoofJng 0Tyie of Trade) Sub-contlactor.for D•R.Hartnn (Prim u-y Carthmmar) For the project located at 8705 Cobblestone DR (Projat 5trzet Addrlxs or I'rapelty Tex ID � It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding Our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CQti'rRACiOR � �"' iQuaNlierj Braln W. Davidson CRC1327068 er Florida. counq or Brevard � s r"Win lsarrumegl was sisaed bdom me fhb 22 dsy or June 20-1§ by e b pe MLly known X er bas prodoeed rf l r eta 140taty pu,;c State W Florida 5®ndra Leone My Corwisslon GG 020251 y'�%ern� E�t°s0e111UM20' SUa-CONTRACT0 5 NA eatinerj Brian Maloney CR MT NANAM CCC1330653 COUNTY CERTIFICATIAV NUMak:R stale OFF'lodds, County ef,_�� The rorepdit 1=t Mg,,nl wn d eed berm = t>tls 22 day or Jun- ��� 20L M who b oetwes2y imowa _? or' bs: Prodaeed q as tdegtlaQaaa. a STAbfP--Tw`iCtJ� STAMP SttasrortorNetrrylaDile "� cStz6 t6v Leon FewsseorNobrylebuc i� Nclary Public Stria or Florida ' Sand ra Leone S e. , MY co Omiss�GG C20251 �w M1° Ex