HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DIVlsion BUILDLrG PEP -MIT SUB-CONTR.kCrOR AGREEMENT Florida Breeze have agreed to be (Company Name/individual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Subcontractor for D R HORTON IiVC (T}T.c of Tradc) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 8721 Cobblestone DR (Project Street Addreis or Properry Tay [D �) It is understood that, if there is any chance of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building; and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucic County will be ado, ised pursuant to the tiling; of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. �r Ca:iT0.�CTOR'SiG`1aTUREIQualitierl - Brian W. Davidson PRINT NXNIE CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUSIBER Stntc or Florida. Coanq• of Brevard The forctaing imtrutnent was sl=ned before me this _22 da} of June ,018br wha' ersonany I.nownit or has produced a s identiric ' STAMP aturt o •otary i'uh0e Ni/i1'e Print Name of Norarf Publle tier^u hotlry Puh�u $tt:a of Ftcc�cia Sandfat^ 1'aGG03ts�5t RvisedI1 Iry2016 � n' LoyCanr.�r _0 ' •?Ci tad` Expires Cetsu'.5 SUB• ON'1'RAC _0R51GNr - RE(Qualirier} Kristen Kelly PRINT NAME ` MC-1 1. ;oULIN I I CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida. County of The forroint instrutnent w assigned before me this 22 da or June s018by s Kha is ally known _or hoa produced o a$ E enlifiear STAJIP 5tpn rea tart'• Publie Prim Name of Notary Pubite Jsr nay_ NotM PsMIC St -Ito at ft_r"da Sctidra Lacne 4 0' M-j commI,-1 on GG Q 20251 "rCnc.`''� Explau Ceti t.'020 PERMITA I ! ISSUE DATE PLANNMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES "Building & Code Compliance DmSion. IL • BUR DING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Robing LLC (C=pany NamrltndividlW Nama)have agreed to be the Rocang Sub -contactor for D.R.Hortan (Type OrTreda) • (Primtvy Conhactcr) For the project located at 8721 Cobblestone DR Rmvject Street Addtrss orPraperty Tax ID N) ' It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CQtiZRACrOR Q r) �---�.�.—•--� Braln W. Davidson PRaYT NAME CRC1327068 t:DLTMCERTWICGITroNNtib Mt st•teerPtott46ratyaf Weyard Tea rarssates tntruoiea1— atsaed bdara = thb 22 eay or June 20j-§ by who 4 Persoaauy haawa -A-or has Prodosad a _ atldeetaka a Slattatlrrt arHattry laeae ���• STAMP Sahara Done r"M FUare 01110tary rahttc SUa CONiRACTQ S NA wHne,) Brian Maloney rR MT KANAM CCC1330653 CouNTY. CER'rmcATIA`t fflzaER Stile arRoHda, County ar� The foregatoj tutrnmeot was aipud beror: tan thtt 22 day or June •2018by who Is Per"natfy Imowa X or but Prodaeed 4 a t0aaaavllea. 7 51patartar!\otagtitttJ "" $TAl1iP Saydea Leohe Print sun or Notary rohfte tela of Fbrida P�* ale Notary PWc 5tato or Ftorida Rcriud t my cad Leone µr Cama>is=!an cc azots t nGGo2pZ51 q' EsPva=Oatt012a20 tiiEgfl 70 PERMIT 0 ISSUE DATE iF;;V30MhtCUN6T:t D n PLANNING & DEVELOPKE, NT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dhision BUILDING PERMIT SUIT-CONTRACT014 AG.11FEMENT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be {Company Nartiellndividual tram) the Electncai Sub-coniricior for D R Horton Inc (Type orTrade) (Primary Contractor) For dic project located at 8721 Cobblestone DR (Project Seca Address or Propcm Ia% ID 141 ^�! It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisiun of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to Ilse filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. COIN) ltACToRSI .I+`17u "" .eSK1fet, .•..•�.. ._ Snan W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC 1327068 COUNT)" CERTIF1CATtONtrtlAtBER State of Florida, Count) of Brevard Thrrore{oin�leatruattnluafslCardhrrorre,tlb4� 22 Wlof June 2018by aho,t perwnafis knot.4,or has produced a al Idtltrtfteatma 54l atur7Ef %afar) Puhec PrlatNatueaffiatuy Public 14 PW*C state of Flondo ro No ry Ap Sandia ine GG el o2az51 t�1fr_2µy esoW101=020 4' �& k-f SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGN XTURE tQuAlfrerl'T Christina Slate ER13014555 3ov i 3 COUNTCERTIFICATION NUMTIF11 State of Flnrllla, Couni) of BreVald l ht fattgoiag Instrument ins signed Ware pie tills 22— da) of June 10 1% mho is personal]) t.nr,, ur baa pradutad a_ as id 1i110e. -- S7A+Ir Cc STAMP St¢aa fNotars 1'ub6t Print Naese of Mabry• Pahlir Z Notary Public State of Fierlda Sandra Leone My comm:sstoft:,020251 Expires0@f1Ik2020 PtERMId 1 ISSUE OAIR PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PER&ItT SU&CONtTRACTOR ACREMIEN T Benjamin Draw Plumbing have agreed to be (Caapaay Name Individual Name) Cite Plumbing Sub•conlractor for D R HORTON INC (Type oiTrade) (Pnnury eoalr�cla) For the project located at 8721 Cobblestone DR (Ptojeel5trrnAddrescmPropt:nyTat+ID) ' It is understood that, irthere is any chance arstatus regarding our participation with the above rneniioncd project, life Building and Code Regulation Division orS1. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the fling or Change orsub•coniractor notice. 4Z,4�� co.YrrtbcrouSlum ITUN! (Qn"eel Brian W. Davidson r'ItlrfrIMAIt CRC1327068 0111 l EIMCAT A Ytutarnatku.c.cl) of Brevard 'be fane+lnebanattnlrsirlaneJbefore ealldt 22,4r er June .0184 "be ItpeeMtunl kne+aILat11a1/fatfuted� .._— Z- 0is e sruur V041Maatarlaateghwo , / W al R.+actt It ILIO16 .afro Nctory Pubic Stile of potra i w ; Sandra Lcon ! �c P MyComrsr:v=GG0201.51 1or'n� Eepite•.0S110'.023 bulls YrBdcTONStan ftTURE Benjamin Jimenez CFC1429456 C06Nr1`CERTrFICA 01t�1 NWTpflt Gaa.r11.►Jdt,rttttalr er The lwadgtmanneel tat dyed hdne me fill 22441•r June 1, ti1Mlt/erlaatajlutatta,x orlua/eNaeetla, �_ ,ewtadn slfsalite slut 1'1 bT1AtP atnaa *r(to Urr �t tu,� i4 o �7 r NeuN Puh4c sutc at FW110 Sandra Lea+W GG 070251 Garnhiuo' Eea'eti eatltul:02h