HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2177 'I ,'J , I ' I ' " , " I I , ' " ' . , '3, 6"6" ':, r I <, \ ' ;/.1'; ; " ' I' I 'j " ' ' t' I , , ;'j ! " , "i /." , J .. " - r . ~:> ' ,. I , . '. .. ~ E -. '" ;_:~'~,' .'-~-~;~-~7~~.'~1' "\"':-~~~;;~~,;~;~~~~~~~;~f~~f-7f:.~-"'~~~l , L P'iled and reoorded on thla '11th dSoY. 'ot Au.g.19~O, 'a' 11;41 .,K. ,I" ' ',' I ,\' , \ \',! ' ),,1 ,', ~',' ..', '.11 ,',", I:"ll:",l--\-,J.~I"\' ;,,\'.1.""""" ',' ',,' ",';'\,: 1\'\ ':, I,,; \,\' ,:~,':,\, I'f':, -c\+:-~~__.-c-c-c..I: " \ 'i!~ 'O~ ~~~,' 01..~1~t.OO\U"t. ",'\, \' i. ." " ft~('o;/!. ,"'"" ~i:J;jojwd/d~ D;~., ":J \ ,- \ ': \ ....r... t. \. \ ' . t \ f .- ",."'1,....1.,. \ .'-\" '\';\ . .\ " I . i _ . .' .. -\ . '. . \... " ',' ,', > - .. '. .' ,\ ' ~ ~\. ..:' ". - ':,\ ,', ,. _'. '. ~.: -+.~-\n--;ri--; ;i'~'IJ:' 'n" ":'n. n.". n'. n'. ~i:.nl.~'l''''..n. nl:'".. ~:"", .... n:. "0'" it . n'., II .'11 ~n;n .n-, n'. ft. ~~". n. ~'~ ~. n:~;;;~; ",i,'" ~ n. u.n ~ n. n,' \ , .' . . t! .. ..... '. . ~ _' _" . \ .... \. , .' ,..,. _t' , . . ...\ . .f . . ,t '. .: _ .. .'., ',' "'_. Y. . . \. T ___ '__ . \. ~ . \'" 'I i ,i .. l~ \' ; 'I ,TQ,,'. I 'R.L. ~ ; , , t' , , '"I , umn;'A. ~ISNE'R IT J.L' , 1<, , , " \ c~ -.- -,' ... 01 .'f ,\, " " \ ' 'WARRANT'!, 'D.DD , \, ';IUS 'IN.DENTURB,' Jlad~' th~"Seventh,~yofJul;' A. D. ,1926~UrwD1fH~~ i.. 'Jlsner and '. '. . " \'. ,'. " I _ " .Uhe,lm~na ,:0.. Eh,ner, h~8 wft-. ~ "otthe,OouD~l"Ofl'fe.n~o,rll: and ~tate: Of ,;He.. YO~J: parties ''o~!l?e " '.. tirst >>art,: anda~ L.~ Goc:u\whl o,tthe. QouJit~'- or St. 'Luoie anel -State otl!'J.Ol'ibpartJ ,ot~he, seoo~ . part,l'ii:TNEssBm, ,Th~t':the ,~a:1c\,~ft1e8 O:rth& fl~~Pe.rt,,~or ~d'1n,oonSi'der~t10~'O~, t,he 8~~: '-- . ',- . . .' - "', . " . . ",. -'. . .' of t~'do,l~~~ an~'oth.,r;ralUa~le' ~ onJ"lde~ion~, 'a.Ol,i~rs. tothe~': 11~ l1all~ pald,' th,~ re~,el11't ~ere~1'", " . . '- . ~ . - , . " ).'. .. , -" -,' " ,. -. , - ,', " '~ .. . ~ . . -'. " . . . - ' . . -' ~ 18,' hereby aomo,lledged. .-haYe.8raD.ted, 'baraa1nEld,' sold ana tranaterred,&nd'brthese p~..sentli do ' , "~~h'b~ga1n., '~e1.{:::,a'~~Bte; ~t~ ,the, ~~1d~,r-ti"ot th~~.OondP~\' " ~~d~ ~i8 ',~.'~rs:and'a~~,~:,.:.' , :~to~"Y~~,,: a* : that ,oert"ln' 'paroel-' ot ~anci iY1~.',a~'"be~n8 ;1n ,the' :OOUJ;lty Q:t ,5~ .,Luoie, ai:uL S,tate "o~ J'lorlbl' '. ',I , \' , i I f . , " '. i ,. ~. ~ t I ,I r , ' , . l1n-d1v~d.d 1/2 lnt~reBt. In the, fo1l6v4.1\g 'de80ribe~ propert~s "..' , .~Bt 96 fe,et"ot LO~l" B10'oknX",aoOo~1~to ~ 'o-r ;Fort Pieroe.' '," ,"',~<",'",' ." "" J'1.or1da. aB per plat: .tlledl~'.the, ott1o,<<t',ot the Jaerltof' ,the 01Nu1t ',Oourt, 5t'. Luoie OOUnt7~ ,nOrld9., 1iiPlat Book f,'page' 189,~ wh10h tIlfiLT be ~+ao. de~O~1b>~c; as' r~~lO\'l~': ";COIiliae~Oltl8,' at a ~olnt i50 teet sa'st; ~t,~ , Ithe~~~ne~~ot: ;c,ot:'?~e (l) ,,'3io~'kii~~, ~,,'a be~lnnl~' p01nt'~' 'then6'. ~8~.r1y"a1. ~tl8 NOrthtot;ll.ne.Of .~enue, :0-95 ,teet',~t)lenoe,~o,rth~ril , ' .. , ' 0' , ,',' ",I " ',,' " . a~ ail +nte~,lorlUlgle-ur-a905' 17.4 teet to' the lI'Ui1e 'o~ Lot', One C1;), B1ookFour(4). ,then,oe Wes~r17 100;45 ,fee~'~ th~~oe ,southerly at ,an , ',', "0".' " .,' ," ", ,',,' , ,~nte~,J,or:'angle..ot 70"8' 48.9 t'eetto' the. p01nt ot beg1nn1ng, -- ,- '(.1.00 -I ~R.~ tamp' oail.): ,\ ~OGETHI!:~ with e,llthe te'rierients. here~tariientB'.nd appurtenances . with ,eve17,prlvl~ge,r1ght. ; ,j,ltl.e. lnt~reat ~,ndeBt8.te,.dow~r ano,'r1gllt of ~wer,re~er81;)n, ~1nder and e~sem,entt~ereto be1o.ng1118 01' 1n'a$Yi~ea~p,~i-te,~1118:' TO HAVE AlfDTO' HOLD'the8liWe :In .tee ' Sl~Pl~ i'orev.r:~, ,',', ' , And the, aai~-part1esot. the t1r'st:part.dO ,OOTenant w1th'the,8ald parly 'ot,the 8000n~:,p~, " , , , " .,'.", ,': ,.' .~', ,--, ~',', . '~",.~,' " thattheYlare la"fu,ll;Y:Belzed ,ot the 8a1d'pr~1~e..,'~t they are 'free, froma~l lno1Dbr~e~. ' " ., , f , ' 1 : t " 'i , '1- ' : . \ ' . . . '. , and that thet~ve gJodr1ght a~d lawt,ulautnOr1tyto sell the. samoi and the sald ,parties oL...thL tirs1;paI1'do herttby f'Illly .e.rran~ 'tile tith to ,a"ld'larid, ,and Will d.efend the same agalnatthe;--c--'....~---' lawtulola1ms ot all persons wh~aoever. . , ,HrWrrllE~S\'~F, the said. part lee, of' the' flrBt part have' hereunto set th~irnaI1dsand' aell.ls, the dq a.pdyearabove wrlttell. '; S1gne~, sealed and. a.el1n1"tld 1n o~rpre~enoe: --- G. v. \ G. v. Yat.. HarJ,ng Yates Harlng Henr~ A.,Elaner' . (Sm) , ,W~lhelm1na O. E1Bner '( S'e$l) '. ..- _..l---~rt' - ~- ~.-- .~_.~ l ,. ; ~ . , ,} ,STATE OF NEW YOlUC ,If ,COUNTY OF l/ZY1 YOax- I " , " I "~ I H'ERE~ C$RTIF'f, That on this 6th d4y ,ot Augu8y A. D. 1925,.,betore me perlJonQ;llY,appear~d: HenrY A. E1naer and ~ih~lhelm1nJ. C'; E1inll' to me 'known to bc the persons desorlbeo. In 'and who , f to R. L. 9oo~,,1n and severaqy ~cknowlfj dge,d the eteouUon. thereof' '.i' I / I .;--r---:------