HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2193 ': I', " " . I, . ' ') " , . '/ 'I' I '" .,,~" -,..~ 1"-'~ . .)1 I 'y I I, I, ;i ,] '. II . 3 8 ~ '.' , . , I ',I II ii' L' r,' I. I' I, ,'.. i' ,,; . I '1 , , ~ i ,: ~'P",I"'I! "." I, ,j " i, I'T~ ,'! , ' +' "I ';~-~-:~~:~:!;.::~::::~~r:'~~:~::~::~~:~'., , ~:;~~~t-~~;~:;:;t:;;~--'-r;~7:''::'':~':::T::;;;;'" ~fFiF~7'~~~~~j;;:';~':;r~~~~,~,..;;tt;':'f7=~::;"',~::;I~; -, ~ ! \ ' , , \ I, ' . I.'" \ ",', I 1, I' ' . , " I ' 'i I \ :d. ' ,', ;'; I. I, , ' ," I", 'I ' " "" . " . ,','. ' II I" ' !., a?~ep~ati,oe:\ot ,~l).iS in lJtrument.: ~~E!a\ tp ab~de'bf~ (pertorm a~d,\A~ere ,t~ lIald pon~,l~la:18~ re.H \' , I ',' ' , I . " "\ ,', . '. , .. "'- I , , I ' \ ,,'; "\ \ . ! I.;,.!O~_!O~ MJU.....tatlon..' ,.,. one. ~ ,~h' .~~...IJ oo~.t~o,". ~~:, ~.".ipr..:~\.. ~utlo~ly~yr ~.~ ;,C._:L.~, , f \pertoo.':en:~l~~f617 ,1st, ~1.9"O., ,\': ==t; 1 '. . L: '\ '\-"'""" , J 1\1, : \ .',. \I\(~, d: \ t, <\" ,'1.fbat"no"bu11'd1.tik' ~8hall 'b~-eI'eoted-.on-t-h(., 8&i41-am\~~xoep~~'t-or-'prlvate"~1ll-fng'inirPo8\rp\~.-,--~",: ~ ;,' e~~e,Pt, ,US~l' apd";.,o~ssarieu\", bu1~dJ.~~ ~\ tilid \tha't ,the a81,d. o.\le+~'lri8 ~ouse"eX~1.~l';~, \ofthe \. ' " "",' '_~. . ;, bU~ld1'nBs, 8halY()'ostriotJ~SlJ't,~n$2500.00, W:r1oh'priO,e, s'h&:l,l n~t ~~qluc1e,~\l'Ohtteoturei,expen~~lJ ",'\ i ' , ".' "" I" ' ,'" , " , .'., " \, \ , ,',', " ';' , ;" dr' tee~" 'anQ. ,shali' not'~no,lude ~:other o1.a1~ ''Qf1Jnproveme.nta eave, 'and e'xoe,J)t,\thea\,~ual ma.terI~l ' , " "\ ,', " ' \,.; ,',', ','. ,",,' and O'onst11l0tio~ O,ostot .the 8ald,dwel.lingl?-Ou.8~. ," , I' . --- " 2'., That' not m'o~ than 'one re~idenoe, togeth~~"~th" ufJu.al :andrle?ea8~ry Out-b~lldii18S, shal~. \, , ,'\ i , ; 'be' ereo'ted' op:~a'oh' of sald lots; ; 'so , ,I ,3. 'Tha;t~O\Ull~~"'o'r 1r.tmoral.:uaeshal-l b'o ma~e';~epremlQes 'heroby~gl'e~d,.to be corrvey,ed, n'-or, 'aha 11 the ,:s9J!le' b'~ u'a~dfor ~YOQi-lDerolal 'pw:.pos,e: 'nor ~hall tlie 's~eor, any ,part 'thereof,-'or , ; , " .' ",., , ,',.' ' ,',,' . ','" ';' " ' ,: . " . .' , : 1, anYint~re8t\therl1n' be. ,80~~~,l'elea~,e~.~r ;o~~ie];'Wlse ~Or~eY~d 'to,' a~ peraoj).s 'O~l1er than: theC,a:u~a:~~an '~ \ .' , - -', ,.. . . : - - -"..'''' - .. .... " -' " :'. . . . . '. '. ; ~ - , . . Iraoe;, 'Pl'o~ided' that', A.~~M.ng her~,ln ~ontende~ll' pre~~ntbhe ke.epl~ and malntalni~"Ig.UsUal :an~~ " ,-" . -" " _.~ . ," .~-, ,<', . ",' '., '*, ,.: '..;, -:"', ~,' . . - ,: neoeS's~l'l'se~,!~nta, ~h~prop.ert;t f!or'reMona.b~~, ;faIl11:L~ ~'e,.~~~i~ P~OViS:l0~,'h'OVlever~,s'n:'a:.h'no#" oause torte 1 ~~"'unlesa~ldor, oftne 'fee' lsshoVm to ,be'a,t.ta~t..'" , ' '..: i?i&t' r.o bU1~d~ ~li.!lq' be, 'oon's,1i~'~9'~ed. ~i- e,reoted.' ~t~ a 'l~SS, di~tan~e t~ t\~ent~' fee;' " ~.. :'. - - ~.. .. '.. -~.~ ~. '. > 'trom the ~ont"Une ot said lot,: or' e1therof,them", " ; r I \ \ . . 'I t j " '11 , I ",'; t ,~ , ,,"t " ,~ -~:,J I . " 'f: I . '-. .. 5. That it, the said part'y o~ parties,- of the :seoo~dpart" l.li~, h~r ortllel~'hej.rs;, r~'presenta't1ve~ :'" " ' ..,. . - ."' ;' or' ,a~slgns, or " anY;,holde:r,~r J1Qh~ers ,o~ thep~.p,ertYherebyo')~1Vo~edb;"Vli,tue:,of ~'I\Y'Ju,dlolal " prooeed~, '8}.a,llt~11to, ooqp,4r" With~. ~'f ~b~<ab~ve ~d':t'o!-,eg~lnt\ ,rest,rlOotiona; ,COndlti<hSO,r,: l1mltaHol1S,\1l t'nin Sixty (lays after wr1ttennotloE! by mail to the' sai u .par~y ,or' partlc~ ,~1' the :' ,~eoond ,part,-. hia.h~~ 'Ql' thelrheirs.'p,er.on~l l;'epre,sen~~t!:ves; ora'J:ligns.oran~.ofth~m; llt the' last knO'in address. by the tl-e.id, pa];'ty ot: tile first part i his J,UCOeS3or~, p~l'sonal representatives . ", '". e 'or '~aslgns', 01; either ,.of ~he~';," then the ,S~l,d abo,ve: ~~SO~ll;ed',~:nd_(lO,nVeye~,,~roperty::shall'ir.un~d1,a.~ly , , '. , . . ~. ." . , reve.rt to the said,p"arty of the'"tlrst ;Qart. hIs BucoeosQrs ,o~ aS~1Clfa'.\1ho ~hall'be'entnled"to , . lr..me,dlutely ,enter' ul10n said pl'operty w1tho'l1.t no~iQe; a,nd takepo~SQ$SiOn of ,the8arn~ wlth 1Ul,l . '.' . .,' ": . .','.. , ' .... . " , .. title'lo fee s~ple, ,tOt;ethervtith .,all lo~rove~ents;there,on,a.ndno \~a1vel"ot miy of, ,theaeoond1~" 01'~ t~'on8~ninltat,io~a~ OT'~,r~strlct1ona,e' xp.ressed.-.....-QXin1?l,1~d. 'or' failure for al\Yl~nt;;th oi' tIme' ,to , e~orce"the,satle shall oOn.at1~te 'a bar, ~Q suoh en1'o'raelJeJi~ at any title., >,', ; , , , ; 8.ny 'lot'in Blltmor'e Park prior to,J~nuAry 1st, J.935~ \'Ii th:>ut ,the' aforesaid provisionell.11;d re- ~ ~ ~. . '. .T . . . -".~--' , , ': strlc;t1plls. , r , .+.~.:.........:.-. It ls further sti~,i.llatedandacreedby, apd pet\'1een the"l?a~'tles h~rato. thl1.t in 'the eVent ~. '-- ot tlie faHureof aaid pI.l.rtyor, parUes' 0: ~he; !'Iec and part to--nro.kean:/ ?f the''p,aymenh )leretn p,:,ovid~d t:o.r a p'erlod o:t' 'four Llonthsfran d.ate o{ ;1.as~ paytJent, all r.l~ney prevlouslypalO:< by saldparty or 18 l.'t ies , ot the aec o~ part' ,upon thl,S ,cp~ t~ct)~ilall b'e to:rfeited to, 8 aiel Part;,; ot . ,! the t1:t~st part as l1'lu1d.a ted damages and ~h,is cont'.raotshall c'a,ase, :anct tel't1inateupon't.llrty i ,I _~ ',. .. . 1 day's- notice In writing to l,ast knQHnad<i.ress. ~ . . '. . , -~~ ' ;, ,It is mutually a.81'eed that tioe 10 the ,es jeno~ of this contraot... and~-t[ia.t all covenants a.nd lligreeme~ts her~in o'onta.ined shall e;-::'tend ~o 'andl;>8 obligatory upon, tho ~hCi~S, executors.a&X 'I admini8trator~ and assigns otthe respect1v~..-Parttes. ~ ' ,t : I., I _ rf n; 'inTliZSS ,1IrEREOF. 'T!1~ 1Ut.1,d ,parties have htn'e.u:nt 0 set 1;hdr hands and se'als this ,8t!f day . ~:'l " , , I' _! ot May A.. D. 1924. Executed ln de.plicate,. :~ {S16~ed.\tsea~ed and delivered / .'J ,in the presence/ot:"" . 'I Flem C. Dame ' r { f.U. ~av,ison Jr. 1'1 " . " c. 'C. BraS\{ell~ VI. XI Kendall (Seal) -(Seal) 'j ~' 'p .. , ... ii, :" j . { , " l ",.~ " ~1 "',,::' " ) " - ':.\ 11 " 'j j ! ~ ~ I. , i; ~ " ,J , , . -' -' ;.rL~.:,:_~~. ,,,...1,>,,,;,,,,,,..;,,,.-