HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE OF CONTRACTORy PLANNUNG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDI`G & ZONING DIVISIO`' 2300, VIRGINIA AVE���� FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 BY (772) 462-1553 FAX 462-1578 , LI �ccup, CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMIT Ij1✓ CIIANGE OF CO\ TRACTOR — C'hanue of Contractt;tr is to he sinned anti notarized by the property owner. an the new contractor of record for the current permit, A new permit application must alto be cotripleted with new cot tractor intbrmation and siunature. A new Notice of Commencement must be tiled in the nett` contractor's name lbr Ioh Values greater than S2.500 (S7,500 it' A. C Change -out), A recorded copy must be submitted prior to co tmencing any cork. There is a S50.00 fee for the Chan-e of Contractor. CII: NNE OF SUBCONTRACTOR — Subcontractor changes are to he completed by the general contractor. Th new subcontractor must till out a Subcontractor :\_,recment Form, There is a $50.00 fee fur the Chance of Sub - Co tractor. CANCELLATION OF PERJIIT —The cancellation of a permit is acceptable only if no teork•has been done. C'nl'Icellatiin of permit is to be si�,ned and notarized by both the owner and qualifier of record. There is no fee for ca tellatlon of the permit. Dai c: Permit 'umber: 0-- 0S 0 Sit Address: 0�`1 C O ��LZIjUy� Y . 1(1 t yTtrl tY� _ State I:icen,4ci— q&*c i icerise Original GC'. 1 contractor or owner builder State Licens K�J �? SC License Nei'- GC, subcontractor Rea l on for Cancellation The lhndeNi�,ned doe; hereby agrec to indetnnif} and hold harmless St Lucie County. it, officers. went., and emplowes from all ca*t . ter; ur dama.,es arising from any and all claim; of action for any reason. %flib'h may aria: a. a result of this change or'", con , actorsubcontractor orb ancellation of permit. A permit cannot be'eancelled if nork-bas been perforated. Sit, N 111tf. t)I'()%k %I;R (ttr uttnur budder) Ai\ M Rp 6F:9_.K M.-CI rN I is \( MR j44; ._6i . as anph atilci PRIM `A -MI.- _ Slat t+f11.1nda. ('ttunx or it, I.uara C ount% State of Floridit, (imnt%:M'St. l.ucte Count% 1 0 thHo tng rmmtiuntent aan aeknottledgmt hdor. me tht; the 11+1luw um rn.trunient uu, dck ntm leducd bdorn: in,: tht, dot or _. '[)A. h) _ - ._ d.n Ili 21)....... h) Q.r. '•. r. u a 1: personall; knnun to ntc %hu i; pananalh kno%%n to or u r ha {ir •eti as 11) me or who hats produ (1- us II) Si r aturc of Yotarti Date Sipature of \otan Date \friary P :`a". $':1!C Ut ri0cida ?1. led .. '* •i +• - �,i ),f,1Va�o S flifri]i..=;;.�t1E? +'Qi:11T�..::^,it It PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM ENT Meek t& Sons Plumbing, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Name/individual Name) Plumbing Subcontractor for D R Horton (Type of Trade) (Primary Conuaclor) the project located at or understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned ect, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Counnty-.w�ill, be' advised pursuant to the ig of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, W. Davidson 1327068 Sue ' orFlarlds, county or Brevard The eteing loelromeall�(was slened before me tbisaoday of by whq ,I penoaflty linawo or bas produced ■ " I �,Idra drc of Noliry Public So Leone Pria 'Name of Notary Public •'}.;! �;. 5 .fca! one G30�a251 STAhIP David W. Meek PRINT NAME CFC057372 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stile of Rorids, Couaty of,,,_ — The foregoing inslrumeat was steed before me Chic& d y;ar I0 by who Is persow (mown • or has produced a a_ C.CrCitiK STAMP Sandra Leone Prial Name orNotary Public i :•'- 3'71ec1F.01da • :7G W0",•.51 _ ar it , VTfN.:'r.:�:70 a