HomeMy WebLinkAboutICC-ES REPORTI I • .. SCANNED BY DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES SECTION: 0616 00—SHEATHING DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 25 00—WATER-RESISTIVE BARRIERS/WEATHER BARRIERS SECTION: 07 27 00—AIR BARRIERS REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAR'OLINA 28262 EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZIP SYSTEM®" WALL SHEATHING IN IN IN PiV1G LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western. States Seismic Policy Council WSSPC Award in Excellence iar�e�TwNu i % -, A Subsidiary of CoOECQllNdU CC -ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics. or any other attributes not pecifically addressed, nor are they to"be construed as an endorsement of the subject .of the report or a ecommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, or express implied asCuff P P o any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report.+q :opyright © 2016 ]CC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. I IMES Evaluation Report ESR-1474 Reissued October 2016 This report is subject to renewal October 2018. www.icc-es.ord 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 16 00--Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 25 00—Water-resistive Barriers/Weather Barriers Section: 07 27 00—Air Barriers REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 (800)933-9220 www.huberwood.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZIP SYSTEM® WALL SHEATHING 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: 9 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code® (IBC) a 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Residential Codeo (IRC) ■ 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) Properties evaluated: i Weather resistance a Air leakage 2.0 USES ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels are used as combination wall sheathing, air barrier, and water -resistive barrier. This report recognizes the use of ZIP System® Sheathing, when installed with ZIP System TM flexible flashing seam tape, in walls of Type V construction (IBC) and dwellings under the IRC, and as an alternate to the water -resistive barrier required in Chapter 14 of the IBC and Chapter 7 of the IRC, and to the air barrier required by Sections R402.4 and C402.5.1 of the 2015 IECC (Sections R402.4 and C402.4.1 of the 2012 IECC; Sections 402.4.1 and 502.4.3 of the 2009 IECC). 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 Sheathing Panel: The ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panel is an 0S13 wood structural panel having a laminated exterior facer. The Exposure 1 OSB complies with US DOC PS 2 for wood structural panels. The exterior facer is a medium -density, phenolic -impregnated, polymer -modified sheet material qualifying as a Grade D water -resistive barrier (required by Section 2510.6 of the 2012 and 2009 IBC). The panels are nominally 4 feet wide by 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 feet long and have a square -finished -edge or machined -edge profile. When tested in accordance with ASTM E96 (water method), the polymer -modified sheet overlay has a minimum vapor permeance of 12 perms [68.6 X 10'71 kgl(Pa-s-m2)]. Equivalent Water Vapor Transmission rate (WVT) of the polymer -modified sheet overlay is 83.4 gl(24h-m2) when tested at 73.4°F (23°C). The water -resistive barrier and air barrier properties of the ZIP System® Wall Sheathing Panels are not affected when the panels are manufactured to comply as facing materials for SIPs in accordance with Section R610.3.2 and Table R610.3.2 of the 2015 IRC (Section R613.3.2 and Table R613.3.2 of the 2012 and 2009 IRC). 3.2 Seam Tape: The ZIP Systemrm seam tape is a self -adhering membrane tape consisting of acrylic adhesive laminated to a polyolefin backing. The tape is 0.012 inch (0.30 mm) thick with a minimum width of 3 14 inches (95.2 mm), and comes in rolls of various lengths. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: Installation of ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels must comply with the applicable code, this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. The manufacturer's published installation instructions must be available at the jobsite during installation. 4.2 Application: 4.2.1 General: The ZIP System Wall Sheathing panels must be attached to wall framing in accordance with the applicable code for wood structural panels, and in compliance with their panel span rating. The panels must be installed with the polymer -modified sheet overlay facing the exterior. In accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions, it is recommended that the square edges of the panels be installed with a gap ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed or representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they 10 be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendaiton for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service.. LLC, express or Implied, as to any finding or ather matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the repori maw Copyright 0 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC All rights reserved. Page 1 of 5 ESR-1474 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 6 between adjacent panels and between panels and dissimilar materials. All ZIP System° Wall Sheathing panel seams must be sufficiently sealed with ZIP System seam tape. All overlay surfaces must be dry and free of sawdust and dirt prior to application of the ZIP System seam tape. The ZIP System TM seam tape must extend a minimum of 1 inch (25.4 mm) past the panel edge T-joint intersections and must be centered within �12 inch (12.7 mm) over the middle of panel seams. The tape must be pressed firmly to adhere to the surfaces and seal the seams. Wrinkles in the ZIP SystemT'" seam tape are acceptable unless they create a leak path to the panel seam. 4.2.2 Flashing: Flashing complying with the applicable code must be installed at the perimeter of door and window assemblies, penetrations and terminations of exterior wall assemblies, exterior wall intersections with roofs, chimneys, porches, decks, balconies, and similar projections, and at built-in gutters and similar locations where moisture could enter the wall. An adhesive -backed flashing tape recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report must be installed to seal all ZIP System® Wall Sheathing flashing joints. Penetration items must be sealed to the panels. The adhesive -backed flashing tape must comply with the ]CC -ES Acceptance Criteria for Flexible Flashing Materials (AC148) and must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions. See Figures 1 through 7 of this report for typical flashing, water -resistive barrier and air barrier assembly installation details. 4.2.3 Air Barrier Assembly: ZIP System® Wall Sheathing fastened to maximum 24-inch-on-center (610 mm), wood wall framing, using minimum 6d nails spaced at 6 inches (152 mm) around panel edges and at 12 inches (305 mm) in the field, leaving a 1/8-inch (3.18 mm) gap between panels, forms an air barrier assembly when the gaps between panels and the perimeter of penetrations are sealed with ZIP SystemTm seam tape as required by Section 4.2.1. The assembly has demonstrated a maximum air leakage of 0.0072 cfm/ft2 [0.037 U(s•m2)] infiltration and 0.0023 cfmlft2 [0.012 U(s•m2)] exfiltration at a pressure differential of 1.57 psf (75 Pa) when tested in accordance with ASTM E2357. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panel and tape system described in this report complies with, or is a suitable alternative to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 This evaluation report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, when required by the code official, must be submitted at the time of permit application. 5.2 The ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels must be manufactured, identified and installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. In the event of a conflict between the instructions and this report, this report must govern. 5.3 The ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels must be covered with a code -complying exterior wall covering, or one that is recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report. 5.4 The OSB sheathing must comply with US DOC PS-2, 5.5 Fire -resistance -rated construction is outside the scope of this report. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Water -resistive Membranes Factory - bonded to Woad -based Structural Sheathing, Used as Water -resistive Barriers (AC310), dated May 2008 (editorially revised August 2015). 6.2 Air leakage data in accordance with ASTM E2357. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Each ZIP System Wall Sheathing panel described in this report must bear a label that includes the manufacturer's name (Huber Engineered Woods LLC), the product name, nominal panel thickness, the evaluation report number (ESR-1474), and the words `Mill 229, Crystal Hill, Virginia"; "Mill 228, Easton, Maine"; "Mill 227, Commerce, Georgia"; or `Mill 290, Broken Bow, Oklahoma." The OSS sheathing must also bear a label demonstrating compliance with US DOC PS 2 from an approved inspection agency. The ZIP System TM seam tape roil must be labeled with the ZIP System logo and the evaluation report number ESR-1474 (see Figure 8). ESR•1474 1 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 6 SILL SECTION JAMB SECTION HEADER SECTION FIGURE 1—TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS OF FLANGED WINDOW 1 ESR-1474 J Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 6 I I OUTWE 11190E ZA nsmi* 'NFU rAUMHO MNODN M� MNDnW JAMB ZIP SYSTEM' ACHESWAl_I. SHEATHItiG FUSHI G TOPE(ED� fL15WNG TAPE CU TSIOE CAUL (Ii7G RCUDH OPENING INJCf OW -PRESSURE PCLYURETHANE FOAM JAMB SECTION FIGURE 2—TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS OF INSTALLED BRICK MOLD WINDOW ESR-1474 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 6 ZIP SYSTEM TM WALL SHEATHING WALL FRAMING - ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE -METAL FLASHING �— FLASHING FASTENER (� ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE f ROOF UNDERLAYMENT (FELT) j r— ROOF SHEATHING v — ROOF JOIST FIGURE 3—ROOF-WALL INTERSECTION (OPTION 1) �- ruwa r W'tl.LLSQ —.�\- '� ycpf.viy siu nu+'c � t l +waoa.i+wc TQ�J HtSUT ltl K '1 A-CA=D1T CaOfN zd d+GMZ cxc�imrm — �7�; •'�� - �?i FIGURE 5—TYPICAL WALL -SILL INTERSECTION AND FLASHING DETAILS FOR BRICK SIDING ZIP SYSTEMT'' WALL SHEATHING WALL FRAMING ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE FLASHING FASTENER COUNTER FLASHING BASE FLASHING FLASHING FASTENER ADHESIVE -BACKED FLASHING TAPE ROOF UNDERLAY:9=NT (FELT) r-- ROOF SHEATHING `/ ROOF JOIST FIGURE 4—ROOF-WALL INTERSECTION (OPTION 2) Rtij RAyGG ` �—.CMELry i�iWAiS:7 �i YOfAidt 0.CAOMS.O CO.CZTf 13DQGtYB t``��\\l —.Ia7lLp JA']R �- - GiLUTaiT T • f (LC+Gi mil .Y- m•a' 0 FIGURE 6—TYPICAL WALL -SILL INTERSECTION AND FLASHING DETAILS FOR LAPPED SIDING m ESR-1474 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 6 Adhesive -Backed Flashing Tape FIGURE 7—INSTALLATION AT PENETRATION OPENING (NON' -FIRE -RESISTANCE RATED) FIGURE 8—LABELING FOR THE ZIP SYSTEM SEAM TAPE ROLL i IMES Evaluation Report ESR-1474 FEC Supplement Reissued October 2016 This report is subject to renewal October 2018. www.icc-es.orq 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 6994543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 16 00—Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 25 00—Water-Resistive BarrierslWeather Barriers Section: 07 27 00—Air Barriers REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAViD TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 (800) 933-9220 www.huberwood.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZIP SYSTEM" WALL SHEATHING 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that ZIP System® Wall Sheathing panels, recognized in ICC-ES master evaluation report ESR-1474, have also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions: 9 2014 Florida Building Code —Building !d 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential 2.0 CONCLUSIONS The ZIP System Wall Sheathing panels, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-1474, comply with the 2014.Florida Building Code —Building and the 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the International Building Codee provisions noted in the master report. Use of the ZIP System° Wall Sheathing panels for compliance with the High -Velocity Hurricane Zone provisions of the 2014 Florida Building Code —Building and the 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential has not been evaluated, and is outside the scope of this evaluation report. For products failing under Florida Rule 9N-3, verification that the report holder's quality -assurance program is audited by a quality -assurance entity approved by the Florida Building Commission for the type of inspections being conducted is the responsibility of an approved validation entity (or the code official, when the report holder does not possess an approval by the Commission). This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued October 2016. ICC-ES Fsaluarion Reports are not to be construed or representing aesthetics or any other arinbutes no/ speNfically addressed, nor are they robe construed I as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its we. There is no %arronry by iCC Fw1uafion'SeMce, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright®20'16 ICC EvaluaGan Service, LLC. AM rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 0 ICC-ES Environrnerital Report VAR-101 Z Reissued September 2015 This report is subject to renewal September 2017. www.icc-es.orniep j (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the lntemational Code Council® DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD; PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 12 00--Structural Panels Section: 06 16 00—Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 21 00—Thermal Insulation Section: 07 25 00—Water-Resistive Barriers/Weather Barriers Section: 07 27 00—Air Barriers REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 (800) 933-9220 www.huberwood.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: ADVANTECH® (AT -SERIES) SHEATHING SPAN; ADVANTECH® (AT -SERIES) FLOOR SPAN; ZIP SYSTEM® ROOF SHEATHING; ZIP SYSTEM® WALL SHEATHING; ZIP SYSTEM® R-SHEATHING (INSULATING SHEATHING) 1.0 EVALUATIONSCOPE Compliance with the following evaluation criteria: • ICC-ES Environmental Criteria for Determination of Bio- based Material Content (EC102), dated March 2012. ■ ICC-ES Evaluation Guideline for Determination of Source of Recovery, Extraction, Harvest and Manufacture for Materials or Products (EC114), dated March 2012 • ICC-ES Environmental Criteria for Determination of Formaldehyde Emissions' of 'Composite Wood and Engineered Wood Products (EC108), dated March 2012. • ICC-ES Environmental Criteria for Determination of Certified Wood and Certified Wood Content in Products (EC109), dated March 2012. Compliance eligibility with the applicable sections of the following green building rating systems, standards and codes: • 2012 International Green Construction Code (IgCC) (see Table 2 for details) • 2013 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen), Title 24, Part 11 (see Table 3 for details) • National Green Building Standard (ICC 700-2008) (see Table 4 for details) • National Green Building Standard (ICC 700-2012) (see Table 5 for details) • LEED for Homes 2008 (see Table 6 for details) • LEED v4 for Homes Design and Construction .(see Table 7 for details) • LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations (see Table 8 for details) LEED 2009 for Schools New Construction and Major Renovations (see Table 9 for details) • LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction (BD+C) (See Table 10 for details) • ANSI/GBI 01-2010 — Green Building Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings (see table 11 for details) 2.0 USES AdvanTech'a (AT -Series) Sheathin% Span, AdvanTech® (AT -Series) Floor Span, ZIP System Roof Sheathing and ZIP Systeme Wall Sheathing, are used for a variety of interior and exterior framing and sheathing applications. ZIP System® R-Sheathing panels are used as combination wall sheathing and continuous insulation in conventional wood -framed wall construction. 3.0 DESCRIPTION AdvanTecho (AT -Series) Sheathing Span and AdvanTech (AT -Series) Floor Span wood structural panels are Exposure 1 oriented strand board (OSB) panels manufactured with strands from a single wood species or a combination of wood species blended with an exterior -type adhesive system to comply with U.S. DOC PS-2 and the applicable ICC=ES report as indicated in Table 1. ZIP System Roof Sheathing and ZIP System® Wall Sheathing wood structural panels are OSS panels with laminated, resin -impregnated, polymer -modified sheet material manufactured to comply with U.S. DOC PS-2 and the applicable ICC-ES reports as indicated in Table 1. The panels are installed with ZIP System® self -adhering membrane tape. The tape is outside the scope of this evaluation report. ZIP System®' R-Sheathing is an insulated sheathing made by combining 7116-inch-thick ZIP System® Wall ICC-ES Verification ofgttribntes Reports are isstied ender the ICC-ES VAR EnvironmentalProgram. these reports are not to k co-lnied as mpreseming aesthetics or any other anributef not specifically addressed nor are they to be coiurnted as an endorsement. of the subject of the report or a recommendation for itsrue. There a no +oarranty by ICC EmInarion Se"ice..LLC, espms or implied ar to any finding or ocher matter in ttiisreport, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright 0 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 6 VAR-1012 ] Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 6 Sheathing as described in ESR-1474 with a layer of 5.2 maximum 1-inch-thick (25.4 mm) rigid foam plastic insulation laminated to the interior face with PVA adhesive. Refer to ESR-3373 for additional product description. 4.0 CONDITIONS 4.1 Code Compliance: AdvanTech® (AT -Series) Sheathin% Span, AdvanTech® (AT -Series) Floor Span, ZIP System Roof Sheathing, ZIP System® Wall Sheathing and ZIP System® R-Sheathing have been evaluated for compliance with the requirements of the International Codes as listed in Table 1 of this report. 4.2 Green Rating Systems, Standards and Code Eligibility: The information presented in Tables 2 through 11 of this report provides a matrix of areas of evaluation and corresponding limitations and/or additional project -specific requirements, and offer benefit to individuals who are assessing eligibility for credits or points. ICC-ES EC114. [Evaluation applies to IgCC Section 505.2.5; CALGreen Section A5.405.1; ICC 700-2008 Section 608.1; ICC 700-2012 Sections 609.1, 11.609.1 & 12.1(A).609.1; LEED Homes MR 2.2(c); LEED v4 Homes MRc3; LEED NC MR 5; LEED Schools MR 5; LEED v4 BD+C MRc3; ANSI/GBI 01- 2010 Section]. 5.3 ICC-ES EC108 [Evaluation applies to IgCC Section 806.1; ICC 700-2008 Section 901.4(6); ICC 700-2012 Sections 901.4(6) & 11.901.4(6); LEED NC EQ 4.4; LEED Schools EQ 4.4; LEED v4 BD+C EQc2j. 5.4 ICC-ES EC109 [Evaluation applies to ICC 700-2008 Section 606.2; ICC 700-2012 Sections 606.2(2), 11.606.2(2) & 12.1(A).606.2; ANSI/GBI 01-2010 Section]. 5.5 Documentation establishing and documenting all major sources of primary manufacturing energy [Evaluation applies to ICC 700-2008 Section 606.3; ICC 700-2012 Sections 606.3 & 11.605.31. The final interpretation of the specific requirements of the 5.6 ICC-ES ESR-1474 documenting that ZIP System Wall respective green building rating system, standard and/or Sheathing is equivalent to a code -prescribed water - code rests with the developer of that specific rating system resistive barrier [Evaluation applies to CALGreen or standard or the Authority Having Jurisdiction, as Section 5.407.1; ICC 700-2008 Section 602.9; ICC applicable. 700-2012 Section 602.1.8]. Compliance with items noted as "Verified Attribute" is subject to any conditions noted in the tables. Decisions on compliance with those items noted as "Eligible for Points" in Tables 2 through 11 rests with the user of this report, and those items are subject to the conditions noted. The user is advised of the project -specific provisions that may be contingent upon meeting specific conditions, and the verification of those conditions is outside the scope of this report. Rating systems or standards often provide supplemental information as guidance. 5.0 BASIS OF EVALUATION The information in this report, including the "Verified Attribute," is based upon the following supporting documentation: 5.1 ICC-ES EC102 [Evaluation applies to IgCC Section 505.2.4; CALGreen Sections A4.405.4 & A5.405.2; ICC 700-2008 Section 606.1(2); ICC 700-2012 Sections 606.1, 11,606.1 & 12.1(A).606.1; ANSI/GBI 01-2010 Section]. 5.7 Refer to ICC-ES ESR-1474 for evaluation of the ZIP System Wall Sheathing as an air barrier assembly [Evaluation applies to IgCC Section 605.; ICC 700-2008 Section 703.2.1; ICC 700-2012 Sections 701.4.3.2. 11.701.4.3.2 & 12.1.701.4.3.1; LEED Homes EA 3; LEED v4 Homes EAc7]. 6.0 IDENTIFICATION AdvanTech® (AT -Series) Sheathin% Span, Advan.Techlo (AT -Series) Floor Span, ZIP System Roof Sheathing, ZIP Systemo Wall Sheathing and ZIP System° R-Sheathing products are identified with a stamp noting the manufacturer's name (Huber Engineered Woods, LLC) and address, the product name the manufacturing location, the ICC-ES evaluation report number (if applicable), and the name or logo of the inspection or grading agency. The report subjects are also identified on the product and/or packaging with the VAR Environmental Report number (VAR-1012) and the ICC-ES SAVE Mark, as applicable. TABLE 1—REFERENCE STANDARD OR EVALUATION REPORT NUMBER FOR HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS LLC PRODUCTS PRODUCT REPORT NUMBER/ REFERENCE STANDARD AdvanTech° (AT -Series) Sheathing Span AdvanTech'° (AT -Series) Floor Span ESR-1785 ZIP System Roof Sheathing ESR-1473 & ESR-2227 ZIP System" Wall Sheathing ESR-1474 & ESR-2227 -ZIP System" R-Sheathing E R- 73 TAW CC.•]TU0n11f2U 44 Sectbnlntant Pmalbia Carditlons nl deem Gual!fy AdsanTech AdvonTmll ZIP 9ysmm Rml ZIP Sy-t— Well LP System Number "_be, Pdnta Shanthlnp. Fleerinp Sheaming Snwthinp R-Shoathing TABLE 2—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH 2012INTERNATIONAL GREEN CONSTRUCTION CODE a5:2 1 Sio-msW ptcdac9 WA At Huber-" preduels are Guar as bio-based • • • • O' . 11odu w else bane emd' mr—;ied, Canada•' a ^a.".ufaaurM'w<h!n . SW m1 (Wotan) radius of the tw 4N VA+ers I'p stf any a piston Of a mwsraf u aed x: m recce reel harvested. mdraaed a m n fadu r-d Minix, 5C0 mden (Soo xrr ..y f4k g s 4t 506.25 indigenous m.led.. WA that perbcn.. haute ;,d�ra. VR:ere rcrurxs are YanspoAed by xats « ra:! 'tie O O O O - n dv.a to V. ba n't;.A-tuta be de—ned!y mu py' g the 6sta— that me ; —u— era b inspWad by ware, ar mN ey 0.25. A acing ma number Athe ,a}�g� 4i d anq uampar!ed oy mean Chel,h—ale'. er ra..' `i`n ""' � 80.1211 Ai mr,.e: irata'acm WA irl rannaaurer'a ixaraticn rsrt,c5«•a a . ad„Y '� ICGES —Jut- report e5R-14w.etlNe l i�,r, • ,.sy,4'� a • • ace i Fdrmadehyye alru-- WA H,t« +sold stn=n-al pane's d•n¢y n :1 US DOC PS 2 {Zile Tabs l at mla report and are exempt I'm formakMyde emr ors 1esL'ry. IN • • O° TABLE 3—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH 2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE A5. 4MI R - amaleAa:a �� EkQ-+e Venfy'odafptaduas Nat are eafnC.al, prop -yea nelnanutadsedwlhm CeiRomu« 500 miles facs bn diti bane O. O O O M. 4C.52 AS.4C52. Eicb—d nulterais N. Huber—od Dare am easU basee, Fr +M10'1 - • • • • - O a AA 405.4(3) A4.4,,AI5, Rcne ei, 60LrrL9 Milefad flem ren-.ramie sours I3cd1 a9 enpir ed •Acody. ■ • • • O5 A5.4052.1 CMi7ed'Nccd UR1er-i—by C1.4'. uBuP.ccg 5lardat Canmbien' NfA WA WA WA NA 5.407.1 ''Mtef{esntmn ex'eA«',raa alelmby. Futerp —lo; Provide a'-LrieSai]m a as --A a eilpe }��) tdaMacry � r TL� �� ���� Q 0 4 5 1.5 S.SG I.S C�npos:te•.4oW Prafud emua:am E'W prcdm do raap4Y to Sc aipol: noepoaoa dalntor' Twyi+t . 16s -t a:.R.t TABLE 4--SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH THE'NA11ONAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARD (ICC 700-2008) 602..9 Wall rresJtr. barter Mardxory Ird�gaw"4.Wewife, aW. dnanag.pi—y" befdnd wettr'eneer '- and+ora'Oi we types of b'cbas d matvrai aw ;bed, each I., To baba o pemb p+od-ts meat be a!eaa 1 % of tt,. snaru9an mama east AN ` 6061(2) :m.? man l% of O:e projeer. prpraed t u ldky o ari%lef debased pbdua at I%bf rateAai -met Mina bd uaed l G 7 Fa'^5 are • • • - • 0e nutaratcost aviade for greater tean 0.5%. r .. 6[8 2ill Ina etteredwOnd-Wstl Lraducl4 are tied !or Nemrnb of me Wii.dirg, such. as a -,Is 3 To cam 3 paints a xexrfd s,:,ud wood grad:d meat ass be wed .s a micor =.Z rhas x ball nemenL • • • • o s T- staled pNucm are used fa T. 4 606 2I2l mail( emenb of Pe bum:ng, n'aeh as as �.. ale; 4 tam �;na a ucW x2fi-i1 Nxd produq mina; sisa � rrsed ;s a ,:.a)c+ • fbon e, rant Teter., • O • O' maw%%are used er ma;Kr—Pcnenm of the 6,063 building mat are manu!aaufm using.. m'Wn— of 33%et pn—ry marutadudrg F4eee energy p bad: Tn earn S pG'a me uCa.. 1: Ce �,Y ;cr a1:ea5/ 3 F*�' - ".' c.+;:Pcnentsofine *—a !rim bar be 84'U lla, com btna.,N. waste 5max xidi 2 ng. �r'S may to eamea. warn wed la eadr mayor ccmpanent. • • O • Os «renmwaLYc energy credits [= The pnThlon does not apply la this pcdua are leered ale, Table 11 i � a I VAR•1012 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of TABLES 2 THROUGH 11 Continued Section SLstbn !rrtena PcsolDla Cardltlam o/Uae to Quality Adv leeh Adv.Te�t LP Sya9am Roof L'P Sya!em 11.11 Wa71 LP Sy,tem Number Pdnb Shmthing F•oor!n9 8hontW S) y RShwMing l TABLE 4--SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH THE NATIONAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARD (ICC 70D-2008) (Continued) EG37 7,dyeraL, materlab r/'ol podrarog wlse, P—u , 91- nalumvy w 12eh 0 ma an :03r6n06 km of ieb te O C O lMW41Cn. .d aY Y -Xlg C iRSJed r U=Grdafee'Mh 331ne �7CMf•Q, - j 70321 Inet alert am ak aeal"g 3 2^'.Lge :5 max (<) L 44caTy uen5otni grfcmed 15 pcs. O O (2)- T:d- Arty veriacaEm !xrfwaea 7 cts - - - ! 6T.Gural py« d us..d br Rif. wa:t, aMJcr rco: ahealMg ample '.th OCC PS 1 ardlw DOO PS 901 4(1) 2 068 wed far fmr, —H, an6'cr _f enealh n9 mmyim wth DOC PS 2 Pareb am made w/h tlardatcry To .^.veer In's a m'nrrum of HS% of C58 a :n Ux Dutid' BYE J+9 T 't cana'st of --blare-resistant adhrsnes ana the t,demark u,Der pxucs a a a a a ;Wlcwm" adeeerve, are Exposure I t, Eitt-r (pa -ow) and Exposure t (OS81 901.4(6) Pico-emim'ny p�lcbwltidl pn!rC`.vCt S:rJtf4ral 4 Am:r..erum cl a5%af in Ne bulldrg are :he �'en!i6e! Huber ­d harm pcducl pMueb. O • • 0 •3 TABLE SUMMARY OF AREAS OF EL£GIBILITY WITH THE NATIONAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARD {ICC 70D-2012) ' bC21 9 WaIG-r ene tamer Na Maur! Irstal a wJlrr.reshtve GmG a :! eraslape pan aymem Cen. Aes!erwr Yenrrr _ _ _ _.,. - .., .,, - . ..... arNc aiC' m o M-1121 7- Np� of tcba -d male-, are u d. each far To earn a ponb ppduea mr t to at lease 1% of the znstrualon matteml eat AN 1' r" '(bl mom Ta 1% df lhe pefecr, pejeodd t Ad! rp S ancthG hicba;ed Prodxt at l%ef aterW C rol b, uted. l or 3 pdrRl are • • • • pa 12, l(Af6CE1 —lanai axt avalbde for Sr ter than OS%, SW 2(t) ..e rem AM-:d based pcdura ar a mtd for ' n earn 3 pe±nn a seccM xr `ed'axd px1a m-L*a aloe be uaf as a m:nar 1, t.606 2' 13 l mnoar ele is at tt a WkiC g, cud: aaai tr m, 3 • • O © 01 12.1W.605.1 bmopy, er m3wuk COm=nr 6062(2) Two crti;6M ­Wa pW bart abrpr To 11 606.2t2) r a_o cemenb of the WM r.g,. sxh a7 al'waa,, I i eam1 a3e sr:a xriW yr ed a•.n• ppduC m�.t 5!,a tr usG sa l !.'+a'ar • • • t 121 A SOS f—tr—f menLr a Oa ! 4a:era's are 1em ,or ma- comptnn of the E.b.7 culbry are mawtacurzd Ls:rg a m.Nmum cf � 2 aad: To eam fi peens ^e ♦^rode.- m be vaed for al 3 ,T.a�u ccn, pert,-, of :na 11 6C5 7 c(prmary.ran•.'hrdudry pcecs enGy dervetl33% f.m rmer ate ,awces. ccr, Gstde wale ( 6 naa w G:r'q 2 ,xrs may to e]r..x' n �vee fw eawt afar rn. perent ea. • • >o O O s sour--, or rereeat'e en w ^ d: To cam 2."ait!s vmry mxena! b !xeduad. g— natur4AY, or Ge^Jr, nat:re?y .. _ j w 1n 5t-O-:lea(&�km) of IltetD sde'f trampored ty Ul6kw tx0 mien 12414 , fC9.1 Fepbnal mwewa 2 cad. 'un) if n4 . ned !w a/ kasl SC%cl the tcb! e'carm by rea cr'r amr ?rpduds Ora 10 mz. ara r_,e nr npduad ecv. m::eipe rr malu'ah as:aty aTer_�mM O O O C crape (Ey vevH a.' wWmel d the dbnnae, t^®tar male^a!a have Deer ' L ..'led meet me alGa_.Aerial ' 111,131 irau'.almn and ak u 'ng a rap9ed'n a¢ordara at me fU1o•M-q, 11.7014,32 7 aPplCaue t2170143A 15 max ,xdcm:ed 15ps, O O (21 na 71:rd-ru['1 verfladat Pertdrrsd 3 ph S-.=a! plyrad Geed 'or amr, wa!1, arxsbr rmf sncaTir9 sr,.ptee'nt7i DCC PS PS 3C t 1(11 z csa u'soi kr rmr. wa[_anea reef she- K g 11901.4(1f mpfi wfh DOC PS 2.r .: are made vr..n Marda-ory .eel T''J a miamum of a5% cl O'a8 or yy«riA Sn Te turd'n0'ust wni� of 1219014(1) lraStJfC-lpi Nan.. atnpYp B'ne'rade.Ta:k HLcr. pCduG•s. • • 0 al a Te aC.hesve] sea1 or Exltr ' ;ft.!_ dy—td) s Eap: n 1 (CS81 r;cnep ( l pa7ue3, vn. �airei.Ge att'Qural 4 'drop 11%1(a) ,1.wt.tisr '.pd MiMa tamp A mnlmam of as%ef pxuel to �e r art Te evt,.ed 1+Lter poducs a ® o • 01 0=Eligitk mr pdnb s = Verfed atDiDue Tnb pcNsbn does net acrly to Tie pnx.•Let Ncte Foc". are I='.ed aaer Tabid 1t i l ! V i • s TABLES 2 THROUGH 11 (CnnHnuerll Saran Pwslbk A&-T.:h AdaanTerh 7JP Syabm NP Syrnm LP Syefam NumOar Seetlen !nlam Pdnb Conditlona of the (o OuatHy for Pdnb Shaathinq FfO_Trrq RDd WNl R.6heaNlnp Sh 'nhl.g Shmmkp TABLE G—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH USGBC'S LEED FOR HOMES 2000 &A 2 Air Inrnarcn 0 max To eam 2 of 2 M. men me air leak. req..4'-rh st .t - In Tatde 17 of h. aedtt as app title. _ O O MR 21 FSC ¢raded tropal-d 0 � . To earn0.5 pam per ¢m m ue fSC-«NM1eC 5vpc I..00a' EtnrronrY m w peferade pOCao w rpar, wax a 0 5 each 7o eam perms ue product V t are entraded, pr =--d and marn!aeured wthkn MR 2 2(c) raxre.''e..e r d ..W.or frai S St.-Ynp 9 max �i0 mPes 1dC5 Ln) d 7n sae !s a miNmum o/ g01G (Cy wnpr:t a vcN:me of the O O C O - ' - ammo ,.t5 TABLE 7—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILTTY WITH USGBCS LEED V4 HOMES EAe7 Air InR`ratcn 2 Tp cam 1 a 2 parrs taxed pn air lea'age rain d<lermAed h IesCtq and - - _ max r:rfxal!gt C O MR FSC CILftd aopieal wood Ptereq-A-A;7 wood maAt C<rorl: opclet erniFed by FSC aUSGHGappoved egurvarntr 7 2 7 2 2 peon a eam povn x mrQ mm,a eand , pORssed a roar. a utec - E,kO-r:U,ypef"bie pmdud for rod, wN a 0.5 each Wehn 100mrCt(160 I I of the ase for a YCPI u- of 5C%(try W iol x vdume) of O O O 0 MRa7 taco. 2der/orS exledor fnmsq 8sheathlrg a- Cpeon 2: the word ps 1,a5 xxtfl-d by FSC Or USG2Fapvwed eqL+.!. ' 2 2 2 7 EC¢ Law emat'np mates§ 1 TO eam I Part use •wood smp sae plod- ecrran'rp-.df--d wea• :Cmu Aeh• resira. • • • • •5 TABLE 8-SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH USGBC'S LEED 2009 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION MR 5.1 R 1 To ea rn1po*otweproduct Natarem.!ed,peasscdandmarL.tc,ed•n+rd 500'ri (e05 km1 Or the sae for s rdr— 21 10% (try Sat; O1 Wn f rates im ue To eam2 pc:rrs :aa a m:rmwn ot2r�%.' O O O O - m' YR52 Ncru R i ma!enab 127% Ot comem; 2 MR T cemiled.—d 1 To eam 1 pam we a mitenwm W% (bed - —V,) 0' Wmd-baud malera9JapdUcb ceR:f ed Io FSC reavremern2 EC 4 4 Law=Kft atO a!s I To eam 1 pant use Woad—po,:te woad pm: co . rx q r--.V d crea- • • fcmaidehyde res[ra • • 05 TABLE 9—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH USGBC'S LEED 2009 FOR SCHOOLS NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION MR 5.1 Repena! matenab (1054 c1 ore-:nt) 1 TO eam 1 Polm ux product fat ate erraced, pried xnd maruhcxed'.MN 5co mites (805 Ian) or the axe for a m:rimum Of 10%(by cost) of total matefia:s , .4e To eam 2 p—ls Osa a minimi - MR 5 2 Reeler al mare: a!s (2GYi n ahem) 2 O O O O —' _2- MR 7 Comfled —cl I fo eam s ; rod use a m_ .. - (Caae1 on Cml) cr cased 2 2 2 2 E04.4 LT a,,mrQ=tomh I Ta eam 1 print ;ase'aoN comppae wood pgdu comainnq nsadded urea- 5 ,amaNen miro • • • • O TABLE 10—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEG181LITY WITH USGBC'S LEED v4 BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (BDaC) NRcO 6ea(L1fpof raw ma.'edab- Cemlearen Of dew'a— 1 Op cn 7. Lae woodb.'sed mwenaPJpod'.m cathM % FSC or, I:SG2GaPpwm 7 2 x x 2 plod.® tauvaiard2 O PtoduCa meernp Ne requtrernrnts or MA O Op,an 2 may be NQ:ble for add,W,,al .MRe7 Scaay of mM matr..a.9 -sauce Ic®Len WA erY't based On aaWee daalwn(eHnGan, manataG�ro and p�rstaae pent NaaCO s e e s •E c+r.H.o1:m re L7Vre a poeot aae2' t!LA3��Y;`tr:;_<. :12 Law ervy! , matedi WA VA? — almberp cyucb do net afRto he mpaae wpxc^, detnc:1 � . i r ...E r.'i .• .. Y f�. UQ— - P.— • _VeMxd mrbdo :._.1 - Tfe's pnvYon does W apply to 1M podud Note FocMats art facr-d aaer Table It 'AR-1012Most 'NdeiyAccepted and Trusted Page 6 of TABLES 2 THROUGH 11 (Continued) Pwalhlo Advan - AdvdnTedh LP Syabm LP System 21P Syabm Numt*r NumMr samlan lnbnt Pdnb Canditlana o(Use to Quality lw Pdnb SReaLhing FkarinQ ROQf Wall RSh-MIrig Sheathing Slnothing TABLE 11—SUMMARY OF AREAS OF ELEGIBILITY WITH ANSUGBI 01-2010— GREEN BUILDING ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS f0122 8klasM Pmdl=- bui`ffrg 43aemhl1 7— A3 Huxr ycCucb arc qu!i:.o]as b<tased • O 1 f g Os i a eam vedb L5C pr00�Cb Yet a(e C'aC-'d, ppceaaed and marLyam:red W.L Ir WOO Mn'—OIS,,s--;;rt ?� l� `thy# 10 141 Rognnal Naterive -b.W'g ease W. 5— acesj805")cr!to sdn'ara (by or veiu:nocf r'A o 0 0 0 Cmptrertr 1032.1 Cenfied —d 8 rraz 8ehveen 10%arM g0%w,rcre sf •cae-0a;erf px�c5 lsed In Ye pSd'.n2 ar Os,t:e mm Pazm certinM g ® i o = Ver:"ed acnbtee =Tri, pr ion does W applyto IN.,-dl t Fa toot a. 'Cemn.w.otqu+edcl the —lad —any Vendor Chain ofCW-xdy!a not reculred to quaA:/:w ;ia pant Fwest certifCJcrt aedi fw lEF-0 2CL9 reaurees FSC adw4ely and fw L'e0 v4 :�aurxa r.Lier FSC or USGBCapprwed equYaien. Contact USGBC for a list of apsraved equivalent ,rigrama 'CG88C rgograzc impwbnm of uc of arafied tact pmducts'ravever Ye spedf requin_rnerts are aaitrdy wAer Cwekpmenl `i hM arq b nce Y SnA.: `tl'ntUl lte prPJ51M5 Ot cQ i J n'�=D (Tame i} 6.rav4:„e Ca!ifemia ?ir :ic4urrz4 Ecaid {GAAB) doe] nd repUla(e sginnefed'.YCOd pr0.^�d etnc50M14 'EYylr.�'.Sy .=i. only to ate vAGd-La62d 9::CY.hlfllf per:. of Ye panel. 'Regkna. ma:eral.,cwd— Saud on prei kcati. m ded by Humor l.,xn rquest WT-NO..p— ie DIVISION: 06 00 00' WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES SECTION: 0616 00—SHEATHING DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 30 OS —.ROOFING FELT AND UNDERLAYMENT REPORT HOLDER: HURER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZIP SYSTEM@ AND ZIP'SYSTEM+Tm ROOF SHEATHING ICC IN 1CC C PFAG LISTED Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council ('AISSPQ Award in Excellence" i I t A Subsidiary of Cnnecouear, 'C-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not °"'° ecifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a commendation for its use. There is no wdrranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. a„ ipyright ©'2015 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. IMES Evaluation Report ESR-1473* Reissued September 2015 This report is subject to renewal September 2017. www.icc-es.ora 1 (800) 423-6587 J (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: O6 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 16 00—Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 30 05—Roofing Felt and Underlayment REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 (800)933-9220 www.hubefwood.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZIP SYSTEM' AND ZIP SYSTEM+Ts' ROOF SHEATHING 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: Q 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code (IBC) a 2015, 2012 and 2009 Intemational Residential Codes (IRC) Ir 2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC)T 'The ADIBC is based on the 2009 IBC. 2009 !BC code sections referenced in this report are the same sections in the ADIBC. Properties evaluated: a Structural —wind uplift resistance 11 Nonclassified roof covering a Classified roof covering ■ Weather resistance 2.0 USES ZIP Systems and ZIP System+T4 roof sheathing panels are used as combination roof sheathing and roof underlayment. 3.0 DESCRIPTION The ZIP Systems and ZIP System+TM roof Sheathing panels are wood structural panels having a laminated facer. The ZIP System+Tre panels are manufactured using a different resin than the Zip System® panels.. The panels are installed with a proprietary seam tape, which allows the systems to be used as an alternate to the underlayment required in Chapter 15 of the IBC and Chapter 9 of the IRC. The OSB substrate complies with U.S. DOC PS-2 for wood structural panels and is overlaid on one side with a medium -density, phenol -impregnated, polymer -modified sheet material. The standard -size panels are nominally 4 feet by 8 feet. Oversize panels, wider than 4 feet (1219 mm) or longer than 8 feet (2438 mm), or both, are also produced. The panels are available with either a square -finished -edge profile a tongue -and -groove edge profile or a machined edge profile. The proprietary seam tape is a self -adhering sheet -type membrane consisting of acrylic adhesive laminated to a polyolefin backing, and the face of the tape is labeled with ESR-1473. The tape is 0.012 inch thick (0.30 mm) with a minimum width of 3 inches (76.2 mm), and comes in rolls of varying length. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General: Installation of ZIP Systems and ZIP System+TM roof sheathing must comply with the applicable code, this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. The installation instructions are to be available at the jobsite at all times during installation. The instructions within this report must govern if there are any conflicts behveen the manufacturer's published instructions and this report. 4.2 Application: The ZIP Systems and ZIP System+TM roof sheathing panels must be installed with the longer dimension perpendicular to the roof framing and fastened to the roof framing in accordance with the applicable code for wood structural panels. The panels must be installed in accordance with the panel span rating as shown on the panels. All corners are to be securely fastened. Tongue - and -groove and machined edge panels are designed to provide the correct gap size at the panel edges during installation. Squared -edged panels must be spaced apart a minimum of '/a inch (3.18 mm) at the time of installation. End joints of adjacent panel runs must be staggered. The panel must be installed with the laminated phenol - impregnated polymer -modified sheet material facing to the exterior. All ZIP Systems and ZIP System+TN roof sheathing seams must be sealed with the Zip Systems tape. All overlay surfaces must be free of any significant presence of debris, particles or sawdust prior to installation of the ZIP System tape. Overlay surfaces must be void of any free water prior to application of the ZIP Systems tape. The ZIP Systems tape edges must be sealed and the tape is to be centered within +/-'/2 inch �12.7 mm) of all panel edge seam centers. All ZIP System and ZIP System+Tee 'Revised November 2015 ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetic or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed �� as an endorsement ofihe subject ofthe report or a recommendation for its are. There is no ivarranry by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, esprss or implied, as `�. I_F7! to any finding or other mailer in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. M Copyright 0 2015 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 ESR-1473 I Most WidelZAccepted and Trusted Page 2 of 2 roof sheathing surface defects, openings, cracks, etc., that completely penetrate the overlay and substrate, and caused by handling or construction work, must be covered with the ZIP System® tape. The ZIP System tape must extend a minimum of 1 inch (25.4 mm) past the panel edge T-joint intersections. The ZIP System° tape must be adhered to the ZIP System' and ZIP System+TM roof sheathing. Wrinkles in the ZIP System seam tape are acceptable unless they create a leak path to the panel seam. 4.3 Roof Assemblies 4.3.1 Classified Roof Coverings Class A: Underlayment is not required for a minimum 1/2-inch thick Zip System+T� roof sheathing with Class A asphalt glass fiber mat shingles. Class B: Underlayment is not required for a minimum 7/1r,-inch thick Zip Systeme roof sheathing with Class A asphalt glass fiber mat shingles. 4.3.2 Nonclassified Roof Coverings: The ZIP System° and ZIP System+711 roof sheathing panels are limited to installation on buildings permitted to have nonclassified roof coverings using code-ccmplying asphalt -fiberglass shingles, metal shingles, metal panels, wood shakes, wood shingles, built-up roofing, slate and slate -type shingles, and clay and concrete tile roof coverings. Roof coverings may be applied directly to the taped ZIP System° and ZIP System+TM roof panels unless multi -layer underlayments are required. 4.4 Wind Uplift Resistance: Wind uplift design loads and ZIP System® and ZIP System+T11 roof wood structural panel allowable uplift resistance shall be determined in accordance with Sections 1609 and 2304.8.2 of the 2015 IBC or 2304.7.2 of the 2012 and 2009 IBC and Section R301.2.1 of the IRC. Roof coverings must be fastened to the sheathing with mechanical fasteners sufficient to resist the design uplift load. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The ZIP System and ZIP System+Tw roof sheathing panelsdescribed in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 This evaluation report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, when required by the code official, must be submitted at the time of permit application. 5.2 The ZIP System® and ZIP System+-,m roof sheathing panels must be manufactured, identified and installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. 5.3 The ZIP System° and ZIP System+TM roof sheathing panels are limited to code -approved structural use for wood structural panels with either a 24116, 32/16 or 40/20 span rating. 5.4 In jurisdictions enforcing the IBC, the roof covering system incorporating the panels is limited to installations in the following construction types: • Type III-B and Type V-B • Type III -A or Type V-A under the conditions specified in footnote d of IBC Table 601 • Type III -A or Type V-A under the conditions specified in footnote b of IBC Table 601, for occupancies other than Group F-1, H, M and S-1 In jurisdictions enforcing the IRC, the roof covering system incorporating the panels may be installed on structures constructed in accordance with the IRC, 6.5 Enclosed attics and rafter spaces must be ventilated in accordance with the applicable code, except where unvented conditioned attic assemblies are permitted by 2015 and 2012 IRC Section R806.5 or 2009 IRC Section R806.4. 5.6 An ice barrier must be provided as required by Section 1507.2.8.2 of the IBC and Section R905.2.7 of the 2015 IRC and Section R905.2.7.1 of the 2012 and 2009 IRC. 5.7 Installation, is limited to roofs having a slope of 2:12 (16.67% slope) or greater. 5.8 ZIP System0 and ZIP System+T'^ roof sheathing panels are manufactured by Huber Engineered Woods, LLC, in Crystal Hill, Virginia; Commerce, Georgia; Broken Bow, Oklahoma; and Easton, Maine, under a quality -control program with inspections by [CC -ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Wood Structural Panel Roof Sheathing Factory - laminated with an Alternative Roof Underlayment (AC266), dated May 2008 (editorially updated October 2015). 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Each ZIP System® and ZIP System+T`^ roof sheathing panel covered by this report must bear a label that includes the manufacturer's name (Huber Engineered Woods, LLC) and address; the product name; the evaluation report number (ESR-1473); and the grade, performance category and bond classification, The panel mill label and span rating, grade, performance category and bond classification label must be visible on the bottom face of panels, opposite the laminated facer. The ZIP System® tape roll is labeled with the product name and the evaluation report number (ESR-1473). ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1473 FBC Supplement Reissued September 2015 This report is subject to renewal September 2017. www.icc-es.org j (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 16 00--Sheathing DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 30 06—Rooting Felt and Underlayment REPORT HOLDER: HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS, LLC ONE RESOURCE SQUARE 10925 DAVID TAYLOR DRIVE, SUiTE 300 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28262 (800) 933-9220 www.huberwood.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: ZiP SYSTEM® AND ZIP SYSTEM+Tm ROOF SHEATHING 1.0 REPORT PURPOSE AND SCOPE Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation report supplement is to indicate that ZIP System° and Zip System+TM roof sheathing, recognized in iCC-ES master evaluation report ESR-1473, has also been evaluated for compliance with the codes noted below. Applicable code editions: is 2014 Florida Building Code —Building * 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential 2.0 CONCLUSIONS The ZIP System® and ZIP System+T" roof sheathing, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of the master evaluation report ESR-1473, complies with the 2014 Florida Building Code —Building and the 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential, provided the design and installation are in accordance with the International Building Codeo provisions noted in the master report, and with the condition that wind uplifting design loads must be determined in accordance with Section 1609 of the Florida Building Code —Building and Section R301.2.1 of the Florida Building Code —Residential. Use of the ZiP System and ZIP System+T"' roof sheathing for compliance with the High -Velocity Hurricane Zone provisions of the 2014 Florida Building Code —Building and the 2014 Florida Building Code —Residential has not been evaluated and is outside the scope of the evaluation report. For products falling under Florida Rule 9N-3, verification that the report holder's quality -assurance program is audited by a quality -assurance entity approved by the Florida Building Commission for the type of inspections being conducted is the responsibility of an approved validation entity (or the code official, when the report holder does not possess an approval by the Commission). This supplement expires concurrently with the master report, reissued September 2015 and revised November 2015 ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other annbmes not specifically addressers nor are they to be coast ded as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied as ' to anyfinding or other maser in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright 0 2015 ICC Eva!uafion Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 Florida Building Code Online f l� Page 1 of 1 fi-in-610 &Po#ess� na�E R�ergulaao��, _� xi�'f,�1R SCIS Home Log In j User Registration Hatrooics SubnaSurtharvR Stats Facts PubIIcztjcns FBC Staff i BM Site Map Unks Search b d. Product Approval r * USER: Public User Fruduct .4 Search Criteria Refine SesirCh Code Version 2014 FL# 17147 Application Type ALL Product .Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other Q.—II, ALL Ek# P9anufacturer Validated By Status1FL 7I47- f��'Technology Huber Engineered Woods LLC ICC Evaluation Service, Approved BU Category: Structural Components LLC. History Subcategory: Products Introduced as a Result of New (205) 599-9800 (:eZ= Us :: 2S01 SlaIrSture R23d Taltai-a<' � i71=^ Prcra• A50-487-IA 4 The State of Florida Is an AA/-_0 employer. Cowr!oPt 2n074r1a cbt2 of sn :: Prlvac, cbterrent :: �cce«1bi11� tv �tata_ment ;; R 6,nd_�epen[ Under Fiadda law, emali addresses an public records. It you do not wart ycur e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic ma to this entity. Instead, contact the officeby phone or by trad{tcral mall. If you have any quest!ons, please contact 850.437.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Fiadda Statutes, eRactive October 1, 2012, licensees Oisnsed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Dem Department with an eall address If they have one. The amalls provided may be used for official communiobcn w;I the licensee. How—e. er all addresses 3M publicc record. If you do not wlsh to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with as email address which can be made available to the public. To determ!ne it you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click taoi_. Product Approval Accepts: M 99 A R Credit Card Safe https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_appjst.aspx 4/ 12/2017