HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2209 '-3{jg-,' ,'~ I~!~'i":'>~;,c~ iJ-''tr'c,' .'-r.',.- .:.{~ n~_,:~';I~~~~~I.: 'lj:~,~~_~~cL~:~~-'~'~7~c',1J I ,'e I' ';',; ,I' '. '.I-,'!~, " ' "" 'I,'T./ ':-1:' I' " ' ," ';.'. ,:",' , , ' "" , ' .' I ' ' , " " , 'I I I' . ,", ',I '. "" I, ~ ' , . "- ,." 'I ' I " ,: " " ' ~' I, " ',' r I ~:;=;.~:J:X~;:::~:::'::r~(~':~':"~-'-~S~;:::-.;z~:' _..:~,:-;d~"~Tt:,';=,:~t,:;~~~-:::.::=t,:=", -':'~;i;;:.:,-ji:.':~~:'~~-::;:~t;~:,~:~~j:~;-,;.:::.~;.~ , : . , I','" 'I ~ . i, ' I . r" " ' , ,~r ',." I.' " . ,.." I, I. >,,!' , ,! .\ ,W,I. ',~,Ni,.' -~~E~I('",,' Tb~',' tile,,' 8'~1.d'i L~_a,S?r, r' 1fi .....,1d,eh, '1Jn Jt l:t,'be. .ehi ber,eln., tt~'::exp,:..., ~d...,I',I' \ \ 'i , ',~ 1 I to b" \ pau,' \ 4oterse""u1to ,the, ~i~ ,4\ Le~~e., hiB helr~ "a.tlda,s~ignB\"'Jll1 thlat,\~l'ound\ an~ ~\ ___.~_____ , ..I l~\vn--s~., B~t~~~~. ~fi~ an~, ~Aing lUf)t.;,L1iQi, 9~;I~t~~F]Ot',\,,; ,II:;, i .' !" '\--'~ii ~\::to:'{if~l ~~ fii: ~;::~; ~if::d \:~~O:~~l;~i~~"':i.~;:~~i:r ~~\t~ ~~~:l:~;~~n .- . \" " j \ \ ' , \ ", " ,'\ ",\" . _ \ \ \ ,t \ , . ,,,Fort ~le,1'o,e~\Fl!3rlda';to~e~herlw1th t~e impt'q'i{8m?,htscthe~ion'~c ,\', . '\, , . ,\" I. 'r, , ,'1 'l'O<r~T~, w~tht~~lmprovem~~t~ '~h.;.UPQ~\ and 'all t~e \~l,6bt8., ,~ll~~O~\WWS, \.at8t'B~ ,),Y'" I \ \ , . ~a8emerit8:! \ e~01~mept8,",P,~iT.l~,g~"~,8hd,. a~y~t~eB,th,ef.:unto ,be,~0118~118' or,,1n a~ise' ~pper~~i~'n8~ '. .. . .' '. ~ .' . " ~ ...., " ~ " ,'::. " . '\. ", ,. . ;', _, ~ .", ~"~,, " ~ ~ HAV~ AND '.f01ROLJ) ',the' saml unto the't1be or the Baid t.e~see, hls'he1r~ an4 asslg~si" fo~'':'-the' " , ' ' " , "'., . , .", , " " ,,' \ ' , ,',' .'" ' ",' ,\' ' . ',',,'.. \ ' '~t~:rm ot, llin'etl.;nlne, ('99),Yearo:, ~eglnD.lng on the ~4tb '48:1' ot August. A. D. '1925. the Baid '~ , . ...... ,- - ~ ~ ," . '. " . -. ~':- ~ 'i :i.esse,1 ,y~lldlIig ,and~s,y~~,:Uilto the, S.~~,L'88or8 ,tll~'l'en~, at tb'ei-a,te'ot,~went.Y",fo~r H~n(t~~4: ($2400.0':;) Dollars per,ye'ar.. d,U1"t'il~ t~e 'ter~G-t tbls t,ease';,pa,ymentB' 8hQ,ilb(. 'made, lri'80ldQ.lo1ii , . ~, '. . '. ' ,.,-. ': ". .' ,.. .' , '. '. , '- ....'.. .', '. . " ~ - " . :" '.~. . . , .of-the Un'1t~d st~tea of Ainedoa"()t:l~S: equivalent in vai~e. 'saldrent o'r tearl,y-8WDs:- ~. 'b4 : ~_f""''- , ". ,,'. . _ '. '. ._::.'. "'_ . ..,......: _' ,,'.~ ".,: .,~, -' ....,'.__,.~ . .(:l,~ ,'p~ ',as, 0' OWB" o-w ,:. erst',yearl,y'rlnt i8.,~{~'be:pa1iFlii'nad.aI1o._: :md th'. re~t for ' ..,~ eao~and 'V8I"1 , TeU: a--!~el'th~~':t1nt,y~ar. .8hal'l',be P~ldo~ fOliow",:, '; " -- , , Six Hun-dl't<< Dollars. ($600000) ",Eao,ht'h1r4 !llonthi sald '~b, Htindr$cI DoUat. " to be paid ont)1,;,' '.. - - . . '~". ,'. ., .:. ~ .' - - . . '-.< ' , ' ',. -' - ". . . '. . . " - .c.' _ .," . ~-' .;:, '. ,., : " 14t'h. dB, ofA\l8U8t,'~h. 14th. daY ot':' November.,.lod on tbe14t'bd8Y of, rl'br-,U:ar,;, ,aiid 'on t~., ,~ . . - ., " - ' '. '. - . . . . h, . . ~' , 14t~, d83;t:t ,~~ ,~f 'eaoh Tear'; sald" rente 'or ,ye~ll ',yle"ld8, to ~e ','Ov.~' and above' a.l1:'taxe8 an4 d 8sB888.lIentB'Of" ever~tl~d'legal'l,y,:i~T1~c}?raS~e8sed' 8,galns~'8a1d 4ellllB~4 pr~!Ili~eB~:' :ft:th~ ,B~~4': .". . . rent Shall,-beln al'l'eartj lnwbOle,Ol' in, par,t ,'at a1,'~lme~ 'for,1Il0r.ethan~Dinet,dai8', the~lt"',';-.~ . ~ , . . ,?, . '- .' '-. . .. ; . ebal1Qe lawful fOl'th.i.esllon,to"IIIak"1S1~treBs therefol''- -or tooolleo', the,slli'e 'b. 'other'; I ,1 " '1 , J \ 1 i , ( , " ! ~ '! ,1 j ,J , ~ , i , ,1 1 j ~ 1 : j ., . -- . ~ Judlo1al pro-o.Bs, ,pro.lded f~rt~',r.,' 'that in t11-..,ent, it s1l81~ beoollie'ne~eB8arlt-o,oolleot : j ']'; l , , ,'1 ~ saUr,ent by s~lt'or',by;an. .ttor~8.J aft,er mljL~1ir.1tI.the~ lnsuoh event th~f ,Lise.. ob'l~g.t~B': . ,". l '_. , .,' ,', .'*1.. "," . himself, hiB' heire and ads18h~. ,to PB1. reASOnable ',ttorneY';e' teeB 'for ,the .oolleotionthel'eot;, 30.' ':', '. - .' ,: '. "-' ':-.' ,..' ,. /' '" ,'. - , "-. . - . . - .. -'...: . '-.,. ' ':. -' . - . --. .'" ',' ':.: pro,vid~~further,'tbat ,It'the S;!ld' LeBliee shall' be'ln .arrearB'1 ofeaid rent', in,wbcilF:or,-:ln i , ," , >. . .' -. - - '. ". .' . . , , : ' '-" ".'...' ., I ~ ~,_ 0,' , . . ': t, , ~' ".,part for ,ntn4!tt,y 4&18 tiheh, tbe'sa~4 teB.o.rB III~" at.. theil'> opuq'nr~en~e,Z'upo. 'tg~, o~~4 pr~" "; , r/ 'miees" hereby demise4, . wUl1o,r witbout ~l1llio1a1 prooeod1ng8, andh'old the $8Il1e ,in .the, same m~riner' , '}s.1:ttplS, le~se' ha~',neve;been niad$.,an~' in; the, 'eveJlto~ suoh d,efau;l,t,~ho, ~a1'd t~asee' , '. retake And , , ,the-gi v~ng of an,r notice ot ,Leesor', 8 intenUonto cancel an4' '8JUlul'thls lease 'and , ,- '. . 'PO~Ul.sslon'd'f the above ,desoribed premises., ",' ~he'8 ) i4 J.,essee 'fu~ther ooV'enan ts '",lth theaa1 d Lessors to p'$,ythe ,.afores~ld rentf;li1d waives ;' o . . '. .. ,> ., : _', _ 0' __ ' " , ' ... , ' -",'. . . . -, _ '.-.CJ ~, ,'~ll taxes and-$soessinents', of wh~tao,ver oharaoter which ma,yaocrue or be ,assessed e.ga1nst , the 'above descrlbedpropei't,y, and which mal .cOnst1tut~ ' oX" orea.-te a Hen or ~ncWB'orano~ up,Q,n. t~e 'abo.ve des~ribed.propeJ:"tl subBequent to' 'August'14,192,5., wht#n ~~all,y demandable ~nd lie~ol'8 ' anI penalt,y ,B~all ,aoorueby' re680n, ot non-pa,ymon~. an~ before B~'d proP~,rt,y Bhall be 'allV'or- , ,Used' fo'r sale oranypr,oceed ings .instituted tbereon. to ,enforoe. cOlleotion, to 'keep' the , , : bullcUngs now' on sald premises, pr ' wh~cb may'herea:tter be oonstdcted thereon. lnsur'e'4for ~ot , l' '. ' -....: : '. ." -, ~." le.;,;8 tilFUl Thr~e7bousanj Dollars' a.t Les~8I~ s ~x'p~se in favor of t:heLe.s801"S. ina,goo~' and' reliable old Une ,~nsu~anoe comlHmy or companieB payab16 to t}1e Fort i!Jorce'Bllnk and, ~ruat ' ,ColDpan,y, of Fort P1eroe~.Florida,8B Trustee, oai~ Insur8no.~ poli~1es ~o be deli votea'promp,tlf . , toeaid Trustee 1irhen issuedi it being understo04.howeve.r, thal( all8llloUJlts colleoted' onauy' s,uch property Shall be 8valbble 1'or the:=lj:~l1/; er r~'palr. as theo~,ae'~a.Y. be,orm,y' 8UO~: b~lldlng 01' buiiUngs. fixtures and improvements InJure4 otdeetroyed obi fire, '8nd sllAll be phil!, , , , ...f J, 1 I ,I opt by the said TrUsteo from time to t1rr.e ao the work of rebinding I, reconst~aot!on or reR.,!lr I " I sh,all progress on bona fide' architects' oert1fioateset' builders', eatlrnntes .shewing th~ appl1~ .:" . I ,1- .', 1 oat1o~ _of' the omount paid iu'such re:,alt' or reoonstruotion; provl,4ed. however., if ,the lh-: stiranoe ,moneys so 00.11 eoted 8n,l1 be insllff~o'1en't to re8~'re aQd reoonotruot said buildings: so 6S I , I to replaoe sam~ in &8,.1004 or better condition th!ll they were before the flu or l' ,said -Lel3see Bball '4esiu to rClbu1l4 la1'ger buildill~aand ilnprOV6111onts the,., .1'ie of\,hioh _I!hall exoeedthe , ~/' 11' { , , . ~.. ! i , ~'. .' !. I . ! . ' " } ! ,:i .,.'1 t';.C'~ ~ . ., ~ ~ _ .'-- , f .---'-' - ~ -" "T' 2 1. ~~~~ . i I "-/