HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2220 (: .~) 'I', ,I I, 'd 'j" J, !i''':;'' " l II ',I, :;, "JJ, co, ',I,' -: 'I ; , : 1(,: ~,~)S)- 't,l' i.I' Ii,. ',: I' ,/..~ I" ':,', '~,'i I';' ',. '/"" :,i1, ,J; ,',' 1'1 ' ,,' . , , " "t' 'I"" ' ,', " .. ' ,', " i' , , I 'I ! ' , fi',', , ' ." ,,' " ,., 'I I' l' ,', I ,", , " ' :~~~::'~,'J,~'r:;;~~'~;;"';:~;;~.~.:::i,'::~,';;:::.;~::::::.::;L~i:~~~~~',~:-;:,::,::~Jl;4.:.~~~~;:,~;:.:,~:~;::~:,;~:!:::;;;;,::=~;,~tt.:-:~t,-;*~~'-'f~~=;;~~tr:~; '" ,':' ir..,' , :'" ' ',' I, . ", 'I" . , ' I .' ;-1"""\ 'I" . ',' ,I, ,', ' , ~'I' t" ,i',\ ' , ,. i" I, ',' ,.,{~%DIXmlr C01fP~; ,," '. \ :l, ~O..:;, ',~ :~~Sm11l:i'LbUG~, 'R01iQK ' ,'\ ' . ,,1. '. \' , ',,' , '. 1 I . i " \ \ ',' "" . '1 ,II, \ (', " ", I ',I \ '" '\' \1,1\ ": i ," \ "1' \ \ ' 'I ,\'1' i : \' Ii G!.; \ , \, . "I \ ",\, , ,I' "," 'I, ,," : \1 \ T'T, r \ \\ ,i. 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',' '. ' , .. " .',' . 3" i.roWUBhl}) 37 "ou,th,R~. 40 Eaat,,: 332 J.oreemore pr:lU'a. ~'. " " .' . '. < . ',' '". . '.' - . "', .'.. . .... 'I ..".. " . _ .' ". . '. _ "" '.---:-7 1 ,.t~dtor tbepl'.J.oeot '.tl'tieen'~ou8ai1d 0)1x Hundre4 ($l5,'60<,>.OOI".lJ01.1er8i to:be,p81d: 0:. . ,., "... . ..,.. ..',' <_.': ,,' "__"_ ,';' ~...., _ '.., . .'. . .. ~ . '. , ,:!'a~toliOW8: S~ven' 'J.'houe8i1d .Eight :,l1uridre~, (.780,0.00) ,Doll . ! . .." . 'j ". . - . ,- . ,',' .' :' . : '. Senn 'T)louQan4 E1ght, ~uw\l"e~. f'7800~OOJ ~Vl'd.ilo'elbythree ':promJ.880ry noteB,.tor the BUJJl of. ; . , '.1 ;1\'10. i'h~tls~'cS -Slxi1un4red(.2,600.00)"'D~llar8, eaoh,. pa;~~le' o~ei' tWo ~ ',and' thre;-,;e~', t~m",,:' ----r .'" , . " ,',,' ''- ,:', ',,' ',':,,", ' , " ,'" ,', ' ", d.h'.1J.1 th, int~rea~ ' at. the rate ~_f ,eiglit, per' oe,n,~, per, annum,' payable 'e~Dil~'8nn'ual1)' ',,", : s'eoure4..bt~, mort.gage: or' t~8t ~~~a ~~~ t6rm'to ;" be, BaUB:taoto~ ,t~" th~ P8r~~ ~f'ih~f.1re,r ,.., part; 88,l'd ORuh payment t,Q ~eniade8Xidseour1t1ee <}el1vel'ed on 'or before ,,'the lBt" d,a:;, of , ! ". hbru,ary, A. D;. 'l~25. '. ' .', , I' , I '. '." .r . '1 ' , "', IT . II Ii -; --' '; ... , 'ij' ; , ' :' '. '; .' r ' . ' ,. ~ ... , \ ~',il ~ ~ ' .. '~ . ,\ !' ~.- _ i 'I . 1, -. i ' ! j . ~ , Ii,' f. ~ ! , , Th~,pal'-t1~t ,the,tirst ,part 8gree~,to"turni8h, an, abstract 9f,~lt1:e:ShowbIg ,a m8rk~t~ble' 't1~+e,toth. ealc1:'l'." e~tat~"on ~r,before t~e lst'.,day.~~ Janu.rY'A'.D.1'926'-:8Il~1f, 8$i.~ . . a,bBti'aotB are n,9t dell"'e~ed '1y' the. ,1,'lretday of January: A. ~; :192,6', thi~ 'O:p~io~ ',~sto be' a~toni'!'ti:o~~y'_eXh~ p~r1od' 'o,t ~~~tty :d8YB, ~ro~ the del:i.v~r;; of S~,id 8b8t~~ctB. 'I,~ oase the 'prtV-ll!!l~ ^, .he~eby given is exerolsed the'. ,prioe. abo\'e ,118me~ and pald and eecured, and. -~ . f " ~- " . .- . '. . ,'., '. .' . , Becurities ,aooeptea ae aboveprov.i.'ded" ,theperty- ot the til'st pert 'agrees to' convey end. 8SBllre" ' , ',",,'... ,", " ':, '" :, ': -" ,'., ..' , ' ,... . ,: ' ", , ,. ,Bal~ref,l};e~t8tet9 Bidd ~l1zabet,h' "'oughboroUgh. h~ n,elre en<l8ss1gne, "~y I!)~ood and euf- flc1ent deed l'ee,1tlng 's oonsider8tion of fen '$10.00. sn~ oth8l'veltt8bl e CODsllle'rat1oni' j Dollars free And olear ot 8,11 liens ~d enoumbr8noe8.'wh~t8oever, ' ~e party ot ,thef1r'Bt p,ar~ turJ;h~r"a,gree8 that In',~he ~ven't,that wf~~ln,:t'hlrtY~,8Y~ after'the oelh:ery ~f8a1d abstraota, the' saidabatnet does not'lnth!l, op1nio~ of th~. . .' " /, ..ttorney. :tor thepart~ot the&eC'ond part sliow m8ric~t8ble,;tltle,to sald 'premis~8 ~n'tlie, ,1' .. "p~rtyo~ ~he firBt JlBJ:'t,.tl1e P.r.ty of ,thi, f~r8tpar~,will return the ~ald ~ne'~)l-9')1S8h,~, . . '~. .. '.. ,. . .-~' :_..._--,,----~ ..' ($1.000.00 ) lJollar.B ,reoeived for " this' opt1'on. , , ~n the.8ve,nt. the privllegeto pur.eh8S8 hereby glVeI11s not exercHsed 9n or bdorft thlr~y 'd~ya :e~'ter';d'eliver~' of saId ~,bst~aot'8, tb,1e option ,Sh~:l c~ase apd b~":riUll end ' ' ' ' 'vo14,andth'e' seia One, '.a:,l1ousana (61.0oo.00J 4011ar,8' patd for this, ,?ption shall be l'etalned bytl\e party of' thef11"at part 'infuli 88tisfa'ot1on arid l1quidation: ot f,ll~ dar.:ages -b,., it,. , , 8ust81ne~ 'end the $a14 pert~ ,Of 'thefiret pe~t '8h,81.-~ heve 'the r1ghtto r,e'~-=-nd'-t8Jq~ pos's- :' 'Iaston o~the p~em~8e8', ~,toreSa1,4W~ thout be1ng11abl,e ,to any "o,t10~. 'ther"tor. '. . Itie mutnelltegreedbetween the partiee here't'o that the time ,of payment e1\811 be BJl . . . , . _ . . 1"' I usential part of this. Q ~traot,and,th8t 811 Qovenants and, agreements. herein- oontained - I " , I 1. " [' ehell' extend to sndbe obl1gatoty upon the heire, exeoutore, admlnletrators, andees,1gns of ' ~ the respective-perties.' III WITl:lESS WHE:tEOJ', . the party Of, the firet ~ert heeoaueed 1 te oorporate nemeto be hereto signedl end 1 ta oorporate' BeeJ.-..her.,to e,tflxed bll' It,8 Vl~e (}7resident, andatte8tedby itB 3ecreter,y, sndthe party ot the seoond part has hereto set her ~8nd and B~.l th1s 29th I dey ofaprll J.~ ~. 1925. , I