HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2221 j F'," I'!; , " , I, ' .' :" I I , I ' r', I r ., i 'I I I '" . . ! t j ~f ! , : .1, ,,' i: I "j 1,. ,', I' I,'" " , , I 1 "II' ,I , ,I. 'i' , ' !', '1' I ,,' , "',,,,' :':->--~'";.:t~:..,":""t---~""~+"'~""';":;"""-4.":""'.L-~---~.. ." -...._,~" -. -I-.:"'~"':',...-__c<";'L._I~LL....:~__~,.~'""--,-,:,~.".:,,,_~~--...', ........~~ n-~:"J~'- .!"....~I'_"""-...._....,.~~........~~4__~.~o:-~--1't_.~-JII;.~...~~~".;p-"'_~_~~'I'..v~......-~--~...,......'''I'~t ~ _:!:),_~_:'"I':T"".J"'!!""~"""'''~, - '''''"lI'"'--'l-'T'':!'~''''''-Y-~'l':>'''''-~'~I-''''''''''', __"",~._~_..~~~...;'~~.r~....,,~::;:9'..~,,,,-~, ': j ", '" ',' ';\', " '! , . " ':~ ' ,'" ',1'" : I"i: :' ,!,', ':: ,1 """r, , "., r 'I (I~ Sisne\i,., sealea ,nd_~eU".~ed In.'th~~'I,,.. II '. _~. ~'i. LIDDON'ldoyp.~y \( \skAL)~, .'1 ' 'i ': " . . \ ,\ " \ Ii' ' . ' i" , ,\.' \, ' \ 1, \ ; ., ~ \ ! i \ presence of:,: ' I, t \ ' , 'I' ' , , " Walke'!' ~UOon " ,\' \ I .\' ( \ , i' i" ' 1\ \ ',' Vice i>reB\d~ht. " II', \ ~ \ ~~'.~tP..,o~ t,~ '. \ L. ',' , ~~' ".', "; ',\ ,~,- 'a'i ',-;- f L i~":S. A~r'bi'.\' ~ ',", "{~'~"~~n~~_,n',~\,,'\~":~' '..~,__,~,__;~, ",:,;~_',I\ ,\: ',' ,,',~l >, U; , I ,. ~T~STS'-c _~__n'_"I_~'_~~. -- ----'I ,\ -cn~~~t~l~'---~';~-:--, ' " r, 'ithel i'. ,fa~ior \, ' ; I '. '\ ~}~ \' \ \ , \ , \ \ '},' : 1" '\ ,', ' \'8'0r,e~~y~, ' \ \, " dBl1:l8b~t~lI,oughbO'~O~h, (Weal),\ \, ,~', \' ,L I, ' , , . \ " ':' \ ' "-,: \ l' ,\ , ' , " '\ "\ State,6fM\orlda. '.~,' \ \, ,~ 'l\' , ' " 'i;,' " .J :' i ; :' "410 i t, , ,. , ;, i ' , " 'I 'I , , r ' ,4." .... ~ , - , , " .~ . '. ,:~t~ Luole,4jiltr. : \~:', , \ \ ' ! i' .. ~ . .. . . ". , '-.,; ,\ Ih,reby, ~ert,1fythat, 011 "~1'~ ,,~9th ,dall of" ~,q .~~:".J>.~ 926, beton m~ pei~0J1ai11a~pea~8d ' "alk.r'L,ldd,OI1 and Atheljl.'"1fQ-io'r', 'to~~~me.,el,llm09fJ1' ,to 'b~__ the ~f101 l?r&s~c1.n~ \~d ~e~~et8~y~' ' ..' " ' . -... . 1 . . ~ - ",.', , 1 . rlsp.othely;.'of 2el' 6c Llddon CompaDJ, a oorporation,' 'orsanh~d and ~:d8Uns und.r the ,18"8 ',of the " . , .' , ~ ,',:' , : . " . ,,'", ' ,1' Stab ~~__~J>rlcla~to me: knoWn ',to' be the ,persons cict8orlobed,liland who .xeou~,ed ihe' fdregoins J.' , ',' , ,," , ' , ' ,- - .' ' , ' " ,', ",':"" .' , " ' ! , Option' ,anel ..n~alljaoknowledge~ th,e exeo,ut1on thereof'(t.> ,-te. tne!.rfi'ee ,ilC)t' and, deed 8B, ,1 , '." ' , . ,',' 1. ~. '." .' ... '. . . ' . . . ~-. . ~ , -: : '. :. ;' 'I. ._' -:. . J '. ,auoh ,offioers, ,for tile 'uB~~8Jld purposes _th~reil1 ,nientioned anc1 that th,';' aff1xe.lthere,to, the;off1c1el' . ~e~tof8a~ef oorpo~8~l~n'anc1"tnee.1d'ln8t'~'en1; ,1. ~th.'ao't ~d:,~e~,(1 'Of '8ald?~rpor8tioli~ '! , . ":', Wi tJiI8~ ~ ~tfioi~l' ....1' .'t .10r~' P1e~C)4~. ", '~~,~, ~o~e c'ounti ..h~~ld~~ :th~B' 29tl1'. .ciay. of'-, , ",' . ',' '";l. . . . ,- '.. '.' I . . '<I ;:, tpru A. J).. 1926. , ' i, " i I ' --1 -=1. , J- ~ J. ~.' 'i I',: 1 j, I. !. I'l I, 1 f : ! " ,\ '--'; .. rl, ,~' J~1eO~Ltathee~~,' .' \, :U.ot.ty,~ubllo, 3t~e,of florU." , ~:! .~'oomm~88'~~~eXp,ire's .ie~.: 10,"i~29. . ,",.::: "-. '" ~ '.~ " " '4J".' ,,' ' " , " " ',: . d'reoorded ~B' f1fh,enthday of August. 1926 'at :1:18 P,io 11. ' b',' " ,jJ ..' If'" . :'..... ) , " '. , ; , ; , , ",j a; " I ',,', ".' ~ . I \ ,P. C':'E1c1red" Clerk.. CircuS.t, Qourt.' . . L "~' ' .~, ,..'.," ~', "., " " ,>>,~~~#~~;,' D. C. " !#:#:i:#: #:#:f: 'I-: i:1 :#::1:1: 1:# d: f:i: :,': :1-:.,:'-: #:f: #:i: ;1: ;;, :#: #: ii#.:#:#,:~#;# :#::#:# :l. . ,I ,. , " - . . :aLBER!,X,., WILL:I4iJSOll 'acWIllI 'TO S.&RJH 1l0L!SBERG , , f :. 4SSIGlfHBN!,Or JGREB1lElJ~,FOR LEED. lCDow all 111 en , by th...presents: ,\ That: w.. 'Alb.r~ L. Wl11i~80~ and~df.. Este1.ie' Wl111aineon; of tne "'o~ty ~t ~8int ' ; 'Luol'. 'enO tjtat. .f 11ol'lda. 'parthB' ofth.fir8tpart'.for .andln oo~s1d.ration ot~he' i' \ ~ -~ . I eum ot ~en Doilars ena othe,r Ya1:u~ble cons1d~ra:tlon 'In hand' paid,oy Sarah Holt\Jbers.,a ~'dOr,i partyot th',ee-oond p.rt, -,the." reoeipt whereof ls'h~reby aolWowledged. hue. srei1ted. b8rg8in.~.' ~ ., , . '. :. ;. 801cl~ .~81sned. ;tran,derred . and 8etQ~eJ:' an'dbT,the18. pr.Bent"i do sran\, oerg,in,'.lll. ..~lsri.tr,.1i8fel' and set, over unto thluld );>,rtf of tn.' 810011e1' part, ci.,rt~li1,Agre'lDent for'" Deeo made' and entere~~,~i:l.t..o_ on the let 4ay of Augy.st. A. 'j).i926. between .Annall.Chemberlaip an,d ~b.rt'L.d1l1hll.on and niiJri:fe. ....tel,l. Wlll1~80n. , '. ju' the said, perU.. of the tirst part 40 her~by ..11, a"sign, tr~s,ter ~ and qul t-ola1m , , un~o thl ~8814_p"I't1~Qt._ ~la.J'Qim.O__p-~r~,.ll ~h_~l~1'~S~'._,_U~l,__~p<l,lnt',r-!Bt in _~_~,_J.~I!~.!I_:_8et;,", out and Oesori bed in said lf8rument tor DUd. helDS th.' followins 4..0r1 bed property ,In S81n~ '1' , ... uI . ~uol. ~ounty., .I1orida. to-wi t: \- thl lown of "hitl ~i~y. i}orlcla. {" " ,Loti 7. 8, 13 end 14 In Bloele ".' and Lot 10 In, ~oolc 2, of Sub-d1v1e10n ot "'utlot 4. . , , ~own8hip 36 30uth.Rangl 40 East. " in ~7~--.--..--- .\nd thl"U partY,of the ..cond 9t the parU.. of I the t1rlt par,t in "in ....otion 4. q , . put, herlby a seimte. end " I , ,{ 8aid Asrlement tor DI.4. I ~.ke8 o"er,.ll the obligations' I I,. .04 .gr... to make said payments 88 I " 4JlI. ~~~~-=~