HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONCRETE2 f7 7 114 Water Tower, Road, Lake Park FL 33403 O,fflce 1 877 04=9994 /= Fax 561 844 7102 Q South,1EastFlorida Division`Dispatch;:r561-844-9994 /Central Florlr�a>,Dlwslon Dlspateh:.407=339-5311 ConcCete Tested ' ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT. # . i Water Added. at Customer's C IIr{ y ,tlers Taken ❑:Yes' . ❑No' Requ s ega �.� . li.,to full load' Com rnents gals. to 2/3 load gals: to ,1 /,3• load - j �- fftR''.6�#oC�Y n 1.7i1f'�tk✓ -.� _ _- ' Customer's Rep Water Added NQT RESPONSIBLE- FOR, Y VAI2NINO- _ IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ., ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO, THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement pblymer-or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with ZyRFACE'DISCOLORPTION -.skin' and Wash,exposed skin areas promptly with water. If, any cement powder,or'• CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH i , ._ , ,-,mixture gts into a es nnse=immediate! .and�re eatedl with water;and eYptom Y 9 y p y, p medical` attention. ,Keep children away' from cement powder and all freshly'mlxed cement products. : ° AN1J'D,URABILITY. ANY'•WATER ADDED IS.'" AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. Barc"; TIME :,'~ t?t I� „ • . - ,t m •.• o •m 0 •m - •rr lit `_ C5 PLANT TICKET" ORDER# TRH LOAISIZE M SLUMPi DATE C�.1 7 4 !` &t� 11171 J ; �;_i��—�IYi ate .. �� - i k'i �0_�1� I i� GUSTyQpJMER# ,,.alt1�.:�: SOLf)TO _' "` 1'] f-'t�,".`� l" s.St`�f`a:, i I UG, �"�I PO.i# E Di A,,°i �fG, titP1�,NtG PROJECT# 1!J ,C4,q}.�! _i9`�l._ l _.. .. .. DELIV RY ADDRESS. ZONE# USE= DRIVER °�i �� a1�t tal -i�� C=.�y d4j f� r,1 e 1�^= a, ,r � c�� � 3° �'a4" r�� '� t'➢1;' {� } p� i} Y� t INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE " i�_ t^i lei all PRObUCT DESCRIPTION a UNIT PRICE AMOUNY P i P P 8t "fe x t, �:lt'I f ova`€ 1 1p r�i1 11 3'i i `"zl �;.: 3 r , # + 20. rt ? ��ttr# !?3 , Iti9. l�l�i I hi r f . fill t%iT f D PO t.7 c �F� i,y j-! Il"I.wi}tl tt"ll�l.a„*y 'ii :r; 'zm tl{!'. i ra Ef3t s i s .. 't SIGNATURE 41tT WARNING OR RECEIPT' 0 'AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD asc Meyer o, c e e ompany willno ,assume �a i or any property amage or any SUB -TOTAL equip e 4 a, ro any deliverie beyond the curb line. - ?` TAX pi4 j 147 AUTHORIZED BY t i C 7 SUBJECT T,O' C NDITIONS "ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL SHIPMENT w Ham Durden Mario Arbucci <marbucci@comcast.net> Sunday, October 14, 2018 7:53 AM Permits; William Durden PERMIT 1807-0379 BATCH TICKET FL-1 COLUMN/BEAM Scan0977.pdf 1 M Iliam Durden Mario Arbucci <marbucci@comcast.net> Sunday, October 14, 2018 7:53 AM Permits; William Durden PERMIT 1807-0379 BATCH TICKET FL-1 COLUMN/BEAM Scan0977.pdf 4 3 .29 11'' 2 Water Tower.Road,; Lake Park FL 33403 offi SOL e:1 877-4.8.4 999 ri Fax 56,1 8t 7102 h:East Florida Division Dispatch 56i�-84'4-9994- /,,Central; FlorloivisldffDispWh: 4077 339-5311 ' � _ . ° Water Added ,at Custorner's C° ncrete Tested, ❑Yes, `�,No , LOT,# . , , G lin'ders Taf(,en Q Yes [ No Requestgals. to.'full l oad C nments gals.'to 2/3load 1 gals.'to 1/3lliad f"1 4a }ftRl fQu �it'7 �S I;I us om Water Added t � er's Rep W t d 11 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR - WARNING IRRITATION -TO THE ,SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL YVATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATIO N•IN COLQR OR. Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury Avoid<contact with' 'if CQNGRETIE WILL REDUCE ITS'STRENGTH , any cement powder'or skin` and wash exposed skm ;areas promptly,�with water. (SURFACE tDISCOIOHATION_ mixture gets into eyes„rinse immediately and repeatedly with water -and get,prompt,AhY WATER AN D DAT CUISTO ER'S" OWN RISKQED.IS BA H TIME medical`attentton. Keep children away, from cement powder. and all,,freshly mtxed l,i w i cement products., . f - PLANT 'TICKET# -243 Ck7f ORDER k � TRUCK # �5� `� LOAD.81ZE :t1't �f1 MIX 'SLUMP ��t�.• Cl. Ill.. DATE t0<.051 CUSITOMER# 'SOIDTO PO..# - E DGIA R"l:t9 lNPING PROJECT# , ; DELIVERY ADDRESS JGSf - GCit��1"<' F},'�r.�.�NB VI��Yd;-X: f",�"„ * s .' ZONE# � S`; ��. 'l)(' E ,,.. USE !`0i°�MY DRIVER' '- 1vUY"fj;r � t�C?3-"�'Yt.� . .. RUCIOSr - r• - Jt, ••� a•� •�� • • ?� ,. 4xt k,0. ocl boo,"et�l0 41W.0 PR14D rw�it�t�. 'i&i`zr�t t! I"r,1o% 7, 7 ({l:I'FtCt. 1E4T ►�. �P??• 1;1',I..T. F,tf fili}ij:�. =, tu IIlj!s7 , it. } I�j_ t)ilii(: i''INTTNS Jt SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT' 0 C ET "AND: ACKNOWL^EDGEMENT�OF�HAZARD.WARNING.' . asc yr' ncre 'ompany w no assume • a _ I y. or any property. amage or any SUB TOTAL t a e o any deliverie �beyorid the'curb lint ., I equip'!! k 'I i 7t/i � t, � 'TAX � 00 AUTHORED BY i; t `[f 7t-.r Of-5 DMENT T,O,C `NDITIONS QMREVERSE SIDE. TOTAL SH SUBJECT RECEIVED OCT 15 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting l , Ram Durden Mario Arbucci <marbucci@comcast.net> Friday, October 05, 2018 2:44 PM William Durden act: Permit 1807-0379 Bath ticket for footer/grade beam/slab hments: Scan0966.pdf Hi William, Tliis is the Batch ticket for the footer/slab and grade beam. This is already all in'� pected and poured. Lydia received and approved foam board survey today. Can I schedule the floor 1 column and beam inspection for Monday? I will provide elLvation cert for lowest beam and hollow core drawings next week and before we cap pour the hollowcore. Is that OK? Also, front entry steps will be inspected and pored with hollowcore cap pour. Mario Arbucci C?astal Construction and Design, Inc. 850 NW Federal Hwy Site 461 S uart, FL 34994 772 260-7514 1 q it �1! 1Nater Tower Road, Lake mark FL 33403t .Offlc� 1�877 44�-9994 /Fax 561-844 7102 r %Bout East Florida Division Dlapatchi 567 844 9994 �/ Central�Florlda Djwslon�.[7ispatGh r40 339 5311 ate'Tested ❑Yes ❑ No SLOT #� Water,fC"tlded at Customers - Cyll tiers Takerf& ❑Yes ❑ No t _ _iequest r� �gais full load Col rnents "� , �. � � ��' s.'gals�to,'2/31oad`•, � gals, �to��1 /3 load" .` :•44� ,.7tIti _ j 1jr Customers Rep - Water Added VE RESPONSIBLE; FOR fH9A9�R9 RGi . ",IRRITATI'ON TO THE SKIN AND `EYES .gpDITIONAC WATER ADD)=D T.O; TFIIS ` MCement;Polymer'.'or freshly mixed concrete may ;cause skin,injury` avoid contact with ` = INOT ARIATIO[d`IN COLOR OR skin and wash exposed skInfweas pra%nptly with water. it=;any cement pov�der or CONCRETE 1hfILL`REDUCE ITS STREN&H- SRFf�CE DISCOLO�TION with t ets into a es nose immediatei and re eatedl water•anii et rom nJI' 6re.g. X, P y. 9 P P AiUD;DURABIIITY 'ANY WATER ADDED IS BATC TIME [nedical attention veep chlidren away orn cement powder and all freshly miffed �; AT'CLISTOfllIER S OWN RISK. cement oducts �• • o e a f o • ' a At F;Iarii ���yyp++ �� � PLA 1,719$EG# OR�EA� TRUCK'# LEADSIYf� Mc SLUMP DATE '� k� ��; CU�Sy a "x yOtv1ER # litSE`tt [SOLP70.� y }:! pig # • fy;I.� PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ��7,.t�fj { •. ( $ b „41kb I ZO ( F ( US DRI p { ry f]TIMEDUEINST tt �0 • @ ! � 1�,f9it P AU I � t e��,t�.�x't� 3rt�t� .�ii`r $ f'• r �"�, r �'t�° . 4 �� � � r�'� �'a, � � 4E'��� %j02'..r""i �t Y".. iu..: �`�5"�31S1ZPd[.4$;i,^' £•b ,{`'��4 k«A`x, ICi Fj";iz'.-tr�ldi i i 1 � °SIGNATURE"OR:REGEIP.Tk_ �Y3N RE "AN6sACKNOWLEDGEMENT;OF-HAZARD"bVARNING,, . " rz _ - ° __ `^ •` asc eye ncr��eete ompany wr no assume ra i r or any probe y amage or any SUB TOTAL . equi mq a gd%r ariy deliveries beyond the+curb Itne t t fie a { TAX g �j "' 4 t f I '° 7 6 Z. # ��,= AUTHORIZED"BY:., SUBJECT TO CDN tlHONS ONi REVERSE SIDE �_ 'f WAL. t r� ;SHIPMENT , �� �] t a • a ti q' f4-, W. tl 14 Y4 .9 G 144"M'atertower Road, 'Lake -Park FL 33 I aPPIAI& V Offloo: 1-877484-9994- 1 Fax: 561 -844-7102 Soll�ft ast. Flor)da- Division Dispatch.fi61-844-99 94 1 Centrab Fldrida DiVW0q D!Spteft,-407-339-53jr 1 110 Qq I h-crete Tested DYes CI No.- LOT # Water Addecil at Glmt=T&�;, inders Taken, r C�' Yes Racpest� gallst. th fbill Idad cornments gjals to) 213 leddl gait. to W.3 lbad 00stame. �6 Reg) - WAW, Addixfi NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO, THE SKIN AND'EYES , A13OLTIOUAYTATER ADDED TO twhs L - VARIATION IN COLOR OR ith Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin: Fnituy. Avoid contact, . wor skin and wash exposed skin areas grcfrnptfy wiftwifter. If any, cement, Powder, CONCRETE WILL' REOU, GE LTA STRENGTH: „SURFACE; DISCOLORATION' pt prompt. mbdure gets into eyes, rinse immediately anil repeatedly, with. water. arid, gat! medical attention. Keep. childrm away, from -cement powder and all freshly mixed AND' GORIA'S fLnY,- ANT WATERI ADDED' 15 XF CUSTOUWt SOWN RISIC, H TIME - 1111A cement products Load To Job On Job Begin Pour Begin Wash To Plant At Plant tt PLA T ORDER Md T�U GC4 LOADSZE MIX Q R? SLUMP' DAME TOMER.i# kcv s A21. Rol, W. PRO1ECfM DELIVERY-ADORESS TZONST 'USE DRIVER INMUQUONS IMEDUE: T S, LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT COA PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY Lf--R. SCly 2;71�' Q4 i 4 tXf, 4 100Zt3 ZZ z z ia ttt RECEIPT ,COG N_GREr6 AND-ACKNOWLEUG OFHAZ-ARUWARNJN(a:. ATURFOR T jqw&Tffwj:q- !1jry for zMasch"ypr 3 me 1130 arq propertir clarrog-e or any. SUSTOTAL any line- equiprne daseE the curt AUMORMOZY TAX . il 'qHIPMENT SUBrjEPT TO. COk&IONS �-)N AEVERSEr5_112E. TGTAL RECEIVED NOTI 2 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County ,-I g ?F 1Nater'6a<uver Roan, Lake Park FL 33403 2` Off€cEs F;BT[ �&' -9994 -/ Eax- 561-944 71'02 c-i El A't D•itlsicn Dis tch 561-844-9994 f Central Elorida Division Dispatch: 4Q7-339'-531'1 South as a a' t Pa - - Watar Rddedl at. C'ustamer si Cal, Tested Yes. CQ Nb- LEST Request Cy[1ndars Taken [] Yesit. - ( 9 tol f'uill load! gsk. tag 273 laadi r{iments _ Co' - Rals to it/a Idadl Crjswmer t f rp - ltwater' Addew - INOT RESPONSIBLE FOR - 61vARN[NG It3RtTAFION T4T THE SiCEN AtJD EL'ES ApDMON:AE.WATERl AOUEDt'FGTki § ;VARIATION IN. COLOR O.R Cement polymer or freshly mixe& concrete. may cause skrrr€1: avoid' contact wsttu I. any cement powder or• i COCICR TE lli(ti L EiE)t11 STRENGTH i RIIRFACE TO and skin and, wasi exposed skin areas.promptlyr vri3Ct` satst_ mixture gets into eyes curse 6tn rredfately and repeate&I, wits water and get prompt medico! attention_ Keep chfldren away from cenertr prncder and all fresh€y mixed j ANII II�IRABIf Il : A{li1C WWTEi� ADIIEM IS `'I At, CUSTOMEFUt OWN SFWL• aaT €TIME - cement. products BeginLoad To Job Begin Wash A tit �E JT TICKET# ORDER A LOAD SIZE - &467[, - `- - - ti9P' ,PLA 1-mucK# 9%(J�i$Llly �A 6 1 GUS70tdER # SOLD 70 E sw #' -- iPFiffJEGTIR p p E ,.ti R"ERY ADDRESS ONyE# - - DRIVER, c 7 ' i � t {'PJ� _�f 3� S!k�4fii i Rig ,, L F; 6 1. r : G I 2 :, J G�fT3'4 �i — T.IMEDUE INS RUCTIONS ram';'' -c. -f- lam.=c -F`»3w'r-''- - e� '_, , 1, p R^'� Ve,,U '; v fir' -I, °`,._ ; ii _ S€GNATURE WARNING - ' OR REGE[F - COMCRETE ' RGK. ItdLEDG R{ENTQ1 EMnRE _ c never concrete mg y w no; asswn®r c ty ara6v Drape, ge ac arlye' � SU11-TaTtAll equipment damage ior;aiy,iiiveries ti ttte. cu line 'C�' f AUTHORIZED BY SHII?,MENr SUBt1ECT'TO CONDET€ONS• ON �EV ESIDE - - TOT II:. u RecelVep Nov 13 jov Permitt,. O St, Luc/0 CPartrn n• AA 1142 Water Tower .Road, Lake Park FL*33403 CBitf C- '' Office:l-877-484-9994 !Fax: 561-844=7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844494 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 ' - Concrete Tested - p Yes - 0'No. ..—.-.... • .LOT # ., _..:_._ .., _ ._ _. _ _ _ T _ .. _ _ .. -- _ • v _ .. .Water Added -at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes [—]No Request Camm®his , gals. to full load gals to 2/3 load z, Is. to 1/3 load %$ ustomer' R er Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITiONALtUATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement olymer.or freshly mixed concrete may,cause skin injury. Avoid contact with IURi=ACE DISCOLORATION skin andpwasti exposed skin areae'promptly with water. if any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse�mniediately and repeatedly with, water and get, prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS H TIME medical attention. Keep choren away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. g cement products. -a �- PLANT „� 71CKET#; ORDER # ITRUCK #. LOAD.SIZE MIX `. SLUMP , ° : DATE 1 Ji ' ` 1 7 = ,>t 0., 4 _ % fw!I�d: 1.t f o f f f3 CUSTOMER # ISOLDTO P O. # PROJECT#,, -9TOCTr 01ii,, t "Sol 7 �#I QC1 DELIVERY ADDRESS' s ZONE#.' USE •. ' >'[DR NER 41t i� ATtEt�SONG .i:�t�Y**FP* �, i l.iJ�T � TBEAt�. 1. start W�.x ,h_t. iNSTtiU£ ,IONS TIME DUE AM M.: 7007 11j 11111111 ill111il • ffDLGOG[9GDiZr 2 4 3 9 1 114 � Water Tower.'R 'ad, take Park FL 33403 office77-484-9994 /•.Fax:561,-844 7102 Southf'1-8ast Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994-/ CentraLFlorlda Division Dispatch: 407 339-5311 Con' . r i Water Add6d,at•Customer's �ete TestecJ: ❑Yes ❑No LOT #� Request ' Cyli d"ers Taken ❑ Yes, ❑ No ,- .. s, gals.:tolullload 'corn ents ` gals. to 2/3 load Ir • gals. to` 1 /3 load al r,pl a rv�, c5 sr I t II Customer's Rep Water A de NOT RESPONSIBLE'FOR WARNING, IRRITATION,TO THE SKIN AND EYES Cement polymer or fresh) y try. ADDITIONAL WADER ADDED TO THIS IN COLOR OR P Y. y mined concrete ma .cause skin in'u Avoid contact with VARIATION • S ��RFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed sk,n.areas promptly With water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture, ets into a es;.Hpns Pimmediatel •and repeatedly withwater,and. et prompt ... �1 g Y y P Y 9 P AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH! IME medical attention, Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTgMER'SrOVJN RISK ��.� i -Cement products,, • .. •. F ant PLAN 'TICKET# x� 3` 1 ORDER # I3 TRUCK ri 1!?C�9 LOAD SIZE i�?f.L MIX �011D t='�2C'ii SLUMP C,0 DATE L-,r Lt>,':ifl. x �.' CUSTOMER# 3QJ2[?A'STntt SgLDTO { Ct lhiq- 1*0( `r T. q1-4 tt P.O.# PROJECTk 'Ioa tt"� J. DELIVERY d4i^V 77ADDRESS � y y i( (r( r (y/ - 20NE# ry r USE • DRIVER ) � 11." WA 1 F_R6•,.50N( }`� �bit'{'� }F"•iiC);}""�*e i- 14; `1 •'„-' _.�,.T i i,-.i�Jti,t .1, T:.'. F r'l INST - TI UCTIONS v j- E DU • r ••r ' .-•r •r PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. • • • • xtQ, r fn u`�91 it,�It� �'�tr'I ;I7i iCl, It1tpl nilti i 1+r "} l�l�I�i3G`iTI i" t?ct t rr tttt wrb lt71 . 0. t,�,IQ1 2 ,. ;_. r`U.Ei.:..J4!I" CI ihilf0F. I - J SIGNATURE.ORRECEIPT -G° GR E DA'KNOWLEDGEMENT'OF•LiA ARD"WARNING' r Ly asc Meyer§ , o pany w no sume ,a t y oraany prope amage;or, any r S B TO A ; .. .. , fbr ny eliiierj, s beyond the curbiline:t' „ equipment'ilam ., 4`1y 1 �� t7ft TAX �• HIPMENT'SUBJEGT,TO,CONDITION3,gNREVERSESIDE I ...AUTHORIZED BY - _ 7G 0 " , _ TOTAL _ - RECEIVED N O V 19 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting a