HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2231 . '. p <, . i ' i ',' i I: I I I' I! ...,"'14120 .' I '" .';1 ',1'" ! ' ,":' , I ' ',' , , ,/' ,,', ; I "1,' I , ' ' .. I ' ..' .I., i I I, I , ' j , I, '. ' /, .,. , " ' "', I ' . : t I '. I... I, ~ ~ . . J . .! . ~~ I,. I : '. ~ ~........,....'---"'--~ ..:....,_~.. '4'_--:"'" "~""'_.:""-"""':'-I- ,--,,--':"~~~~=t.............l.....,' " .~ _ ._,~~......-.-",..-"""",.~_c."....,~t~-1+"---"--'-~"~ "[!!,"",--::--,..~,.:~---t-~~"'::--:"'''-7~- ,"'t,1 1,' (i ,m.. ~T' , , '! \'\.: I 4- , ' I I, I: ' I I . l I. t l' \: ~tt}1 ~urne,hy ,vlrtue 'o~\8jlo.e,rof ,.tto~X'.e;Yi dUl'Ji an~, p.'r,oP,~~11' ',6.xeout.a"~i t~88~~'4 i' . '~\'\~i'" [,',\\ I ,t 1 ' ' t ' ,\, '\' .' '. " , . " , ,;, I II,', I .I'; i~~th: Tu~ne~: \~PPJ~l}t.~.l\g her 8ll()1l:'8r~brney.l~ \iao,~' t6~\t~,~' ;p'~rpola~8" therei.neJCPf~B~ep~' -/ '!'-,\, \"J :.'.' '1 \ "I ' 'fltnee,$,~ h811,d .n,d,'b~~\lo~818.a~ ,at ~~i:~Y; ~lrg'1n,a\_tl\i.~)7~~ "8~\0'fkp,rh..:A~ JJ~.l?lt~,.-:._ L:' " ----'1- ,,-,..-'--...---:--:'.--\-- ,\ ' "'\""'~--------:--~~' -- \ '. \ ,\--. ,j, \\", \ ,\ \',.' \ ,'\ ,~e. B~~rei. ' 'I' \:\ .',' '\ '\ . \,'j" 'l\. " f~ I i~y.bomInl~ei~n' 'e~~lree I,:ay'-,21id. \9'20. ' II" \ \, , ,\ \ ,." '\' (' ", \ " ',.:i ,'\., ' . . I \ .. ,{ on hrst psge, "2.00 o8nce.ll~d. ' ,: \ . r \ , \ \ "I . '~ .I, ... f: ,", \', '-. \ , 'I \ . . " " I \ ' FHed _rid reOOrQedthl~~~~h day of ,~ug~e('~925 at'l~.4.P .J.o.' ~',~r~ "~v "", . . ~q, "P., C.;~]:dt:itd" ,Cl:erkCirOult C~Urt., ' ' "~b;"~"'"//,,,,j? ,', "',~', '" " :' -.,(j~< Bi~~~'~'1>_ ,,_\ ",\ '. "',... "': . ,':, -~.- __ .' . - "._.' ": -, " ~. .0" _ -.'. ,"_.c. .:. ...... - s .~..- . ._ - ,'. . "', '" ",: . '. ~ '-'-'J u . ,_ t... If . ,,", ,,-. it'.. " . n . ". . '...... tt 4 It ~~ .. , "~... n ., .. I 0'... " .' tt . n'. "', II.,,, . 11.. "Ii 1,". H .. f, ..1',' If. . ,(. " . n.. u" n ~.i, . tl ..... " tt . n. Ii . ., . r, ..'t , -'1 -. " . ....:. . "',e"; ,f :.. .e. .' ~-'" ': . ,.- ...... '-,' .... " ~. I' . '-', ..' . ~ ,'.: ,'. '. '" .e. .~ '" ,0' '.' ~. '.~.: .........,' .- ',' ~. '.~ . 'I , . . \1 ARnAiI fi 'DE~i>/ '1. R'. Stampe, ' $4;.00, c8noelied~ .1' '. ;1 ~. "~ . :.,," : . , ' r,. ' G. 3.I91.WLLIB ,~&-<<t1E' ' " , . TO . ' "HAl. S.' ~OlL1S;& ELWYlJ THOlIAS.', " " ,,' i , . t'" ~ISINDE1f'~E~ ~de'~hi.~:l"d8y of'4ugust',A, ~.:~925 :3E'i'WEEN'if.G.lfoL!ti1,le~anc) 'liayme' Ii:,.j..." i.r()~ullen. hiS wl:te,ot 'th~'~;Otln~~of3t~Lud.ie~'.in,the St8te"ot'.i!'1b,~U8.; perih."ot 'the flret L , part,a~d 'Hal, s~. 'i'homs8 an~' ~i~: 'J.'n0r.1a8 ,o.:t'~h~ t~~tY,o:t ';},t.' 1uole,1~ ~he State' at Florid.,' , . . ' ' . . ~ ' . -" , ..' :." ~ . p8rt1~8 of" t~e 8eoond~art. ' -='='" - , . t ~'. ", '.' '." , : WI'lN,ESS&?H;,' ?h~t .the, ,said' part~eJ ot :';he .tirst part, f,ot ~hd.'1if c~nslderet1-on ,oftl1-fl e~ . ~f o.ne ~~o~eend DOllars, and 'ot~ir ~8l~eble. ~o~Bid.ra~i,(>n!3 t~:\helll, In.hano, pald .~3', ~hepert1ei31. . "of~the8ecpndpert:"o-t!i'e ~eo-ell't \'Ia~;;ot ls,'hereby a9knowl'edge.d,.heve gr8Dt~d, bargained end i, .: '. .8.81 d .' '. '. . ',', .". .' .. - .' :.' ,'.. ;. < . .~ . :' sold. .to tbe/pert,ies, of. the' 'eeoond'psrt,' their h~1~8 'anc:'~,ss18n8 '; fore~er,,: ~he fOl;lO~l~g,d"S~r1b~d.~' land,aHuate,lylrig 'ali~".bei~g in ,he";o~ty of St, ~~cieat.d.St.~te ot n.Or~d8. to~w1t: ' c10 Lot, five (6) ofA....d. .,Haul'erson~ s Addition t,olort .i:lero~ .~Iorld-a. being e ,pElrt of ,the' 1 "0 u th... ,q~:' t er ot theS 011 ih.... t . q~.r t.r Q t S.. t 1.,,' ;.n _ t ownehi p t h 1 r t~. '1~. Sout h~ . "enge' 0 rt y .wast',,' acoording to plet reooi'de~ In :rIet. .dook on~ ~tl'tlgo three 1St .....~o1.e. Co~ty :";,ec~~~8. , :. fJ' . , r I l " ,An't~e.8a1d .~ar't~o~ the '. :ti:r~t: p8~tdO, her..~b~ fui1'yw~rr8nt ,the same 8g~lns tthe lO\fful claims o'f~rsone whomsoever. '. .,'.' . . . - ". : '''', . " .... . - ," '. ,'. lR'tfI-m:;Ss' W!{E~BO:, th~aai~ pert{eS9:f."the,fir~t..peri~ave soale ,the C8Y,endye~ .above wri ttell. Signed, ,seeleQ': arid ~el1vered' ln :pr'enenceo~ us: ~l1e t1 tletO~Jeid lende,nd wiJ,..J; .. defeno .-, . hereunto. apt ,the~r bnnds erid i. . "i. G. lr'ol':ullen ISeell " , O. 1;oble8~ ',,~ · lt~.e .z,roHullen. (Seel) Edwin~edi,n'Bk1,. , ; $1' A 7E q,r ?LQRIDA" ctUlf?Y' O? 3'1'. LUCB. ~, ~ ."'"l'.-:.O:':-".(.,Jf-;:...;,. c , I H~:gBYC~'i'In .Lhet on' tHis, liDY r>ersi:>nelly, appeared be:fore mo;ail otti-eer dUly author- lz~d _to8dru~n,htU' .oaths ,~d .tel~e'e~knO~J.ed:ger.;::;,_Sb-~l~~!ld~J:a~~ Ij.l~~:~l.eti,_ to me ..ell .known to be the ~ers-e-mr-1J8S0r1be~ in" .foregolng deecl.811d aokn9wledged ,before ,:ie thllt they' executed th'e eaD.e treely snd volunter'Uy tor the purpolJoe th~re1n expressel" .~:D I ?l.JR'i'HER ~~'i'In, ~8t Ithe saidl:eyme Ji. Lol:ullen known .to me to b'e the wife of the .. \., : 8aid ~. '() i',.lJol.!ullen on eeeparate end 'privete' U:8minat'ion tekenend mQde by anQ1)doreme, ..paretelY8l1Q apart froo her eeilfl1uabend,dio aoknowledge thet she mSde herself '. party \0 . I "( .aid ciud for tho purpoee -of renoulloing, relinquish"ing end conve~ing all her riel}t, t1 tle and I In-tereat, whether of. dower , hooeetead or of <1tep.rateprop~rty, st,.tutorY or 4t'qui table, in end \ "'1 - -',.". ~ . f ' . (' ~' .