HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2232 i~L ",j ;",I':'.:u~'!.T-'---"-" ,.I -cC;--"~-~:"-~;;-'Jj21. . ,; ", I, J', t. I. "t ,,' , . ",' , '. , ' i', ~ , ' 1: 1 . :'t,-~ , i'! I . ' I .1",' , . , 'I, I. ,'I : ' \ ' "I r." . . " ' ~~~I~~~~~~~~:;:~::~t~-'~::::~~::::.t:-~:7" , \' ",I ':, a~o \rl thou' ,\ ~t\ 0~p~'S1"n? o~on~t1'8'~nt, ~~})re~~nB1~~1 61' f\,~r, otl Ortlfi'O~, h,r, llpld' h~8:~8rtdel '\ ; \ \ , !, ,\ \ . \\ \ ' . \ \, " ' " ,I ': ", ,\, \ I \ \ \ r ' ' " , ' ' ':, ,I " .,' \' '\ oJ,' ',; S' ': '.s '\ ' ',.,~ }K, '\ ,(i. \~1'l\:E.'3~~ ~y.l\h8~d .end ~)~fl0;lBl' ae8t,'~\ F~~ ~~1er.o,~' ~oun~I~: o,t,~' j.~b~~id'-I ~stfOf~l~~~~S . ,~,,\-~~.-tllT8~nn,aY"?f'''"Uguet:. '~A;-lJ. 1'92~.. " \ . . ~ , ",\ \' \ , . , ,i t '/"""7' 1,\ \ I. " \, \ LdVl1n' R8dll~ekY'~\~--::-- ~ \ ': ;;":- !}/ \ ' I ' '\, ll~t~ry ;uoi'10.', S~8,'t~ of,,\J!'lor1dfl. '\ \ ,,! \ I 'I \. 'It"~, !.~. ~Cll.'. ~,.Se8\. '\ _~_,,)'l.Y,O~moiiS8ion'eXP1.r~e~Qt,6, 1.92''-~ 'I,;, ' I .' . Ie' 'i .. . - \ . '... . , ~ .1 ' ' . I" ," \" , " \-l J!'lled snd,:reoorde;t\ 1;J.118 17th' <\.e1 of August. 1925. at 2106 1> .U. :f ,,' ':"''-''-'l', ,JJ~'l.I./>". "p' c. ~ldr,~d Ql~rk U1roU:U' Court;.~~" ': - ',. ~ " ~.' . ' .' ' . Vj'l 1 · . ~ '.' '71 ' ' , I ;' ,', '.' . Pol ~' " /' / >"-;;;~,/ /' " I' '\ ",' ' 0.;) -//,/~~ 'I . Ct;;;.. Sea1./.', :, \'::- By . "L----"/,'c' -, ,': D; ~." " l' '#:,#:. .:L:'~t#~i.:!-:i.:'f:I~;~j':~:f:' :#:#:i.:i':#,:':f:if;l:.;~~~d.~ff~j;..f.~ ',.', .... ! I' .I . , , ,I .f. J' i .'r' . ..J,' I::! .I' : I '/ I ' h s j j' . .. " ' , ' I I ., ~ , i \ \ 'I' , \- ,; '\'\ ,-.\ ;\' ,P. G'. l!Ol{U1LBN, "TO . . TH& PUBLIC' ',~ ~ 1. - 4 I j i l . i . ; . . ~ STAn O? ~.ORIDA ..' '~- '\' . ' ' '" , ' , ' . : , ' "0 .. J CO~~~OF ST,LU?IE. ), ' , , ",,_ I' ,; B3FORlf me :this d~~er80u"~lY' cem~", ;e'. G.-~cMullexi ~ ~~o ~e1ng tl1'st d~y,:8worn'.' a ays ~: hat' i . '! he, 1s the ,owner of tb'~'t p,~oi)e~ty a1tuetecl In ,~'or~,rl~roe', ot., ,LuOie, Coun.t,y, Fl'orldli: ".I Lot' Four (,4) of k~, ~. R~uler~6n~e :SnQ~1V1s10rt.,8'ocl;~~ung "'to "p~a,t :r~o6rd~,cl , ,r In Plat, Book.~n~~ 'atpsg~ three ott~e reoords' Of''>~. l.uoie Oo\iri.ty'.' 1?~orl~8';' I, ' '..&...." " , ~ , , " ,', ~ ' . .' , that, he oeo8.Ole tb~ o~,;r, ot,:s.r~~p,r()P,ert1 under, 'snd 01.. v~rtue'o~ '~~rt81n' t, ax'd~ed '~8t~.d,.,' , f ", ;" ' , Auguat 26th" ~ 914. 8nc 'reoo,r,dea, tne, same' day)n .J.'ax ueed lk>Ok,l at., }l!Jge' 118r, thst theI',8eftel' I . : . on the 26 thooy. " f Auguo ~; 1914\ oUtent ' wo ~ tl~ to'~. t "01 "00 o~e ~ 10n. of 0010' ;rop er,ty; , '..... f i I f i I t ; , " .' ' "AB'FID.AV~T. ' :_Q' ,~' S E, - t . , . that he':dld l'.ot; ia.ter tnan'August30th, 1914, pro'tlJot ~a1d property 'by esubstentiel. ' . . '. ",' > '",.. >' : ". ,.' ."'... '. " . - - . , . . ' :~nclo~ure 'end did, not'-leter. than, 881ddate..'. ereo~ 8 auosten:t1el fenoe srouild .add. pI'"operty; thetaffhnth&800n't1n~ed'ln the' CQ~t1nuo1is,8d'Verse . ,open, notorious and :unlpterrupted ... po88es81~n ot~he "'prem1ess' sfores8'fd fQL...s perloo'pf ,more '~h8naeven, :...e81'.8'. to-wit, fro,tn the 2():th day of ''"'Ug'!lst,. 19l:-4', ,'llilt"ll the-08te of ,these' presen;ta.' , " P..'G,,'U'o1.!ulle~.. ' t I ?lled end ~e~orded th1s l'1th -deyof ~~ugust' 1925 at 2;061'.}.I. ':. " 4' " , ~, . \ V.I.':," I'. C~ Eldred, Clerk Circult \;PlU't ,', '\' ~J/;vo ,~/~~~~_.~. >>"- ,'l; ,Ct. Seal. ,'0v~~?~', ' " - " , D..,' ,", ,j-' f.;'~:j. '1'-1: i'f.<r, 'ff'i" ff 'ff ''If'V ,j; ,,,: v'I' if' i 'if.;j: i.ft 'f 'f'f ""~'f 'j" 'v 'if.if'ff' ,; . if. it. i ,,.:, ,\ .. ,. :_-~-J~ __'~_~ '__~~"",--' . . . ." .i . . . . " . . ,'. ~. -' . " . .. .". '1. . ".. . N. ~. L~Trs TO 'E. U~ JOliES ~ , . , < f .do "I I I I .' '1 , J , , ':1 " I I , I I. ! 1 , 1 i Sworn to a~d aubsor1}lea, 'before C),, thIs .the~ 7th ,o:'y oiJ.ugu:at ,i 925. -hin f~~dln8ky.' ; l.Jot. 6th, i'927,~, . : . ' i' "\ I '; .... ~ I , ,", , t If, "CON'ffiACT B'OR lJEED.: ~I ". , June.4. 1>.1926 by 8nd lu~twe'en 11. U. Lette , ',,/ I,' , ~lng1e eddress------- Wtreet, C1ty' of I" '.. , ?ort i'1erQe I..oun'tyot :;,t..l.ucle-- , eel "tate of 011101'14., hei'eInefte,r oalled .the-v'l>uroh.,se., I " '. I' " WI'l'tiZ~3ETH, '}oJat the Seller by the.e pre8~nt. ha. oontr.oteel t<? G ell to tne. "'urohaetl', , " , t ; .' .4,.tllM'~1P.l',~a..r ha. b1theae pr..ente odntr"oted to h~ b'om the, .;Ieller th..l':tolloWln8"~~'" ~., ~ ,:;...;~. ~- 'c;:..; -i' ::;.;. ~~c.:;. -..=:~.".,_:~- '_~.:: .;-'~f.~''::~.i:;': ~ _ . , THIS jQRmOOJ~. ).Cade this 15th day'ot 1 . hel'Yelndttr, 0811ed the 3eller . 'and ~. U~ jonee. L f' -t'". .. .'~. :-. . - I r '~. _~~, f ~ I I