HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2233 . · . ~ 't' . - t,' t '. . I ; . . \" ~ " ~ , I I' ,'. " t ,~J,' I J."" ~ r -. : ~; . , , . I ~ I' , ' . ' , I "; I I', Ii I' " " ", II. .' ',' , ' ' I '> I ':.~,=~::,~--~~~h.~~::~:~.;.;~+::;;~~rt~~~~..!t~~~~;r';;:2::=' "F::J.:::~,,~::~:~:~~;~t:~~~~H~~~:~~:::~~.~l~:.':, ;t~~~k1~~ : ',\'.':,ior~bea,rC'81 'e~~fet~, ~:~,;1t",~~I~d,'1,n!'tJ1.e Town ,I of, ~io~tX1e~0.l'3t.:\ Luolef,~,o~~y. .iI'1.,?r~da:'\t'0-WI1?,: "", " :t' ,~ :\:Ld~ '4: lP, ~~Ok ~+:\ ~rsmi \h~ Adau!10~.\O ~owii ~t ~1t. "l't~ , PlOrl\a~. '~.: \ t, I' . I." ,,\ \. .,ho~ by ~he <p18~ thereof' on ,file 1~ !t~:e' offioe .ot ,the .O,le.rk ,(jf the,CirbultUourt': in 'J .... :: Ii , \ ' , " ,\ \ " , 'J . \ \ I, , , \ I \ \, ,\ : I " \l \~ \ :8i1(fPt3t.'L~~\1e>Coun~Y.~lbrld8.~ln'l'18\bOOk _,~t' t;8ge,,~, '.,'. . -:' ,\" ,',1\ \, L\e.rr~~' to' b~ palTIi>r'"'ii~~MIJOr~l)~d, prope~t(T8,\"~'1f0~dr,e4;,pOti.8rsL~200~O~> ,oller: .\ 1fhioh th$"~~,*a~~r 8hell' 1181 'the, ~el!l.er a8'ltoi.1.<2's: '. '\',' ". ",\ . ,', \,:1. " ,", \ t \ \, . \ \ \ "1 " \ 1\, ' ' . ',' \ " , , ' ',.; '". i \ F~r\Y'/01l'r,8 (~40.~0~ ,~61Iars a~ o~.\ befcke ,tb.~' 8~~J1,~g\ 0~~~8 \ag~e,~_m~nt;. : t~e,:r~~e,1~'t~~,: , ",h, , ~~1t~01f~~~te~~~~~~,~~~r~,-r~~~h,~.t~roha8r",', ~, , ,',pdoe.t8l0h'and' every"three'(3) ~on~hs .thereatt~r. untll'~l1e +u11 :tun', ~a8 b~en pal~; ~the aet8rf~cl pa)tlt 'fl1ente.:~,o'bear1nteres~'at tJ;1e z:ate 'of ~l~h~p~r o'ent, ~aj)'p~r\.nnwb. ea~ci 1n~ei-88t ,to be,p~1f"" ,.quarterll1'. ~. Se'ler. :8~ali ,give,: "~, 1'8 celpt. ~or, e~oh par~i,a~' p~mentmade .BheX:e1n'prQ~ide~~.' ' . ",' ", . ,~ "." . '_'~. _' '. '. _, . i- :' the PUrohaser, 8hellp81, all t8~e8 and,' aa8ea8D1en~, of~ evety n~tur., what.~ever,'lmpoae d upon 881 d , " .', : " ' , " " ,'." ,', , , ' '\ " .' , d880,ri bedpremls8s 'W~ioh D1eyb.e$J'Ollle ~ue 'an~, p8y~ble.8ub88qUen~ ,to,the'd8te'~, Of thie 8~ree~en t, '", ".' .. .'. .";" . . .... ':'." ;' .-' ". - . : ,- '. .' - - . . '.. '." '" .. - ~.. '. , "It'alicJ;l ,taxe.' end8eaessmente ax:e not -80' paid when due'... the o:ieller'may at '~s'QPt1on~.-p8Y 8am~ ' .', . , . ~ , .... .',' '. ..".. -... . ", ('. '.. . ... ~ '. . . . '. . ", '. ....:;. ~ ":1!itp. "luterest .nd'oh.r~es if ai11~ anc1 th~ same ehall: the~eupon beoome ,.' part' of and :be a~ded;' , ":'~o,~he,, ~'urchase~r1oi~e~n,.n~ be4u8, aDd "payable with .tJ1e, , 1nstallment, of'. the p'IU'ciha,seprlcu, ....',. . "ne:x~'tail~n8Jue ~' . ,', .' c , " ' ,1f42~' t ' , " " ~ ,;: ~ ~.: , , " 111 ' . I \ ' ~. . 'l IT IS ~RBED. Be:t'lfeen the p8r.'t1ee h~rei~ that ShQUlci:da'tanl t b~ 'L'l8da'.111 p8yment'6t'~ny...-bi e81d:.,~ . .. . ~Uin8"~.e ';.iI,her~~n~provlded;, ~~d euoh' ,d~:taUlt .<!on9nue'tor '3,0' day.~~'all:inl;ttal~mente pr~10,U~lY' ,', pai4'her~unc1.r '8hall, '.~.the 'Q.pt1QI1 oi';the Sell(tr,' w1thout :'~1 notice or -delDapd be and ,b;~oJ1e , , ; irrevocably' 8urren:d"~ed by ~he PUl'ohee4t,r'aDd,'be:,retalned ~~~heSel1er 8Bl1~1c18~.eac18L'lagej. ( , , . end ~thereupon t;h~8 agr4temerit '811a11 0'8,8S8 8n~be o'f i:1o' fUrt~er ',;bbid1n,gtoroe or' ,effeot... ' ' ' , " ,', I~ IS EJtP.BB',sL Y MlRBBD. ~.~.e.p ~h. perUe. i.eret 0 tJi.~. when . 't~.. . :fot,er, r ~~ p~nen to .~. h ~e1~ I)' " provld(tCl,for 8h'81i bavebeenma~.',' tlieJ:Uroha.,er. m~y, 8t,hi~'optionapp11, to the Sel~~ _ In: ,lfr~,t-, ' \ " 1ns tor e deea, to the p'rein111e8 ll:erelr1'aeBOrlbed. :'and 'that. ,the, .B~~ler '8hall ;be ~otinc1 to exeoute, 8r~d d~ J,hel<to th~ puroha8er a good, ~and e\1t~101ent;,arran~y' d'e.edcon'V~ylngBa~a property tree 8nC 01'8ar,...,of ' 811, 1boumbrepoes wha'taoever. upoil' t~e ,Puro~~8er eXeout1ri~nd ,delher,l~g~b theSelier~ note" due i~,one, 8na two years ' tor the ~em,ainderof' the purohase prige 1fUhdntereat. 8,t en'enper . . ."', -. . -. ',', " ' . ~ 'gent' r7~)'per, ,annum. edd notes ,to be seoUred by apUrohaot mone1' ,mortgage upon the. preCl1se~ . here1n 4e80r.~bed. , ,IT'IS A(}~&D' thl1l~'. untU' three of' ~he def~rr,ed, ~aym,ent8'.hereln ,provided, for', ,ello11 have : been m~de, thho9ntraot. sholl be regarded e8 en opt1on,,~o pUroh8se tbepr,em18~8 herein de~ ' , . ,. Boribed. The Seller'shall,;' wherrfhe p\lrd~J>rhJe lBtul1y pe1ti aocording to the. terms hereof, , ' _. ~--r . _ >, ,. ;; I1nd upon the 8urren~er ,"01 ' ~hefm:oh8'8,'~ ,o,t. th'ls agreement., ,convey to the rUrchaaer'.tl1e S8U' , , , ,prellli881' tree tror:l811 inoumbranoe.. 'exoept~jl,~1d,h:x~e an,a 8~aes,sments. ~fatlythereon, 1m., , posed' or ma:tur~~ tUbillequent to the date of thle 8gre~mel1t. ,l1n~' ,deliver to' theFur~h8aer . a; 'full 'lIarrentya~ed. IT I~ EXPRES3~!~~~S~OOll MIU ~GRESD'that ,sald conveyanoe'tQ the?nrohaser Sh8r~ oontain the' tol10"i~.~ cC)odltfon8. rea trlot10ns. and l1m1t8t1~J:S.~ 1fhlch ,ere ap eaient'lel part of ,th1s 8gre4l-' men,t.viz: ' .~ tesltua--<<to in said SIl'bdil't81,Oll, shellbu tS<?U. 1~1Jd~-01"runtlf~1tr enyformor manner. by any t1 tle, el ther legal or equl t~ble~ toeny person or persons other, "-~,'..I, ~- . " . , , , . " of the Cauoasianrace shall be a member or stockholder'. , , I " , then of the C8u~es).en ,reoe; 'po'r to eny flrm or oorporatlon of whlch ~ny pernon or pernonsothcr then I ' The provisions . limitations and rest:t1ct1ol;ls . -'.. ,<., ;." I' , ot 'this' InstrUL1e1Tt shall not be oonstrued 80 88 topreven;)r '11mi t the- "'\U"9h88/~r. hla heirs..; Eleslgns. o.rlegal repl'esentatives. ,from k(!eplng ,r-nc ~a1nt8iri1ng on toe r~eleBtllte hereby" I" ,~ conl'tyed, .suoh eenenta 88 may be requ1rea for f8l:11ly \\8a. I . / . I " . I I IT}S ,~ AG!l~D by ano between the p'8rth~ heTeto th8t time 1s the essence of this ' 'i" .... ~::,j:-'~'.,...-~ '>-~\..:'-~ "'. ~"'-"_"'-_'\..: . '''...-' ~~. , - ~ ,