HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2257 " j, ~ I,,", ;--" 4 4 6 <-"-;-1:," '. , ' I, I ' '}., .'. 1'1 ,,'J---"__~-"'t-~--'~~~-.-~,L_-+---,,-_~_~_.."" , l .1. ,r: j ; r Ii, ,.' 1 ,~ L,c' ',-. " ' ", 'F<~;.I;;;:-T'-'j'c;'!S;ft:,.;;,: cc,-c';.:;c::;-,:l' ;,':;~;:2:tF'>:' ~~:,~,,;I,:'! ,', e-" ... ,.' ',. -;:~'i;9;~"~'t.2.c,; ,,', ::' : ,i i 'A1fD,PB,O~I~~D~~\ thl.t,' thl~~0In~,eY8nOe'l~' a~b,j~ot~o' ,.u r08,a~. Ihl,gh~aY8 ,8nd o:tlier: '1\ ',' l I, Pll~110 e.8.m~n,~ilr~d r~~ ~l~ , r~llfOad ,~~ghtie.ot ,W~~\ ro~ l,tx1et\lns, uponj' ,o:~;\\\8nd ao,r~o~., 881~~',' \ ('1, " ;: ::1. ::0 ~;:~:::~:~::~ ~:::::~:t:~::.. ~o~o ~oto.:,: ma40"b~ ,'hO, PO.~:7 ot, th.\~l~O~ por'" \ '["';l")' .f1,_~,_ \: 1ho .Oid,'p.~,pnhe. ~fro' p~~ ~o.. "~.."c.., dth 'h"O~d PO.,'Y97.'h,e ",eoO:.d\~~.' 1 \" i ii, ' . \ 'thet ,~tllp', la"~ly ,88iSed:, ot sald~ premises" t~et ,th~\~r", tree 'from, a1).' e~oumb~anoea.>, end' ~, .\ \ ,:that . ~ t'~.88 go04. rlSh' iandlawtul. au~ho~h1 ~o.' ~ei1 th. "an;le~ '::Bi1d . th~t ~ -a1 d ~a~ty\ C?t 'the',tlt-st 'psrt" 00' . . - -.' . \' ~'.' .... .' \ . . ". \ '. ',- ' ~ " . --: '. .. '. , . ,\ {' . e~ hel'eb) filly w~rr8ntthe~t1 Ue tos81d. ian.d8 alrd will, ddena th,e '8~e egalnh the tewt~)i..~~me, of aU persona whoma~~ve~l pro~U~e4't\\hOWe'Vet~ that ,the "fO~~g~\n's oovenant'e~t werr~ty.'e8c)ih eb~, :'. ::' " -'~ , . ' ',," ,,' ,'~ ,,\ \ ' , ' ~ .\," " ever~. ~o not ~~d s11.ell not apply or extend to, inQiude ~r',embr8oe any, (ft',thE) e~oept10n8 or . . , - ,_ . . . _ '. ~ '"',.' . " " _:-5_ . . . . \... _'. _ , ,reeerv~t1o~h&r~ln~lbov. exoeptad ~ 'r'uerved unt9' ,tl18. party' o.tthe' f~r8.~el',.,He 8U00888Dr.~, , ",' '. :' '..' " " " '. , --" -', '..' "'\ ",.:' .,' ,__,.,C:" legal reJ)reeent,8Uvee,l1(\enBee88J:1d ~ss1~.e., ..1d' St. Andrewe..Be, oontr8o~, th~ ex~et,enoe :o.t8ny' . ~. . . ; . - --c'-'~ \ . ~ . '. . ' ." ~ :.: r08ds"hl8h:1I~~r. other'pUb.~l? eaB~m8I{t8 ~t 8D7 ',r811roe<ll'ights ot wa)'over' ,end 801'088 s,lJl ~,anas ~r8ny ,\ ',', ',', : ' , " ", . ',.... " ,,' , ' " , " .',~ 'conveye~o~8 th~retol'"",here.tO!QritJ;,.de by th~ per,ty'of ,th~, fir8t p~~t.",,1t8 JlU3depe81l0r8','lI1, :ti tl?, :' " f ',~r 8.8S~~~.,.'~~ theo18,lrlle ot 8n.y pere,onor, ~,er~on~'; 'oo~t)retlon'o~: ,:'88001,~t-i6n Ol'elm,l,n~D1" '::thr!i~~,~' ,,'. i .' ~ o~ UJider, t~~ p.r~1 of.t~e eeoond part,\or E. U ." ."Roddl~ or.. anr-:1iene, or':ohar.S8e :'lmpoe.e~~~ffer.,4'" ,"~I 'byth'e .p~rty 'ot the aeoon'd ~~~t or~~(a: ...'U.~~OCJdl. an4~'e'eld ~~~ept1dnll~~d,'~e8erve'tfona~'e8i~~.,~~" ,-~ \.4rew.B..~contr'eo~. 88~'d ,,-0 adS , 'h":8h1f8Y~,. ea;eDlej1te~ :rel,lro8t\ righteofwey. '8nd:-oo~YeY8npe~,' " ' , "1 , ..; therefor, oleimao~ per~6~a:~. .. :oot:P()~et 10n,8 or 8~80~i~,ti.oi18 Qlill~lng', bY',: t~~O~h~~i- ~dQ~,ihe , :'< periy~t ,'the' .secorid p8riQr'g.<v.~0~~y "or 8ny,'1i.en~ :Qrch8rge~ i.mpoaerOl'S~ftered' by tl1~, p8rty '-:'-'-'".-. . '." "..'. '.- . .......' -', .". '." .-,..... .." ",;. ~.~:- , "- ot t:he seoond p8rt or',a'afd E. U.~Oddy~ ~'8oh 8h<tevel'Y,', ere expres8).'y-- exoep\ed -t~Ot:l ~a~d cove", ~ < ' .. . ,.", .... . . *' .' ~.:' " ", .' . .",.. '. '\ . -'.. ~ . .':. '.. ' . :. . . ',' .;' " "', nanU ,ot, warranty' end . ~8oh :01 ,them ~ ,_ ':, ' - " . . IllWI',rHESS f(HB.~~'afl1d p~'tY'of theJ tlrst'pa'l't ,'hes here'unto oauae-d ita corporate .n,8m'e to i . ~ 1 '"'f, I ' '" , b, e,lg,ned 8.nd; fte ,'~,!?~J>orat~ ,88a1.t,o ,be oiigne.d, 8ealed' 'eoo d~Uv~red il1'tl~.ed 'th:e'dey ~,n~y,e.r ebon ~ wJ.'ltte,~ ~ : '; .;n.~R~PA 'INlJUSTRIAL" :CQ}tP~.<. ,by,;W.'J.,i:elly--'", ' , ItS vio,e ',:,preBicHnft. , ' \ f): t ' '~ ,~ 1 ~: .~ .\TTES1: (;. .<~. L:1l11~8n 'l'ts 8"oretar~'. .! , , ': ~~ 'the preS8Do., ot: 'r. R. ~ath1e8 ' 1.ur,s 1:., Beggs ft , I'. R'.3tempe, :.~C;>3.50 '08no'elJ~d. " ... .', ~ S~ATEO',FLORIDA 'c COUliTY 0; Dt1yAL. B~i'ore me personelly 8<ppeer,ed W.. J .'~ell;Y' _n.d C.. .i.:.. ,11111188Jl " " /' tome well kno"n; apd ' toregolng 1nst'rument a8 ===" . ",- . , , , lqlown. ~o me, .to be ~he 1ndh'lduele' described ln and" who uecuted the 'Vioe ~'rea1dent 8ncf Aeoret8ryof the.' ebove named ?L()HIDA IlII;US':',?UL COIn'llllY en'd severelly eo":., . ..... . . "', '. " knowledged to .end befOJ.'e r;;e the,t they executed" suohlnstrument 8ssuoh iresldent' and wecre-' , , t"ery. re8peo thely. "ofs8~d' cor;oret1on. andth~t the eeal 8f:t~xed to ~he toreg.oing ihstrument , ' , " '18 the oorp9rete seal ~f, 8std oorporatlon, 8no that it W88 af.fhed to asid 1nstrurnent: b~ dUQ reguler' oorporate authority. end th8t 8'p1d lnetrumcllt is 'the tree.8ota~ld dee~()f s~1d cor- , poi:at1o~. '~JTNE'33 my hsnQ artd of:t191tt1 8nl, this 27th de:,' of July~ 1926, , enO . ; , , '~ ,I , t ,I { i .I: /~" - ...., ( \ I J,.~ 1'. ~ee,1.) '...;, ,'., ,/ .'...:....~ - -- fl,) " .JIJ,.... " <:#-1 \ /),Jo)/ <aq Leura 14. Uegg Uotary .cUbl1o.! I) J ,- '. ~ - ~ I - Iny oommlse19nexplrea Uot. 4. 1926. '/ ',,', I thls 21st day of ~gu8t 1925 a' 10;26 A. ~. C. .'Urad. Ulark ~~rcu1t "'ourt. 1&. ,,/,/ 4?f,~.--..~~~u I